JAVA ONE 2013 in San Francisco 注定是javaFX爆起的一年

           JAVA ONE  2013  in San Francisco  注定是javaFX爆起的一年。

           一年一度的JAVA NOE 大会将在旧金山举行。javaFX已出世多年,但总没有引来爆发期。javaFX的春天在哪里?

           2013 移动互联网的时代,作为Swing的下一代富客户端替代品,javaFX未来将会有怎么样的命运? 

          让我们看下2013 的javaFX有哪些不平凡!



          iOS and Android and window 8 win Phone and Pi and Html5提供将有力的支持!


Developing with Java on iOS and Android: Introduction to Oracle ADF Mobile [CON2167]

Would you like to leverage your Java knowledge to create iOS applications? Want to eliminate duplicate coding and create one application that will run natively on both Android and iOS? The new Oracle ADF Mobile feature of Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) offers you just this: Java-based logic, components-based UI development that utilizes HTML5, and an MVC approach. Come learn how you can take your Java skills and go mobile.

Moving from Swing to JavaFX [CON7852]

JavaFX has many new exciting features for desktop Java application developers. This session goes over how you can transition an existing large Swing application to JavaFX. It specifically discusses how this transition was approached in the development of a large Swing application with more than 32 custom Swing components and more than 150 screens. This code-intensive presentation shares the challenges the developers have run into as well as the gaps they have hit in both Swing and JavaFX. It covers best practices for moving an application to JavaFX and how the developers are leveraging JavaFX while migrating their existing user interface.

Scratching the Surface with JavaFX [CON1760]

One of the very interesting and useful platforms for JavaFX is touch-enabled devices such as Windows 8 tablets. This session demonstrates a variety of JavaFX applications running on a Microsoft Surface Pro running Windows 8 and points out capabilities in JavaFX designed to leverage touch capabilities.

Integrating JavaFX with Native Technologies [CON1905]

JavaFX is a powerful, efficient, scene graph–based graphics technology that runs on a variety of platforms. Depending on the application, it might be necessary to augment JavaFX to access the underlying native platform. It could be that a platform-specific feature is critical to an application. The application may need to make use of pre-existing native code, or an area of the application might have strict performance requirements that only native code can provide. This session examines ways that applications can extend JavaFX to use native technologies, with a focus on OpenGL.

HTML5 and JavaFX [CON2629]

The HTML5 juggernaut is radically changing client-side development on mobile devices as well as the desktop. Given the pervasiveness of HTML5, where does JavaFX fit in the picture? This presentation examines both HTML5 and JavaFX, covering the technical strengths and weaknesses of each. This is a code-intensive session with comparison code and examines the differences between JavaFX and HTML5 animation support, rendering capabilities, and performance. In addition, it covers how JavaFX can leverage HTML5 to get the best of both worlds

All the Nodes That Are Fit to Print: A Tour of the New JavaFX Printing APIs [CON2662]

The first two major releases of JavaFX both lacked any kind of support for printing. JavaFX 8.0 finally fixes that, by adding the new javafx.print package. This session covers the APIs, the design philosophy, the client-side user experience, server-side printing, interaction with the Scene Graph, and the developer experience and presents tips on how to use the APIs. In addition, it gives examples of various use cases for printing.

Optimizing JavaFX Applications [CON3141]

JavaFX 8.0 introduces actual parallelism in its implementation, along with overall performance improvement that brings increased complexity of JavaFX runtime behavior. Understanding its basics becomes very important in application optimization and performance tuning work. In this session, you will learn about the current JavaFX architecture from a performance perspective, what performance-related information is provided by the JavaFX runtime, and how that information should be interpreted in the right context.

Taking a Leap Forward with JavaFX [CON3235]

Leap Motion has recently released an innovative sensor that enables hand and finger movements and gestures to be tracked in three dimensions to millimeter accuracy. The development kit includes a Java API that can easily be integrated into new and existing Java and JavaFX applications. This session looks at the principles behind the Leap Motion sensor and delves into the Java API, with plenty of example code for different use scenarios. Because JavaFX 8 will include 3-D rendering support, the presentation also shows how it can be integrated with the Leap Motion sensor to create some really stunning applications.

Analyzing JavaFX Apps with Java Flight Recorder and Oracle Java Mission Control [TUT4601]

The latest Java 7 release introduces Java Flight Recorder and Oracle Java Mission Control 5.2.0. Together, they are powerful tools that can provide developers with detailed information about the running JVM and Java application. In this tutorial, a JavaFX application is tested and analyzed. Learn how to create and manage flight recordings on the JVM to visualize and data-mine the information captured in the flight recordings. See how the JavaFX application can be tested for potential problems involving, for example, latency, thread synchronization, profiling, and memory allocations.

Advancements in Text and Internationalization for JavaFX 8 [CON4904]

This session discusses some of the work being done for JavaFX 8 in the areas of text and internationalization. It covers details of the new rich text support, demonstrating different ways it can be used and best practices for top performance. In the internationalization area, it discusses the new node orientation support, JavaFX’s answer for right-to-left scripts such as Hebrew and Arabic, and how that works with layout and text. The presentation also goes under the hood to describe how JavaFX’s Prism graphics engine handles text, and it examines the initial results for the new native text rasterizer.

What’s New in JavaFX 8 [CON5767]

JavaFX 8 contains many new and exciting features for JavaFX developers, including enhancements to WebView’s HTML5 support (such as WebSocket), 3-D, the ability to embed Swing nodes inside a JavaFX Scene Graph, and much more. In this session, two architects present an overview of all the new functionality in JavaFX 8

Meet the Oracle Java Client and JavaFX Teams [BOF3711]

This BOF is an excellent opportunity to meet development engineers from the Oracle JavaFX, AWT/Swing, Java 2D, and i18n teams. It’s expected to be a lively discussion about the development process, progress over the past year, and future plans for the Java UI. Likely topics include new JavaFX 8 features, Mac OS X support in AWT/Swing/Java 2D and JavaFX, and involvement in OpenJDK and OpenJFX projects.

Java and Friends on the Raspberry Pi: What to Do Next [BOF7908]

Java options for the Raspberry Pi device include Java Development Kit 8 (with JavaFX) for ARM early access and the Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.3 early access release. Java-based solutions such as Oracle Java Embedded Suite and Oracle Event Processing for Oracle Java Embedded are also options that are able to run on ARM-based single-board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a good hobbyist/developer ARM board for getting started with Java and friends with minimum hardware costs, and additional options such as Oracle Berkeley DB and Minecraft make it an interesting platform to experiment with. This session provides examples of what you can do with Oracle Java Embedded tools on this and other embedded developer platforms.

JavaFX Deployment [BOF3247]

This session focuses on two aspects of publishing your JavaFX applications and libraries: learn how to deploy JavaFX applications in three scenarios and how to easily document your JavaFX code for your library users. The session covers JavaFX deployment in the form of runnable Java archives, Web start technology, regular applets, and native executables using either NetBeans IDE, ANT scripts, or plain command-line tools on all JavaFX platforms. Because the Web deployment is the most tricky part, you’ll learn how to solve the most-common Web deployment problems. The second part of the session shows how to document your JavaFX library code, using the JavaFX javadoc doclet, which provides a set of useful JavaFX-specific features to ease the documenting of JavaFX code.

JavaFX CSS Deep Dive [BOF3153]

Perhaps you are curious about how to use CSS in your JavaFX application. It could be that you have a burning question about how to style something in JavaFX with CSS. Or maybe you want to share your experience. Moderated by the developer, this BOF is an opportunity to learn, to be enlightened, and to exchange all things JavaFX CSS.

JavaFX, Widgets, and Apps, Oh My! Launching Frameworks for Platforms Large and Small [BOF2605]

Attend this session to hear about two exciting new OSS widget/app-launching frameworks, LaunchBoxFX and eWidgetFX, for embedded and desktop platforms. See how to create dock-based widgets ranging from mini-apps to full-control interfaces for entire systems—and everything in between. LaunchBoxFX provides a pluggable interface for development of dynamic widgets in embedded environments. You’ll learn how to use JavaFX 8 to create dynamic widgets that provide live updates and scalable monitoring/control for any number of inputs. With more resources comes more power! With eWidgetFX, you’ll learn to create futuristic, dockable apps that “snap out” for greater visibility and control. Learn to leverage the power of JavaFX on desktop platforms for user-awing UI results.

avaFX in the Wild: Putting a Great Face on Java Industrial Applications [CON2703]

Hear a case study that examines two JavaFX applications developed for two different customers in Spain but with common ground: both are front-end applications for a Java application server connected to an industrial programmable logic controller (PLC) for automation of processes, among other services. This session shows you how to successfully deploy an end-to-end Java application, describing the main aspects of the server and its connections to the front end and then providing an in-depth analysis of the JavaFX-based UI. Special consideration is given to tuning for optimal performance as demonstrated by real tests on the ground. The session concludes with a live demo of both applications, including the use of a JavaFX custom control developed specifically for one of the apps.

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