Db2应用状态为uow waiting,但快照显示却在不停地Fetch


最近遇到一个问题,Db2应用状态是UOW Waiting,但Most recent operation是Fetch,并且Rows fetched在不断增加,于是模拟了这一现象。


inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385

            Application Snapshot

Application handle                         = 27385
Application status                         = UOW Waiting
Status change time                         = 05/21/2020 13:38:24.897981
Application code page                      = 1208
Application country/region code            = 0
DUOW correlation token                     =
Application name                           = db2jcc_application
Application ID                             =
Sequence number                            = 00002
TP Monitor client user ID                  =
TP Monitor client workstation name         =
TP Monitor client application name         =
TP Monitor client accounting string        =

Connection request start timestamp         = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.273888
Connect request completion timestamp       = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.274760
Application idle time                      = 6 seconds
CONNECT Authorization ID                   = inst105
Client login ID                            = inst105
Configuration NNAME of client              =
Client database manager product ID         = JCC03690
Process ID of client application           = 0
Platform of client application             = Unknown via DRDA
Communication protocol of client           = TCP/IP

Inbound communication address              = 45730

Database name                              = SAMPLE
Database path                              = /home/inst105/inst105/NODE0000/SQL00001/MEMBER0000/
Client database alias                      = SAMPLE
Input database alias                       =
Last reset timestamp                       =
Snapshot timestamp                         = 05/21/2020 13:38:30.142379
Authorization level granted                =
   User authority:
      DBADM authority
      SECADM authority
      DATAACCESS authority
      ACCESSCTRL authority
   Group authority:
      SYSADM authority
      SYSMAINT authority
      CREATETAB authority
      BINDADD authority
      CONNECT authority
      IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority
      SYSMON authority
Coordinator member number                  = 0
Current member number                      = 0
Coordinator agent process or thread ID     = 11759
Current Workload ID                        = 1
Agents stolen                              = 0
Agents waiting on locks                    = 0
Maximum associated agents                  = 1
Priority at which application agents work  = 0
Priority type                              = Dynamic

Lock timeout (seconds)                     = -1
Locks held by application                  = 3
Lock waits since connect                   = 0
Time application waited on locks (ms)      = 0
Deadlocks detected                         = 0
Lock escalations                           = 0
Exclusive lock escalations                 = 0
Number of Lock Timeouts since connected    = 0
Total time UOW waited on locks (ms)        = 0

Total sorts                                = 0
Total sort time (ms)                       = 0
Total sort overflows                       = 0

Buffer pool data logical reads             = 6
Buffer pool data physical reads            = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads   = 0
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads  = 0
Buffer pool data writes                    = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads            = 4
Buffer pool index physical reads           = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads  = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index writes                   = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads              = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads             = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads    = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads   = 0
Buffer pool xda writes                     = 0
Total buffer pool read time (milliseconds) = 0
Total buffer pool write time (milliseconds)= 0
Time waited for prefetch (ms)              = 0
Unread prefetch pages                      = 0
Direct reads                               = 0
Direct writes                              = 0
Direct read requests                       = 0
Direct write requests                      = 0
Direct reads elapsed time (ms)             = 0
Direct write elapsed time (ms)             = 0

Number of SQL requests since last commit   = 61
Commit statements                          = 1
Rollback statements                        = 0
Dynamic SQL statements attempted           = 1
Static SQL statements attempted            = 1
Failed statement operations                = 1
Select SQL statements executed             = 1
Xquery statements executed                 = 0
Update/Insert/Delete statements executed   = 0
DDL statements executed                    = 0
Inactive stmt history memory usage (bytes) = 0
Internal automatic rebinds                 = 0
Internal rows deleted                      = 0
Internal rows inserted                     = 0
Internal rows updated                      = 0
Internal commits                           = 1
Internal rollbacks                         = 0
Internal rollbacks due to deadlock         = 0
Binds/precompiles attempted                = 0
Rows deleted                               = 0
Rows inserted                              = 0
Rows updated                               = 0
Rows selected                              = 590
Rows read                                  = 590
Rows written                               = 0

UOW log space used (Bytes)                 = 0
Previous UOW completion timestamp          = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.390162
Elapsed time of last completed uow (sec.ms)= 0.022277
UOW start timestamp                        = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.398776
UOW stop timestamp                         =
UOW completion status                      =

Open remote cursors                        = 1
Open remote cursors with blocking          = 1
Rejected Block Remote Cursor requests      = 0
Accepted Block Remote Cursor requests      = 1
Open local cursors                         = 0
Open local cursors with blocking           = 0
Total User CPU Time used by agent (s)      = 0.057733
Total System CPU Time used by agent (s)    = 0.000000
Host execution elapsed time                = 0.003211

Package cache lookups                      = 1
Package cache inserts                      = 0
Application section lookups                = 61
Application section inserts                = 0
Catalog cache lookups                      = 30
Catalog cache inserts                      = 0
Catalog cache overflows                    = 0
Catalog cache high water mark              = 0

Workspace Information

Most recent operation                      = Fetch
Cursor name                                = SQL_CURSH200C1
Most recent operation start timestamp      = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.399010
Most recent operation stop timestamp       = 05/21/2020 13:38:24.897980
Agents associated with the application     = 1
Number of hash joins                       = 0
Number of hash loops                       = 0
Number of hash join overflows              = 0
Number of small hash join overflows        = 0
Number of OLAP functions                   = 0
Number of OLAP function overflows          = 0

Statement type                             = Dynamic SQL Statement
Statement                                  = Fetch
Section number                             = 1
Application creator                        = NULLID
Package name                               = SYSSH200
Consistency Token                          =
Package Version ID                         =
Cursor name                                = SQL_CURSH200C1
Statement member number                    = 0
Statement start timestamp                  = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.399010
Statement stop timestamp                   = 05/21/2020 13:38:24.897980
Elapsed time of last completed stmt(sec.ms)= 0.000104
Total Statement user CPU time              = 0.053066
Total Statement system CPU time            = 0.000000
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons     = 81
SQL compiler cardinality estimate          = 10000
Degree of parallelism requested            = 1
Number of agents working on statement      = 1
Number of subagents created for statement  = 1
Statement sorts                            = 0
Total sort time                            = 0
Sort overflows                             = 0
Rows read                                  = 590
Rows written                               = 0
Internal rows deleted                      = 0
Internal rows updated                      = 0
Internal rows inserted                     = 0
Rows fetched                               = 590
Buffer pool data logical reads             = 6
Buffer pool data physical reads            = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads   = 0
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads  = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads            = 0
Buffer pool index physical reads           = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads  = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads              = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads             = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads    = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads   = 0
Blocking cursor                            = YES
Dynamic SQL statement text:
select * from t1_bak

    Agent process/thread ID                       = 11759
Memory usage for application:

  Memory Pool Type                         = Application Heap
     Current size (bytes)                  = 131072
     High water mark (bytes)               = 131072
     Configured size (bytes)               = 1048576

Agent process/thread ID                    = 11759
  Agent Lock timeout (seconds)             = -1
  Memory usage for agent:

    Memory Pool Type                       = Other Memory
       Current size (bytes)                = 327680
       High water mark (bytes)             = 524288
       Configured size (bytes)             = 3741052928

过一小会再次查看快照,发现Rows fetch会发生变化,如下:

inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385

            Application Snapshot

Application handle                         = 27385
Application status                         = UOW Waiting
Status change time                         = 05/21/2020 13:39:14.925468
Application code page                      = 1208
Application country/region code            = 0
DUOW correlation token                     =
Application name                           = db2jcc_application
Application ID                             =
Sequence number                            = 00002
TP Monitor client user ID                  =
TP Monitor client workstation name         =
TP Monitor client application name         =
TP Monitor client accounting string        =

Connection request start timestamp         = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.273888
Connect request completion timestamp       = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.274760
Application idle time                      = 5 seconds
CONNECT Authorization ID                   = inst105
Client login ID                            = inst105
Configuration NNAME of client              =
Client database manager product ID         = JCC03690
Process ID of client application           = 0
Platform of client application             = Unknown via DRDA
Communication protocol of client           = TCP/IP

Inbound communication address              = 45730

Database name                              = SAMPLE
Database path                              = /home/inst105/inst105/NODE0000/SQL00001/MEMBER0000/
Client database alias                      = SAMPLE
Input database alias                       =
Last reset timestamp                       =
Snapshot timestamp                         = 05/21/2020 13:39:19.321331
Authorization level granted                =
   User authority:
      DBADM authority
      SECADM authority
      DATAACCESS authority
      ACCESSCTRL authority
   Group authority:
      SYSADM authority
      SYSMAINT authority
      CREATETAB authority
      BINDADD authority
      CONNECT authority
      IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority
      SYSMON authority
Coordinator member number                  = 0
Current member number                      = 0
Coordinator agent process or thread ID     = 11759
Current Workload ID                        = 1
Agents stolen                              = 0
Agents waiting on locks                    = 0
Maximum associated agents                  = 1
Priority at which application agents work  = 0
Priority type                              = Dynamic

Lock timeout (seconds)                     = -1
Locks held by application                  = 3
Lock waits since connect                   = 0
Time application waited on locks (ms)      = 0
Deadlocks detected                         = 0
Lock escalations                           = 0
Exclusive lock escalations                 = 0
Number of Lock Timeouts since connected    = 0
Total time UOW waited on locks (ms)        = 0

Total sorts                                = 0
Total sort time (ms)                       = 0
Total sort overflows                       = 0

Buffer pool data logical reads             = 6
Buffer pool data physical reads            = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads   = 0
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads  = 0
Buffer pool data writes                    = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads            = 4
Buffer pool index physical reads           = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads  = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index writes                   = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads              = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads             = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads    = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads   = 0
Buffer pool xda writes                     = 0
Total buffer pool read time (milliseconds) = 0
Total buffer pool write time (milliseconds)= 0
Time waited for prefetch (ms)              = 0
Unread prefetch pages                      = 0
Direct reads                               = 0
Direct writes                              = 0
Direct read requests                       = 0
Direct write requests                      = 0
Direct reads elapsed time (ms)             = 0
Direct write elapsed time (ms)             = 0

Number of SQL requests since last commit   = 66
Commit statements                          = 1
Rollback statements                        = 0
Dynamic SQL statements attempted           = 1
Static SQL statements attempted            = 1
Failed statement operations                = 1
Select SQL statements executed             = 1
Xquery statements executed                 = 0
Update/Insert/Delete statements executed   = 0
DDL statements executed                    = 0
Inactive stmt history memory usage (bytes) = 0
Internal automatic rebinds                 = 0
Internal rows deleted                      = 0
Internal rows inserted                     = 0
Internal rows updated                      = 0
Internal commits                           = 1
Internal rollbacks                         = 0
Internal rollbacks due to deadlock         = 0
Binds/precompiles attempted                = 0
Rows deleted                               = 0
Rows inserted                              = 0
Rows updated                               = 0
Rows selected                              = 640
Rows read                                  = 640
Rows written                               = 0

UOW log space used (Bytes)                 = 0
Previous UOW completion timestamp          = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.390162
Elapsed time of last completed uow (sec.ms)= 0.022277
UOW start timestamp                        = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.398776
UOW stop timestamp                         =
UOW completion status                      =

Open remote cursors                        = 1
Open remote cursors with blocking          = 1
Rejected Block Remote Cursor requests      = 0
Accepted Block Remote Cursor requests      = 1
Open local cursors                         = 0
Open local cursors with blocking           = 0
Total User CPU Time used by agent (s)      = 0.062408
Total System CPU Time used by agent (s)    = 0.000000
Host execution elapsed time                = 0.003211

Package cache lookups                      = 1
Package cache inserts                      = 0
Application section lookups                = 66
Application section inserts                = 0
Catalog cache lookups                      = 30
Catalog cache inserts                      = 0
Catalog cache overflows                    = 0
Catalog cache high water mark              = 0

Workspace Information

Most recent operation                      = Fetch
Cursor name                                = SQL_CURSH200C1
Most recent operation start timestamp      = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.399010
Most recent operation stop timestamp       = 05/21/2020 13:39:14.925466
Agents associated with the application     = 1
Number of hash joins                       = 0
Number of hash loops                       = 0
Number of hash join overflows              = 0
Number of small hash join overflows        = 0
Number of OLAP functions                   = 0
Number of OLAP function overflows          = 0

Statement type                             = Dynamic SQL Statement
Statement                                  = Fetch
Section number                             = 1
Application creator                        = NULLID
Package name                               = SYSSH200
Consistency Token                          =
Package Version ID                         =
Cursor name                                = SQL_CURSH200C1
Statement member number                    = 0
Statement start timestamp                  = 05/21/2020 13:28:44.399010
Statement stop timestamp                   = 05/21/2020 13:39:14.925466 <-----
Elapsed time of last completed stmt(sec.ms)= 0.000106
Total Statement user CPU time              = 0.057741
Total Statement system CPU time            = 0.000000
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons     = 81
SQL compiler cardinality estimate          = 10000
Degree of parallelism requested            = 1
Number of agents working on statement      = 1
Number of subagents created for statement  = 1
Statement sorts                            = 0
Total sort time                            = 0
Sort overflows                             = 0
Rows read                                  = 640
Rows written                               = 0
Internal rows deleted                      = 0
Internal rows updated                      = 0
Internal rows inserted                     = 0
Rows fetched                               = 640 <-----
Buffer pool data logical reads             = 6
Buffer pool data physical reads            = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads   = 0
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads  = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads            = 0
Buffer pool index physical reads           = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads  = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads              = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads             = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads    = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads   = 0
Blocking cursor                            = YES
Dynamic SQL statement text:
select * from t1_bak

    Agent process/thread ID                       = 11759
Memory usage for application:

  Memory Pool Type                         = Application Heap
     Current size (bytes)                  = 131072
     High water mark (bytes)               = 131072
     Configured size (bytes)               = 1048576

Agent process/thread ID                    = 11759
  Agent Lock timeout (seconds)             = -1
  Memory usage for agent:

    Memory Pool Type                       = Other Memory
       Current size (bytes)                = 327680
       High water mark (bytes)             = 524288
       Configured size (bytes)             = 3741052928

每隔几秒钟看一次Rows Fetched,会发现每次都增加10:

inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1440
inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1440
inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1450
inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1450
inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1450
inst105@NODE01:~> db2 get snapshot for application agentid 27385 | grep -i "Rows fetched"
Rows fetched                               = 1460


    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select * from t1_bak");

    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();  
    while (rs.next())  
        int id = rs.getInt("ID");
        String name = rs.getString("NAME");  
        System.out.println("ID: " + id );  
        System.out.println("NAME: " + name); 

可以看到,setFetchSize设置了每次取10条记录,所以我们看到快照中Rows Fetched每次变化都是增加10。每次读取完一条数据之后休息1秒,这样我们有时间查看快照,观察变化。

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