
// system include files
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// base header files
#include "position.hxx"
// kernel header files
#include "acis.hxx" 
#include "api.hxx" 
#include "kernapi.hxx" 
#include "body.hxx"
#include "transfrm.hxx" 
#include "curdef.hxx"
// phlv5 header files
#include "phlv5_api.hxx" 
#include "phlv5_opts.hxx" 
#include "phlv5_edge.hxx" 
#include "phlv5_seg.hxx"
// error function 
static FILE *errorFile; 
void outcome_check(outcome res, char* string)
    if (res.ok())
    fprintf(errorFile,"%s: %s/n",string,find_err_mess(res.error_number()));
void main()
    // Set the appropriate path 
    errorFile = fopen("error.txt","w");
    if (!errorFile)
    // Open SAT file; to run this you need a SAT file with this name in your working directory
    FILE *helpFile = fopen("sample.sat", "r");
    if (!helpFile)
    // Initialize the modeler and the precise hidden line component
    outcome res = api_start_modeller(0);
    outcome_check(res, "error initializing modeler");
    if (!res.ok())
    res = api_initialize_hidden_line_removal();
    outcome_check(res, "error initializing hidden line component");
    if (!res.ok())
    // Get the body from the SAT file
    ENTITY_LIST bodyList;
    res = api_restore_entity_list(helpFile, TRUE, bodyList);
    outcome_check(res, "error restoring bodyList");
    // If we have a good SAT file; than do a precise hidden line 
    if (res.ok())
        // Set up viewing data
        SPAposition eyePos(0.0, 0.0, 1e10);   // eye position 
        SPAposition targetPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // target position
        logical pFlag = 0;                    // perspective/parallel view
        // Token's can be passed into the API to inact persistence of the phl data; 0 means no persistence
        int token = 0;
        // Specify PHLV5 options ...
        logical self_calibrate_resolutions = TRUE;     // this is default; we will calculate the general and 
                                                       // sag resolutions for you based on model extents
        double smooth_cosine = 0.95;                   // default is 0.00 which means do not detect any smooth lines 
                                                       // we wish to pick-up smooth lines so use this value as the cosine 
                                                       // of the angle between the two edges
        logical use_surface_approximations = TRUE;     // this is default; we use the surface approximations to speed
                                                       // up the hidden line algorithm
        phlv5_options *phlv5Opt = new phlv5_options();
        // Note: the "set_hidden_line_style" is not an option used by the C++ API
        // Calculate the precise hidden line
        ENTITY_LIST edgeList;
        res = api_phlv5_compute(bodyList, token, eyePos, targetPos, pFlag, edgeList, phlv5Opt);
        outcome_check(res,"error computing phlv5");
        ACIS_DELETE phlv5Opt;
        // If the result is OK, anaylize the output
        if (res.ok())
            // Open up a file pointer to dump hidden line data
            FILE* dfp = fopen("hidden_line_data.txt", "w");
            // Loop through the PHLV5_EDGE(s)
            for (int edge_index = 0; edge_index < edgeList.count(); edge_index++)
                PHLV5_EDGE* phlv5Edge = (PHLV5_EDGE*) edgeList[edge_index];
                // Process the segment data
                ENTITY_LIST segList;
                // Even though we loop here, on the current version of phlv5 there is only 
                // one segment per edge. Write your application to loop however. 
                for (int seg_index = 0; seg_index < segList.count(); seg_index++)
                    PHLV5_SEGMENT* seg = (PHLV5_SEGMENT*) segList[seg_index];
                    if (seg == 0) 
                    fprintf(dfp, "Segment: /n");
                    // Visibility Information ...
                    fprintf(dfp, "Visibility: ");
                    if (seg->visibility() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_VIS) 
                        fprintf(dfp, "Visible/n");
                    if (seg->visibility() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_OCC) 
                        fprintf(dfp, "Occluded/n");
                    if (seg->visibility() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_HID) 
                        fprintf(dfp, "Hidden/n");
                    if (seg->visibility() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_VIS_SMOOTH) 
                        fprintf(dfp, "Visible Smooth/n");
                    if (seg->visibility() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_HID_SMOOTH) 
                        fprintf(dfp, "Hidden Smooth/n");
                    // State Information ... 
                    fprintf(dfp, "In/Out Bit: ");
                    if (seg->state() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_INN)
                        fprintf(dfp, "In/n");
                    if (seg->state() == PHLV5_SEGMENT_OUT)
                        fprintf(dfp, "Out/n");
                    // Curve information; only call the curve if you absolutely need 
                    // a true modeling curve. This is a performance hit if this phlv5 edge 
                    // happens to be a silhouette line. Use the polyline data for quick and 
                    // fast rendering. 
                    CURVE* curvePtr = phlv5Edge->GetCurve();
                    // First make sure we did not return a NULL curve
                    if (curvePtr != NULL)
                        // Get the visibility parameters - this is the start 
                        // and end of the visibility segment of the curve
                        SPAparameter start_parm = seg->start_pt();
                        SPAparameter end_parm = seg->end_pt();
                        // Check for a reversed edge
                        if (phlv5Edge->GetSense() > 0) 
                            SPAparameter temp = - start_parm;
                            start_parm = - end_parm;
                            end_parm = temp;
                        // Evaluate the curve at the start, middle and end of 
                        // it's visibility
                        curve const &curve = curvePtr->equation();
                        SPAposition start = curve.eval_position(start_parm);
                        SPAposition middle = curve.eval_position((start_parm + end_parm) / 2.0);
                        SPAposition end = curve.eval_position(end_parm);
                        // Apply any body transformation
                        BODY* bodyPtr = phlv5Edge->GetBody();
                        SPAtransf sketch_transform;
                        if (bodyPtr->transform())
                            sketch_transform = bodyPtr->transform()->transform();
                        start *= sketch_transform;
                        middle *= sketch_transform;
                        end *= sketch_transform;
                        // Remember these positions are in world coordinates; you will need to have the view of your 
                        // display set to the same view that the api_phlv5_compute received as a calculation view
                        fprintf(dfp, "Curve evaluation positions: /n");
                        fprintf(dfp, "Start position: %lf %lf %lf/n", start.x(), start.y(), start.z());
                        fprintf(dfp, "Middle position: %lf %lf %lf/n", middle.x(), middle.y(), middle.z());
                        fprintf(dfp, "End position: %lf %lf %lf/n", end.x(), end.y(), end.z());
                // We can also get polyline data back from the phlv5 edge. This is
                // the fastest way to render your model. Note, we do not have to 
                // apply any body transformation to it. However, it is still in 
                // world coordinates. 
                float* f_pts;
                int n;
                n = phlv5Edge->GetNPoints();
                f_pts = phlv5Edge->GetTabPoint();
                fprintf(dfp, "Polyline positions: /n");
                // We will only write the first and last positions to file
               if (n > 0)
                   fprintf(dfp, "Start position: %lf %lf %lf/n", f_pts[0], f_pts[1], f_pts[2]);
                   fprintf(dfp, "End position: %lf %lf %lf/n", f_pts[(n-1)*3], f_pts[(n-1)*3+1], f_pts[(n-1)*3+2]); 
               // Note: we do not delete the f_pts
        // If we did not pass in a token to make the phlv5 data persistent - we
        // want to delete these entities
        if (token == 0)
            for (int index = 0; index < edgeList.count(); index++)
    // Delete our model 
    for (int index = 0;index < bodyList.count();index++)
        res = api_del_entity(bodyList[index]);
        outcome_check(res,"error deleting body from bodyList");
    // Terminate the component, stop the modeler and shut down
    res = api_terminate_hidden_line_removal();
    outcome_check(res,"error terminating hidden line component");
    res = api_stop_modeller();
    outcome_check(res,"error stopping modeler");
评论 2




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