pigpio-12c-python 学习笔记


标签(空格分隔): RaspberryPi Python

1. i2c_open(i2c_bus, i2c_address, i2c_flags)

i2c_open(i2c_bus, i2c_address, i2c_flags)

Returns a handle(>=0) for the device at the I2C bus address.


i2c_bus:= 0-1.
i2c_address:= 0x00-0x7F.
i2c_flags:= 0, no flags are currently defined.

Normally you would only use the i2c_* functions if you are or will be connecting to the Pi over a network. If you will always run on the local Pi use the standard SMBus module instead.

For the SMBus commands the low level transactions are shown at the end of the function description. The following abbreviations are used.

S     (1 bit) : Start bit
P     (1 bit) : Stop bit
Rd/Wr (1 bit) : Read/Write bit. Rd equals 1, Wr equals 0.
A, NA (1 bit) : Accept and not accept bit.
Addr  (7 bits): I2C 7 bit address.
reg   (8 bits): Command byte, which often selects a register.
Data  (8 bits): A data byte.
Count (8 bits): A byte defining the length of a block operation.

[..]: Data sent by the device.


h = pi.i2c_open(1, 0x53) # open device at address 0x53 on bus 1

2. i2c_close(handle)

Closes the I2C device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).



3. i2c_write_quick(handle, bit)

Sends a single bit to the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   bit:= 0 or 1, the value to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.1 - Quick command.

S Addr bit [A] P


pi.i2c_write_quick(0, 1) # send 1 to device 0
pi.i2c_write_quick(3, 0) # send 0 to device 3

4. i2c_write_byte(handle, byte_val)

Sends a single byte to the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
byte_val:= 0-255, the value to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.2 - Send byte.

S Addr Wr [A] byte_val [A] P


pi.i2c_write_byte(1, 17)   # send byte   17 to device 1
pi.i2c_write_byte(2, 0x23) # send byte 0x23 to device 2

5. i2c_read_byte(handle)

Reads a single byte from the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).

SMBus 2.0 5.5.3 - Receive byte.
S Addr Rd [A] [Data] NA P


b = pi.i2c_read_byte(2) # read a byte from device 2

6. i2c_write_byte_data(handle, reg, byte_val)

Writes a single byte to the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
byte_val:= 0-255, the value to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.4 - Write byte.

S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] byte_val [A] P


# send byte 0xC5 to reg 2 of device 1
pi.i2c_write_byte_data(1, 2, 0xC5)
# send byte 9 to reg 4 of device 2
pi.i2c_write_byte_data(2, 4, 9)

7. i2c_write_word_data(handle, reg, word_val)

Writes a single 16 bit word to the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
word_val:= 0-65535, the value to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.4 - Write word.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] word_val_Low [A] word_val_High [A] P


# send word 0xA0C5 to reg 5 of device 4
pi.i2c_write_word_data(4, 5, 0xA0C5)
# send word 2 to reg 2 of device 5
pi.i2c_write_word_data(5, 2, 23)

8. i2c_read_byte_data(handle, reg)

Reads a single byte from the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.5 - Read byte.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] S Addr Rd [A] [Data] NA P


# read byte from reg 17 of device 2
b = pi.i2c_read_byte_data(2, 17)
# read byte from reg  1 of device 0
b = pi.i2c_read_byte_data(0, 1)

9. i2c_read_word_data(handle, reg)

Reads a single 16 bit word from the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.5 - Read word.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] S Addr Rd [A] [DataLow] A [DataHigh] NA P


# read word from reg 2 of device 3
w = pi.i2c_read_word_data(3, 2)
# read word from reg 7 of device 2
w = pi.i2c_read_word_data(2, 7)

10. i2c_process_call(handle, reg, word_val)

Writes 16 bits of data to the specified register of the device associated with handle and reads 16 bits of data in return.


  handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
     reg:= >=0, the device register.
word_val:= 0-65535, the value to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.6 - Process call.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] word_val_Low [A] word_val_High [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [DataLow] A [DataHigh] NA P


r = pi.i2c_process_call(h, 4, 0x1231)
r = pi.i2c_process_call(h, 6, 0)

11. i2c_write_block_data(handle, reg, data)

Writes up to 32 bytes to the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.
  data:= the bytes to write.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.7 - Block write.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] len(data) [A] data0 [A] data1 [A] ... [A]
datan [A] P


pi.i2c_write_block_data(4, 5, b'hello')
pi.i2c_write_block_data(4, 5, "data bytes")
pi.i2c_write_block_data(5, 0, b'\x00\x01\x22')
pi.i2c_write_block_data(6, 2, [0, 1, 0x22])

12. i2c_read_block_data(handle, reg)

Reads a block of up to 32 bytes from the specified register of the device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.7 - Block read.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [Count] A [Data] A [Data] A ... A [Data] NA P

The amount of returned data is set by the device.

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(b, d) = pi.i2c_read_block_data(h, 10)
if b >= 0:
   # process data
   # process read failure

13. i2c_block_process_call(handle, reg, data)

Writes data bytes to the specified register of the device associated with handle and reads a device specified number of bytes of data in return.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.
  data:= the bytes to write.

The SMBus 2.0 documentation states that a minimum of 1 byte may be sent and a minimum of 1 byte may be received. The total number of bytes sent/received must be 32 or less.

SMBus 2.0 5.5.8 - Block write-block read.
S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] len(data) [A] data0 [A] ... datan [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [Count] A [Data] ... A P

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, b'\x02\x05\x00')

(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, b'abcdr')

(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, "abracad")

(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, [2, 5, 16])

14. i2c_read_i2c_block_data(handle, reg, count)

Reads count bytes from the specified register of the device associated with handle . The count may be 1-32.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
   reg:= >=0, the device register.
 count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.

S Addr Wr [A] reg [A]
S Addr Rd [A] [Data] A [Data] A ... A [Data] NA P

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(b, d) = pi.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(h, 4, 32)
if b >= 0:
   # process data
   # process read failure

15. i2c_write_i2c_block_data(handle, reg, data)

Writes data bytes to the specified register of the device associated with handle . 1-32 bytes may be written.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
data:= the bytes to write.

S Addr Wr [A] reg [A] data0 [A] data1 [A] ... [A] datan [NA] P


pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(4, 5, 'hello')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(4, 5, b'hello')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(5, 0, b'\x00\x01\x22')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(6, 2, [0, 1, 0x22])

16. i2c_read_device(handle, count)

Returns count bytes read from the raw device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
 count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.

S Addr Rd [A] [Data] A [Data] A ... A [Data] NA P

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(count, data) = pi.i2c_read_device(h, 12)

17. i2c_write_device(handle, data)

Writes the data bytes to the raw device associated with handle.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
data:= the bytes to write.

S Addr Wr [A] data0 [A] data1 [A] ... [A] datan [A] P


pi.i2c_write_device(h, b"\x12\x34\xA8")
pi.i2c_write_device(h, b"help")
pi.i2c_write_device(h, 'help')
pi.i2c_write_device(h, [23, 56, 231])

18. i2c_zip(handle, data)

This function executes a sequence of I2C operations. The operations to be performed are specified by the contents of data which contains the concatenated command codes and associated data.


handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to i2c_open).
data:= the concatenated I2C commands, see below

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(count, data) = pi.i2c_zip(h, [4, 0x53, 7, 1, 0x32, 6, 6, 0])

The following command codes are supported:

NameCmd & DataMeaning
End0No more commands
Escape1Next P is two bytes
On2Switch combined flag on
Off3Switch combined flag off
Address4 PSet I2C address to P
Flags5 lsb msbSet I2C flags to lsb + (msb << 8)
Read6 PRead P bytes of data
Write7 P …Write P bytes of data

The address, read, and write commands take a parameter P. Normally P is one byte (0-255). If the command is preceded by the Escape command then P is two bytes (0-65535, least significant byte first).

The address defaults to that associated with the handle. The flags default to 0. The address and flags maintain their previous value until updated.

Any read I2C data is concatenated in the returned bytearray.


Set address 0x53, write 0x32, read 6 bytes
Set address 0x1E, write 0x03, read 6 bytes
Set address 0x68, write 0x1B, read 8 bytes

0x04 0x53   0x07 0x01 0x32   0x06 0x06
0x04 0x1E   0x07 0x01 0x03   0x06 0x06
0x04 0x68   0x07 0x01 0x1B   0x06 0x08

19. bb_i2c_open(SDA, SCL, baud)

This function selects a pair of GPIO for bit banging I2C at a specified baud rate.

Bit banging I2C allows for certain operations which are not possible with the standard I2C driver.

  • baud rates as low as 50
  • repeated starts
  • clock stretching
  • I2C on any pair of spare GPIO


 SDA:= 0-31
 SCL:= 0-31
baud:= 50-500000

Returns 0 if OK, otherwise PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, PI_BAD_I2C_BAUD, or PI_GPIO_IN_USE.


The GPIO used for SDA and SCL must have pull-ups to 3V3 connected. As a guide the hardware pull-ups on pins 3 and 5 are 1k8 in value.


h = pi.bb_i2c_open(4, 5, 50000) # bit bang on GPIO 4/5 at 50kbps

10. bb_i2c_close(SDA)

This function stops bit banging I2C on a pair of GPIO previously opened with bb_i2c_open.


SDA:= 0-31, the SDA GPIO used in a prior call to bb_i2c_open

Returns 0 if OK, otherwise PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, or PI_NOT_I2C_GPIO.



21. bb_i2c_zip(SDA, data)

This function executes a sequence of bit banged I2C operations. The operations to be performed are specified by the contents of data which contains the concatenated command codes and associated data.


 SDA:= 0-31 (as used in a prior call to bb_i2c_open)
data:= the concatenated I2C commands, see below

The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain the error code).


(count, data) = pi.bb_i2c_zip(
                   h, [4, 0x53, 2, 7, 1, 0x32, 2, 6, 6, 3, 0])

The following command codes are supported:

NameCmd & DataMeaning
End0No more commands
Escape1Next P is two bytes
Start2Start condition
Stop3Stop condition
Address4 PSet I2C address to P
Flags5 lsb msbSet I2C flags to lsb + (msb << 8)
Read6 PRead P bytes of data
Write7 P …Write P bytes of data

The address, read, and write commands take a parameter P. Normally P is one byte (0-255). If the command is preceded by the Escape command then P is two bytes (0-65535, least significant byte first).

The address and flags default to 0. The address and flags maintain their previous value until updated.

No flags are currently defined.

Any read I2C data is concatenated in the returned bytearray.


Set address 0x53
start, write 0x32, (re)start, read 6 bytes, stop
Set address 0x1E
start, write 0x03, (re)start, read 6 bytes, stop
Set address 0x68
start, write 0x1B, (re)start, read 8 bytes, stop

0x04 0x53
0x02 0x07 0x01 0x32   0x02 0x06 0x06 0x03

0x04 0x1E
0x02 0x07 0x01 0x03   0x02 0x06 0x06 0x03

0x04 0x68
0x02 0x07 0x01 0x1B   0x02 0x06 0x08 0x03




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