
本文档介绍了如何在EMQX容器环境下配置和管理权限,包括启动和停止EMQX、启用MySQL鉴权插件、配置权限文件及数据库表。还提到了EMQX Dashboard的默认用户名和密码,以及相关的配置文件和数据库表结构。


docker pull emqx/emqx:4.3.10

docker run -d --name emqx -p 1883:1883 -p 8081:8081 -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8883:8883 -p 18083:18083 emqx/emqx:4.3.10


bin\emqx start


bin\emqx_ctl status


bin\emqx stop


bin\emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_mysql




全部用 %% 注释掉
尾部添加 允许用户订阅上下线 通知

{allow, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/brokers/emqx@"]}.
{allow, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/brokers/emqx@"]}.



auth.mysql.server =

auth.mysql.pool = 8
auth.mysql.username = mqtt

auth.mysql.password =qq547176052

auth.mysql.database = mqtt

## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
##  - %C: common name of client TLS cert
##  - %d: subject of client TLS cert
auth.mysql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

## auth.mysql.auth_query = select password_hash as password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

## Password hash.
## Value: plain | md5 | sha | sha256 | bcrypt
auth.mysql.password_hash = plain

## Superuser query.
## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
##  - %C: common name of client TLS cert
##  - %d: subject of client TLS cert
auth.mysql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

## ACL query.
## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %a: ipaddr
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
## Note: You can add the 'ORDER BY' statement to control the rules match order
auth.mysql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

emqx 配置文件

默认配置中 ACL 是开放授权的,即授权结果为忽略(ignore)时允许客户端通过授权。

通过 etc/emqx.conf 中的 ACL 配置可以更改该属性:

# etc/emqx.conf

## ACL 未匹配时默认授权
## Value: allow | deny
acl_nomatch = allow

# 配置默认 ACL 文件,使用文件定义默认 ACL 规则:
# etc/emqx.conf
acl_file = etc/acl.conf

# 配置 ACL 授权结果为禁止的响应动作,为 disconnect 时将断开设备:
# etc/emqx.conf
## Value: ignore | disconnect
acl_deny_action = ignore = emqxcl

cluster.proto_dist = inet_tcp

cluster.discovery = manual

cluster.autoheal = on

cluster.autoclean = 5m = emqx@

node.cookie = emqxsecretcookie

node.data_dir = data

node.global_gc_interval = 15m

node.crash_dump = log/crash.dump

node.dist_listen_min = 6369
node.dist_listen_max = 6369

node.backtrace_depth = 16

rpc.mode = async

rpc.async_batch_size = 256

rpc.port_discovery = stateless

rpc.connect_timeout = 5s

rpc.send_timeout = 5s

rpc.authentication_timeout = 5s

rpc.call_receive_timeout = 15s

rpc.socket_keepalive_idle = 900s

rpc.socket_keepalive_interval = 75s

rpc.socket_keepalive_count = 9

rpc.socket_sndbuf = 1MB

rpc.socket_recbuf = 1MB

rpc.socket_buffer = 1MB = file

log.level = warning

log.dir = log

log.file = emqx.log

log.rotation = on

log.rotation.size = 10MB

log.rotation.count = 5

## To create additional log files for specific log levels.
## Value: File Name
## Format: log.$level.file = $filename,
##         where "$level" can be one of: debug, info, notice, warning,
##                                       error, critical, alert, emergency
## Note: Log files for a specific log level will only contain all the logs
##       that higher than or equal to that level
##  = info.log
#log.error.file = error.log

## The max allowed queue length before switching to sync mode.
## Log overload protection parameter. If the message queue grows
## larger than this value the handler switches from anync to sync mode.
## Default: 100
#log.sync_mode_qlen = 100

## The max allowed queue length before switching to drop mode.
## Log overload protection parameter. When the message queue grows
## larger than this threshold, the handler switches to a mode in which
## it drops all new events that senders want to log.
## Default: 3000
#log.drop_mode_qlen = 3000

## The max allowed queue length before switching to flush mode.
## Log overload protection parameter. If the length of the message queue
## grows larger than this threshold, a flush (delete) operation takes place.
## To flush events, the handler discards the messages in the message queue
## by receiving them in a loop without logging.
## Default: 8000
#log.flush_qlen = 8000

## Kill the log handler when it gets overloaded.
## Log overload protection parameter. It is possible that a handler,
## even if it can successfully manage peaks of high load without crashing,
## can build up a large message queue, or use a large amount of memory.
## We could kill the log handler in these cases and restart it after a
## few seconds.
## Default: on
#log.overload_kill = on

## The max allowed queue length before killing the log hanlder.
## Log overload protection parameter. This is the maximum allowed queue
## length. If the message queue grows larger than this, the handler
## process is terminated.
## Default: 20000
#log.overload_kill_qlen = 20000

## The max allowed memory size before killing the log hanlder.
## Log overload protection parameter. This is the maximum memory size
## that the handler process is allowed to use. If the handler grows
## larger than this, the process is terminated.
## Default: 30MB
#log.overload_kill_mem_size = 30MB

## Restart the log hanlder after some seconds.
## Log overload protection parameter. If the handler is terminated,
## it restarts automatically after a delay specified in seconds.
## The value "infinity" prevents restarts.
## Default: 5s
#log.overload_kill_restart_after = 5s

## Max burst count and time window for burst control.
## Log overload protection parameter. Large bursts of log events - many
## events received by the handler under a short period of time - can
## potentially cause problems. By specifying the maximum number of events
## to be handled within a certain time frame, the handler can avoid
## choking the log with massive amounts of printouts.
## This config controls the maximum number of events to handle within
## a time frame. After the limit is reached, successive events are
## dropped until the end of the time frame.
## Note that there would be no warning if any messages were
## dropped because of burst control.
## Comment this config out to disable the burst control feature.
## Value: MaxBurstCount,TimeWindow
## Default: disabled
#log.burst_limit = 20000, 1s

## CONFIG_SECTION_END=logger ===================================================

## Authentication/Access Control

## Allow anonymous authentication by default if no auth plugins loaded.
## Notice: Disable the option in production deployment!
## Value: true | false
allow_anonymous = true

## Allow or deny if no ACL rules matched.
## Value: allow | deny
acl_nomatch = deny

## Default ACL File.
## Value: File Name
acl_file = etc/acl.conf

## Whether to enable ACL cache.
## If enabled, ACLs roles for each client will be cached in the memory
## Value: on | off
enable_acl_cache = on

## The maximum count of ACL entries can be cached for a client.
## Value: Integer greater than 0
## Default: 32
acl_cache_max_size = 32

## The time after which an ACL cache entry will be deleted
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1 minute
acl_cache_ttl = 1m

## The action when acl check reject current operation
## Value: ignore | disconnect
## Default: ignore
acl_deny_action = ignore

## Specify the global flapping detect policy.
## The value is a string composed of flapping threshold, duration and banned interval.
## 1. threshold: an integer to specfify the disconnected times of a MQTT Client;
## 2. duration: the time window for flapping detect;
## 3. banned interval: the banned interval if a flapping is detected.
## Value: Integer,Duration,Duration
flapping_detect_policy = 30, 1m, 5m

## MQTT Protocol

## Maximum MQTT packet size allowed.
## Value: Bytes
## Default: 1MB
mqtt.max_packet_size = 1MB

## Maximum length of MQTT clientId allowed.
## Value: Number [23-65535]
mqtt.max_clientid_len = 65535

## Maximum topic levels allowed. 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
mqtt.max_topic_levels = 0

## Maximum QoS allowed.
## Value: 0 | 1 | 2
mqtt.max_qos_allowed = 2

## Maximum Topic Alias, 0 means no topic alias supported.
## Value: 0-65535
mqtt.max_topic_alias = 65535

## Whether the Server supports MQTT retained messages.
## Value: boolean
mqtt.retain_available = true

## Whether the Server supports MQTT Wildcard Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
mqtt.wildcard_subscription = true

## Whether the Server supports MQTT Shared Subscriptions.
## Value: boolean
mqtt.shared_subscription = true

## Whether to ignore loop delivery of messages.(for mqtt v3.1.1)
## Value: true | false
mqtt.ignore_loop_deliver = false

## Whether to parse the MQTT frame in strict mode
## Value: true | false
mqtt.strict_mode = false

## Specify the response information returned to the client
## Value: String
## mqtt.response_information = example

## CONFIG_SECTION_BGN=zones  ===================================================

## External Zone

## Idle timeout of the external MQTT connections.
## Value: duration
zone.external.idle_timeout = 15s

## Enable ACL check.
## Value: Flag
zone.external.enable_acl = on

## Enable ban check.
## Value: Flag
zone.external.enable_ban = on

## Enable per connection statistics.
## Value: on | off
zone.external.enable_stats = on

## The action when acl check reject current operation
## Value: ignore | disconnect
## Default: ignore
zone.external.acl_deny_action = ignore

## Force the MQTT connection process GC after this number of
## messages | bytes passed through.
## Numbers delimited by `|'. Zero or negative is to disable.
zone.external.force_gc_policy = 16000|16MB

## Max message queue length and total heap size to force shutdown
## connection/session process.
## Message queue here is the Erlang process mailbox, but not the number
## of queued MQTT messages of QoS 1 and 2.
## Numbers delimited by `|'. Zero or negative is to disable.
## Default:
##   - 10000|64MB on ARCH_64 system
##   - 1000|32MB  on ARCH_32 sytem
#zone.external.force_shutdown_policy = 10000|64MB

## Maximum MQTT packet size allowed.
## Value: Bytes
## Default: 1MB
## zone.external.max_packet_size = 64KB

## Maximum length of MQTT clientId allowed.
## Value: Number [23-65535]
## zone.external.max_clientid_len = 1024

## Maximum topic levels allowed. 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
## zone.external.max_topic_levels = 7

## Maximum QoS allowed.
## Value: 0 | 1 | 2
## zone.external.max_qos_allowed = 2

## Maximum Topic Alias, 0 means no limit.
## Value: 0-65535
## zone.external.max_topic_alias = 65535

## Whether the Server supports retained messages.
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.retain_available = true

## Whether the Server supports Wildcard Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.wildcard_subscription = false

## Whether the Server supports Shared Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.shared_subscription = false

## Server Keep Alive
## Value: Number
## zone.external.server_keepalive = 0

## The backoff for MQTT keepalive timeout. The broker will kick a connection out
## until 'Keepalive * backoff * 2' timeout.
## Value: Float > 0.5
zone.external.keepalive_backoff = 0.75

## Maximum number of subscriptions allowed, 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
zone.external.max_subscriptions = 0

## Force to upgrade QoS according to subscription.
## Value: on | off
zone.external.upgrade_qos = off

## Maximum size of the Inflight Window storing QoS1/2 messages delivered but unacked.




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