
白领的一天 场景1:Interview我要找工作




范例一:I am working on it

Hi, Monica, how is everything going?

Everything goes well, but I am thinking about quitting my current job.

Why? You’re not satisfied anymore?

I just sense. But I cannot grow anymore. My boss is not really supporting me. I am interested in some positions in other JV companies, but I need to do some more in-step research before I send my application letters out.

That is important. Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application.

Certainly, it is very nice talking with you. But I really have to go now. Catch you later.

Ok, good luck to you.

范例二:Calling a company

ABC Company, my name is Lucy. How can I help you?

Hello, Lucy, this is Monica. I’m calling for the accountant position. I saw the information about the vacancy on your company’s website. Is it still available?

Thank you for your interest. The position is still available. Have you already sent your CV to us?

No, not yet. First, I want to check about the availability and see if you could give more information.

It is urgent for us to fill this position now and I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon. If all these is not problem for you, I recommend you to mention these in your cover letter and send it to me directly.

The notification period of my current job is not that long and I’m quite profession to English and I am happy with the traveling abroad as I’m good dealing with the people from other cultures. It makes the whole job even more interesting. I will send my resume to you still this week.

范例三:E-resume or paper resume

Hello, Lucy. This is Monica again. I have a question.

Please ask.

I was wondering what kind of resume do you prefer, an e-resume or paper one?

For this position we prefer e-resume at the very beginning. Please send it to our department’s e-mail box.

Ok, thank you.

You’re welcome.




范例一:A call from a head-hunter

R: Hello, I am Richard from the Brooks Head-hunter company. Can I have a private talk with you?

M: Er? I am driving right now. Can you call back in 30 minutes?

R: Sure.

R: Hi, Monica, Richard again. Have you ever heard about our company? It is an international one with good reputation. We have a lot of successful cases. If you’re trying advance your career, I would love to help you. XYZ Company is one of our clients. They’re in need of the talent like you. Would you be interested in taking part in an interview? It is scheduled some time within this week.

M: Thank you for calling. I really appreciate your kindness. But right now, I’m very busy preparing for an interview of another company. I don’t think I am available for this opportunity.

R: Ok, I see. Good luck to you. You have my number. Call me when you change your mind. I can send you more detailed information about company and jobs you might be interested in if you give me your private e-mail address.

M: Well, I will text to you. Thank you, bye for now.

R: You’re welcome. Bye.





范例一:How can I get there?

Hello, this is Lucy from ABC Company. Is this Monica?

Yes, it is.

I am calling to inform. you that we have arranged an interview for this accountant position at 2 PM this Thursday afternoon. Please come on time.

Ok, thank you. By the way, could you please tell me how I can get there from A community?

Oh, you can take the subway, get off at B stop and walk north for several minutes. You will find a building. It will take about 40 minutes in total.

I got it. Thank you so much.

You’re welcome.

范例二:Could you show me the way?

Excuse me, could you please show me the way to the human resource department?

Yeah, but have you made an appointment ahead?

Yes, of course. I am Monica. I have made an appointment with your HR manager.

Just a minute please. I’ll make a call to the HR office.

Yes, they confirm your appointment. Please come in. it is on the 3rd floor, room 3106. You can take the right elevator as the left on is in maintenance today.

Thank you very much.

You’re welcome.




范例一:Three rounds is successful

Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Good afternoon. My name is Monica. I am here for the job interview at 2 PM.

Ok, please first fill in the form. and return it to me. You can do it in the next door.

Done. Here is my paper.

Everybody attention. I would like to make sure you all know the process. The interview consists of three parts. One, all of the interviewees will answer the question there and lasts for maximum one hour. Two, we will take a 30-minute’s break. After the break, we all come back to this office and I will announce the successful candidates for the 2nd round. In which, you have a small interview with your future manager.

What about the 3rd round?

Good question. But I will tell you when you pass the first two.

范例二:Meeting the manager

Good afternoon. I suppose you are Ms. Monica. My name is Mr. Thomas, the general manager of ABC Company. Here is my business card.

Thank you very much.

I am very impressed by your resume. Therefore, I am very interested to know why you’re willing to leave your current company.

I am looking for a more challenging position. I can’t grow anymore in my current job.

Ok, I understand. But why you choose us to work for?

I have studied carefully the information about your company on the internet and I have checked your company’s homepage. I am impressed by the company. And I like the products a lot. Since you’re growing steadily, I would be very eager to help you to improve your accounting system.

How do you work with a team?

I work quite well with a team. I’m a good team player. I respect people, cooperate well with member’s team. And I will do my best to help team members.

What’s your long term goal?

I’d like to bring to ABC Company not only my technical skills, ambition, enthusiasm, but also my loyalty, a sensor desire to become an administrative assistant. It is the hardest of my career plans.




范例一:It is enough for today

It is enough for today. Do you have any last question? If not, thank you for taking your time to come to our interview.

You’re welcome. For the moment, I have no further questions. I got a good picture of the job and the company. All my questions have been answered. Thank you for your time.

We will have an internal discussion and then we will contact to inform. you of our decision on whether we continue with you or not.

Ok, it was very nice to talk with you and I look forward to your decision at your earliest convenience. Bye.


范例二:Still a little on the edge

Any plans tonight?

Not really, do you?

Well, I am wondering if we took a hang-out for a drink or something. You know, I just came back from a really tough interview. I was quite nervous during the interview. I really want to have the job. Right now, I am still a little on the edge. I am not sure if I could convince them during the interview.

Take it easy. It is all over now. How was it going, anyway?

I don’t know. I think I did well in the paper exams. I was prepared to answer a lot of questions, but they didn’t ask those as I expected. To my surprise, the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me.

That’s strange. But probably, it is the new interview technique they call it “Getting to know you more personally”. What about your answers?

Just did my best.




范例一:Please come for the next round

Hello. This is Lucy from ABC Company. Is this Monica?


I am calling to inform. you that you have passed the first two rounds of interview. Could you please come for the final round? It is scheduled on the morning of next Monday 10AM in the HR manager office.

Thank you for calling me. I will be there on time.

Ok, see you then, bye.


范例二:Share the news with Tina

Hi, Tina, I’ve got good news. I have successfully passed the first two rounds of interview with ABC Company. They informed me to go to the final round next Monday. It looks very promising.

That is awesome. Congratulation! I know you can make it.

Thanks. Let’s go for a celebration this evening. Are you free?

Yes. Wait for me at the café down my office building. See 5PM, ok?

No problem. See you!

See you!





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