




哈夫曼编码的长度为w = 层数*叶节点的权值+。。。。


You might have heard about Huffman encoding - that is the coding system that minimizes the expected length of the text if the codes for characters are required to consist of an integral number of bits.

Let us recall codes assignment process in Huffman encoding. First the Huffman tree is constructed. Let the alphabet consist of N characters, i-th of which occurs Pi times in the input text. Initially all characters are considered to be active nodes of the future tree, i-th being marked with Pi. On each step take two active nodes with smallest marks, create the new node, mark it with the sum of the considered nodes and make them the children of the new node. Then remove the two nodes that now have parent from the set of active nodes and make the new node active. This process is repeated until only one active node exists, it is made the root of the tree.

Note that the characters of the alphabet are represented by the leaves of the tree. For each leaf node the length of its code in the Huffman encoding is the length of the path from the root to the node. The code itself can be constrcuted the following way: for each internal node consider two edges from it to its children. Assign 0 to one of them and 1 to another. The code of the character is then the sequence of 0s and 1s passed on the way from the root to the leaf node representing this character.

In this problem you are asked to detect the length of the text after it being encoded with Huffman method. Since the length of the code for the character depends only on the number of occurences of this character, the text itself is not given - only the number of occurences of each character. Characters are given from most rare to most frequent.

Note that the alphabet used for the text is quite huge - it may contain up to 500 000 characters.

This problem contains multiple test cases!

The first line of a multiple input is an integer N, then a blank line followed by N input blocks. Each input block is in the format indicated in the problem description. There is a blank line between input blocks.

The output format consists of N output blocks. There is a blank line between output blocks.


The first line of the input file contains N - the number of different characters used in the text (2 <= N <= 500 000). The second line contains N integer numbers Pi - the number of occurences of each character (1 <= Pi <= 109, Pi <= Pi+1 for all valid i).


Output the length of the text after encoding it using Huffman method, in bits.

Sample Input


1 1 4

Sample Output


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
	int t;
		priority_queue<ll,vector<ll>,greater<ll> >q;
		int n;
		ll ans = 0,x,y;
		for(int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
			x = q.top();
			y = q.top();
			ans += x+y;
			puts(" ");	
		return 0;



#include #include #include #include using namespace std; # define MaxN 100//初始设定的最大结点数 # define MaxC 1000//最大编码长度 # define ImpossibleWeight 10000//结点不可能达到的权值 # define n 26//字符集的个数 //-----------哈夫曼树的结点结构类型定义----------- typedef struct //定义哈夫曼树各结点 { int weight;//权值 int parent;//双亲结点下标 int lchild;//左孩子结点下标 int rchild;//右孩子结点下标 }HTNode,*HuffmanTree;//动态分配数组存储哈夫曼树 typedef char**HuffmanCode;//动态分配数组存储哈夫曼编码表 //-------全局变量-------- HuffmanTree HT; HuffmanCode HC; int *w;//权值数组 //const int n=26;//字符集的个数 char *info;//字符值数组 int flag=0;//初始化标记 //********************************************************************** //初始化函数 //函数功能: 从终端读入字符集大小n , 以及n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树,并将它存于文件hfmTree中 //函数参数: //向量HT的前n个分量表示叶子结点,最后一个分量表示根结点,各字符的编码长度不等,所以按实际长度动态分配空间 void Select(HuffmanTree t,int i,int &s1,int &s2) { //s1为最小的两个值中序号最小的那个 int j; int k=ImpossibleWeight;//k的初值为不可能达到的最大权值 for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { if(t[j].weight<k&&t[j].parent==0) {k=t[j].weight; s1=j;} } t[s1].parent=1; k=ImpossibleWeight; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { if(t[j].weight0),构造哈夫曼树HT,并求出n个字符的哈弗曼编码HC { int i,m,c,s1,s2,start,f; HuffmanTree p; char* cd; if(num<=1) return; m=2*num-1;//m为结点数,一棵有n个叶子结点的哈夫曼树共有2n-1个结点,可以存储在一个大小为2n-1的一维数组中 HT=(HuffmanTree)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(HTNode));//0号单元未用 //--------初始化哈弗曼树------- for(p=HT+1,i=1;iweight=*w; p->parent=0; p->lchild=0; p->rchild=0; } for(i=num+1;iweight=0; p->parent=0; p->lchild=0; p->rchild=0; } //--------建哈夫曼树------------- for(i=num+1;i<=m;i++) { Select(HT,i-1,s1,s2);//在HT[1...i-1]选择parent为0且weight最小的两个结点,其序号分别为s1和s2 HT[s1].parent=i; HT[s2].parent=i; HT[i].lchild=s1; HT[i].rchild=s2;//左孩子权值小,右孩子权值大 HT[i].weight=HT[s1].weight+HT[s2].weight; } //-------从叶子到根逆向求每个字符的哈弗曼编码-------- HC=(HuffmanCode)malloc((num+1)*sizeof(char *));//指针数组:分配n个字符编码的头指针向量 cd=(char*)malloc(n*sizeof(char*));//分配求编码的工作空间 cd[n-1]='\0';//编码结束符 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)//逐个字符求哈弗曼编码 { start=n-1;//编码结束符位置 for(c=i,f=HT[i].parent;f!=0;c=f,f=HT[f].parent)//从叶子到跟逆向求哈弗曼编码 if(HT[f].lchild==c) cd[--start]='0';//判断是左孩子还是右孩子(左为0右为1) else cd[--start]='1'; HC[i]=(char*)malloc((num-start)*sizeof(char*));//按所需长度分配空间 int j,h; strcpy(HC[i],&cd[start]); } free(cd); } //****************初始化函数****************** void Initialization() { flag=1;//标记为已初始化 int i; w=(int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));//为26个字符权值分配空间 info=(char*)malloc(n*sizeof(char));//为26个字符分配空间 ifstream infile("ABC.txt",ios::in); if(!infile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for(i=0;i>info[i]; infile>>w[i]; } infile.close(); cout<<"读入字符成功!"<<endl; HuffmanCoding(HT,HC,w,n); //------------打印编码----------- cout<<"依次显示各个字符的值,权值或频度,编码如下"<<endl; cout<<"字符"<<setw(6)<<"权值"<<setw(11)<<"编码"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<setw(3)<<info[i]; cout<<setw(6)<<w[i]<<setw(12)<<HC[i+1]<<endl; } //---------将建好的哈夫曼树写入文件------------ cout<<"下面将哈夫曼树写入文件"<<endl; ofstream outfile("hfmTree.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for(i=0;i<n;i++,w++) { outfile<<info[i]<<" "; outfile<<w[i]<<" "; outfile<<HC[i+1]<<" "; } outfile.close(); cout<<"已经将字符与对应的权值,编码写入根目录下文件hfmTree.txt"<<endl; } //*****************输入待编码字符函数************************* void Input() { char string[100]; ofstream outfile("ToBeTran.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } cout<<"请输入你想要编码的字符串(字符个数应小于100),以#结束"<>string; for(int i=0;string[i]!='\0';i++) { if(string[i]=='\0') break; outfile<<string[i]; } cout<<"获取报文成功"<<endl; outfile.close(); cout<<"------"<<"已经将报文存入根目录下的ToBeTran.txt文件"<<endl; } //******************编码函数**************** void Encoding() { int i,j; char*string; string=(char*)malloc(MaxN*sizeof(char)); cout<<"下面对根目录下的ToBeTran.txt文件中的字符进行编码"<<endl; ifstream infile("ToBeTran.txt",ios::in); if(!infile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for(i=0;i>string[i]; } for(i=0;i<100;i++) if(string[i]!='#') cout<<string[i]; else break; infile.close(); ofstream outfile("CodeFile.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for(i=0;string[i]!='#';i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if(string[i]==info[j]) outfile<<HC[j+1]; } } outfile<<'#'; outfile.close(); free(string); cout<<"编码完成------"; cout<<"编码已写入根目录下的文件CodeFile.txt中"<<endl; } //******************译码函数**************** void Decoding() { int j=0,i; char *code; code=(char*)malloc(MaxC*sizeof(char)); char*string; string=(char*)malloc(MaxN*sizeof(char)); cout<<"下面对根目录下的CodeFile.txt文件中的代码进行译码"<<endl; ifstream infile("CodeFile.txt",ios::in); if(!infile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for( i=0;i>code[i]; if(code[i]!='#') { cout<<code[i]; } else break; } infile.close(); int m=2*n-1; for(i=0;code[i-1]!='#';i++) { if(HT[m].lchild==0) { string[j]=info[m-1]; j++; m=2*n-1; i--; } else if(code[i]=='1') m=HT[m].rchild; else if(code[i]=='0') m=HT[m].lchild; } string[j]='#'; ofstream outfile("TextFile.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } cout<<"的译码为------"<<endl; for( i=0;string[i]!='#';i++) { outfile<<string[i]; cout<<string[i]; } outfile<<'#'; outfile.close(); cout<<"------译码完成------"<<endl; cout<<"译码结果已写入根目录下的文件TextFile.txt中"<<endl; free(code); free(string); } //*************打印编码函数**************** void Code_printing() { int i; char *code; code=(char*)malloc(MaxC*sizeof(char)); cout<<"下面打印根目录下文件CodeFile.txt中的编码"<<endl; ifstream infile("CodeFile.txt",ios::in); if(!infile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for( i=0;i>code[i]; if(code[i]!='#') cout<<code[i]; else break; } infile.close(); cout<<endl; ofstream outfile("CodePrin.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<<endl; exit(1); } for(i=0;code[i]!='#';i++) { outfile<<code[i]; } outfile.close(); free(code); cout<<"------打印结束------"<<endl; cout<<"该字符形式的编码文件已写入文件CodePrin.txt中"<<endl; } //*************打印哈夫曼树函数**************** int numb=0; void coprint(HuffmanTree start,HuffmanTree HT) //start=ht+26这是一个递归算法 { if(start!=HT) { ofstream outfile("TreePrint.txt",ios::out); if(!outfile) { cerr<<"打开失败"<rchild,HT); //递归先序遍历 cout<<setw(5*numb)<weight<rchild==0) cout<<info[start-HT-1]<<endl; outfile<weight; coprint(HT+start->lchild,HT); numb--; outfile.close(); } } void Tree_printing(HuffmanTree HT,int num) { HuffmanTree p; p=HT+2*num-1; //p=HT+26 cout<<"下面打印赫夫曼树"<<endl; coprint(p,HT); //p=HT+26 cout<<"打印工作结束"<<endl; } //*************主函数************************** int main() { char choice; do{ cout<<"************哈弗曼编/译码器系统***************"<<endl; cout<<"请选择您所需功能:"<<endl; cout<<":初始化哈弗曼树"<<endl; cout<<":输入待编码字符串"<<endl; cout<<":利用已建好的哈夫曼树进行编码"<<endl; cout<<":利用已建好的哈夫曼树进行译码"<<endl; cout<<":打印代码文件"<<endl; cout<<":打印哈夫曼树"<<endl; cout<<":退出"<<endl; if(flag==0) { cout<<"请先初始化哈夫曼树,输入I"<<endl; cout<<""<>choice; switch(choice) { case 'I':Initialization();break; case 'W':Input();break; case 'E':Encoding();break; case 'D':Decoding();break; case 'P':Code_printing();break; case 'T':Tree_printing(HT,n);break; case 'Q':;break; default:cout<<"输入的命令出错,请重新输入!"<<endl; } }while(choice!='Q'); free(w); free(info); free(HT); free(HC); system("pause"); return 0; }




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


