深入浅出SPARSE之【Chapter1】 Prologue

A central achievement of classical linear algebra is a thorough examination of the 
problem of solving systems of linear equations,but  there is an elementary problem that  has to do with sparse solutions of linear systems, we shall concentrate on defining  this problem carefully, and set the stage for its answers in later chapters
1.1 Underdetermined Linear Systems
        Ax = b, , A is a full-rank matrix,

1.2 Regularization(想要得到唯一解——》用凸函数(2阶为正,一介单调,函数值封闭,有唯一解,比如抛物线))
      solutions  are infinitely many ,but we  desire a single solution-> Regularization
        the image scale-up example, a function  J (x) that prefers smooth or, better yet, piecewise smooth results, is typically used
        (1)  The most known choice of J(x) is the squared Euclidean norm L2, Using Lagrange multipliers【 A full-rank,AA positive definite                                                            invertible

          (2)a more general choice of the form J(x) = |Bx|2
    why we use L2—— simplicity as manifested by the above closed-form and unique solution【 strictly convex function  J (X) guarantees uniqueness
            the mathematical simplicity of ` L 2   is a misleading fact that diverts engineers from making better choices for  J (x). Indeed,
in image processing, after three decades of trying to successfully activate the (`  2 - norm based) Wiener filter, it was eventually realized that the solution resides with  a di_erent, robust-statistics based choice of  J (x),
this book.

1.3 The Temptation of Convexity——  guarantees   uniquenes s 【向外凸的,因此任意两点的连线得到的线段比在此空间中, non-convex可能有最优解,只是不完美而已,我们要避免

      set  = {x|Ax = b} is convex
(2) derivatives的角度来看(J必须 twice continuously differentiable ): 
Special cases of interest for convex functions are all the `  p -norms for p _ 1 (use  the Hessian to verify that). These are defined as
convex,不一定strickly cinvex!比如L1,其坐标在第一象限的时候。

We shall have a special interest in L 1  due to its tendency to sparsify the solution(因为1范数有助于稀疏,所以我们要研究一范数)

1.4 A Closer Look at `L 1  Minimization

   因为L1不是严格凸的,因此 may have more than one solution
    why 我们还要研究它呢?
    (i) these solutions are gathered  in a set that is bounded and convex(最优解的图组合还是最优解,由J的凸性得到)
       因此  bounded      
    (ii) among these solutions, there exists at  least one with at most  n  non-zeros ( 存在至少一个,最多n非零 )(as the number of constraints).
        This implies that the addition/substraction of h under those   circumstances does not change the L 1 -length of the solution

1.5 Conversion of (P1) to Linear Programming

1.6 Promoting Sparse Solutions(为何会提出稀疏解)
illustrate 1  the tendency of   p-norm to drive results to become sparse
   p<1时,  the triangle inequality is no longer  satisfied

so  q一般比p要小,在为p范数下的单位ball的球心吹一个q球,如下图:dashed 和soild的交点就是我们要的解,

illustrate 2  the tendency of   p -norm to drive results to become sparse
Geometrically speaking, solving ( P p  ) is done by “blowing” again an P p  balloon, centered around the origin, and stopping its inflation when it first touches the feasible  set:如下图:
One can see that norms  with  p<= 1 tend to give that the intersection point is on the ball-corners, which take
place on the axes,[why p<=1才产生稀疏解,二在 illustrate 1 ,没有此限制,区别在,restrictive conditions
限制条件,illustrate 1 是在一个超空间里面blow ball,外球是限制条件,外球包含了内球,illustrate 1限制是一个约束平面,不存在包含关系,所以稀疏解产生的限制也增大了,仅仅在P<=1时才有稀疏解
  • summary:1.6 讨论,我们知道了,要解答一下问题
       p只能取值(0,1), Unfortunately, each choice 0 <  p  < 1 leads to a  non-convex optimizatio【可以从理轮和几何图像上解释】 n problem, and this  raises some diffculties, Nevertheless, from an engineering  point of view, if sparsity is a desired property, and we know that `  p  serves it  well, this problem can and should be used, despite its weaknesses
p(x) being symmetric, monotonically non-decreasing, and with a monotonic nonincreasing  derivative for x >0 will serve the same purpose of promoting sparsity. As classic examples of this family, we mention p( x) = 1-exp(| x|), p(x) = log(1+  |x | ),   and p( x ) =   |x |/ (1 +  |x | ).

1.7 The l0-Norm and Implications
取p=2,1,0.5,0.01,下图(y=|x|p)可以惊人发现,p越小,y this curve becomes an indicator
function, being 0 for x = 0 and 1 for every other value


(1) A vector of real data would rarely be representable by a vector of coe_cients containing  many zeros.
(2)   A more relaxed and forgiving notion of sparsity can and should  be built on the notion of approximately representing a vector using a small number  of nonzeros; this can be quantified by the weak-`  and the usual `  p -norms described above. 
Nevertheless, we proceed the discussion here with the assumption that `  is  the measure of  interest

1.8 The (P0) Problem – Our Main Interest(一个NP问题,我们只能找近似解法)
形式简单,但是难于解答: These are rooted  in the discrete and discontinuous nature of the L 0   norm,不能用 convex analysis
(1)Can uniqueness of a solution be claimed? Under what conditions?
 (2)If a candidate solution is available, can we perform a simple test to verify that  the solution is actually the global minimizer of ( P 0  )?
   exhaustively sweep,is NP hard 问题,那肿么办呢?
Thus, a mandatory and crucial set of questions arise: 
Can (P 0 ) be e_ciently solved by some other means? 
Can approximate  solutions  be accepted?  How  accurate  can those be?  What kind  of approximations  will work?

1.9 The Signal Processing Perspective( forward transform (from b to x) and its inverse (from x to b).
J为2范数时候,为redundant representations;
J为0范数时候,为sparse representations;
是什么催生了sparse,是需求,压缩表达的需求 many media types (still imagery, video, acoustic) can be sparsely represented  using transform-domain methods, The appeal in such a transform is in the compact representation

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