
242 篇文章 2 订阅
226 篇文章 1 订阅

摘 要



本文选取三清山为研究对象,从携程旅游网、同程旅游网上选取三清山相关的网络口碑文本,运用文献分析法、网络调查法和扎根理论质性研究方法,借助Nvivo110 质性分析软件,分析三清山在旅游虚拟社区中的网络口碑。在三级编码的基础上,分析三清山旅游网络口碑的总体特征与差异特征,以及三清山正面网络口碑和负面网络口碑,得出 5 个主范畴:总体评价、忠诚度(包括推荐意愿、重游意愿)、旅游体验(包括审美体验、情感体验)、景区管理与服务(包括票务服务、景区服务、景区管理、景区交通、景区设施、景区餐饮、景区住宿)、旅游景观(包括自然景观、人文景观),形成了由“核心吸引物——作用因子——调节因子——游后行为”4 个核心维度构成的旅游网络口碑影响机理模型,并从中发现三清山旅游网络口碑的影响因素和景区管理存在的问题。最后,论文从核心维度和主范畴的各个子范畴等方面对三清山景区的建设与管理提出了若干建议,为三清山旅游品质的提升提供参考。



In recent years, with the development of tourism and the Internet, tourism virtualcommunities have made considerable progress Due to the diversity and convenience ofproducts and services in tourism virtual community, such as the Online Travel Agent,more and more tourists are willing to book tourism products and services online At thesame time, because of the function development of comment messages and travel notesin the tourism virtual community, tourism online word-of-mouth emerged as the timesrequire

Online reviews of tourism products issued by tourists in tourism virtualcommunities are the real feelings of tourists after traveling They directly reflecttourists’satisfaction with tourism products, services and infrastructure related to tourismvirtual communities and tourist destinations It provides an important basis for themanagement and service promotion of tourism virtual community and tourismdestination, by studying the online comment content of tourism destinations andanalyzing the online word-of-mouth of tourism districts, both in tourism virtualcommunity It has important practical significance and research value

This paper which selects Sanqing Mountain as the research object, analyzes theonline word-of-mouth of Sanqing Mountain in the tourism virtual community, bychoosing the related online word-of-mouth texts of Sanqing Mountain from the Ctripwebsite and the Tongcheng website, using the literature analysis method, the networkinvestigation method and the grounded theoretical qualitative research method, and withthe help of Nvivo 110 qualitative analysis software On the premise of three-levelcoding, this paper analyzes the overall characteristics and differences of the content ofSanqing Mountain tourism online word-of-mouth, and explores the positive andnegative online word-of-mouth of Sanqing Mountain respectively In this analysisprocess, five main categories are drawn: overall evaluation, loyalty (includingrecommendation intention, revisiting intention), tourism experience (including aestheticexperience, emotional experience), scenic spot management and service (includingticket service, scenic spot service, scenic spot management, scenic spot traffic, scenicspot facilities, scenic spot catering, scenic spot accommodation), tourism landscape(including natural landscape, human landscape) It forms an impact mechanism modelof tourism online word-of-mouth, which is composed of four core dimensions namedcore attraction, action factor, regulation factor and tourist behavior And SanqingMountain tourism online word-of-mouth factors and scenic area management problems are found from it Finally, taking the core dimension and the sub-dimensions of the maincategory as indicators, this paper puts forward three suggestions for the construction ofSanqing Mountain scenic spot: attaching importance to online word-of-mouthmarketing in tourism virtual community, enhancing online platform services to enhancetourists’loyalty, improving product design to optimize the content of onlineword-of-mouth communication, and insisting on the tourism infrastructure andsupporting facilities for Sanqing Mountain scenic spot at night We should build smartscenic spots, enhance the service ability of tourists in peak period, improve self-serviceof tourists, and strengthen the management and supervision of scenic spots

Key words: Tourism virtual community; Online word-of-mouth; Sanqing Mountain;The grounded theory

目 录

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


随着我国经济的不断发展和国民收入大幅地提高,旅游已经成为人们娱乐休闲的重要方式之一。旅游业素有“朝阳产业”之称,并逐步成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。根据国家旅游局的中国旅游业统计公报,在 2008 年,旅游业的总收入是 116 万亿元人民币,到了 2017 年旅游业的总收入达到了 54 万亿元人民币,10 年之内增长了 366 倍。而且,在 2008 年国内旅游人数是 1712 亿人次,到了2017 年国内旅游人数是 527 亿人次,这 10 年的时间增长了 208 倍。总体来说,我国旅游业呈现出向前发展的良好态势。

1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外文献综述
  1.2.1 国内外虚拟社区研究
  1.2.2 国内外旅游虚拟社区研究
  1.2.3 国内外网络口碑研究
  1.2.4 国内外旅游网络口碑研究
  1.2.5 国内外旅游网络口碑研究评述
  1.3 研究内容、方法及技术路线
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.3.3 研究的技术路线

2 理论基础

2.1 旅游虚拟社区理论
  2.1.1 旅游虚拟社区的内涵
  2.1.2 旅游虚拟社区的类型
  2.2 旅游网络口碑理论
  2.2.1 旅游网络口碑的定义
  2.2.2 旅游网络口碑与游客旅游决策
  2.2.3 旅游网络口碑与旅游服务质量
  2.2.4 旅游网络口碑与旅游网络营销

3 研究案例与文本采集

3.1 三清山旅游发展概况
  3.1.1 景区概况
  3.1.2 旅游发展情况
  3.2 旅游虚拟社区案例选取
  3.3 文本的采集

4 三清山旅游虚拟社区网络口碑分析

4.1 三清山网络口碑总体特征分析
  4.1.1 开放式编码
  4.1.2 主轴式编码
  4.1.3 选择式编码
  4.1.4 三清山正面旅游网络口碑分析
  4.1.5 三清山负面旅游网络口碑分析
  4.2 三清山旅游网络口碑差异特征分析
  4.2.1 三清山网络口碑文本高频词统计
  4.2.2 旅游景观网络口碑特征分析
  4.2.3 旅游基础设施与服务网络口碑分析
  4.2.4 旅游网络口碑的情感分析
  4.3 三清山旅游网络口碑影响机理分析
  4.3.1 三清山旅游网络口碑作用机理
  4.3.2 三清山旅游网络口碑维度形成机理

5 三清山旅游网络口碑提升对策

5.1 旅游虚拟社区网络营销建议
  5.1.1 重视旅游虚拟社区网络口碑营销.
  5.1.2 提升在线平台服务提高游客忠诚度.
  5.1.3 完善旅游产品优化口碑传播内容
  5.2 三清山旅游目的地建设对策
  5.2.1 完善景区旅游服务基础设施
  5.2.2 提升旅游高峰期游客管理能力
  5.2.3 完善景区的旅游自助服务体系

6 结论与展望

6.1 研究结论
  6.2 研究不足
  6.3 研究展望


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