摘要Summaries--课时二(Lesson 2)

Daniel 深度碎片 on forums.fast.ai has been kind enough to create summaries, in the form of a list of questions, of every lesson. You can use these summaries to remind yourself what you learned in each lesson, or to preview a lesson before you watch it. Here’s the lesson 2 summary:

  • New exciting content to come
    • Can there be substantial new content given we have already 4 versions and a book?
  • Ways of reading the book
    • How many channels available for us to read the book? (physical, github, colab and others)
  • Extra sweets from the book
    • Are there interesting materials/stories covered by the book not the lecture?
    • Where can you find questionnaires and quizzes of the lectures?
  • aiquizzes.com
    • Where can you get more quizzes of fastai and memorize them forever?
  • Introducing the forum
    • How to make the most out of fastai forum?
  • Students’ works after week 1
  • A Wow moment
    • Will we learn to put model in production today?
  • Find a problem and some data
    • What is the first step before building a model?
  • Access to the magics of Jupyter notebook
    • Do you want to navigate the notebook with a TOC?
    • How about collapsable sections?
    • How about moving between start and end of sections fast?
    • How to install jupyter extensions
  • Download and clean your data
    • Why use ggd rather than bing for searching and downloading images?
    • How to clean/remove broken images?
  • Get to docs quickly
    • How to get basic info, source code, full docs on fastai codes quickly?
  • Resize your data before training
    • How can you specify the resize options to your data?
    • Why should we always use RandomResizedCrop and aug_transforms together?
    • How RandomResizedCrop and aug_transforms differ?
  • Data images instantly transformed not copied
    • When resized, are we making many copies of the image?
  • More epochs for fancy resize
    • How many epochs do we usually go when using RandomResizedCrop and aug_transforms?
  • Confusion matrix: where do models get wrong the most?
    • How to create confusion matrix on your model performance?
    • When to use confusion matrix? (category)-practice
    • How to interpret confusion matrix?
    • What is the most obvious thing does it tell us?
    • How hard is it to tell grizzly and black bears apart?
  • Check out images with worse predictions
    • Do plot_top_losses give us the images with highest losses?
    • Are those images merely ones the model made confidently wrong prediction?-practice
    • Do those images include ones that the model made right prediction unconfidently?
    • What does looking at those high loss images help? (get expert examination or simple data cleaning)
  • What if you want to clean the data a little
    • How to display and make cleaning choices on each of those top loss images in each data folder?-practice
    • Without expert knowledge on telling apart grizzly and black bears, at least we can clean images which mess up teddy bears.
  • Myth breaker: train model and then clean data
    • How can training the model help us see the problem of dataset?-practice
    • Won’t we have more ideas to improve the dataset once we spot the problems of the dataset?
  • Turn off GPU when not using
    • How to use GPU RAM locally without much trouble?
  • Watch first, then watch and code along
    • What is the preferred way of lecture watching and coding by majority of students?
  • A Gradio + hugging face tutorial
  • Git and Github desk
    • Is Github desk a less cool but easier and more robust way to version control than git?
  • Terminal for windows
    • How to set up terminal for windows?
    • Why Jeremy prefer windows than mac?
  • Get started with Hugging Face Spaces
    • go to huggingface.co/spaces and create a new space
  • Get the default App up and running
    • How to use git to download your space folder?
    • How to open vscode to add app.py file?
    • How to use vscode to push your space folder up to hugging face spaces online?
    • then go back to your space on Hugging Face to see the app running
  • Train and download your model
    • Where is the model we are going to train and download from Kaggle notebook?
    • How to export your model after trained it on Kaggle?
    • Where do you download the model?
    • How to open a folder in terminal? open .
    • Make sure the model is downloaded into its own Hugging Face Space folder
  • Predict with loaded model
    • How to load downloaded model to make prediction?
    • How to make prediction with the loaded model?
    • How to export selected cells of a jupyter notebook into a python file?
    • How to see how long a code runs in a jupyter cell?
  • Turn your model into Gradio App locally
    • How to prepare your prediction result into a form gradio prefers? #code
    • How to build a gradio interface for your model?
    • How to launch your app with the model locally?
    • Not in video: run the code on Kaggle in cloud
  • Push this app onto Hugging Face Spaces
    • Make sure to create a new space first, e.g., testing
    • How to turn the notebook into a python script?
    • How to push the folder up to github and run app in cloud?
    • Not in Video: if stuck, check out Tanishq tutorial-shooting
  • How many epochs are ideal for fine tuning?
  • How to save model from colab?
  • How to install fastai properly
    • How to download github/fastai/fastsetup using git? git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastsetup.git
    • How to download and install mamba? ./setup_conda.sh
    • Not in Video: problem of running ./setup_conda.sh
    • How to download and install fastai? mamba install -c fastchan fastai
    • How to install nbdev? mamba install -c fastchan nbdev
    • How to start to use jupyter notebook? jupyter notebook --no-browser
    • Not in Video: other problem related to xcode
  • The workflow summary
  • HuggingFace API + gradio + Javascript = real APP
  • How easy does HuggingFace API work
  • How easy to to get started with JS + HF API + gradio
  • App example of having multiple inputs and outputs
  • App example of combining two models
  • How to turn your model into your own web App with fastpages
  • How to fork a public fastpages for your own use




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