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原创 基于C++标准库实现定时器类

一般的Timer的接口都是支持一次性(alarm once)和周期性(alarm period)两种模式的,python的threading.Timer接口显然只支持alarm once模式, 虽然也可以通过在alarm once回调函数里再次创建timer的方式等价的实现alarm period模式, 不过我最近参考。接下来给出条件变量版本的C++的Timer类实现,如果C版本的代码看得懂,那C++版本的代码就可以说是一目了然,毕竟C++的版本是“直译”过来的。

2024-06-28 15:07:16 1636

原创 如何判断一个js对象是否存在循环引用


2024-06-28 14:57:21 377

原创 Testimonials

Get startedStart watching lesson 1 now!The Economist“This month fast.ai, an education non-profit based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning. Since its inception it has attracted more than 100,000 students, scattered ar

2024-06-06 08:47:26 799

原创 Kaggle

Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community. One of Kaggle’s features is “Notebooks”, which is “a cloud computational environment that enables reproducible and collaborative analysis”. In particular, Kaggle provides access to GPUs for free. Every

2024-06-03 08:38:51 914

原创 Forums

If you need help, there’s a wonderful online community ready to help you at forums.fast.ai. Before asking a question on the forums, search carefully to see if your question has been answered before. (The forum system won’t let you post until you’ve spent a

2024-06-03 08:38:10 430

原创 The book


2024-05-31 10:06:22 266

原创 25、潜伏扩散(Latent diffusion)


2024-05-31 09:08:41 166

原创 24、注意力和变压器(Attention & transformers)


2024-05-29 15:51:31 427

原创 23、超分辨率(Super-resolution)

In this lesson, we work with Tiny Imagenet to create a super-resolution U-Net model, discussing dataset creation, preprocessing, and data augmentation. The goal of super-resolution is to scale up a low-resolution image to a higher resolution. We train the

2024-05-29 15:50:12 1586

原创 22、Karras et al (2022)

Jeremy begins this lesson with a discussion of improvements to the DDPM/DDIM implementation. He explores the removal of the concept of an integral number of steps, making the process more continuous. He then delves into predicting the amount of noise in an

2024-05-28 08:38:47 706

原创 21、DDIM

In this lesson, Jeremy, Johno, and Tanishq discuss their experiments with the Fashion-MNIST dataset and the CIFAR-10 dataset, a popular dataset for image classification and generative modeling. They introduce Weights and Biases (W&B), an experiment trackin

2024-05-28 08:37:58 306

原创 20、混合精度(Mixed Precision)

In this lesson, we dive into mixed precision training and experiment with various techniques. We introduce the MixedPrecision callback for PyTorch and explore the Accelerate library from HuggingFace for speeding up training loops. We also learn a sneaky tr

2024-05-27 15:40:14 493

原创 19、DDPM和辍学(DDPM and Dropout)

In this lesson, Jeremy introduces Dropout, a technique for improving model performance, and with special guests Tanishq and Johno he discusses Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM), the underlying foundational approach for diffusion models. The l

2024-05-27 15:39:29 304

原创 18、加速SGD和ResNets(Accelerated SGD & ResNets)

In this lesson, we dive into various stochastic gradient descent (SGD) accelerated approaches, such as momentum, RMSProp, and Adam. We start by experimenting with these techniques in Microsoft Excel, creating a simple linear regression problem and applying

2024-05-24 15:21:55 351

原创 17、初始化/规范化(Initialization/normalization)

In this lesson, we discuss the importance of weight initialization in neural networks and explore various techniques to improve training. We start by introducing changes to the miniai library and demonstrate the use of HooksCallback and ActivationStats for

2024-05-24 15:21:03 307

原创 16、学习者框架(The Learner framework)

In Lesson 16, we dive into building a flexible training framework called the learner. We start with a basic callbacks Learner, which is an intermediate step towards the flexible learner. We introduce callbacks, which are functions or classes called at spec

2024-05-17 13:21:47 816

原创 15、自动编码器(Autoencoders)

We start with a dive into convolutional autoencoders and explore the concept of convolutions. Convolutions help neural networks understand the structure of a problem, making it easier to solve. We learn how to apply a convolution to an image using a kernel

2024-05-17 13:20:33 427

原创 14、反向传播(Backpropagation)


2024-05-16 09:00:50 310

原创 13、反向传播和MLP(Backpropagation & MLP)

【代码】13、反向传播和MLP(Backpropagation & MLP)

2024-05-16 08:59:30 373

原创 12、均移聚类(Mean shift clustering)

In this lesson, we start by discussing the CLIP Interrogator, a Hugging Face Spaces Gradio app that generates text prompts for creating CLIP embeddings. We then dive back into matrix multiplication, using Einstein summation notation and torch.einsum to sim

2024-05-15 09:08:53 473

原创 11、矩阵乘法(Matrix multiplication)

In this lesson, we discuss various techniques and experiments shared by students on the forum, such as interpolating between prompts for visually appealing transitions and improving the update process in text-to-image generation, and a novel approach to de

2024-05-15 09:08:03 480 1

原创 10、深入挖掘(Diving Deeper)

【代码】10、深入挖掘(Diving Deeper)

2024-05-14 11:07:07 518

原创 9、稳定扩散(Stable Diffusion)


2024-05-14 11:06:00 384

原创 摘要Summaries--课时八(Lesson 8)

Building embeddings from scratch

2024-05-13 13:12:02 1635

原创 摘要Summaries--课时七(Lesson 7)

Gradient accumulation and GPU memory

2024-05-13 13:09:34 1458

原创 摘要Summaries--课时六(Lesson 6)

【代码】摘要Summaries--课时六(Lesson 6)

2024-05-11 08:52:36 724

原创 摘要Summaries--课时五(Lesson 5)

Linear model and neuralnet from scratch

2024-05-11 08:51:38 646

原创 摘要Summaries--课时四(Lesson 4)

New and Exciting Content Why Hugging Face transformer Will we in this lecture fine-tune a pretrained NLP model with HF rather than fastai library? Why use transformer rather than fastai library? Is Jeremy in the process of integrating transformer int

2024-05-10 08:46:04 903

原创 摘要Summaries--课时三(Lesson 3)

Introduction and survey “Lesson 0” How to fast.ai Where is Lesson 0 video? What does it to do with the book ‘meta learning’ and fastai course? How to do a fastai lesson? Watch with note Run the notebook and experiment Reproduce the notes from t

2024-05-10 08:44:13 699

原创 摘要Summaries--课时二(Lesson 2)

Daniel 深度碎片。

2024-05-09 09:02:42 788

原创 摘要Summaries--课时一(Lesson 1)

Daniel 深度碎片。

2024-05-09 09:00:54 348

原创 奖励:数据伦理(Bonus: Data ethics)


2024-05-08 08:52:40 1280

原创 8、卷积Convolutions (CNN)


2024-05-08 08:51:26 390

原创 7、协同过滤(Collaborative filtering)


2024-05-07 17:31:39 401

原创 6、随机森林(Random forests)


2024-05-07 17:30:50 308

原创 从头开始的模型(From-scratch model)


2024-05-06 16:42:32 771

原创 自然语言(NLP)


2024-05-06 16:41:03 487

原创 神经网络基础(Neural net foundations)


2024-04-30 08:48:59 382

原创 部署(Deployment)


2024-04-30 08:47:28 436 1

原创 入门(Getting started)


2024-04-29 09:24:36 588

















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