ON_NOTIFY: Handling WM_NOTIFY Messages in MFC Applications
The function CWnd::OnNotify handles notification messages. Its default implementation checks the message map for notification handlers to call. In general, you do not override OnNotify. Instead, you provide a handler function and add a message-map entry for that handler to the message map of your owner window's class.
ClassWizard, via the ClassWizard property sheet, can create the ON_NOTIFY message-map entry and provide you with a skeleton handler function. For more information on using ClassWizard to make this easier, see Mapping Messages to Functions.
The ON_NOTIFY message-map macro has the following syntax:
where the italicized parameters are replaced with:
Your member function must be declared with the following prototype:
To specify that you want the member function OnKeydownList1 to handle LVN_KEYDOWN messages from the CListCtrl whose ID is IDC_LIST1, you would use ClassWizard to add the following to your message map:
In the example above, the function provided by ClassWizard is:
Note that ClassWizard provides a pointer of the proper type automatically. You can access the notification structure through either pNMHDR or pLVKeyDow.