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原创 Linux 安装 Oracle11g R2 详细教程

Linux 中安装Oracle 的步骤也是比较简单的,其中也有一些细节的东西,比如安装时Oracle需要的依赖包,Oracle 对系统的求,下面是详细的安装步骤准备的工具一台安装好linux 系统的虚拟机 使用VMware 安装linux 可以参考另一篇 http://blog.csdn.net/qq_16566415/article/details/78293945oracle 11g 的安

2017-10-23 08:49:02 1364 1

原创 Linux 中安装Oracle GlodenGate详细教程

环境VMware Oracle Linux6.3GlodenGate 12 对于如何使用 VMware 安装linux 可以参考我的这篇文章: http://blog.csdn.net/qq_16566415/article/details/78293945GlodenGate12 的下载地址为 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/

2017-10-20 15:22:08 706

原创 VMware 安装Linux与VMTools小白教程

软件准备VMware version 12.5.7 提前度娘安装好VMware,想要去掉试用期提示,度娘上面有系列号供你使用Linux version:Oracle Linux 6.3 Oracle 获取渠道1:官网download 地址:https://edelivery.oracle.com/osdc/faces/Home.jspx Oracle 账号登录 进去后直接搜索 Orac

2017-10-20 11:58:22 1530

原创 Oracle GlodenGate initial load 初始化传输配置

Initial load:This specifies the Direct Load data synchronization initial load 初始加载数据同步,直接从源端数据同步数据到目标端数据库 大体分为三步:准备环境这里使用VMware 虚拟机安装了两个Oracle Linux 6.3 操作系统,使用centos 也没有关系,Linux内核都一样,具体怎么使用VM安装Lin

2017-10-19 09:59:12 1610

原创 OracleGlodenGate Parameters

附带章节中开头的一句话 Parameters play a very important role in the configuration of GoldenGate参数一般都是在各个进程中使用的,Mgr,Extract,Replicat…… 这些进程文件都储存在ogg_home目录下的 dirprm 文件夹中,ogg安装完成后默认有个mgr.prm 文件,这就是管理进程Mgr的配置文件

2017-10-18 16:11:12 381

原创 Linux 中配置oracle 自启动

准备工作版本Linux版本:Oracle Linux 6.3 Oracle版本:Oracle11.2.0.4 也适用于centos,Oracle 11 R2其他版本安装,配置环境变量 .bash_profile关于安装的教程很多,不赘述 这里贴出我自己的 .bash_profile JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144ORACLE_SID=orclORACLE_

2017-10-17 10:13:15 236

H+ 后台主题UI框架

H+ 后台主题UI框架 H+是一个完全响应式,基于Bootstrap3.3.6最新版本开发的扁平化主题,她采用了主流的左右两栏式布局,使用了Html5+CSS3等现代技术,她提供了诸多的强大的可以重新组合的UI组件,并集成了最新的jQuery版本(v2.1.4),当然,也集成了很多功能强大,用途广泛的jQuery插件,她可以用于所有的Web应用程序,如网站管理后台,网站会员中心,CMS,CRM,OA等等,当然,您也可以对她进行深度定制,以做出更强系统。


ng-book_ The Complete Guide to Angular 4-Fullstack.io (2017)高清完整版PDF

Book Revision Revision 62 - Covers up to Angular 4 (4.2.0, 2017-06-23) Chapter Overview Before we dive in, I want to give you a feel for the rest of the book and what you can expect inside. The first few chapters provide the foundation you need to get up and running with Angular. You’ll create your first apps, use the built-in components, and start creating your components. Next we’ll move into intermediate concepts such as using forms, using APIs, routing to different pages, and using Dependency Injection to organize our code. After that, we’ll move into more advanced concepts. We spend a good part of the book talking about data architectures. Managing state in client/server applications is hard and we dive deep into two popular approaches: using RxJS Observables and using Redux. In these chapters, we’ll show how to build the same app, two different ways, so you can compare and contrast and evaluate what’s best for you and your team. After that, we’ll discuss how to write complex, advanced components using Angular’s most powerful features. Then we talk about how to write tests for our app and how we can upgrade our Angular 1 apps to Angular 4+. Finally, we close with a chapter on writing native mobile apps with Angular using NativeScript. By using this book, you’re going to learn how to build real Angular apps faster than spending hours parsing out-dated blog posts.


ng-book_ The Complete Book on Angular 5-Fullstack.io (2018)高清完整版PDF

Book Revision Revision 67 - Covers up to Angular 5 (5.2.0, 2018-01-17) Chapter Overview Before we dive in, I want to give you a feel for the rest of the book and what you can expect inside. The first few chapters provide the foundation you need to get up and running with Angular. You’ll create your first apps, use the built-in components, and start creating your components. Next we’ll move into intermediate concepts such as using forms, using APIs, routing to different pages, and using Dependency Injection to organize our code. After that, we’ll move into more advanced concepts. We spend a good part of the book talking about data architectures. Managing state in client/server applications is hard and we dive deep into two popular approaches: using RxJS Observables and using Redux. In these chapters, we’ll show how to build the same app, two different ways, so you can compare and contrast and evaluate what’s best for you and your team. After that, we’ll discuss how to write complex, advanced components using Angular’s most powerful features. Then we talk about how to write tests for our app and how we can upgrade our Angular 1 apps to Angular. Finally, we close with a chapter on writing native mobile apps with Angular using NativeScript. By using this book, you’re going to learn how to build real Angular apps faster than spending hours parsing out-dated blog posts.


angular-2-cookbook-2017(Matt Frisbie)高清PDF完整书签

author:Matt Frisbie What this book covers This book is up to date for the 2.4 release and is compatible through the 4.0 release as well, and it does not have any code based on the beta or release candidates. Chapter 1, Strategies for Upgrading to Angular 2, is an overview of a number of ways to migrate an Angular 1 application to Angular 2. Although there is no one-size-fits-all upgrade strategy, you will find that these recipes demonstrate some ways that will allow you to preserve a large amount of your existing Angular 1 code base. Chapter 2, Conquering Components and Directives, gives a broad and deep set of examples involving what Angular 2 components are and how to use them. Angular 2 applications are built entirely of components, and this chapter offers you a total rundown of their role. Chapter 3, Building Template-Driven and Reactive Forms, covers the reworked Angular 2 form modules. Angular 2 offers you two primary styles of erecting form features, and this chapter covers both of them in depth. Chapter 4, Mastering Promises, shows how the Promise object has a role in Angular 2. Although RxJS has subsumed some of the usefulness of Promises, they are still first-class citizens in ES6 and still play a crucial role. Chapter 5, ReactiveX Observables, gives you a crash course in how Angular 2 has embraced reactive programming. It includes recipes that demonstrate the basics of Observables and Subjects, as well as advanced implementations that take RxJS to its limits. Chapter 6, The Component Router, takes you through the totally reworked routing module in Angular 2. It covers both routing basics as well as an array of advanced routing concepts unique to Angular 2. Chapter 7, Services, Dependency Injection, and NgModule, describes the new and improved dependency injection and module strategies of Angular 2. It gives you all the pieces you need to break your application into independent services and modules, as well as ideal strategies for connecting those pieces together. Chapter 8, Application Organization and Management, is a broad overview of how you can manage your Angular 2 application inside and outside the client. Angular 2 introduces a number of layers of complexity that require advanced tooling, and this chapter will guide you through how to approach them. Chapter 9, Angular 2 Testing, will guide you through both how to set up test suites for Angular 2 as well as how to write various types of tests for these suites. Many developers avoid testing when learning a framework anew, and this chapter gently guides you through Angular 2's excellent test infrastructure. Chapter 10, Performance and Advanced Concepts, is a crash course on the dizzying array of complex concepts that Angular 2 comes with out of the box. This chapter covers program organization and architecture, framework features and tooling, as well as compile-time optimizations.


angular ng-book2英文原版(完整高清彩版)

Written by Nate Murray, Felipe Coury, Ari Lerner, and Carlos Taborda,全书600多页,25M左右,书签完整,推荐使用Adobe Reader,适合深入学习angular





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在linux上安装Oracle 数据库时会提示有依赖包需要安装,大部分都可以使用yum 来进行安装。但是yum却没有 pdksh这个依赖,这里需要手动使用rpm -ivh 命令安装pdksh。'rpm -ivh pdksh......'


Javascript 高级程序设计(第三版)源码

Javascript 高级程序设计(第三版)源码,包含本书中所有章节的示例源码,方便读者进行对照练习。第一章和第二章没有code。



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