1. 生成vendor目录:govendor init
2. 将外部依赖一同加入vendor中:govendor add +external
3. 更新外部所有依赖:govendor update +external
4. 更新指定外部依赖:govendor update $PACKAGE_NAME
init Create the "vendor" folder and the "vendor.json" file.
list List and filter existing dependencies and packages.
add Add packages from $GOPATH.
update Update packages from $GOPATH.
remove Remove packages from the vendor folder.
status Lists any packages missing, out-of-date, or modified locally.
fetch Add new or update vendor folder packages from remote repository.
sync Pull packages into vendor folder from remote repository with revisions
from vendor.json file.
migrate Move packages from a legacy tool to the vendor folder with metadata.
get Like "go get" but copies dependencies into a "vendor" folder.
license List discovered licenses for the given status or import paths.
shell Run a "shell" to make multiple sub-commands more efficent for large
go tool commands that are wrapped:
`+<status>` package selection may be used with them
fmt, build, install, clean, test, vet, generate