The Codeless Code: Case 12 Effect(成效)
Three young monks—one from the Spider Clan, one from Laughing Monkey, and one from Elephant's Footprint—had been arguing about which was the more important: webtier code, business tier, or persistence. Finally they agreed to pose the question to the Java master.
The master called in one of the burly gardeners who maintained the temple grounds, and instructed him thus: “Beat and kick these three monks soundly for one minute. Afterward, you may continue to beat and kick them for as long as you desire.”
The gardener thrashed the monks for a full seven minutes, then bowed and left.
“Now,” said the master. “Who bears the greatest blame for your bruises today? Myself, for summoning the gardener; the gardener, for the six minutes left to his discretion; or the gardener’s hands and feet? Consider your answer, or I shall call him in again.”
At length, the monk of the Spider Clan said, “The carpenter who raised the first beam of this temple bears a greater blame.”
The master was satisfied.
The Codeless Code: Case 13 Evolution(进化)
A novice studied the Java master’s* code and adopted the master’s style to an exacting degree: the design patterns employed, the naming conventions for variables, the number of spaces used to indent each nested block. Even the comments were written in an impressive imitation of the master’s own voice.
During his next code review, the novice was surprised to find the Java master tremendously displeased.
“But, master,” protested the student. “I have followed your example down to the final semicolon. See, here is a utility class you wrote only last month: is it not as like to my own code as two eggs from the same clutch?”
“但是,大师”,这个新手还有点不服气的说,“我模仿您所写的所有代码,大到一个示例,小到一个分号我都不放过。 你看,这是你上周刚写的实用类代码,这和我现在写的代码相比,不就跟放在一个窝的俩鸡蛋一样——一模一样吗?”
“And therein lies the problem,” scowled the master. “Yesterday I was a fool, the week before an idiot, and last month an imbecile. Don’t show me code I might have written yesterday. Show me code as I will write it tomorrow.”