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原创 ubuntu 上使用 aptitude 安装 pythondev报错

aptitude: relocation error: aptitude: symbol_ZN3URIcvNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEB5cxx11Ev version APTPKG_5.0 not defined in file libapt-pkg.so.5.0 with linktime reference

2020-08-16 22:34:19 399

原创 ubutun 找不到 apt-get 指令

ubutun18 上执行 sudo apt-get install aptitude后找不到 apt-get 指令

2020-08-16 22:31:01 654

原创 遍历reids中的所有key、value、ttl

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // 连接redis服务器,localhost:6379 Jedis redis = new Jedis("dev-machine", 6379); while (true) { Set<String> keys = redi...

2019-09-01 15:24:26 596

原创 kafka数据丢失问题


2019-08-16 21:33:19 4727

原创 读取RDD的数据加载DataFrame

package cn.com.bigData0427import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row, SparkSession}case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int, score: Double)/** * 通过反射的方式将DataSet(RDD)转换成DataFr...

2019-05-06 21:36:20 275

原创 Runnable 线程

/** * 创建线程方式二: * 1、创建:实现Runnable+重写run * 2、启动: 创建实现类对象 +Thread对象+ start * * 推荐: 避免单继承的局限性,优先使用接口 * 方便共享资源 * @author 裴新 QQ:3401997271 * */public class StartRun implements Runnable{ /** * ...

2019-05-01 14:49:28 930

原创 静态代理

package com.sxt.thread;/** * 静态代理 * 公共接口: * 1、真实角色 * 2、代理角色 * * @author 裴新 QQ:3401997271 * */public class StaticProxy { public static void main(String[] args) { new WeddingCompany(new Yo...

2019-05-01 14:42:16 97

转载 Spark Core 核心知识--RDD

Spark Core 核心知识--RDD 1、Spark核心功能1.1 SparkContext1.2 存储体系1.3 计算引擎1.4 部署模式2、Spark扩展功能2.1 Spark2.2 Spark Streaming2.3 Spark Graphx2.4 Spark MLlib3、Spark核心概念4、Spark 基本架构 ...

2019-04-26 12:13:25 332

转载 Spark中文指南(入门篇)-Spark编程模型(一)

Spark中文指南(入门篇)-Spark编程模型(一) 前言 本章将对Spark做一个简单的介绍,更多教程请参考:Spark教程 本章知识点概括Apache Spark简介Spark的四种运行模式Spark基于Standlone的运行流程Spark基于YARN的运行流程Apache Spark是什么?Spark是一个用来实现...

2019-04-19 10:17:22 277

原创 hadoop 任务提交源码分析

2019-04-06 17:08:12 161

原创 storm报错

C:\cn\com\org\net\yys\program\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\java.exe "-javaagent:C:\cn\com\org\net\yys\program\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.3\lib\idea_rt.jar=12452:C:\cn\com\org\net\yys\program\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.3\bin" ...

2019-04-02 13:03:35 135

原创 pip --help

E:\BaiduYunDownload\资料\1\爬虫第三节\day03>pipUsage: pip <command> [options]Commands: install Install packages. download Download packages. uninst...

2019-03-30 18:26:32 792

原创 Mr源码分析

Job.class@InterfaceAudience.Public@InterfaceStability.Evolvingpublic class Job extends JobContextImpl implements JobContext { 省略1000多行代码。。。 public boolean waitForCompletion(boolean verbose ) ...

2019-03-28 23:04:04 304

原创 MapTask.java

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <INKEY,INVALUE,OUTKEY,OUTVALUE> void runNewMapper(final JobConf job, final TaskSplitIndex splitIndex, final T...

2019-03-28 16:22:42 172

原创 Partitioner 源码学习

Partitions the key space.Partitioner controls the partitioning of the keys of the intermediate map-outputs. The key (or a subset of the key) is used to derivethe partition, typically by a hash func...

2019-03-25 15:43:05 148

原创 Job Class

Set the Jar by finding where a given class came from.@param cls the example class public void setJarByClass(Class<?> cls) { ensureState(JobState.DEFINE); conf.setJarByClass(cls); ...

2019-03-25 13:53:08 391

原创 Reducer源码学习

import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;import java.io.IOException;public class MyReducer2 extends Reducer<Text, L...

2019-03-25 13:14:05 208

原创 Mapper源码

public class MyMapper2 extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text,Text,LongWritable> { @Override protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, Interrupted...

2019-03-25 11:43:38 341

原创 MapReduce Demo

MainClasspackage com.bjsxt.mr.wordcount;import java.io.IOException;import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;import ...

2019-03-25 11:09:03 213

原创 mvn archetype:generate

C:\Users\Administrator>mvn archetype:generate[WARNING][WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings[WARNING] expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TE...

2019-03-24 10:28:53 1184

原创 java

C:\Users\Administrator\consumerBanking>java用法: java [-options] class [args...] (执行类) 或 java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...] (执行 jar 文件)其中选项包括: -d32 使用 32 ...

2019-03-24 10:15:04 91

原创 git --help

C:\Users\Administrator>git --helpusage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value] [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] [-p ...

2019-03-24 10:04:25 146

原创 maven

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.companyname.bank -DartifactId=consumerBanking -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

2019-03-24 09:57:51 128

原创 mvn --help

C:\Users\Administrator>mvn --helpusage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]Options: -am,--also-make If project list is specified, also ...

2019-03-24 09:48:11 359

原创 flume-ng agent --conf-file option --name a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console

[root@node002 flume]# flume-ng agent --conf-file option --name a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console Warning: No configuration directory set! Use --conf <dir> to override.Info: Includ...

2019-03-21 13:23:22 1875

原创 flume-conf.properties.template

[root@node002 conf]# vim flume-conf.properties.template # The configuration file needs to define the sources, # the channels and the sinks.# Sources, channels and sinks are defined per agent, #...

2019-03-21 13:19:51 329

原创 flume-ng help

[root@node002 flume]# flume-ng helpUsage: /opt/flume-1.6.0/bin/flume-ng <command> [options]...commands: help display this help text agent run a Fl...

2019-03-21 13:16:50 146

原创 flume-ng version

[root@node002 bin]# ./flume-ng versionFlume 1.6.0Source code repository: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/flume.gitRevision: 2561a23240a71ba20bf288c7c2cda88f443c2080Compiled by hshreedharan...

2019-03-21 12:41:51 891

原创 flume-env.sh

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyrigh...

2019-03-21 10:54:02 529

原创 nginx.conf

[root@node002 conf]# cat nginx.conf#user nobody;worker_processes 1;#error_log logs/error.log;#error_log logs/error.log notice;#error_log logs/error.log info;#pid logs/nginx.pid;...

2019-03-20 20:11:36 93

原创 chkconfig --help

[root@node002 init.d]# chkconfig --helpchkconfig version - Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Red Hat, Inc.This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU Public License.usage: chkconf...

2019-03-20 20:06:13 473

原创 hive官网建表语法

CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name -- (Note: TEMPORARY available in Hive 0.14.0 and later) [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ... [constraint_specif...

2019-03-20 19:32:38 515

原创 tar --help

[root@node002 ~]# tar --helpUsage: tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...GNU `tar' saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and canrestore individual files from the archive.Examples: ta...

2019-03-20 17:40:46 503

原创 hdfs前提和设计目标


2019-03-17 11:22:36 785

原创 hadoop fedaration

&lt;configuration&gt; &lt;property&gt; &lt;name&gt;fs.defaultFS&lt;/name&gt; &lt;value&gt;viewfs://ClusterX&lt;/value&gt; &lt;/property&gt; &lt;property&gt; &lt;name&

2019-03-16 17:58:19 122

原创 hive 查看表结构

desc psn;desc formatted psn;

2019-03-14 23:39:07 4194

原创 专业英语


2019-03-14 20:19:58 263

原创 shell脚本 启动关闭 hadoop2.6.5集群

启动集群的脚本#/bin/bashfor node in node002 node003 node004do ssh $node &amp;amp;amp;quot;source /etc/profile; zkServer.sh start;&amp;amp;amp;quot;donestart-dfs.shssh node003 &amp;amp;amp;quot;source /etc/profile; start-yarn.sh;&amp;amp;a

2019-03-14 20:09:50 1432 1

原创 Hive DML

Hive DMLLOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH 'filepath' [OVERWRITE] INTO TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]

2019-03-14 17:34:02 110

原创 hive 分区

Hive 分区partition必须在表定义时指定对应的partition字段a、单分区建表语句:create table day_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string);单分区表,按天分区,在表结构中存在id,content,dt三列。以dt为文件夹区分b、 双分区建表语句:create table da...

2019-03-14 17:20:05 186



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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