






<link href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=path%>/static/common/magnify/dist/jquery.magnify.min.css" >
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=path%>/static/common/magnify/docs/css/self-black-theme.css" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path%>/static/common/magnify/dist/jquery.magnify.js"></script>


/*Lets create the magnifying glass*/
.magnify-large {
    width: 132px; height: 132px;
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: 100%;
    z-index: 20;

    /*Multiple box shadows to achieve the glass effect*/
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85),
    0 0 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25),
    inset 0 0 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);

    /*Lets load up the large image first*/
    /*background: url('./img/1.jpg') no-repeat;*/
    /*hide the glass by default*/
    display: none;


<div id="passImg" style="display: none;" >
   <img  data-show="default" data-caption="暂无图片" data-src="<%=path%>/static/images/notExistImg.jpg" src="<%=path%>/static/images/notExistImg.jpg">



var options = {

    footToolbar: [
   i18n: {
            maximize: '',
            close: '',
            zoomIn: '放大',
            zoomOut: '缩小',
            prev: '上图',
            next: '下图',
           // fullscreen: '全屏查看',
           // actualSize: 'actual-size(Ctrl+Alt+0)',
            rotateLeft: '左旋转',
            rotateRight: '右旋转'
    title: true,
    resizable: false,
   multiInstances: false,
   initEvent: 'click',
   initAnimation: true,
   fixedModalPos: false,


$(function() {
    $('#passImg img').magnify(options);


function getImg(imgUnid,dealerId) {
   var url =path + "/query/parkRecord/image";

      url : url,
      data : {
         "imgUnid" : imgUnid,
         "dealerId" : dealerId
      type : "post",
      dataType : "json",
      success : function(returnData) {
         var imgObjectList=returnData.imgObjectList;
         if (null != returnData&&imgObjectList.length>0) {
                for(var i=0,j=1; i<imgObjectList.length;i++,j++){
                    if (null != imgObjectList[i]&&null != imgObjectList[i].imgUrl && "" !=imgObjectList[i].imgUrl && imgObjectList[i].imgUrl != "null") {
                        $("#passImg").append('<img data-show="add"  data-caption="'+j+'('+imgObjectList.length+')" data-src="'+imgObjectList[i].imgUrl+'"  src="'+imgObjectList[i].imgUrl+'" >');
} }, complete : function() { if( $( '[ data-show =add]'). length> 0){ $( '[ data-show =add]'). first(). click(); } else{ $( '#passImg img '). magnify( options); $( '[ data-show =default]'). click(); } } });}


(function(factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as anonymous module.
    define(['jquery'], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    // Node / CommonJS
  } else {
    // Browser globals.
})(function($) {

  'use strict';

 * Private Static Constants
var CLICK_EVENT = 'click',
  RESIZE_EVENT = 'resize',
  KEYDOWN_EVENT = 'keydown',
  WHEEL_EVENT = 'wheel mousewheel DOMMouseScroll',
  TOUCH_START_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',
  TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove',
  TOUCH_END_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup',
  EVENT_NS = '.magnify';

 * Private Vars
var $W = $(window),
  $D = $(document),

  // plugin default options
  defaults = {
    draggable: true,
    resizable: true,
    movable: true,
    keyboard: true,
    title: true,
    modalWidth: 320,
    modalHeight: 320,
    fixedContent: true,
    fixedModalSize: false,
    initMaximized: false,
    gapThreshold: 0.02,
    ratioThreshold: 0.1,
    minRatio: 0.1,
    maxRatio: 16,
    headToolbar: [
    footToolbar: [
    icons: {
      minimize: 'fa fa-window-minimize',
      maximize: 'fa fa-window-maximize',
      close: 'fa fa-close',
      zoomIn: 'fa fa-search-plus',
      zoomOut: 'fa fa-search-minus',
      prev: 'fa fa-arrow-left',
      next: 'fa fa-arrow-right',
      fullscreen: 'fa fa-photo',
      actualSize: 'fa fa-arrows-alt',
      rotateLeft: 'fa fa-rotate-left',
      rotateRight: 'fa fa-rotate-right',
      loader: 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse'
    // lang: 'en',
    i18n: {
      minimize: 'minimize',
      maximize: 'maximize',
      close: 'close',
      zoomIn: 'zoom-in(+)',
      zoomOut: 'zoom-out(-)',
      prev: 'prev()',
      next: 'next()',
      fullscreen: 'fullscreen',
      actualSize: 'actual-size(Ctrl+Alt+0)',
      rotateLeft: 'rotate-left(Ctrl+,)',
      rotateRight: 'rotate-right(Ctrl+.)'
    multiInstances: true,
    initEvent: 'click',
    initAnimation: true,
    fixedModalPos: false,
    // beforeOpen:$.noop,
    // afterOpen:$.noop,
    // beforeClose:$.noop,
    // afterClose:$.noop

  // jquery element of calling plugin
  jqEl = null,

  // image moving flag
  isMoving = false,
  // modal resizing flag
  isResizing = false,
  // modal open flag
  isOpened = false,
  // modal maximize flag
  isMaximized = false,
  // image rotate 90*(2n+1) flag
  isRotated = false,
  // image rotate angle
  rotateAngle = 0;

 * Magnify Class
var Magnify = function (el, options) {

  var self = this;

  this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);

  if (options && $.isArray(options.footToolbar)) {
    this.options.footToolbar = options.footToolbar;

  if (options && $.isArray(options.headToolbar)) {
    this.options.headToolbar = options.headToolbar;

  // As we have multiple instances,
  // so every instance has following variables.
  this.isOpened = false;
  this.isMaximized = false;
  this.isRotated = false;
  this.rotateAngle = 0;

  // Store image data in every instance
  this.imageData = {};
  // Store modal data in every instance
  this.modalData = {
    width: null,
    height: null,
    left: null,
    top: null

  this.init(el, self.options);


 * Mangify Prototype
Magnify.prototype = {

  init: function (el, options) {

    // Get image src
    var imgSrc = this.getImgSrc(el);

    // Get image group
    this.groupName = null;

    var currentGroupName = $(el).attr('data-group'),
      groupList = $D.find('[data-group="' + currentGroupName + '"]');

    if (currentGroupName !== undefined) {

      this.groupName = currentGroupName;
      this.getImgGroup(groupList, imgSrc);

    } else {

      this.getImgGroup(jqEl.not('[data-group]'), imgSrc);




    if (this.options.showMagnify) {
        this.showMagnify(this.$stage, this.$image);
    // draggable & movable & resizable
    if (this.options.draggable) {
      this.draggable(this.$magnify, this.$magnify, '.magnify-button');
    if (this.options.movable) {
      this.movable(this.$stage, this.$image);
    if (this.options.resizable) {
      this.resizable(this.$magnify, this.$stage, this.$image, this.options.modalWidth, this.options.modalHeight);

  creatBtns: function (toolbar, btns) {

    var btnsStr = '';

    $.each(toolbar, function (index, item) {
      btnsStr += btns[item];

    return btnsStr;

  creatTitle: function () {
    return (this.options.title ? '<div class="magnify-title"></div>' : '');
  creatDOM: function () {

    var btnsTpl = {
      minimize: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-minimize" title="' + this.options.i18n.minimize + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.minimize + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      maximize: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-maximize" title="' + this.options.i18n.maximize + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.maximize + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      close: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-close" title="' + this.options.i18n.close + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.close + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      zoomIn: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-zoom-in" title="' + this.options.i18n.zoomIn + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.zoomIn + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      zoomOut: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-zoom-out" title="' + this.options.i18n.zoomOut + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.zoomOut + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      prev: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-prev" title="' + this.options.i18n.prev + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.prev + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      next: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-next" title="' + this.options.i18n.next + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.next + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      fullscreen: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-fullscreen" title="' + this.options.i18n.fullscreen + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.fullscreen + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      actualSize: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-actual-size" title="' + this.options.i18n.actualSize + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.actualSize + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      rotateLeft: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-rotate-left" title="' + this.options.i18n.rotateLeft + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.rotateLeft + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
      rotateRight: '<button class="magnify-button magnify-button-rotate-right" title="' + this.options.i18n.rotateRight + '">\
                      <i class="' + this.options.icons.rotateRight + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>\

    // magnify base HTML
    var magnifyHTML = '<div class="magnify-modal">\
                        <div class="magnify-header">\
                          <div class="magnify-toolbar">' + this.creatBtns(this.options.headToolbar, btnsTpl) + '</div>' + this.creatTitle() + '\
                        <div class="magnify-stage">\
                          <div class="magnify-large"></div>\
                          <img class="magnify-image" src="" alt="" />\
                        <div class="magnify-footer">\
                          <div class="magnify-toolbar">' + this.creatBtns(this.options.footToolbar, btnsTpl) + '</div>\

    return magnifyHTML;

  open: function () {

    if (!this.options.multiInstances) {

    // Fixed modal position bug
    if (!$('.magnify-modal').length && this.options.fixedContent) {

      $('html').css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' });

      if (hasScrollbar()) {
        var scrollbarWidth = getScrollbarWidth();
        if (scrollbarWidth) {
          $('html').css({ 'padding-right': scrollbarWidth });





  build: function () {

    // Create magnify HTML string
    var magnifyHTML = this.creatDOM();

    // Make magnify HTML string to jQuery element
    var $magnify = $(magnifyHTML);

    // Get all magnify element
    this.$magnify = $magnify;
    this.$header = $magnify.find('.magnify-header');
    this.$stage = $magnify.find('.magnify-stage').addClass('stage-ready');
    this.$title = $magnify.find('.magnify-title');
    this.$image = $magnify.find('.magnify-image').addClass('image-ready');
    this.$close = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-close');
    this.$maximize = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-maximize');
    this.$minimize = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-minimize');
    this.$zoomIn = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-zoom-in');
    this.$zoomOut = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-zoom-out');
    this.$actualSize = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-actual-size');
    this.$fullscreen = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-fullscreen');
    this.$rotateLeft = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-rotate-left');
    this.$rotateRight = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-rotate-right');
    this.$prev = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-prev');
    this.$next = $magnify.find('.magnify-button-next');
    this.$large = $magnify.find('.magnify-large');


  close: function (el) {

    // Remove instance

    this.isOpened = false;
    this.isMaximized = false;
    this.isRotated = false;
    this.rotateAngle = 0;

    // Fixed modal position bug
    if (!$('.magnify-modal').length && this.options.fixedContent) {
      $('html').css({ 'overflow': '', 'padding-right': '' });

    // off events
    if (!$('.magnify-modal').length) {
      $W.off(RESIZE_EVENT + EVENT_NS);

  setModalPos: function (modal) {

    var winWidth = $W.width(),
      winHeight = $W.height(),
      scrollLeft = $D.scrollLeft(),
      scrollTop = $D.scrollTop();

    var modalWidth = this.options.modalWidth,
      modalHeight = this.options.modalHeight;

    // Set modal maximized when init
    if (this.options.initMaximized) {


        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        left: 0,
        top: 0

      this.isOpened = true;
      this.isMaximized = true;

    } else {

      // Make the modal in windows center
        width: modalWidth,
        height: modalHeight,
        left: (winWidth - modalWidth) / 2 + scrollLeft + 'px',
        top: (winHeight - modalHeight) / 2 + scrollTop + 'px'


  setModalSize: function (img) {

    var self = this,
      winWidth = $W.width(),
      winHeight = $W.height(),
      scrollLeft = $D.scrollLeft(),
      scrollTop = $D.scrollTop();

    // stage css value
    var stageCSS = {
      left: this.$stage.css('left'),
      right: this.$stage.css('right'),
      top: this.$stage.css('top'),
      bottom: this.$stage.css('bottom'),
      borderLeft: this.$stage.css('border-left-width'),
      borderRight: this.$stage.css('border-right-width'),
      borderTop: this.$stage.css('border-top-width'),
      borderBottom: this.$stage.css('border-bottom-width')

    // Modal size should calc with stage css value
    var modalWidth = img.width + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.left) + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.right) +
      getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.borderLeft) + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.borderRight),
      modalHeight = img.height + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.top) + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.bottom) +
        getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.borderTop) + getNumFromCSSValue(stageCSS.borderBottom);

    var gapThreshold = (this.options.gapThreshold > 0 ? this.options.gapThreshold : 0) + 1,
      // modal scale to window
      scale = Math.min(winWidth / (modalWidth * gapThreshold), winHeight / (modalHeight * gapThreshold), 1);

    var minWidth = Math.max(modalWidth * scale, this.options.modalWidth),
      minHeight = Math.max(modalHeight * scale, this.options.modalHeight);

    minWidth = this.options.fixedModalSize ? this.options.modalWidth : Math.round(minWidth);
    minHeight = this.options.fixedModalSize ? this.options.modalHeight : Math.round(minHeight);

    var modalCSSObj = {
      width: minWidth + 'px',
      height: minHeight + 'px',
      left: (winWidth - minWidth) / 2 + scrollLeft + 'px',
      top: (winHeight - minHeight) / 2 + scrollTop + 'px'

    // Add modal init animation
    if (this.options.initAnimation) {

      this.$magnify.animate(modalCSSObj, function () {

    } else {



    this.isOpened = true;

  setImageSize: function (img) {

    var stageData = {
      w: this.$stage.width(),
      h: this.$stage.height()

    // image scale to stage
    var scale = 1;

    if (!this.isRotated) {
      scale = Math.min(stageData.w / img.width, stageData.h / img.height, 1);
    } else {
      scale = Math.min(stageData.w / img.height, stageData.h / img.width, 1);

      width: Math.ceil(img.width * scale) + 'px',
      height: Math.ceil(img.height * scale) + 'px',
      left: (stageData.w - Math.ceil(img.width * scale)) / 2 + 'px',
      top: (stageData.h - Math.ceil(img.height * scale)) / 2 + 'px'

    // Store image initial data
    $.extend(this.imageData, {
      width: img.width * scale,
      height: img.height * scale,
      left: (stageData.w - img.width * scale) / 2,
      top: (stageData.h - img.height * scale) / 2

    // Set grab cursor
      { w: this.$image.width(), h: this.$image.height() },
      { w: this.$stage.width(), h: this.$stage.height() },

    // loader end

    // Add image init animation
    if (this.options.initAnimation) {

  loadImg: function (imgSrc) {

    var self = this;

    var loaderHTML = '<div class="magnify-loader"><i class="' + this.options.icons.loader + '"></i></div>';

    // loader start

    if (this.options.initAnimation) {

    this.$image.attr('src', imgSrc);

    preloadImg(imgSrc, function (img) {

      // Store original data
      self.imageData = {
        originalWidth: img.width,
        originalHeight: img.height

      if (self.isMaximized || (self.isOpened && self.options.fixedModalPos)) {
      } else {


    }, function () {
      // loader end

    if (this.options.title) {

  getImgGroup: function (list, imgSrc) {

    var self = this;

    self.groupData = [];

    $(list).each(function (index, item) {

      var src = self.getImgSrc(this);

        src: src,
        caption: $(this).attr('data-caption')
      // Get image index
      if (imgSrc === src) {
        self.groupIndex = index;


  setImgTitle: function (url) {

    var index = this.groupIndex,
      caption = this.groupData[index].caption,
      caption = caption ? caption : getImageNameFromUrl(url);


  getImgSrc: function (el) {

    // Get data-src as image src at first
    var src = $(el).attr('data-src') ? $(el).attr('data-src') : $(el).attr('href');

    return src;

  jump: function (index) {

    this.groupIndex = this.groupIndex + index;


  jumpTo: function (index) {

    index = index % this.groupData.length;

    if (index >= 0) {
      index = index % this.groupData.length;
    } else if (index < 0) {
      index = (this.groupData.length + index) % this.groupData.length;

    this.groupIndex = index;


    if (this.isMaximized) {
        this.showMagnify(this.$stage, this.$image);

  wheel: function (e) {


    var delta = 1;

    if (e.originalEvent.deltaY) {
      delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
    } else if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) {
      delta = -e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120;
    } else if (e.originalEvent.detail) {
      delta = e.originalEvent.detail > 0 ? 1 : -1;

    // ratio threshold
    var ratio = -delta * this.options.ratioThreshold;

    // mouse point position relative to stage
    var pointer = {
      x: e.originalEvent.clientX - this.$stage.offset().left + $D.scrollLeft(),
      y: e.originalEvent.clientY - this.$stage.offset().top + $D.scrollTop()

    this.zoom(ratio, pointer, e);

  zoom: function (ratio, origin, e) {

    // zoom out & zoom in
    ratio = ratio < 0 ? (1 / (1 - ratio)) : (1 + ratio);

    if (ratio > 0.95 && ratio < 1.05) {
      ratio = 1;

    ratio = this.$image.width() / this.imageData.originalWidth * ratio;

    // min image size
    ratio = Math.max(ratio, this.options.minRatio);
    // max image size
    ratio = Math.min(ratio, this.options.maxRatio);

    this.zoomTo(ratio, origin, e);

  zoomTo: function (ratio, origin, e) {

    var $image = this.$image,
      $stage = this.$stage,
      imgData = {
        w: this.imageData.width,
        h: this.imageData.height,
        x: this.imageData.left,
        y: this.imageData.top

    // image stage position
    // We will use it to calc the relative position of image
    var stageData = {
      w: $stage.width(),
      h: $stage.height(),
      x: $stage.offset().left,
      y: $stage.offset().top

    var newWidth = this.imageData.originalWidth * ratio,
      newHeight = this.imageData.originalHeight * ratio,
      // Think about it for a while ~~~
      newLeft = origin.x - (origin.x - imgData.x) / imgData.w * newWidth,
      newTop = origin.y - (origin.y - imgData.y) / imgData.h * newHeight;

    // δ is the difference between image new width and new height
    var δ = !this.isRotated ? 0 : (newWidth - newHeight) / 2,
      imgNewWidth = !this.isRotated ? newWidth : newHeight,
      imgNewHeight = !this.isRotated ? newHeight : newWidth;

    var offsetX = stageData.w - newWidth,
      offsetY = stageData.h - newHeight;

    // zoom out & zoom in condition
    // It's important and it takes me a lot of time to get it
    // The conditions with image rotate 90 degree drive me crazy alomst!
    if (imgNewHeight <= stageData.h) {
      newTop = (stageData.h - newHeight) / 2;
    } else {
      newTop = newTop > δ ? δ : (newTop > (offsetY - δ) ? newTop : (offsetY - δ));

    if (imgNewWidth <= stageData.w) {
      newLeft = (stageData.w - newWidth) / 2;
    } else {
      newLeft = newLeft > -δ ? -δ : (newLeft > (offsetX + δ) ? newLeft : (offsetX + δ));

      width: Math.round(newWidth) + 'px',
      height: Math.round(newHeight) + 'px',
      left: Math.round(newLeft) + 'px',
      top: Math.round(newTop) + 'px'

    // Update image initial data
    $.extend(this.imageData, {
      width: newWidth,
      height: newHeight,
      left: newLeft,
      top: newTop

    // Set grab cursor
      { w: Math.round(imgNewWidth), h: Math.round(imgNewHeight) },
      { w: stageData.w, h: stageData.h },

  rotate: function (angle) {

    this.rotateAngle = this.rotateAngle + angle;

    if ((this.rotateAngle / 90) % 2 === 0) {
      this.isRotated = false;
    } else {
      this.isRotated = true;


  rotateTo: function (angle) {

    var self = this;

      transform: 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'

    this.setImageSize({ width: this.imageData.originalWidth, height: this.imageData.originalHeight });

    // Remove grab cursor when rotate

  resize: function () {

    var self = this;

    var resizeHandler = throttle(function () {

      if (self.isOpened) {

        if (self.isMaximized) {
          self.setImageSize({ width: self.imageData.originalWidth, height: self.imageData.originalHeight });
        } else {
          self.setModalSize({ width: self.imageData.originalWidth, height: self.imageData.originalHeight });


    }, 500);

    return resizeHandler;

  maximize: function () {

    var self = this;

    if (!this.isMaximized) {

      // Store modal data before maximize
      this.modalData = {
        width: this.$magnify.width(),
        height: this.$magnify.height(),
        left: this.$magnify.offset().left,
        top: this.$magnify.offset().top


        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        left: 0,
        top: 0

      this.isMaximized = true;

    } else {



        width: this.modalData.width ? this.modalData.width : this.options.modalWidth,
        height: this.modalData.height ? this.modalData.height : this.options.modalHeight,
        left: this.modalData.left ? this.modalData.left : ($W.width() - this.options.modalWidth) / 2 + $D.scrollLeft(),
        top: this.modalData.top ? this.modalData.top : ($W.height() - this.options.modalHeight) / 2 + $D.scrollTop()

      this.isMaximized = false;

    this.setImageSize({ width: this.imageData.originalWidth, height: this.imageData.originalHeight });

  fullscreen: function () {


  keydown: function (e) {

    var self = this;

    if (!this.options.keyboard) {
      return false;

    var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode,
      ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey,
      altKey = e.altKey || e.metaKey;

    switch (keyCode) {
      //       case 37:
      //       case 39:
      // +
      case 187:
        self.zoom(self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);
      // -
      case 189:
        self.zoom(-self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);
      // + Firefox
      case 61:
        self.zoom(self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);
      // - Firefox
      case 173:
        self.zoom(-self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);
      // ctrl + alt + 0
      case 48:
        if (ctrlKey && altKey) {
          self.zoomTo(1, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);
      // ctrl + ,
      case 188:
        if (ctrlKey) {
      // ctrl + .
      case 190:
        if (ctrlKey) {

  addEvent: function () {

    var self = this;

    this.$close.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {

    this.$stage.off(WHEEL_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(WHEEL_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {

    this.$zoomIn.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
      self.zoom(self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);

    this.$zoomOut.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
      self.zoom(-self.options.ratioThreshold * 3, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);

    this.$actualSize.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
      self.zoomTo(1, { x: self.$stage.width() / 2, y: self.$stage.height() / 2 }, e);

    this.$prev.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    this.$fullscreen.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    this.$next.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    this.$rotateLeft.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    this.$rotateRight.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    this.$maximize.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {

    $D.off(KEYDOWN_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(KEYDOWN_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {

    $W.on(RESIZE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, self.resize());



 * Public Static Functions
$.magnify = {
  instance: Magnify.prototype

$.fn.magnify = function (options) {

  jqEl = $(this);

  // Convert a numeric string into a number
  for (var key in options) {
    if (typeof (options[key]) === 'string' && !isNaN(options[key])) {
      options[key] = parseFloat(options[key])

  // Get init event, 'click' or 'dblclick'
  var opts = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);

  if (typeof options === 'string') {

    // $(this).data('magnify')[options]();

  } else {

    if (opts.initEvent === 'dblclick') {

      jqEl.off('click' + EVENT_NS).on('click' + EVENT_NS, function (e) {

        // This will stop triggering data-api event



    jqEl.off(opts.initEvent + EVENT_NS).on(opts.initEvent + EVENT_NS, function (e) {

      // This will stop triggering data-api event

      $(this).data('magnify', new Magnify(this, options));



  return jqEl;


$D.on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, '[data-magnify]', function (e) {

  jqEl = $('[data-magnify]');


  $(this).data('magnify', new Magnify(this, {}));


 * [draggable]
 * @param  {[Object]} modal       [the modal element]
 * @param  {[Object]} dragHandle  [the handle element when dragging]
 * @param  {[Object]} dragCancel  [the cancel element when dragging]

var draggable = function (modal, dragHandle, dragCancel) {

  var self = this;

  var isDragging = false;

  var startX = 0,
    startY = 0,

    left = 0,
    top = 0;

  var dragStart = function (e) {

    var e = e || window.event;

    // e.preventDefault();

    // Get clicked button
    var elemCancel = $(e.target).closest(dragCancel);
    // Stop modal moving when click buttons
    if (elemCancel.length) {
      return true;

    isDragging = true;

    startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
    startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;

    left = $(modal).offset().left;
    top = $(modal).offset().top;

    $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);


  var dragMove = function (e) {

    var e = e || window.event;


    if (isDragging && !isMoving && !isResizing && !self.isMaximized) {

      var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX,
        endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY,

        relativeX = endX - startX,
        relativeY = endY - startY;

        left: relativeX + left + 'px',
        top: relativeY + top + 'px'



  var dragEnd = function (e) {

    $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

    isDragging = false;


  $(dragHandle).on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragStart);


// Add to Magnify Prototype
$.extend(Magnify.prototype, {
  draggable: draggable

 * --------------------------------------
 * 1.no movable
 * 2.vertical movable
 * 3.horizontal movable
 * 4.vertical & horizontal movable
 * --------------------------------------
 * [image movable]
 * @param  {[Object]} stage   [the stage element]
 * @param  {[Object]} image   [the image element]

var movable = function (stage, image) {

  var self = this;

  var isDragging = false;

  var startX = 0,
    startY = 0,

    left = 0,
    top = 0,

    widthDiff = 0,
    heightDiff = 0,

    δ = 0;

  var dragStart = function (e) {

    var e = e || window.event;


    var imageWidth = $(image).width(),
      imageHeight = $(image).height(),
      stageWidth = $(stage).width(),
      stageHeight = $(stage).height();

    startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
    startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;

    // δ is the difference between image width and height
    δ = !self.isRotated ? 0 : (imageWidth - imageHeight) / 2;

    // Width or height difference can be use to limit image right or top position
    widthDiff = !self.isRotated ? (imageWidth - stageWidth) : (imageHeight - stageWidth);
    heightDiff = !self.isRotated ? (imageHeight - stageHeight) : (imageWidth - stageHeight);

    // Modal can be dragging if image is smaller to stage
    isDragging = (widthDiff > 0 || heightDiff > 0) ? true : false;
    isMoving = (widthDiff > 0 || heightDiff > 0) ? true : false;

    // Reclac the element position when mousedown
    // Fixed the issue of stage with a border
    left = $(image).position().left - δ;
    top = $(image).position().top + δ;

    // Add grabbing cursor
    if (stage.hasClass('is-grab')) {

    $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);


  var dragMove = function (e) {

    var e = e || window.event;


    if (isDragging) {

      var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX,
        endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY,

        relativeX = endX - startX,
        relativeY = endY - startY,

        newLeft = relativeX + left,
        newTop = relativeY + top;

      // vertical limit
      if (heightDiff > 0) {

        if ((relativeY + top) > δ) {
          newTop = δ;
        } else if ((relativeY + top) < -heightDiff + δ) {
          newTop = -heightDiff + δ;

      } else {
        newTop = top;
      // horizontal limit
      if (widthDiff > 0) {

        if ((relativeX + left) > -δ) {
          newLeft = -δ;
        } else if ((relativeX + left) < -widthDiff - δ) {
          newLeft = -widthDiff - δ;

      } else {
        newLeft = left;

        left: newLeft + 'px',
        top: newTop + 'px'

      // Update image initial data
      $.extend(self.imageData, {
        left: newLeft,
        top: newTop



  var dragEnd = function (e) {

    $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

    isDragging = false;
    isMoving = false;

    // Remove grabbing cursor


  $(stage).on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragStart);


// Add to Magnify Prototype
$.extend(Magnify.prototype, {
  movable: movable

 * ------------------------------
 * 1.modal resizable
 * 2.keep image in stage center
 * 3.~
 * ------------------------------
 * [resizable]
 * @param  {[Object]} modal       [the modal element]
 * @param  {[Object]} stage       [the stage element]
 * @param  {[Object]} image       [the image element]
 * @param  {[Number]} minWidth    [the option of modalWidth]
 * @param  {[Number]} minHeight   [the option of modalHeight]

var resizable = function (modal, stage, image, minWidth, minHeight) {

  var self = this;

  var resizableHandleE = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-e"></div>'),
    resizableHandleW = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-w"></div>'),
    resizableHandleS = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-s"></div>'),
    resizableHandleN = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-n"></div>'),
    resizableHandleSE = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-se"></div>'),
    resizableHandleSW = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-sw"></div>'),
    resizableHandleNE = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-ne"></div>'),
    resizableHandleNW = $('<div class="magnify-resizable-handle magnify-resizable-handle-nw"></div>');

  var resizableHandles = {
    'e': resizableHandleE,
    's': resizableHandleS,
    'se': resizableHandleSE,
    'n': resizableHandleN,
    'w': resizableHandleW,
    'nw': resizableHandleNW,
    'ne': resizableHandleNE,
    'sw': resizableHandleSW

    resizableHandleE, resizableHandleW, resizableHandleS, resizableHandleN, resizableHandleSE, resizableHandleSW, resizableHandleNE, resizableHandleNW

  var isDragging = false;

  var startX = 0,
    startY = 0,

    modalData = {
      w: 0,
      h: 0,
      l: 0,
      t: 0
    stageData = {
      w: 0,
      h: 0,
      l: 0,
      t: 0
    imageData = {
      w: 0,
      h: 0,
      l: 0,
      t: 0

    // δ is the difference between image width and height
    δ = 0,
    imgWidth = 0,
    imgHeight = 0,

    direction = '';

  // modal CSS options
  var getModalOpts = function (dir, offsetX, offsetY) {

    // Modal should not move when its width to the minwidth
    var modalLeft = (-offsetX + modalData.w) > minWidth ? (offsetX + modalData.l) : (modalData.l + modalData.w - minWidth),
      modalTop = (-offsetY + modalData.h) > minHeight ? (offsetY + modalData.t) : (modalData.t + modalData.h - minHeight);

    var opts = {
      'e': {
        width: Math.max((offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px'
      's': {
        height: Math.max((offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px'
      'se': {
        width: Math.max((offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px',
        height: Math.max((offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px'
      'w': {
        width: Math.max((-offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px',
        left: modalLeft + 'px'
      'n': {
        height: Math.max((-offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px',
        top: modalTop + 'px'
      'nw': {
        width: Math.max((-offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px',
        height: Math.max((-offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px',
        top: modalTop + 'px',
        left: modalLeft + 'px'
      'ne': {
        width: Math.max((offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px',
        height: Math.max((-offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px',
        top: modalTop + 'px'
      'sw': {
        width: Math.max((-offsetX + modalData.w), minWidth) + 'px',
        height: Math.max((offsetY + modalData.h), minHeight) + 'px',
        left: modalLeft + 'px'

    return opts[dir];

  // image CSS options
  var getImageOpts = function (dir, offsetX, offsetY) {

    // Image should not move when modal width to the min width
    // The minwidth is modal width, so we should clac the stage minwidth
    var widthDiff = (offsetX + modalData.w) > minWidth ? (stageData.w - imgWidth + offsetX - δ) : (minWidth - (modalData.w - stageData.w) - imgWidth - δ),
      heightDiff = (offsetY + modalData.h) > minHeight ? (stageData.h - imgHeight + offsetY + δ) : (minHeight - (modalData.h - stageData.h) - imgHeight + δ),

      widthDiff2 = (-offsetX + modalData.w) > minWidth ? (stageData.w - imgWidth - offsetX - δ) : (minWidth - (modalData.w - stageData.w) - imgWidth - δ),
      heightDiff2 = (-offsetY + modalData.h) > minHeight ? (stageData.h - imgHeight - offsetY + δ) : (minHeight - (modalData.h - stageData.h) - imgHeight + δ);

    // Get image position in dragging
    var imgLeft = $(image).position().left - δ,
      imgTop = $(image).position().top + δ;

    var opts = {
      'e': {
        left: widthDiff >= -δ ? ((widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff + 'px'))
      's': {
        top: heightDiff >= δ ? ((heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff + 'px'))
      'se': {
        top: heightDiff >= δ ? ((heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff + 'px')),
        left: widthDiff >= -δ ? ((widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff + 'px'))
      'w': {
        left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? ((widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff2 ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff2 + 'px'))
      'n': {
        top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? ((heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff2 ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff2 + 'px'))
      'nw': {
        top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? ((heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff2 ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff2 + 'px')),
        left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? ((widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff2 ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff2 + 'px'))
      'ne': {
        top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? ((heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff2 ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff2 + 'px')),
        left: widthDiff >= -δ ? ((widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff + 'px'))
      'sw': {
        top: heightDiff >= δ ? ((heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgTop > heightDiff ? (imgTop + 'px') : (heightDiff + 'px')),
        left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? ((widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px') : (imgLeft > widthDiff2 ? (imgLeft + 'px') : (widthDiff2 + 'px'))

    return opts[dir];

  var dragStart = function (dir, e) {

    var e = e || window.event;


    isDragging = true;
    isResizing = true;

    startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
    startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;

    // Reclac the modal data when mousedown
    modalData = {
      w: $(modal).width(),
      h: $(modal).height(),
      l: $(modal).offset().left,
      t: $(modal).offset().top

    stageData = {
      w: $(stage).width(),
      h: $(stage).height(),
      l: $(stage).offset().left,
      t: $(stage).offset().top

    imageData = {
      w: $(image).width(),
      h: $(image).height(),
      l: $(image).position().left,
      t: $(image).position().top

    // δ is the difference between image width and height
    δ = !self.isRotated ? 0 : (imageData.w - imageData.h) / 2;
    imgWidth = !self.isRotated ? imageData.w : imageData.h;
    imgHeight = !self.isRotated ? imageData.h : imageData.w;

    direction = dir;

    // Add resizable cursor
    $('html,body,.magnify-modal,.magnify-stage,.magnify-button').css('cursor', dir + '-resize');

    $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);


  var dragMove = function (e) {

    var e = e || window.event;


    if (isDragging && !self.isMaximized) {

      var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX,
        endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY,

        relativeX = endX - startX,
        relativeY = endY - startY;

      var modalOpts = getModalOpts(direction, relativeX, relativeY);


      var imageOpts = getImageOpts(direction, relativeX, relativeY);




  var dragEnd = function (e) {

    $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove)
      .off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

    // Set grab cursor
    if (isResizing) {
      setGrabCursor({ w: imgWidth, h: imgHeight }, { w: $(stage).width(), h: $(stage).height() },

    isDragging = false;
    isResizing = false;

    // Remove resizable cursor
    $('html,body,.magnify-modal,.magnify-stage,.magnify-button').css('cursor', '');


  $.each(resizableHandles, function (dir, handle) {
    handle.on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
      dragStart(dir, e);


// Add to Magnify Prototype
$.extend(Magnify.prototype, {
  resizable: resizable

 * Private Functions

 * [throttle]
 * @param  {Function} fn    [description]
 * @param  {[Number]} delay [description]
 * @return {Function}       [description]
function throttle(fn, delay) {

  var timer = null;

  return function() {
    var context = this,
      args = arguments;


    timer = setTimeout(function() {
      fn.apply(context, args);
    }, delay);


 * [preloadImg]
 * @param  {[String]}  src      [image src]
 * @param  {Function}  success  [callbacks]
 * @param  {Function}  error    [callbacks]
function preloadImg(src, success, error) {

  var img = new Image();

  img.onload = function() {

  img.onerror = function() {

  img.src = src;


 * [requestFullscreen]
 * @param  {[type]} element [description]
function requestFullscreen(element) {
  if (element.requestFullscreen) {
  } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
  } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
  } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) {

 * [exitFullscreen]
function exitFullscreen() {
  if (document.exitFullscreen) {
  } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
  } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {

 * [getImageNameFromUrl]
 * @param  {[String]} url [description]
 * @return {[String]}     [description]
function getImageNameFromUrl(url) {
  var reg = /^.*?\/*([^/?]*)\.[a-z]+(\?.+|$)/ig,
    txt = url.replace(reg, '$1');
  return txt;

 * [getNumFromCSSValue]
 * @param  {[String]} value [description]
 * @return {[Number]}       [description]
function getNumFromCSSValue(value) {
  var reg = /\d+/g,
    arr = value.match(reg),
    num = parseFloat(arr[0]);
  return num;

 * [hasScrollbar]
 * @return {[Boolean]}       [description]
function hasScrollbar() {
  return document.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);

 * [getScrollbarWidth]
 * @return {[Number]}       [description]
function getScrollbarWidth() {

  var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');
  scrollDiv.style.cssText = 'width: 99px; height: 99px; overflow: scroll; position: absolute; top: -9999px;';
  var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;

  return scrollbarWidth;


 * [setGrabCursor]
 * @param {[Object]}  imageData    [description]
 * @param {[Object]}  stageData    [description]
 * @param {[Object]}  stage        [description]
 * @param {[Boolean]} isRotate     [description]
function setGrabCursor(imageData, stageData, stage, isRotated) {

  var imageWidth = !isRotated ? imageData.w : imageData.h,
    imageHeight = !isRotated ? imageData.h : imageData.w;

  if (imageHeight > stageData.h || imageWidth > stageData.w) {
  if (imageHeight <= stageData.h && imageWidth <= stageData.w) {

 * [supportTouch]
 * @return {[Boolean]}     [description]
function supportTouch(){
  return !!(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);

var showMagnify = function (stage, image) {

    // The native width and height of the image.
    var defaults = {
        scaling: 0.3

    // Combines object defaults and options.
    var options = $.extend(defaults, options),
        native_width = 0,
        native_height = 0,
        current_width = 0,
        current_height = 0,
        $small = stage,
        $large = $(".magnify-large");
        $small.append("<div  class='magnify-large'></div>");
    var $large = $(".magnify-large");


    $(".magnify-modal").mousemove(function (e) {
        /* Act on the event */
        if (!native_width && !native_height) {
            var image_object = new Image();
            image_object.src = image.attr('src');

            // Gets the image native height and width.
            native_height = image_object.height;
            native_width = image_object.width;

            // Gets the image current height and width.
            current_height = $small.height();
            current_width = $small.width();

        } else {

            // Gets .maginfy offset coordinates.
            var magnify_offset = $(this).offset(),

                // Gets coordinates within .maginfy.
                mx = e.pageX - magnify_offset.left,
                my = e.pageY - magnify_offset.top;

            // Checks the mouse within .maginfy or not.
            if (mx < $(this).width() && my < $(this).height() && mx >
                0 && my > 0) {
            } else {
            } if ($large.is(":visible")) {
                /* Gets the large image coordinate by ratio
               small.x / small.width = large.x / large.width
               small.y / small.height = large.y / large.height
               then we need to keep pointer in the centre,
               so deduct the half of .large width and height.
                var rx = Math.round(mx / $small.width() * native_width - $large.width() /2) * -1,
                    ry = Math.round(my / $small.height() * native_height - $large.height()/2 ) * -1,
                    bgp = rx + "px " + ry + "px",
                    px = mx - $large.width() / 2,
                    py = my - $large.height() / 2;
                    left: px,
                    top: py,
                    backgroundPosition: bgp



// Add to Magnify Prototype
  $.extend(Magnify.prototype, {
      showMagnify: showMagnify

  function supportShowMagnify(flag){
          return flag ? "":"none";







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


