
于其卓越的性能,ChatGPT极大地提升了各行各业的工作效率。正确运用关键词是激发ChatGPT潜能的关键。歪歪学长精心挑选了一系列关键词,通过这些关键词的运用,不仅能简化写作流程,还能提升学术研究成果。共有14个方面,全文较长,同学们可以保存后逐步理解。以下是使用ChatGPT提高学术论文写作效率的70个最全面提示词分享: 背景:JII AI-免费问答学习交流-GPT

  1. 为我提供一些关于[您的广泛领域或研究点]的潜在学术论文议题。Propose some potential issues for an academic paper on [your broader domain or research point].
  2. 为我提供一些关于[您的广泛领域或研究点]的潜在学术论文议题。Propose some potential issues on [your broader domain or research point] for an academic paper.
  3. 在[您的广泛领域]内,为我提供一些与[特定兴趣或研究点]相关的潜在议题。Propose some potential issues within the realm of [your broader domain] related to [specific interest or research point].
  4. 我正在探讨[更广泛领域,例如,“心理学”]。您能否建议一些与[特定兴趣,例如,“儿童发展”]相交,并与[特定背景或地域,例如,“亚洲城市环境”]相关的议题?I’m delving into the realm of [broader domain, e.g., “psychology”]. Could you suggest some issues that intersect with [specific interest, e.g., “child development”] and pertain to [specific context or region, e.g., “urban environments in Asia”]?
  5. 作为我的思考伙伴。我正在研究[您的广泛领域或研究点]。哪些议题可能适合一篇学术论文?Serve as my thinking partner. I’m delving into [your broader domain or research point]. What issues might be suitable for an academic paper?
  6. 作为我的思考激发者。考虑到更广泛的学科[学科,例如,‘社会学’],您能否帮助我产生与[特定主题或兴趣,例如,‘社交媒体’]交织,并主要面向[地区或人群,例如,‘东南亚’]观众的想法?Serve as my thought provoker. Given the broader discipline of [discipline, e.g., ‘sociology’], can you assist me in generating ideas that are intertwined with [specific theme or interest, e.g., ‘social media’] and are aimed at an audience primarily from [region or demographic, e.g., ‘South East Asia’]?
  7. 我应如何规划关于[您的具体议题]的论文?提供一个框架或潜在的章节标题。How should I plan my paper on [your specific issue]? Provide a framework or potential chapter headings.
  8. 我正在撰写一篇关于[您的具体议题]的论文。我应如何安排它,并且我应在[选定的部分,例如,“文献综述”]中包含哪些子议题?I am writing a paper on [your specific issue]. How should I arrange it and what sub-issues should I include within [selected section, e.g., “Literature Review”]?
  9. 对于探讨[具体议题,例如,“气候变化”]的论文,我应如何构建[选定的部分,例如,“文献综述”]并整合[特定十年或年代,例如,“2010年代”]的研究?For a paper that discusses [specific issue, e.g., “climate change”], how should I construct the [selected section, e.g., “Literature Review”] and incorporate research from [specific decade or era, e.g., “the 2010s”]?
  10. 我正在撰写一篇关于[具体议题,例如,“生物多样性丧失”]的论文。我应如何组织[选定的部分,例如,“讨论”]以包含来自[特定学科,例如,“社会经济学”]的观点和来自[特定地区或生态系统,例如,“热带雨林”]的发现?I am drafting a paper on [specific issue, e.g., “biodiversity loss”]. How should I organize the [selected section, e.g., “Discussion”] to include perspectives from [specific discipline, e.g., “socio-economics”] and findings from [specific region or ecosystem, e.g., “tropical rainforests”]?
  11. 作为编辑顾问。基于一篇关于[您的具体议题]的论文,您会建议我如何构建它?是否有关键部分或元素我应该包含?As an editorial advisor. Based on a paper on [your specific issue], how would you advise me to construct it? Are there key sections or elements I should include?
  12. 作为我的论文[议题,例如,“量子物理”]的结构设计者。您能建议一个逻辑流程和潜在的章节标题吗?特别是当我打算涵盖像[特定要素,例如,“量子纠缠和传输”]这样的方面时?As a structural designer for my paper on [topic, e.g., ‘quantum physics’]. Could you suggest a logical sequence and potential chapter headings, especially when I intend to cover aspects like [specific elements, e.g., ‘quantum entanglement and teleportation’]?
  13. 作为我的编辑指导。对于一篇聚焦于[具体议题,例如,“量子计算”]的论文,我应如何构建我的[选定的部分,例如,“发现”]?特别是在整合来自[特定学科,例如,“软件工程”]的观点和来自[特定地区,例如,“东亚”]的案例研究时?As my editorial guide. For a paper focused on [specific issue, e.g., “quantum computing”], how might I structure my [selected section, e.g., “Findings”]? Especially when integrating viewpoints from [specific discipline, e.g., “software engineering”] and case studies from [specified region, e.g., “East Asia”]?
  14. 请检查这段文字是否有语法或风格上的错误:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。Kindly examine this passage for any grammatical or stylistic mistakes: [paste your text here].
  15. 审阅我的[文档类型,例如,“论文”]中的这一段落,是否有语法或风格上的错误:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。Review this paragraph from my [type of document, e.g., “dissertation”] for any grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here].
  16. 请审阅我关于[具体议题,例如,“可再生能源”]的[文档类型,例如,“论文”]中的这段文字,查找是否有潜在的语法或风格错误:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。Please examine this passage from my [type of document, e.g., “dissertation”] on [specific topic, e.g., “renewable energy”] for any potential grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here].
  17. 请仔细检查我的[文档类型,例如,“期刊文章”]中关于[具体议题,例如,“深海探索”]的这一部分。标出任何语言或结构上的失误,并建议如何更好地符合

    [目标出版物或受众,例如,“自然杂志”]的风格:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。I would appreciate a thorough review of this section from my [type of document, e.g., “journal article”] regarding [specific topic, e.g., “deep-sea exploration”]. Identify any linguistic or structural errors and advise on how it might better align with the style of [target publication or audience, e.g., “Nature Journal”]: [paste your text here]. 5. 担任我的校对员。在这段文字中:[在此处粘贴您的文本],是否有我应该注意的语法或风格错误?As my proofreading assistant. In this passage: [paste your text here], are there any grammatical or stylistic errors that I should be aware of? 6. 作为我的初步校对员。我为我的[文档类型,例如,“研究提案”]关于[具体议题,例如,“纳米技术”]草拟了一节。我希望得到关于语法、连贯性以及与[目标出版物或风格,例如,“IEEE标准”]的一致性的反馈:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。As my initial proofreader. I have drafted a section for my [type of document, e.g., “research proposal”] on [specific topic, e.g., “nanotechnology”]. I am seeking feedback on grammar, coherence, and consistency with [target publication or style, e.g., “IEEE standards”]: [paste your text here].


  18. 我该如何按照[所需风格,例如,APA、MLA]格式来编排这个引用?这是来源:[在此处粘贴来源详情]。What would be the correct way to arrange this citation in [desired style, e.g., APA, MLA] format? Here’s the source: [paste source details here].
  19. 我在文档中引用了一篇由[作者姓名]撰写的[来源类型,例如,“会议论文”]。我该如何按照[所需风格,例如,“芝加哥”]风格格式化这个引用?I have referenced a [type of source, e.g., “conference paper”] authored by [author’s name] in my document. How should I format this citation in the [desired style, e.g., “Chicago”] style?
  20. 担任引用指导。我需要为我的工作引用一篇[来源类型,例如,‘期刊文章’]。我该如何使用[引用风格,例如,‘APA’]方法来格式化这个引用?As a citation guide. I need to reference a [source type, e.g., ‘journal article’] for my work. How should I format this using the [citation style, e.g., ‘APA’] method?
  21. 担任我的引用助手。我引用了一篇由[作者姓名]在[年份,例如,“2018”]发布的[来源类型,例如,“网络文章”]。我该如何以[所需风格,例如,“MLA”]格式呈现这个?As my citation assistant. I have referenced a [type of source, e.g., “web article”] by [author’s name] published in [year, e.g., “2018”]. How should I present this in [desired style, e.g., “MLA”] format?
  22. 你能帮我用不同的方式表达这个陈述吗?[在此处粘贴您的原始陈述]。Could you assist me in expressing this statement differently? [paste your original statement here].
  23. 帮我用自己的话转述来自[来源作者姓名]的以下观点:[在此处粘贴原始陈述]。Assist me in rephrasing the following viewpoint from [source author’s name] in my own words: [paste the original statement here].
  24. 我想引用[来源作者姓名]关于[具体议题,例如,“量子物理”]的工作中的一个观点。你能帮我用不同的方式表达这个陈述,同时保持其原意吗?[在此处粘贴原始陈述]。I intend to reference an idea from [source author’s name]’s work on [specific topic, e.g., “quantum physics”]. Could you assist me in rephrasing this statement while preserving its original meaning: [paste the original statement here]?
  25. 作为我的用词专家。我想要这个陈述的另一种表达,但不想失去其核心意义:[在此处粘贴您的原始陈述]。As a connoisseur of words. I am seeking an alternative expression of this statement without losing its core significance: [paste your original statement here].
  26. 作为我的改写助手。这里有一条来自[作者姓名]关于[议题,例如,“认知发展”]的陈述:[在此处粘贴原始陈述]。我如何用自己的话来表达这一点,避免抄袭?As my rephrasing assistant. Here’s a statement from [author’s name]’s work on [topic, e.g., ‘cognitive development’]: [paste original statement here]. How can I express this in my own words to avoid plagiarism?
  27. 作为我的反抄袭助手。我想在我的[工作类型,例如,“博士论文”]中包含来自[来源作者姓名]关于[具体议题,例如,“太阳能”]的研究洞见。请帮我用自己的来表达这一点,同时保持我作品的语调:[在此处粘贴原始陈述]。As my anti-plagiarism assistant. I would like to include insights from [source author’s name]’s research on [specific topic, e.g., “solar energy”] in my [type of work, e.g., “doctoral thesis”]. Please assist me in expressing this in my own words while maintaining the tone of my work: [paste the original statement here].
  28. 09文献推荐

  29. 您能否推荐与[您的主题或研究问题]相关的关键论文或研究?Could you recommend key papers or studies pertinent to [your topic or research question]?
  30. 我需要与[特定议题]相关的参考资料,该议题属于[您的学科领域]的更广泛领域。您能否建议一些重要的论文或作者?I require references related to [specific topic] within the broader scope of [your subject area]. Could you suggest significant papers or authors?
  31. 我正在研究[特定议题,例如,“医疗保健中的机器学习”]。您能否推荐[特定十年,例如,“2000年代”]在[您的一般领域,例如,“计算机科学”]中的开创性著作?I am researching [specific topic, e.g., “machine learning in healthcare”]. Could you recommend seminal works from the [specific decade, e.g., “2000s”] within the broader domain of [your general field, e.g., “computer science”]?
  32. 我的研究围绕[特定议题,例如,“教育中的增强现实”]展开。我特别关注其在[特定时间框架,例如,“2010年代后期”]期间的演变。您能否指引我到[您的总体领域,例如,“教育技术”]中的基础性论文或人物?My research is centered on [specific, e.g., “augmented reality in education”]. am particularly interested in understanding its development during the [specific time frame, e.g., “late 2010s”]. Could you direct me to foundational papers or figures within [your overarching domain, e.g., “educational technology”]?
  33. 担任文献指南。我正在深入研究[您的主题或研究问题]。您有推荐的开创性论文或必读研究吗?Acting as a literature guide. I am delving into [your topic or research question]. Do you have suggestions for seminal papers or must-read studies?
  34. 作为我的文学向导。我的工作围绕[特定议题,例如,“教学中的虚拟现实”]展开。我希望能获得指向[特定时代,例如,“2000年代初”]的关键文本或专家的方向,特别是那些强调在[特定环境,例如,“高等教育机构”]中的应用的。As my literary guide. My work revolves around [specific topic, e.g., “virtual reality in pedagogy”]. I would appreciate direction towards key texts or experts from the [specific era, e.g., “early 2000s”], particularly those that highlight applications within [specific setting, e.g., “higher education institutions”].
  35. 我在[您的主题]上遇到了写作障碍。您能给我一些提示或问题来激发我的思考吗?I am experiencing a block in writing about [your topic]. Could you provide me with some prompts or questions to stimulate my thought process?
  36. 我正在撰写关于[特定议题]在[更广泛的议题或问题]背景下的内容。您能给我一些能增强我的讨论的问题吗?I am composing content on [specific topic] within the context of [broader theme or issue]. Could you supply me with questions that would deepen my discourse?
  37. 我正在探讨[特定议题,例如,“城市规划”]与[另一个议题,例如,“可持续发展”]的关联,在[特定地区或国家,例如,“拉丁美洲”]。您能提供一些发人深省的提示吗?I am examining the relationship between [specific topic, e.g., “urban planning”] and [another topic, e.g., “sustainable development”] in [specific region or country, e.g., “Latin America”]. Could you offer some thought-provoking prompts?
  38. 扮演我的灵感之源。我在[您的主题]上遇到了困难。您能生成一些提示或引导性问题来帮助指导我的写作吗?Be my muse. I am struggling with [your topic]. Could you generate some prompts or guiding questions to assist in steering my writing?
  39. 作为我的写作障碍的灵感之源。鉴于[议题A,例如,“气候变化”]及其对[议题B,例如,“海洋生态系统”]的影响,您能生成一些发人深省的提示吗?Be a muse for my writer’s block. In light of [topic A, e.g., ‘climate change’] and its impact on [topic B, e.g., ‘marine ecosystems’], can you generate some thought-provoking prompts?
  40. 帮我完善这个论文陈述,使其更清晰和有影响力:[在此处粘贴您的论文陈述]。Assist me in refining this thesis statement to enhance its clarity and impact: [paste your thesis statement here].
  41. 这是我关于[特定议题]的论文的初稿论文陈述:[粘贴您的论文陈述]。如何使其更有吸引力?Here is a preliminary draft of my thesis statement for the paper on [specific topic]: [paste your thesis statement]. What suggestions do you have for making it more engaging?
  42. 我正在为我关于[特定议题,例如,“加密货币采纳”]的研究草拟一份陈述,在[特定地区,例如,“欧洲市场”]的背景下。这是我的尝试:[粘贴您的论文陈述]。有什么改进的建议吗?I am drafting a thesis statement for my research on [specific topic, e.g., “cryptocurrency adoption”] within the context of [specific region, e.g., “European markets”]. Here is my attempt: [paste your thesis statement]. Do you have any recommendations for improvement?
  43. 扮演我的论文顾问。我正在构思一个关于[议题,例如,‘金融中的区块链’]的声明。这是我的草稿:[粘贴您的论文陈述]。如何进一步打磨它?Acting as my thesis advisor. I am formulating a declaration on [topic, e.g., ‘blockchain in finance’]. Here is my draft: [paste your thesis statement]. How might it be further polished?
  44. 您能帮我根据这些内容草拟/总结一个摘要吗?[在此处粘贴主要观点或简要内容]。Can you assist me in drafting/summarizing an abstract based on this content? [paste main points or brief content here].
  45. 我正在向[特定会议或期刊]提交一篇论文。您能帮我从[粘贴主要内容或观点]总结我的发现,形成一个简洁的摘要吗?I am submitting a paper to [specific conference or journal]. Can you assist me in summarizing my findings from [paste main content or points] into a succinct abstract?
  46. 我打算将关于[特定议题,例如,“基因治疗”]的发现从[来源或数据集,例如,“最近的临床试验”]压缩成[特定事件,例如,“生物技术会议”]的摘要。您能帮忙吗?I am aiming to condense my findings on [specific topic, e.g., “gene therapy”] from [source or dataset, e.g., “recent clinical trials”] into an abstract for [specific event, e.g., “a biotech conference”]. Can you assist?
  47. 扮演摘要服务。基于以下内容:[在此处粘贴主要观点或简要内容],您将如何草拟或总结一个摘要?Acting as an abstracting service. Based on the following content: [paste main points or brief content here], how would you go about drafting or summarizing an abstract?
  48. 扮演我的编辑助理。我已经从我的研究中汇编了关于[议题,例如,“遗传改良”]的发现。帮我制作或完善一个适合[事件或出版物,例如,“国际生物学会议”]的简洁摘要。Acting as my editorial assistant. I have compiled findings on [topic, e.g., ‘genetic modifications’] from my research. Assist me in crafting or refining a concise abstract suitable for [event or publication, e.g., ‘an international biology conference’].
  49. 我正在使用[具体研究方法,例如,定性访谈]来研究[您的话题]。您能提供见解或潜在的陷阱吗?I am employing [specific research method, e.g., qualitative interviews] for my investigation into [your topic]. Could you offer insights or highlight potential pitfalls?
  50. 对于关于[特定议题]的研究,我正在考虑采用[具体研究方法]。您能在这个背景下解释它的应用和潜在挑战吗?For research on [specific topic], I am contemplating the use of [specific research method]. Could you explain its application and potential challenges within this context?
  51. 我正在考虑使用[研究方法,例如,“民族志研究”]来研究[特定议题,例如,“消费者行为”]。考虑到[目标群体,例如,“城市环境中的千禧一代”]的人口统计,可能有哪些方法学挑战?I am considering conducting a study on [specific topic, e.g., “consumer behavior”] using [research method, e.g., “ethnographic studies”]. Given the demographic profile of [target group, e.g., “millennials in urban settings”], what methodological challenges might arise?
  52. 我对[特定议题,例如,“消费者情绪”]的探索采用[研究方法,例如,“混合方法分析”]。考虑到我的目标人群是[特定群体,例如,“18-25岁的在线购物者”],在[特定设置或平台,例如,“电子商务平台”]中有哪些潜在的方法学挑战和最佳实践?My exploration of [specific topic, e.g., “consumer sentiment”] utilizes [research method, e.g., “mixed-method analysis”]. Given my target demographic of [specific group, e.g., “online shoppers aged 18-25”], what are the potential methodological challenges and best practices within [specific setting or platform, e.g., “e-commerce platforms”]?
  53. 扮演方法学顾问。我正在使用[研究技术,例如,‘定性访谈’]探索[话题,例如,‘消费者行为模式’]。鉴于[特定背景或数据集,例如,‘在线零售平台’]的范围,您能提供什么见解?Acting as a methodological counselor. I am exploring [topic, e., ‘consumer behavior patterns’] using [research technique, e.g., ‘qualitative interviews’]. Given the scope of [specific context or dataset, e.g., ‘online retail platforms’], what insights can you provide?
  54. 请将这段文字翻译成[所需语言]:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。Kindly translate this passage into [desired language]: [paste your text here].
  55. 我正在将一段文字整合到我关于[特定议题,例如,“中美洲文明”]的研究中。您能帮助我将这些内容从[源语言,例如,“纳瓦特尔语”]翻译成[目标语言,例如,“英语”],同时保持学术严谨性吗?[在此处粘贴您的文本]?I am integrating a passage into my research on [specific topic, e.g., “Mesoamerican civilizations”]. Could you assist me in translating this content from [source language, e.g., “Nahuatl”] into [target language, e.g., “English”] while maintaining academic rigor: [paste your text here]?
  56. 扮演我的翻译助手。我有这段用[源语言,例如,‘法语’]写的关于[议题,例如,‘欧洲历史’]的文字:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。您能将其转换成[目标语言,例如,‘英语’],同时保持学术完整性吗?Acting as my translation assistant.




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