
* This example shows the usage of the metrology model
* to measure circles and rectangles with subpixel
* accuracy under challenging conditions easily.
* Display initializations
dev_update_off ()
read_image (Image, 'pads')
get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
* 定义圆的大概位置和测量公差
* Define the approximate position and the measure
* tolerance for the circles
* 直接规定变量
* 行 圆的位置
RowCircle := [52:89:500]
* 圆初始化行
CircleInitRow := [RowCircle,RowCircle]
* 圆初始化列
CircleInitColumn := [gen_tuple_const(6,348),gen_tuple_const(6,438)]
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross1, CircleInitRow, CircleInitColumn, 6, 0.785398)
* 直接规定变量
* 圆初始半径
CircleInitRadius := [gen_tuple_const(6,23),gen_tuple_const(6,23)]
* 半径公差
CircleRadiusTolerance := 12
* Define the approximate position and the measure
* tolerance for the rectangles
* 定义矩形的近似位置和测量公差
* 矩形初始化行和列
RectangleInitRow := [410,410]
RectangleInitColumn := [215,562]
RectangleInitPhi := [0,0]
RectangleInitLength1 := [85,85]
RectangleInitLength2 := [88,88]
RectangleTolerance := 10
* 准备计量模型数据结构
* Prepare the metrology model data structure
create_metrology_model (MetrologyHandle)
* 不需要预先设置图像宽度,但是可以改善第一次测量的运行时间。
* Setting the image width in advance is not
* necessary, but improves the runtime of the
* first measurement.
set_metrology_model_image_size (MetrologyHandle, Width, Height)
* 将度量矩形对象添加上面定义的到模型中
* Add the metrology rectangle objects to the model
* as defined above
* (计量模型,矩形中心的行(或 y)坐标,矩形中心的列(或 x)坐标,矩形中心的列(或 x)坐标,主轴的方向,矩形较大半边的长度,矩形较小的半边的长度,)
add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure (MetrologyHandle, RectangleInitRow, RectangleInitColumn, RectangleInitPhi, RectangleInitLength1, RectangleInitLength2, RectangleTolerance, 5, .5, 1, [], [], MetrologyRectangleIndices)
* 将计量圆对象添加到上面定义的模型中
* Add the metrology circle objects to the model
* as defined above
add_metrology_object_circle_measure (MetrologyHandle, CircleInitRow, CircleInitColumn, CircleInitRadius, CircleRadiusTolerance, 5, 1.5, 2, [], [], MetrologyCircleIndices)
* 可以测量多个圆/矩形/直线/椭圆一次调用中每个度量对象的实例。
* 由于我们喜欢对每个物体测量两个圆圈,我们将“ num_instances”设置为2* It is possible to measure more than one circle/rectangle/line/ellipse
* instance per metrology object in one call.
* Since we like to measure two circles per object,
* we set 'num_instances' to 2.
* 设置测量模型参数
set_metrology_object_param (MetrologyHandle, MetrologyCircleIndices, 'num_instances', 2)
* 反之亦然。由于一致性检查会增加运行时间,因此默认情况下将其关闭。
* 但是,在此示例中,由于同时存在负边缘和正边缘,因此将其打开更安全。
* Setting 'measure_transition' to 'uniform' assures
* that only consistent circles are returned, that have
* either only edges from bright to dark or vice versa.
* Since the consistency check increases runtime, it is
* switched of by default.
* In this example however, it is safer to switch it on,
* because both negative and positive edges are present.
set_metrology_object_param (MetrologyHandle, MetrologyCircleIndices, 'measure_transition', 'uniform')
* 设置最低分数可以使结果更可靠
* Setting the minimum score can make the results more robust
set_metrology_object_param (MetrologyHandle, MetrologyCircleIndices, 'min_score', .9)
* 执行测量
* Perform the measurement
* 测量并拟合度量模型中所有度量对象的几何形状
apply_metrology_model (Image, MetrologyHandle)
* 获取计量模型的测量结果
get_metrology_object_result (MetrologyHandle, MetrologyRectangleIndices, 'all', 'result_type', 'all_param', RectangleParameter)
* 提取参数以提高可读性
* Extract the parameters for better readability
Sequence := [0:5:|RectangleParameter| - 1]
RectangleRow := RectangleParameter[Sequence]
RectangleColumn := RectangleParameter[Sequence + 1]
RectanglePhi := RectangleParameter[Sequence + 2]
RectangleLength1 := RectangleParameter[Sequence + 3]
RectangleLength2 := RectangleParameter[Sequence + 4]
* 访问圆的测量结果
* Access the results of the circle measurement
get_metrology_object_result (MetrologyHandle, MetrologyCircleIndices, 'all', 'result_type', 'all_param', CircleParameter)
* Extract the parameters for better readability
Sequence := [0:3:|CircleParameter| - 1]
CircleRow := CircleParameter[Sequence]
CircleColumn := CircleParameter[Sequence + 1]
CircleRadius := CircleParameter[Sequence + 2]
* 显示结果
* Display the results
* 获取测量轮廓
* Get measured contours
* 查询度量对象的结果轮廓
get_metrology_object_result_contour (Contours, MetrologyHandle, 'all', 'all', 1.5)
* 获取测量区域的轮廓和边缘点的坐标
* 这是拟合圆形和矩形的基础
* Get the contours of the measure regions
* and the coordinates of the edge points
* that were the basis for fitting the circles and rectangles
* 获取度量模型的度量对象的度量区域和边缘位置的结果
get_metrology_object_measures (Contour, MetrologyHandle, 'all', 'all', Row1, Column1)
* 为每个输入点生成一个十字形的XLD轮廓
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, Row1, Column1, 6, 0.785398)
* Display everything
Color := ['gray','cyan','green']
dev_display (Image)
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_set_color (Color[0])
dev_display (Contour)
dev_set_color (Color[1])
dev_display (Cross)
dev_set_line_width (2)
dev_set_color (Color[2])
dev_display (Contours)
Message := Color[2] + ': Measurement result'
Message[1] := Color[1] + ': Edge candidate points'
Message[2] := Color[0] + ': Measure regions'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Clean up memory
clear_metrology_model (MetrologyHandle)
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