Pointers on C——6 Pointers.15

6.14 Summary

Each location in the computerʹs memory is identified by an address. Adjacent locations are often grouped together to allow larger ranges of values to be stored. A pointer is a value that represents a memory address.


Neither you nor the computer can determine the type of a value by examining its bits; the type is implicit in how the value is used. The compiler helps us by ensuring that values are used in a way that is appropriate to how they are declared.


The value of a pointer variable is not the value to which it points. Indirection must be applied to a pointer to obtain the value that it points to. The result of applying indirection to a ʺpointer to integerʺ is an integer.


Declaring pointer variable does not automatically allocate any memory in which to store values. Before indirection can be performed on the pointer, it must be initialized point either to existing memory or to dynamically allocated memory. Indirection on an uninitialized pointer variable is illegal but often goes undetected. The result may be that an unrelated value is modified. These errors are difficult to debug.


The NULL pointer is a value that is defined as pointing to nothing at all. It can be assigned to a pointer variable to indicate that the variable does not point to any value. The result of applying indirection to a NULL pointer is implementation dependent; two common results are to return the value of memory location zero and to abort the program.

NULL 指针就是不指向任何东西的指针。它可以赋值给一个指针,用于表示那个指针并不指向任何值。对NULL 指针执行间接访问操作的后果因编译器而异,两个常见的后果分别是返回内存位置零的值以及终止程序。

A pointer variable, like any other variable, can be used as an L‐value. Applying indirection to a pointer also results in an L‐value because the expression identifies a specific memory location.


Other than the NULL pointer, there is no built‐in notation for expressing pointer constants because the programmer usually has no way of predicting where the compiler will place variables. In the rare cases where they are needed, pointer constants can be created by casting integer values.

除了NULL 指针之外,再也没有任何内建的记法来表示指针常量,因为程序员通常无法预测编译器会把变量放在内存中的什么位置。在极少见的情况下,我们偶尔需要使用指针常量,这时我们可以通过把一个整型值强制转换为指针类型来创建它。

Limited arithmetic can be performed on pointer values. You can add an integer value to a pointer, and subtract an integer value from a pointer. In both cases, the integer value is scaled by the size of the pointerʹs target type. Thus, adding one to a pointer makes it point to the next variable regardless of the size of the variables in memory.

在指针值上可以执行一些有限的算术运算。你可以把一个整型值加到-个指针上,也可以从-个指针减去一个整型值。在这两种情况下,这个整型值会进行调整,原值将乘以指针目标类型的长度。这样,对一个指针加1 将使它指向下一个变量,至于该变量在内存中占几个字节的大小则与此无关。

However, this pointer arithmetic is predictable only with arrays. It is illegal (but often not detected) to perform arithmetic on any pointer that does not point to an element of an array. It is also illegal to subtract from a pointer if the result lies before the first element of the array to which it points, and to add to a pointer if the result lies more than one element after the end of the array to which it points. The result of a pointer addition may point one element beyond the end of the array, but it is illegal to apply indirection to this result.



Two pointers may be subtracted from one another only if they both point to elements of the same array. The result of pointer subtraction is scaled by the size of the values in the array, so the result is the number of values separating the original pointers. Subtracting pointers to elements of different arrays is an (often undetected) error.


Any pointers may be compared to each other for equality or inequality. Two pointers that point to elements of the same array may also be compared using the relational operators <, <=, >, and >= to determine their positions in the array relative to each other. The result of a relational comparison between unrelated pointers is undefined.


上一章 Pointers on C——6 Pointers.14

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Contents A Quick Start ........................................................................................................ 1 Basic Concepts ...................................................................................................... 7 Data ....................................................................................................................... 11 Statements ............................................................................................................. 15 Operators and Expressions .................................................................................... 23 Pointers .................................................................................................................. 29 Functions ............................................................................................................... 37 Arrays .................................................................................................................... 43 Strings, Characters, and Bytes .............................................................................. 55 Structures and Unions ........................................................................................... 69 Dynamic Memory Allocation ................................................................................ 75 Using Structures and Pointers ............................................................................... 79 Advanced Pointer Topics ...................................................................................... 87 The Preprocessor ................................................................................................... 93 Input/Output Functions .......................................................................................... 95 Standard Library .................................................................................................... 119 Classic Abstract Data Types ................................................................................. 129 Runtime Environment ........................................................................................... 145




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