    Virtual Machine Monitor
    Copyright (C) 2007  Shawn Embleton

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <ntddk.h>
#pragma warning(disable: 4133 4102)
#define IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE            0x480
#define IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_CODE        0x03A
KeSetSystemAffinityThread (
                           IN KAFFINITY Affinity
//              //
//              //
NTSTATUS    DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath );
VOID        DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject );
VOID        StartVMX( );
VOID        VMMEntryPoint( );

typedef struct _VMX_FEATURES
    unsigned SSE3        :1;        // SSE3 Extensions
    unsigned RES1        :2;
    unsigned MONITOR    :1;        // MONITOR/WAIT
    unsigned DS_CPL        :1;        // CPL qualified Debug Store
    unsigned VMX        :1;        // Virtual Machine Technology
    unsigned RES2        :1;
    unsigned EST        :1;        // Enhanced Intel?Speedstep Technology
    unsigned TM2        :1;        // Thermal monitor 2
    unsigned SSSE3        :1;        // SSSE3 extensions
    unsigned CID        :1;        // L1 context ID
    unsigned RES3        :2;
    unsigned CX16        :1;        // CMPXCHG16B
    unsigned xTPR        :1;        // Update control
    unsigned PDCM        :1;        // Performance/Debug capability MSR
    unsigned RES4        :2;
    unsigned DCA        :1;
    unsigned RES5        :13;

//          //
//  EFLAGS  //
//          //
typedef struct _EFLAGS
    unsigned Reserved1    :10;
    unsigned ID            :1;        // Identification flag
    unsigned VIP        :1;        // Virtual interrupt pending
    unsigned VIF        :1;        // Virtual interrupt flag
    unsigned AC            :1;        // Alignment check
    unsigned VM            :1;        // Virtual 8086 mode
    unsigned RF            :1;        // Resume flag
    unsigned Reserved2    :1;
    unsigned NT            :1;        // Nested task flag
    unsigned IOPL        :2;        // I/O privilege level
    unsigned OF            :1;
    unsigned DF            :1;
    unsigned IF            :1;        // Interrupt flag
    unsigned TF            :1;        // Task flag
    unsigned SF            :1;        // Sign flag
    unsigned ZF            :1;        // Zero flag
    unsigned Reserved3    :1;
    unsigned AF            :1;        // Borrow flag
    unsigned Reserved4    :1;
    unsigned PF            :1;        // Parity flag
    unsigned Reserved5    :1;
    unsigned CF            :1;        // Carry flag [Bit 0]


//      //
//  MSR  //
//      //
typedef struct _MSR
    ULONG        Hi;
    ULONG        Lo;

} MSR;

typedef struct _IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR

    unsigned RevId            :32;    // Bits 31...0 contain the VMCS revision identifier
    unsigned szVmxOnRegion  :12;    // Bits 43...32 report # of bytes for VMXON region 
    unsigned RegionClear    :1;        // Bit 44 set only if bits 32-43 are clear
    unsigned Reserved1        :3;        // Undefined
    unsigned PhyAddrWidth    :1;        // Physical address width for referencing VMXON, VMCS, etc.
    unsigned DualMon        :1;        // Reports whether the processor supports dual-monitor
                                    // treatment of SMI and SMM
    unsigned MemType        :4;        // Memory type that the processor uses to access the VMCS
    unsigned VmExitReport    :1;        // Reports weather the procesor reports info in the VM-exit
                                    // instruction information field on VM exits due to execution
                                    // of the INS and OUTS instructions
    unsigned Reserved2        :9;        // Undefined


typedef struct _IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR
    unsigned Lock            :1;        // Bit 0 is the lock bit - cannot be modified once lock is set
    unsigned Reserved1        :1;        // Undefined
    unsigned EnableVmxon    :1;        // Bit 2. If this bit is clear, VMXON causes a general protection exception
    unsigned Reserved2        :29;    // Undefined
    unsigned Reserved3        :32;    // Undefined


//            //
//            //
typedef struct _CR0_REG
    unsigned PE            :1;            // Protected Mode Enabled [Bit 0]
    unsigned MP            :1;            // Monitor Coprocessor FLAG
    unsigned EM            :1;            // Emulate FLAG
    unsigned TS            :1;            // Task Switched FLAG
    unsigned ET            :1;            // Extension Type FLAG
    unsigned NE            :1;            // Numeric Error
    unsigned Reserved1    :10;        // 
    unsigned WP            :1;            // Write Protect
    unsigned Reserved2    :1;            // 
    unsigned AM            :1;            // Alignment Mask
    unsigned Reserved3    :10;        // 
    unsigned NW            :1;            // Not Write-Through
    unsigned CD            :1;            // Cache Disable
    unsigned PG            :1;            // Paging Enabled

} CR0_REG;

typedef struct _CR4_REG
    unsigned VME        :1;            // Virtual Mode Extensions
    unsigned PVI        :1;            // Protected-Mode Virtual Interrupts
    unsigned TSD        :1;            // Time Stamp Disable
    unsigned DE            :1;            // Debugging Extensions
    unsigned PSE        :1;            // Page Size Extensions
    unsigned PAE        :1;            // Physical Address Extension
    unsigned MCE        :1;            // Machine-Check Enable
    unsigned PGE        :1;            // Page Global Enable
    unsigned PCE        :1;            // Performance-Monitoring Counter Enable
    unsigned OSFXSR        :1;            // OS Support for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR
    unsigned OSXMMEXCPT    :1;            // OS Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
    unsigned Reserved1    :2;            // 
    unsigned VMXE        :1;            // Virtual Machine Extensions Enabled
    unsigned Reserved2    :18;        // 

} CR4_REG;

typedef struct _MISC_DATA
    unsigned    Reserved1        :6;        // [0-5]
    unsigned    ActivityStates    :3;        // [6-8]
    unsigned    Reserved2        :7;        // [9-15]
    unsigned    CR3Targets        :9;        // [16-24]

    // 512*(N+1) is the recommended maximum number of MSRs
    unsigned    MaxMSRs            :3;        // [25-27]

    unsigned    Reserved3        :4;        // [28-31]
    unsigned    MSEGRevID        :32;    // [32-63]


//            //
//            //
typedef struct _GDTR
    unsigned    Limit        :16;
    unsigned    BaseLo        :16;
    unsigned    BaseHi        :16;


typedef struct _IDTR
    unsigned    Limit        :16;
    unsigned    BaseLo        :16;
    unsigned    BaseHi        :16;


typedef struct    _SEG_DESCRIPTOR
    unsigned    LimitLo    :16;
    unsigned    BaseLo    :16;
    unsigned    BaseMid    :8;
    unsigned    Type    :4;
    unsigned    System    :1;
    unsigned    DPL        :2;
    unsigned    Present    :1;
    unsigned    LimitHi    :4;
    unsigned    AVL        :1;
    unsigned    L        :1;
    unsigned    DB        :1;
    unsigned    Gran    :1;        // Granularity
    unsigned    BaseHi    :8;

//      //
//  Log  //
//      //
#define Log( message, value ) { DbgPrint("[vmm] %-40s [%08X]\n", message, value ); }

//          //
//  SET BIT  //
//          //
VOID SetBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit )
    ULONG mask = ( 1 << bit );
    *dword = *dword | mask;

//            //
//  CLEAR BIT  //
//            //
VOID ClearBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit )
    ULONG mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ULONG sub = ( 1 << bit );
    mask = mask - sub;
    *dword = *dword & mask;

//          //
//  Globals  //
//          //
ULONG            *pVMXONRegion        = NULL;        // Memory address of VMXON region.
ULONG            *pVMCSRegion        = NULL;
ULONG            VMXONRegionSize        = 0;
ULONG            VMCSRegionSize        = 0;
ULONG            ErrorCode            = 0;

EFLAGS            eFlags                = {0};
MSR                msr                    = {0};

PVOID            FakeStack                = NULL;

ULONG            HandlerLogging        = 0;
ULONG            ScrubTheLaunch        = 0;

//    Writes the contents of registers EDX:EAX into the 64-bit model specific
//    register (MSR) specified in the ECX register. The contents of the EDX
//    register are copied to high-order 32 bits of the selected MSR and the
//    contents of the EAX register are copied to low-order 32 bits of the MSR.
VOID WriteVMCS( ULONG encoding, ULONG value )
        PUSH    value
        MOV        EAX, encoding 

        _emit    0x0F                // VMWRITE EAX, [ESP]
        _emit    0x79
        _emit    0x04
        _emit    0x24
        POP EAX

//    Loads the contents of a 64-bit model specific register (MSR) specified
//    in the ECX register into registers EDX:EAX. The EDX register is loaded
//    with the high-order 32 bits of the MSR and the EAX register is loaded
//    with the low-order 32 bits.
//        msr.Hi --> EDX
//        msr.Lo --> EAX
VOID ReadMSR( ULONG msrEncoding )
        MOV        ECX, msrEncoding


        MOV        msr.Hi, EDX
        MOV        msr.Lo, EAX


//    Write the msr data structure into MSR specified by msrEncoding.
//        msr.Hi <-- EDX
//        msr.Lo <-- EAX
VOID WriteMSR( ULONG msrEncoding )

        MOV        EDX, msr.Hi
        MOV        EAX, msr.Lo
        MOV        ECX, msrEncoding



ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorBase( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector )
    ULONG            base = 0;
    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};
    RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );
    base = segDescriptor.BaseHi;
    base <<= 8;
    base |= segDescriptor.BaseMid;
    base <<= 16;
    base |= segDescriptor.BaseLo;

    return base;

ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorDPL( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector )
    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};
    RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );
    return segDescriptor.DPL;

ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector )
    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};
    RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );
    //return segDescriptor.LimitLo;
    return ( (segDescriptor.LimitHi << 16) | segDescriptor.LimitLo );

PHYSICAL_ADDRESS            PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr;
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS            PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr;

VMX_FEATURES                vmxFeatures;
IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR            vmxBasicMsr ;
IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR    vmxFeatureControl ;

CR0_REG                        cr0_reg = {0};
CR4_REG                        cr4_reg = {0};

ULONG                        temp32 = 0;
USHORT                        temp16 = 0;

GDTR                        gdt_reg = {0};
IDTR                        idt_reg = {0};

ULONG                        gdt_base = 0;
ULONG                        idt_base = 0;

USHORT                        mLDT = 0;
USHORT                        seg_selector = 0;

SEG_DESCRIPTOR                segDescriptor = {0};
MISC_DATA                    misc_data = {0};

PVOID                        GuestReturn = NULL;
ULONG                        GuestStack = 0;

//      //
//    VMX  //
//      //
__declspec( naked ) VOID StartVMX( )
    //    Get the Guest Return EIP.
    //    Hi    |            |
    //        +-----------+
    //        |     EIP    |
    //        +-----------+ <--    ESP after the CALL
    //    Lo    |            |

    __asm    POP    GuestReturn

    Log("Guest Return EIP" , GuestReturn );

    //                      //
    //                      //
    Log( "Enabling VMX mode on CPU 0", 0 );
    KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 );
    Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() );

    //            //
    //  GDT Info  //
    //            //
        SGDT    gdt_reg

    temp32 = 0;
    temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;
    temp32 <<= 16;
    temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;
    gdt_base = temp32;
    Log( "GDT Base", gdt_base );
    Log( "GDT Limit", gdt_reg.Limit );
    //                        //
    //  IDT Segment Selector  //
    //                        //
    __asm    SIDT    idt_reg
    temp32 = 0;
    temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;
    temp32 <<= 16;
    temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;
    idt_base = temp32;
    Log( "IDT Base", idt_base );
    Log( "IDT Limit", idt_reg.Limit );

    //    (1)    Check VMX support in processor using CPUID.
        MOV        EAX, 1
        // ECX contains the VMX_FEATURES FLAGS (VMX supported if bit 5 equals 1)
        MOV        vmxFeatures, ECX

        MOV        EAX, 0x80000008
        MOV        temp32, EAX

    if( vmxFeatures.VMX == 0 )
        Log( "VMX Support Not Present." , vmxFeatures );
        goto Abort;
    Log( "VMX Support Present." , vmxFeatures );
    //    (2)    Determine the VMX capabilities supported by the processor through
    //        the VMX capability MSRs.

        MOV        ECX, IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE
        LEA        EBX, vmxBasicMsr
        MOV        [EBX+4], EDX
        MOV        [EBX], EAX

        LEA        EBX, vmxFeatureControl
        MOV        [EBX+4], EDX
        MOV        [EBX], EAX


    //    (3)    Create a VMXON region in non-pageable memory of a size specified by
    //        IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR and aligned to a 4-byte boundary. The VMXON region
    //        must be hosted in cache-coherent memory.
    Log( "VMXON Region Size" , vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion ) ;
    Log( "VMXON Access Width Bit" , vmxBasicMsr.PhyAddrWidth );
    Log( "      [  1] --> 32-bit" , 0 );
    Log( "      [  0] --> 64-bit" , 0 );
    Log( "VMXON Memory Type", vmxBasicMsr.MemType );
    Log( "      [  0]  --> Strong Uncacheable" , 0 );
    Log( "      [ 1-5]  --> Unused" , 0 );
    Log( "      [  6]  --> Write Back" , 0 );
    Log( "      [7-15]  --> Unused" , 0 );

    VMXONRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion;
    switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType )
        case 0:
            Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType );
            goto Abort;
        case 6:
            Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMXON Region memory type." , 0);
            goto Abort;

    //    (4)    Initialize the version identifier in the VMXON region (first 32 bits)
    //        with the VMCS revision identifier reported by capability MSRs.
    *(pVMXONRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId;
    Log( "vmxBasicMsr.RevId" , vmxBasicMsr.RevId );

    //    (5)    Ensure the current processor operating mode meets the required CR0
    //        fixed bits (CR0.PE=1, CR0.PG=1). Other required CR0 fixed bits can
    //        be detected through the IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1
    //        MSRs.
        PUSH    EAX

        MOV        EAX, CR0
        MOV        cr0_reg, EAX
        POP        EAX
    if( cr0_reg.PE != 1 )
        Log( "ERROR : Protected Mode not enabled." , 0 );
        Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg );
        goto Abort;

    Log( "Protected Mode enabled." , 0 );

    if( cr0_reg.PG != 1 )
        Log( "ERROR : Paging not enabled." , 0 );
        Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg );
        goto Abort;
    Log( "Paging enabled." , 0 );
    cr0_reg.NE = 1;

        PUSH    EAX
        MOV        EAX, cr0_reg
        MOV        CR0, EAX
        POP        EAX

    //    (6)    Enable VMX operation by setting CR4.VMXE=1 [bit 13]. Ensure the
    //        resultant CR4 value supports all the CR4 fixed bits reported in
    //        the IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 MSRs.
        PUSH    EAX

        _emit    0x0F    // MOV    EAX, CR4
        _emit    0x20
        _emit    0xE0
        MOV        cr4_reg, EAX

        POP        EAX

    Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg );
    cr4_reg.VMXE = 1;
    Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg );

        PUSH    EAX

        MOV        EAX, cr4_reg
        _emit    0x0F    // MOV    CR4, EAX
        _emit    0x22
        _emit    0xE0
        POP        EAX
    //    (7)    Ensure that the IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR (MSR index 0x3A) has been
    //        properly programmed and that its lock bit is set (bit 0=1). This MSR
    //        is generally configured by the BIOS using WRMSR.
    Log( "IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL Lock Bit" , vmxFeatureControl.Lock );
    if( vmxFeatureControl.Lock != 1 )
        Log( "ERROR : Feature Control Lock Bit != 1." , 0 );
        goto Abort;

    //    (8)    Execute VMXON with the physical address of the VMXON region as the
    //        operand. Check successful execution of VMXON by checking if
    //        RFLAGS.CF=0.
        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0
        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart
        _emit    0xF3    // VMXON [ESP]
        _emit    0x0F
        _emit    0xC7
        _emit    0x34
        _emit    0x24

        POP        eFlags

        ADD        ESP, 8
    if( eFlags.CF == 1 )
        Log( "ERROR : VMXON operation failed." , 0 );
        goto Abort;
    Log( "SUCCESS : VMXON operation completed." , 0 );
    Log( "VMM is now running." , 0 );
    //    ***    The processor is now in VMX root operation!

    //    (1)    Create a VMCS region in non-pageable memory of size specified by
    //        the VMX capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC and aligned to 4-KBytes.
    //        Software should read the capability MSRs to determine width of the 
    //        physical addresses that may be used for a VMCS region and ensure
    //        the entire VMCS region can be addressed by addresses with that width.
    //        The term "guest-VMCS address" refers to the physical address of the
    //        new VMCS region for the following steps.
    VMCSRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion;
    switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType )
        case 0:
            Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType );
            goto Abort;
        case 6:
            Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMCS Region memory type." , 0 );
            goto Abort;
    //    (2)    Initialize the version identifier in the VMCS (first 32 bits)
    //        with the VMCS revision identifier reported by the VMX
    //        capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC.
    *(pVMCSRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId;

    //    (3)    Execute the VMCLEAR instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address.
    //        This will initialize the new VMCS region in memory and set the launch
    //        state of the VMCS to "clear". This action also invalidates the
    //        working-VMCS pointer register to FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFFH. Software should
    //        verify successful execution of VMCLEAR by checking if RFLAGS.CF = 0
    //        and RFLAGS.ZF = 0.
        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0
        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart

        _emit    0x66    // VMCLEAR [ESP]
        _emit    0x0F
        _emit    0xc7
        _emit    0x34
        _emit    0x24

        ADD        ESP, 8
        POP        eFlags
    if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 )
        Log( "ERROR : VMCLEAR operation failed." , 0 );
        goto Abort;
    Log( "SUCCESS : VMCLEAR operation completed." , 0 );
    //    (4)    Execute the VMPTRLD instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address.
    //        This initializes the working-VMCS pointer with the new VMCS region’s
    //        physical address.
        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0
        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart

        _emit    0x0F    // VMPTRLD [ESP]
        _emit    0xC7
        _emit    0x34
        _emit    0x24

        ADD        ESP, 8

    //    ***************************************
    //  *                                    *
    //    *    H.1.1 16-Bit Guest-State Fields  *
    //  *                                    *
    //    ***************************************
    //            Guest ES selector                                    00000800H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES
                Log( "Setting Guest ES Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000800, seg_selector );

    //            Guest CS selector                                    00000802H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS
                Log( "Setting Guest CS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000802, seg_selector );

    //            Guest SS selector                                    00000804H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS
                Log( "Setting Guest SS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000804, seg_selector );

    //            Guest DS selector                                    00000806H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS
                Log( "Setting Guest DS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000806, seg_selector );

    //            Guest FS selector                                    00000808H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS
                Log( "Setting Guest FS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000808, seg_selector );

    //            Guest GS selector                                    0000080AH
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS
                Log( "Setting Guest GS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000080A, seg_selector );

    //            Guest TR selector                                    0000080EH
                __asm    STR        seg_selector
                ClearBit( &seg_selector, 2 );                        // TI Flag
                Log( "Setting Guest TR Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000080E, seg_selector );

    //    **************************************
    //  *                                    *
    //    *    H.1.2 16-Bit Host-State Fields  *
    //  *                                    *
    //    **************************************
    //            Host ES selector                                    00000C00H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES
                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;
                Log( "Setting Host ES Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C00, seg_selector );

    //            Host CS selector                                    00000C02H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS
                Log( "Setting Host CS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C02, seg_selector );

    //            Host SS selector                                    00000C04H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS
                Log( "Setting Host SS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C04, seg_selector );

    //            Host DS selector                                    00000C06H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS
                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;
                Log( "Setting Host DS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C06, seg_selector );

    //            Host FS selector                                    00000C08H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS
                Log( "Setting Host FS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C08, seg_selector );

    //            Host GS selector                                    00000C0AH
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS
                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;
                Log( "Setting Host GS Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0A, seg_selector );

    //            Host TR selector                                    00000C0CH
                __asm    STR        seg_selector
                Log( "Setting Host TR Selector" , seg_selector );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0C, seg_selector );

    //    ***************************************
    //  *                                    *
    //    *    H.2.2 64-Bit Guest-State Fields  *
    //  *                                    *
    //    ***************************************
    //            VMCS Link Pointer (full)                            00002800H
                temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (full)" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00002800, temp32 );

    //            VMCS link pointer (high)                            00002801H
                temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (high)" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00002801, temp32 );

    //            Reserved Bits of IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR must be 0
    //            (1D9H)
                ReadMSR( 0x000001D9 );
                Log( "IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR" , msr.Lo );

    //            Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full)                            00002802H
                temp32 = msr.Lo;
                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full)" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00002802, temp32 );

    //            Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high)                            00002803H
                temp32 = msr.Hi;
                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high)" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00002803, temp32 );

    //    ***********************************
    //  *                                *
    //    *    H.3.1 32-Bit Control Fields  *
    //  *                                *
    //    ***********************************
    //            Pin-based VM-execution controls                        00004000H
    //            IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS MSR (index 481H)
                ReadMSR( 0x481 );
                    Log( "Pin-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo );
                    Log( "Pin-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi );
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 |= msr.Lo;
                temp32 &= msr.Hi;
                //SetBit( &temp32, 3 );
                Log( "Setting Pin-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004000, temp32 );

    //            Primary processor-based VM-execution controls        00004002H
    //            IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS MSR (index 482H)
                ReadMSR( 0x482 );
                    Log( "Proc-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo );
                    Log( "Proc-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi );
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 |= msr.Lo;
                temp32 &= msr.Hi;
                Log( "Setting Pri Proc-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004002, temp32 );

    //    Get the CR3-target count, MSR store/load counts, et cetera
    //    IA32_VMX_MISC MSR (index 485H)
    ReadMSR( 0x485 );
        Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Lo );
        //Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Hi );
    RtlCopyBytes( &misc_data, &msr.Lo, 4 );
        Log( "  ActivityStates" , misc_data.ActivityStates );
        Log( "  CR3Targets" , misc_data.CR3Targets );
        Log( "  MaxMSRs" , misc_data.MaxMSRs );

    //            VM-exit controls                                    0000400CH
    //            IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS MSR (index 483H)
                ReadMSR( 0x483 );
                    Log( "Exit controls allowed-0" , msr.Lo );
                    Log( "Exit controls allowed-1" , msr.Hi );
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 |= msr.Lo;
                temp32 &= msr.Hi;
                SetBit( &temp32, 15 );                                // Acknowledge Interrupt On Exit
                Log( "Setting VM-Exit Controls Mask" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000400C, temp32 );

    //            VM-entry controls                                    00004012H
    //            IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS MSR (index 484H)
                ReadMSR( 0x484 );
                    Log( "VMX Entry allowed-0" , msr.Lo );
                    Log( "VMX Entry allowed-1" , msr.Hi );
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 |= msr.Lo;
                temp32 &= msr.Hi;
                ClearBit( &temp32 , 9 );                            // IA-32e Mode Guest Disable
                Log( "Setting VM-Entry Controls Mask" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004012, temp32 );
    //    ***************************************
    //  *                                    *
    //    *    H.3.3 32-Bit Guest-State Fields  *
    //  *                                    *
    //    ***************************************
    //            Guest ES limit                                        00004800H
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, ES
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest ES limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004800, 0xFFFFFFFF );

    //            Guest CS limit                                        00004802H
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, CS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest CS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004802, 0xFFFFFFFF );

    //            Guest SS limit                                        00004804H
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, SS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest SS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004804, 0xFFFFFFFF );

    //            Guest DS limit                                        00004806H
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, DS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest DS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004806, 0xFFFFFFFF );

    //            Guest FS limit                                        00004808H
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, FS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest FS limit" , 0x00001000 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004808, 0x00001000 );

    //            Guest GS limit                                        0000480AH
                __asm    MOV seg_selector, GS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest GS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000480A, 0xFFFFFFFF );

    //            Guest TR limit                                        0000480EH
                    PUSH    EAX
                    STR        AX
                    MOV        mLDT, AX

                    POP        EAX
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, mLDT );
                Log( "Setting Guest TR limit" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000480E, temp32 );

    //            Guest GDTR limit                                    00004810H
                Log( "Setting Guest GDTR limit" , gdt_reg.Limit );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004810, gdt_reg.Limit );

    //            Guest IDTR limit                                    00004812H
                Log( "Setting Guest IDTR limit" , idt_reg.Limit );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004812, idt_reg.Limit );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // CS Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                Log( "Setting Guest CS access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004816, temp32 );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // DS Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                Log( "Setting Guest DS access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481A, temp32 );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // ES Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                Log( "Setting Guest ES access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004814, temp32 );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // FS Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                temp32 &= 0xFFFF7FFF;                // Granularity Bit = 0
                Log( "Setting Guest FS access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481C, temp32 );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // GS Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                SetBit( &temp32, 16 );                // Unusable
                Log( "Setting Guest GS access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481E, temp32 );

                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // SS Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                Log( "Setting Guest SS access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004818, temp32 );

                __asm    STR        seg_selector
                temp32 = seg_selector;
                temp32 >>= 3;
                temp32 *= 8;
                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // TR Segment Descriptor
                    MOV        EAX, temp32
                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]
                    MOV        temp32, EBX
                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;
                Log( "Setting Guest TR access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004822, temp32 );

    //            Guest LDTR access rights                            00004820H
                temp32 = 0;
                SetBit( &temp32, 16 );            // Unusable
                Log( "Setting Guest LDTR access rights" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004820, temp32 );

    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS                                0000482AH
    //            (174H)
                ReadMSR( 0x174 );
                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000482A, msr.Lo );

    //    **************************************
    //  *                                    *
    //    *    H.3.4 32-Bit Host-State Fields  *
    //  *                                    *
    //    **************************************
    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS                                00004C00H
    //            (174H)
                ReadMSR( 0x174 );
                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00004C00, msr.Lo );

    //    **********************************************
    //  *                                            *
    //    *    H.4.3 Natural-Width Guest-State Fields  *
    //  *                                            *
    //    **********************************************
    //            Guest CR0                                            00006800H
                    PUSH    EAX
                    MOV        EAX, CR0
                    MOV        temp32, EAX
                    POP        EAX
                ReadMSR( 0x486 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0
                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0" , msr.Lo );

                ReadMSR( 0x487 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1
                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1" , msr.Lo );
                SetBit( &temp32, 0 );        // PE
                SetBit( &temp32, 5 );        // NE
                SetBit( &temp32, 31 );        // PG
                Log( "Setting Guest CR0" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006800, temp32 );

    //            Guest CR3                                            00006802H
                    PUSH    EAX

                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR3
                    _emit    0x20
                    _emit    0xD8

                    MOV        temp32, EAX

                    POP        EAX
                Log( "Setting Guest CR3" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, temp32 );

    //            Guest CR4                                            00006804H
                    PUSH    EAX

                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR4
                    _emit    0x20
                    _emit    0xE0
                    MOV        temp32, EAX

                    POP        EAX

                ReadMSR( 0x488 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0
                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0" , msr.Lo );

                ReadMSR( 0x489 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1
                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1" , msr.Lo );

                SetBit( &temp32, 13 );        // VMXE
                Log( "Setting Guest CR4" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006804, temp32 );

    //            Guest ES base                                        00006806H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest ES Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006806, temp32 );

    //            Guest CS base                                        00006808H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest CS Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006808, temp32 );    

    //            Guest SS base                                        0000680AH
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest SS Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680A, temp32 );    

    //            Guest DS base                                        0000680CH
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest DS Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680C, temp32 );    

    //            Guest FS base                                        0000680EH
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Guest FS Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680E, temp32 );

    //            Guest TR base                                        00006814H
                    PUSH    EAX
                    STR        AX
                    MOV        mLDT, AX

                    POP        EAX
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT );
                Log( "Setting Guest TR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006814, temp32 );

    //            Guest GDTR base                                        00006816H
                    SGDT    gdt_reg
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;
                temp32 <<= 16;
                temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;
                Log( "Setting Guest GDTR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006816, temp32 );

    //            Guest IDTR base                                        00006818H
                    SIDT    idt_reg
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;
                temp32 <<= 16;
                temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;
                Log( "Setting Guest IDTR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006818, temp32 );

    //            Guest RFLAGS                                        00006820H
                    MOV        EAX, 0x00006820

                    // VMWRITE    EAX, [ESP]
                    _emit    0x0F
                    _emit    0x79
                    _emit    0x04
                    _emit    0x24

                    POP        eFlags

                Log( "Guest EFLAGS" , eFlags );

    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP                                00006824H
    //            MSR (175H)
                ReadMSR( 0x175 );
                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006824, msr.Lo );

    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP                                00006826H
    //            MSR (176H)
                ReadMSR( 0x176 );
                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006826, msr.Lo );

    //    *********************************************
    //  *                                          *
    //    *    H.4.4 Natural-Width Host-State Fields  *
    //  *                                          *
    //    *********************************************
    //            Host CR0                                            00006C00H
                    PUSH    EAX
                    MOV        EAX, CR0
                    MOV        temp32, EAX
                    POP        EAX
                SetBit( &temp32, 5 );                                // Set NE Bit
                Log( "Setting Host CR0" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C00, temp32 );

    //            Host CR3                                            00006C02H
                    PUSH    EAX

                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR3
                    _emit    0x20
                    _emit    0xD8

                    MOV        temp32, EAX

                    POP        EAX
                Log( "Setting Host CR3" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C02, temp32 );

    //            Host CR4                                            00006C04H
                    PUSH    EAX

                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR4
                    _emit    0x20
                    _emit    0xE0
                    MOV        temp32, EAX

                    POP        EAX
                Log( "Setting Host CR4" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C04, temp32 );                

    //            Host FS base                                        00006C06H
                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );
                Log( "Setting Host FS Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C06, temp32 );
    //            Host TR base                                        00006C0AH
                    PUSH    EAX
                    STR        AX
                    MOV        mLDT, AX

                    POP        EAX
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT );
                Log( "Setting Host TR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0A, temp32 );

    //            Host GDTR base                                        00006C0CH
                    SGDT    gdt_reg
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;
                temp32 <<= 16;
                temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;
                Log( "Setting Host GDTR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0C, temp32 );                

    //            Host IDTR base                                        00006C0EH
                    SIDT    idt_reg
                temp32 = 0;
                temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;
                temp32 <<= 16;
                temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;
                Log( "Setting Host IDTR Base" , temp32 );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0E, temp32 );

    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP                                00006C10H
    //            MSR (175H)
                ReadMSR( 0x175 );
                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C10, msr.Lo );

    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP                                00006C12H
    //            MSR (176H)
                ReadMSR( 0x176 );
                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo );
                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C12, msr.Lo );

    //    (5)    Issue a sequence of VMWRITEs to initialize various host-state area
    //        fields in the working VMCS. The initialization sets up the context
    //        and entry-points to the VMM VIRTUAL-MACHINE MONITOR PROGRAMMING
    //        CONSIDERATIONS upon subsequent VM exits from the guest. Host-state
    //        fields include control registers (CR0, CR3 and CR4), selector fields
    //        for the segment registers (CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, GS and TR), and base-
    //        address fields (for FS, GS, TR, GDTR and IDTR; RSP, RIP and the MSRs
    //        that control fast system calls).

    //    (6)    Use VMWRITEs to set up the various VM-exit control fields, VM-entry
    //        control fields, and VM-execution control fields in the VMCS. Care
    //        should be taken to make sure the settings of individual fields match
    //        the allowed 0 and 1 settings for the respective controls as reported
    //        by the VMX capability MSRs (see Appendix G). Any settings inconsistent
    //        with the settings reported by the capability MSRs will cause VM
    //        entries to fail.
    //    (7)    Use VMWRITE to initialize various guest-state area fields in the
    //        working VMCS. This sets up the context and entry-point for guest
    //        execution upon VM entry. Chapter 22 describes the guest-state loading
    //        and checking done by the processor for VM entries to protected and
    //        virtual-8086 guest execution.

    // Clear the VMX Abort Error Code prior to VMLAUNCH
    RtlZeroMemory( (pVMCSRegion + 4), 4 );
    Log( "Clearing VMX Abort Error Code" , *(pVMCSRegion + 4) );

    //    Set EIP, ESP for the Guest right before calling VMLAUNCH
    Log( "Setting Guest ESP" , GuestStack );
    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681C, (ULONG)GuestStack );
    Log( "Setting Guest EIP" , GuestReturn );
    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681E, (ULONG)GuestReturn );

    //    Allocate some stack space for the VMEntry and VMMHandler.
    HighestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    FakeStack = MmAllocateContiguousMemory( 0x2000, HighestAcceptableAddress );
    Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack );

    //    Set EIP, ESP for the Host right before calling VMLAUNCH
    Log( "Setting Host ESP" , ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) );
    WriteVMCS( 0x00006C14, ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) );

    Log( "Setting Host EIP" , VMMEntryPoint );
    WriteVMCS( 0x00006C16, (ULONG)VMMEntryPoint );

    //            //
    //    VMLAUNCH  //
    //            //
        _emit    0x0F    // VMLAUNCH
        _emit    0x01
        _emit    0xC2

        POP        eFlags

    Log( "VMLAUNCH Failure" , 0xDEADF00D )
    if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 || TRUE )
        //    Get the ERROR number using VMCS field 00004400H
            MOV        EAX, 0x00004400
            _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
            _emit    0x78
            _emit    0xC3
            MOV        ErrorCode, EBX
        Log( "VM Instruction Error" , ErrorCode );


    ScrubTheLaunch = 1;
        MOV        ESP, GuestStack
        JMP        GuestReturn

//                //
//  DriverUnload  //
//                //

VOID DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )
    ULONG        ExitEFlags = 0;

    ULONG        ExitEAX = 0;
    ULONG        ExitECX = 0;
    ULONG        ExitEDX = 0;
    ULONG        ExitEBX = 0;
    ULONG        ExitESP = 0;
    ULONG        ExitEBP = 0;
    ULONG        ExitESI = 0;
    ULONG        ExitEDI = 0;
    DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Active Processor Bitmap  [%08X]\n", (ULONG)KeQueryActiveProcessors( ) );
    DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Disabling VMX mode on CPU 0.\n" );
    KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 );

        MOV        EAX, 0x12345678
        _emit 0x0F        // VMCALL
        _emit 0x01
        _emit 0xC1
    DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Freeing memory regions.\n" );
    MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );
    MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );
    ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' );
    DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Driver Unloaded.\n");

//                //
//  Driver Entry  //
//                //

    ULONG        EntryEFlags = 0;
    ULONG        cr4 = 0;

    ULONG        EntryEAX = 0;
    ULONG        EntryECX = 0;
    ULONG        EntryEDX = 0;
    ULONG        EntryEBX = 0;
    ULONG        EntryESP = 0;
    ULONG        EntryEBP = 0;
    ULONG        EntryESI = 0;
    ULONG        EntryEDI = 0;
    DriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;
    Log( "Driver Routines" , 0 );
    Log( "---------------" , 0 );
    Log( "  Driver Entry", DriverEntry );
    Log( "  Driver Unload", DriverUnload );
    Log( "  StartVMX", StartVMX );
    Log( "  VMMEntryPoint", VMMEntryPoint );
    //    Check if PAE is enabled.
        PUSH    EAX

        _emit    0x0F    // MOV    EAX, CR4
        _emit    0x20
        _emit    0xE0
        MOV        cr4, EAX

        POP        EAX
    /*if( cr4 & 0x00000020 )
        Log( "******************************" , 0 );
        Log( "Error : PAE must be disabled." , 0 );
        Log( "Add the following to boot.ini:" , 0 );
        Log( "  /noexecute=alwaysoff /nopae" , 0 );
        Log( "******************************" , 0 );
    //    Allocate the VMXON region memory.
    pVMXONRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 );
    if( pVMXONRegion == NULL )
        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMXON Region memory." , 0 );
    Log( "VMXONRegion virtual address" , pVMXONRegion );
    RtlZeroMemory( pVMXONRegion, 4096 );
    PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMXONRegion );
    Log( "VMXONRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart );
    //    Allocate the VMCS region memory.
    pVMCSRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 );
    if( pVMCSRegion == NULL )
        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMCS Region memory." , 0 );
        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );
    Log( "VMCSRegion virtual address" , pVMCSRegion );
    RtlZeroMemory( pVMCSRegion, 4096 );
    PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMCSRegion );
    Log( "VMCSRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart );

    //    Allocate stack for the VM Exit Handler.
    FakeStack = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool , 0x2000, 'HmmV' );
    if( FakeStack == NULL )
        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VM Exit Handler stack memory." , 0 );
        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );
        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );
    Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack );
        MOV        GuestStack, ESP
    //    Save the state of the architecture.
        POP        EntryEDI
        POP        EntryESI
        POP        EntryEBP
        POP        EntryESP
        POP        EntryEBX
        POP        EntryEDX
        POP        EntryECX
        POP        EntryEAX
        POP        EntryEFlags
    StartVMX( );
    //    Restore the state of the architecture.
        PUSH    EntryEFlags
        PUSH    EntryEAX
        PUSH    EntryECX
        PUSH    EntryEDX
        PUSH    EntryEBX
        PUSH    EntryESP
        PUSH    EntryEBP
        PUSH    EntryESI
        PUSH    EntryEDI
        MOV        ESP, GuestStack
    Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() );
    if( ScrubTheLaunch == 1 )
        Log( "ERROR : Launch aborted." , 0 );
        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );
        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );
        ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' );
    Log( "VM is now executing." , 0 );
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

ULONG        ExitReason;
ULONG        ExitQualification;
ULONG        ExitInterruptionInformation;
ULONG        ExitInterruptionErrorCode;
ULONG        IDTVectoringInformationField;
ULONG        IDTVectoringErrorCode;
ULONG        ExitInstructionLength;
ULONG        ExitInstructionInformation;

ULONG        GuestEIP;
ULONG        GuestResumeEIP;
ULONG        GuestESP;
ULONG        GuestCS;
ULONG        GuestCR0;
ULONG        GuestCR3;
ULONG        GuestCR4;
ULONG        GuestEFLAGS;

ULONG        GuestEAX;
ULONG        GuestEBX;
ULONG        GuestECX;
ULONG        GuestEDX;
ULONG        GuestEDI;
ULONG        GuestESI;
ULONG        GuestEBP;

ULONG        movcrControlRegister;
ULONG        movcrAccessType;
ULONG        movcrOperandType;
ULONG        movcrGeneralPurposeRegister;
ULONG        movcrLMSWSourceData;

ULONG        ErrorCode;

//                  //
//  VMM Entry Point  //
//                  //
__declspec( naked ) VOID VMMEntryPoint( )
    __asm    CLI
    __asm    PUSHAD

    //    Record the General-Purpose registers.
    __asm    MOV GuestEAX, EAX
    __asm    MOV GuestEBX, EBX
    __asm    MOV GuestECX, ECX
    __asm    MOV GuestEDX, EDX
    __asm    MOV GuestEDI, EDI
    __asm    MOV GuestESI, ESI
    __asm    MOV GuestEBP, EBP
    //              //
    //  Exit Reason  //        0x00004400
    //              //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00004402
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitReason, EBX
    if( ExitReason == 0x0000000A ||    // CPUID
        ExitReason == 0x00000012 || // VMCALL
        ExitReason == 0x0000001C || // MOV CR
        ExitReason == 0x0000001F || // RDMSR
        ExitReason == 0x00000020 ||    // WRMSR
        ( ExitReason > 0x00000012 && ExitReason < 0x0000001C ) )
        HandlerLogging = 0;
        HandlerLogging = 1;
    if( HandlerLogging )
        Log( "----- VMM Handler CPU0 -----", 0 );
        Log( "Guest EAX" , GuestEAX );
        Log( "Guest EBX" , GuestEBX );
        Log( "Guest ECX" , GuestECX );
        Log( "Guest EDX" , GuestEDX );
        Log( "Guest EDI" , GuestEDI );
        Log( "Guest ESI" , GuestESI );
        Log( "Guest EBP" , GuestEBP );
        Log( "Exit Reason" , ExitReason );

    //                      //
    //  Exit Qualification  //    00006400H
    //                      //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00006400
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitQualification, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Qualification" , ExitQualification );

    //                                    //
    //  VM-Exit Interruption Information  //    00004404H
    //                                    //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00004404
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitInterruptionInformation, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Information" , ExitInterruptionInformation );

    //                                  //
    //  VM-Exit Interruption Error Code  //    00004406H
    //                                  //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00004406
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitInterruptionErrorCode, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Error Code" , ExitInterruptionErrorCode );

    //                                  //
    //  IDT-Vectoring Information Field  //    00004408H
    //                                  //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00004408
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        IDTVectoringInformationField, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Information Field" , IDTVectoringInformationField );

    //                            //
    //  IDT-Vectoring Error Code  //    0000440AH
    //                            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x0000440A
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        IDTVectoringErrorCode, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Error Code" , IDTVectoringErrorCode );

    //                              //
    //  VM-Exit Instruction Length  //    0000440CH
    //                              //
        MOV        EAX, 0x0000440C
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitInstructionLength, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Length" , ExitInstructionLength );

    //                                  //
    //  VM-Exit Instruction Information  //    0000440EH
    //                                  //
        MOV        EAX, 0x0000440E
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        ExitInstructionInformation, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Information" , ExitInstructionInformation );

    //            //
    //  Guest EIP  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x0000681E
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestEIP, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit EIP" , GuestEIP );

    //    Writing the Guest VMCS EIP uses general registers.
    //    Must complete this before setting general registers
    //    for guest return state.
    GuestResumeEIP = GuestEIP + ExitInstructionLength;
    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681E, (ULONG)GuestResumeEIP );

    //            //
    //  Guest ESP  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x0000681C
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestESP, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit ESP" , GuestESP );

    //            //
    //  Guest CS  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00000802
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestCS, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CS" , GuestCS );

    //            //
    //  Guest CR0  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00006800
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestCR0, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR0" , GuestCR0 );

    //            //
    //  Guest CR3  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00006802
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestCR3, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR3" , GuestCR3 );

    //            //
    //  Guest CR4  //
    //            //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00006804
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestCR4, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR4" , GuestCR4 );

    //                //
    //  Guest EFLAGS  //
    //                //
        MOV        EAX, 0x00006820
        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX
        _emit    0x78
        _emit    0xC3
        MOV        GuestEFLAGS, EBX
    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit EFLAGS" , GuestEFLAGS );

    //                                        //
    //                                        //

    //                                                                                //
    //                                                                                //
    if( ExitReason > 0x00000012 && ExitReason < 0x0000001C )
        Log( "Request has been denied - CPU0", ExitReason );

            JMP        Resume

    //          //
    //  VMCALL  //
    //          //
    if( ExitReason == 0x00000012 )
        Log( "VMCALL detected - CPU0" , 0 );

        if( GuestEAX == 0x12345678 )
            //    Switch off VMX mode.
            Log( "- Terminating VMX Mode.", 0xDEADDEAD );
                _emit    0x0F    // VMXOFF
                _emit    0x01
                _emit    0xC4
            Log( "- Flow Control Return to Address" , GuestResumeEIP );
                MOV    ESP, GuestESP
                JMP    GuestResumeEIP

        Log( "- Request has been denied." , ExitReason );
            JMP    Resume

    //        //
    //  INVD  //
    //        //
    if( ExitReason == 0x0000000C )
        Log( "INVD detected - CPU0" , 0 );

            _emit 0x0F
            _emit 0x08

            JMP        Resume

    //        //
    //  RDMSR  //
    //        //
    if( ExitReason == 0x0000001F )
        Log( "Read MSR - CPU0" , GuestECX );
            MOV        ECX, GuestECX

            _emit    0x0F
            _emit    0x32
            JMP        Resume
    //        //
    //  WRMSR  //
    //        //
    if( ExitReason == 0x00000020 )
        Log( "Write MSR - CPU0" , GuestECX );
            MOV        ECX, GuestECX
            MOV        EAX, GuestEAX
            MOV        EDX, GuestEDX

            _emit    0x0F
            _emit    0x30
            JMP        Resume
    //        //
    //  CPUID  //
    //        //
    if( ExitReason == 0x0000000A )
        if( HandlerLogging )
            Log( "CPUID detected - CPU0", 0 );
            Log( "- EAX", GuestEAX );
        if( GuestEAX == 0x00000000 )
                MOV        EAX, 0x00000000
                MOV        EBX, 0x61656C43
                MOV        ECX, 0x2E636E6C
                MOV        EDX, 0x74614872

                JMP        Resume
            MOV        EAX, GuestEAX

            JMP        Resume

    //                          //
    //  Control Register Access  //
    //                          //
    if( ExitReason == 0x0000001C )
        if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Control Register Access detected.", 0 );

        movcrControlRegister = ( ExitQualification & 0x0000000F );
        movcrAccessType = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000030 ) >> 4 );
        movcrOperandType = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000040 ) >> 6 );
        movcrGeneralPurposeRegister = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000F00 ) >> 8 );
        if( HandlerLogging )
            Log( "- movcrControlRegister", movcrControlRegister );
            Log( "- movcrAccessType", movcrAccessType );
            Log( "- movcrOperandType", movcrOperandType );
            Log( "- movcrGeneralPurposeRegister", movcrGeneralPurposeRegister );

        //    Control Register Access (CR3 <-- reg32)
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 0 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEAX );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 1 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestECX );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 2 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEDX );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 3 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEBX );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 4 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestESP );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 5 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEBP );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 6 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestESI );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 7 )
            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEDI );
            __asm POPAD
            goto Resume;
        //    Control Register Access (reg32 <-- CR3)
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 0 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV EAX, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 1 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV ECX, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 2 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV EDX, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 3 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV EBX, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 4 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV ESP, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 5 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV EBP, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 6 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV ESI, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 7 )
            __asm    POPAD
            __asm    MOV EDI, GuestCR3
            goto Resume;
    //    Switch off VMX mode.
    Log( "Terminating VMX Mode.", 0xDEADDEAD );
        _emit    0x0F    // VMXOFF
        _emit    0x01
        _emit    0xC4

    Log( "Flow Control Return to Address" , GuestEIP );
        MOV        ESP, GuestESP
        JMP        GuestEIP
    //    Need to execute the VMRESUME without having changed
    //    the state of the GPR and ESP et cetera.
        _emit    0x0F    // VMRESUME
        _emit    0x01
        _emit    0xC3





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


