Professional C#7 and .Net Core 2.0 学习(一)



数字分隔符使代码更具可读性。 在声明变量时,可以将_添加到单独的数字中。 编译器只删除_。 以下代码片段在C#7中看起来更具可读性:

In C# 6
long n1 = 0x1234567890ABCDEF;
In C# 7
long n2 = 0x1234_5678_90AB_CDEF;


In C# 7.2
long n2 = 0x_1234_5678_90AB_CDEF;


C#7为二进制文件提供了一个新的字符。 二进制文件只能包含值0和1.现在数字分隔符变得尤为重要:

In C# 7
uint binary1 = 0b1111_0000_1010_0101_1111_0000_1010_0101;


C#6允许表达式方法和属性。 使用C#7,表达式主体可以与构造函数,析构函数,本地函数,属性访问器等一起使用。 在这里,您可以看到C#6和C#7之间的属性访问器的区别:

In C# 6
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
set { Set(ref _firstName, value); }
In C# 7
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get => _firstName;
set => Set(ref _firstName, value);

4.Out Var

在C#7之前,必须在使用之前声明out变量。 使用C#7,代码减少了一行,因为变量可以在使用时声明:

In C# 6
string n = "42";
int result;
if (string.TryParse(n, out result)
Console.WriteLine($"Converting to a number was successful: {result}");
In C# 7
string n = "42";
if (string.TryParse(n, out var result)
Console.WriteLine($"Converting to a number was successful: {result}");


C#支持可选参数所需的命名参数,但在任何情况下都支持可读性。 使用C#7.2,支持非尾随命名参数。 可以使用C#7.2将参数名称添加到任何参数:

In C# 7.0
if (Enum.TryParse(weekdayRecommendation.Entity, ignoreCase: true,
result: out DayOfWeek weekday))
reservation.Weekday = weekday;
In C# 7.2
if (Enum.TryParse(weekdayRecommendation.Entity, ignoreCase: true,
out DayOfWeek weekday))
reservation.Weekday = weekday;

6.Readonly Struct

结构应该是只读的(有一些例外)。 使用C#7.2,可以使用readonly修饰符声明结构,因此编译器会验证结构是否未更改。 这种也可以保证它被编译器使用来复制结构将它作为参数传递,而是将其作为引用传递给它:

In C# 7.2
public readonly struct Dimensions
public double Length { get; }
public double Width { get; }
public Dimensions(double length, double width)
Length = length;
Width = width;
public double Diagonal => Math.Sqrt(Length * Length + Width * Width);

7.In 参数

C#7.2还允许带有参数的in修饰符。 这可以保证传递的值类型不会更改,并且可以通过引用传递它以避免复制:

In C# 7.2
static void CantChange(in AStruct s)
// s can't change

8.Private Protected

C#7.2添加了一个新的访问修饰符:private protected。 访问修饰符protected internal允许访问成员,如果它使用的是同一个程序集中的类型,或者来自另一个类型的类型派生自该类的程序集。 对于private protected,如果类派生自基类并且在同一个程序集中,则只允许使用AND而不是OR访问。


默认运算符总是需要重复类型,现在不再需要了。 这对于复杂类型是实用的:

In C# 7.0
int x = default(int);
ImmutableArray<int> arr = default(ImmutableArray<int>);
In C# 7.1
int x = default;
ImmutableArray<int> arr = default;


在C#7之前,无法在方法中声明函数。 你可以创建一个lambda表达式并调用它,如C#6代码片段所示:

In C# 6
public void SomeFunStuff()
Func<int, int, int> add = (x, y) => x + y;
int result = add(38, 4);
In C# 7
public void SomeFunStuff()
int add(int x, int y) => x + y;
int result = add(38, 4);


元组允许组合不同类型的对象。 在C#7之前,元组已成为使用Tuple类的.NET Framework的一部分。 可以使用Item1,Item2,Item3访问元组的成员,等等。 在C#7中,元组是语言的一部分,您可以定义成员的名称:

In C# 6
var t1 = Tuple.Create(42, "astring");
int i1 = t1.Item1;
string s1 = t1.Item2;
In C# 7
var t1 = (n: 42, s: "magic");
int i1 = t1.n;
string s1 = t1.s;


C#7.1通过自动推断元组名称来扩展元组,类似于匿名类型。 使用C#7.0,总是需要命名元组的成员。 如果元组成员应与您为其分配的属性或字段具有相同的名称,则使用C#7.1,如果未提供名称,则它与指定的成员具有相同的名称:

In C# 7.0
var t1 = (FirstName: racer.FirstName, Wins: racer.Wins);
int wins = t1.Wins;
In C# 7.1
var t1 = (racer.FirstName, racer.Wins);
int wins = t1.Wins;


解构构造不是破坏者。 可以解构元组以分隔变量,例如:

In C# 7
(int n, string s) = (42, "magic");
It’s also possible to deconstruct a Person object, if a Deconstruct method is defined:
In C# 7
var p1 = new Person("Tom", "Turbo");
(string firstName, string lastName) = p1;


通过模式匹配,is运算符和switch语句增强了三种模式:const模式,类型模式和var模式。 以下代码段显示了使用is运算符的模式。 匹配的第一次检查与常量42匹配,第二次匹配检查Person对象,第三次匹配检查具有var模式的每个对象。 使用type和var模式,可以声明一个变量用于强类型访问:

In C# 7
public void PatternMatchingWithIsOperator(object o)
if (o is 42)
if (o is Person p)
if (o is var v1)

使用switch语句,可以对case子句使用相同的模式。 如果模式匹配,您还可以声明要强类型的变量。 您还可以使用何时在条件上过滤模式:

In C# 7
public void PatternMatchingWithSwitchStatement(object o)
swtich (o)
case 42:
case Person p when p.FirstName == "Katharina":
case Person p:
case var v:


抛出异常只能通过声明来实现; 在表达中是不可能的。 因此,当使用构造函数接收参数时,需要额外检查null以抛出
ArgumentNullException。 使用C#7,可以在表达式中抛出异常,因此当左侧为空时,可以使用合并运算符抛出ArgumentNullException。

In C# 6
private readonly IBooksService _booksService;
public BookController(BooksService booksService)
if (booksService == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b));
_booksService = booksService;
In C# 7
private readonly IBooksService _booksService;
public BookController(BooksService booksService)
_booksService = booksService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b));


在C#7.1之前,Main方法总是需要声明为void类型。 使用C#7.1,Main方法也可以是Task类型,并使用async和await关键字:

In C# 7.0
static void Main()
In C# 7.1
async static Task Main()
await SomeMethodAsync();


.NET Core非常注重提高性能。 为参考语义添加C#功能有助于提高性能。 在C#7之前,ref关键字可以与参数一起使用,以通过引用传递值类型。 现在,也可以将ref关键字与返回类型和局部变量一起使用。

以下代码片段声明方法GetNumber以返回对int的引用。 这样,调用者可以直接访问数组中的元素,并可以更改其内容:

In C# 7.0
int[] _numbers = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 21 };
public ref int GetNumber(int index)
return ref _numbers[index];

使用C#7.2,可以将readonly修饰符添加到ref返回。 这样调用者不能更改返回值的内容,但仍然使用引用语义,并且可以避免返回结果时值类型的副本。 调用者接收引用但不允许更改它:

In C# 7.2
int[] _numbers = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 21 };
public ref readonly int GetNumber(int index)
 return ref _numbers[index];

在C#7.2之前,C#可以创建引用类型(类)和值类型(结构)。 但是,当发生装箱时,结构也可以存储在堆上。 使用C#7.2,可以声明只允许在堆栈上使用的类型:ref struct

In C# 7.2
ref struct OnlyOnTheStack


This essential classic title provides a comprehensive foundation in the C# programming language and the frameworks it lives in. Now in its 8th edition, you’ll find all the very latest C# 7.1 and .NET 4.7 features here, along with four brand new chapters on Microsoft’s lightweight, cross-platform framework, .NET Core, up to and including .NET Core 2.0. Coverage of ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework (EF) Core, and more, sits alongside the latest updates to .NET, including Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ASP.NET MVC. Dive in and discover why Pro C# has been a favorite of C# developers worldwide for over 15 years. Gain a solid foundation in object-oriented development techniques, attributes and reflection, generics and collections as well as numerous advanced topics not found in other texts (such as CIL opcodes and emitting dynamic assemblies). With the help of this book you’ll have the confidence to put C# into practice and explore the .NET universe on your own terms. What You Will Learn Discover the latest C# 7.1 features, from tuples to pattern matching Hit the ground running with Microsoft’s lightweight, open source .NET Core platform, including ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core web services, and Entity Framework Core Find complete coverage of XAML, .NET 4.7 and Visual Studio 2017 Understand the philosophy behind .NET and the new, cross-platform alternative, .NET Core Table of Contents Part I: Introducing C# and the .NET Platform Chapter 1: The Philosophy of .NET Chapter 2: Building C# Applications Part II: Core C# Programing Chapter 3: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part I Chapter 4: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part II Part III: Object-Oriented Programming with C# Chapter 5: Understanding Encapsulation Chapter 6: Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism Chapter 7: Understanding Structured Exception Handling Chapter 8: Working with Interfaces Part IV: Advanced C# Programming Chapter 9: Collections and Generics
[.Net] Professional.C#.7.and.NET.Core.2.0英文原版书籍 Author:Nagel, Christian /Pages Number:1200页 源码11.8M,epub格式30M,pdf格式40M Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 provides experienced programmers with the information they need to work effectively with the world’s leading programming language. The latest C# update added many new features that help you get more done in less time, and this book is your ideal guide for getting up to speed quickly. C# 7 focuses on data consumption, code simplification, and performance, with new support for local functions, tuple types, record types, pattern matching, non-nullable reference types, immutable types, and better support for variables. Improvements to Visual Studio will bring significant changes to the way C# developers interact with the space, bringing .NET to non-Microsoft platforms and incorporating tools from other platforms like Docker, Gulp, and NPM. Guided by a leading .NET expert and steeped in real-world practicality, this guide is designed to get you up to date and back to work. With Microsoft speeding up its release cadence while offering more significant improvement with each update, it has never been more important to get a handle on new tools and features quickly. This book is designed to do just that, and more—everything you need to know about C# is right here, in the single-volume resource on every developer’s shelf. Tour the many new and enhanced features packed into C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Learn how the latest Visual Studio update makes developers’ jobs easier Streamline your workflow with a new focus on code simplification and performance enhancement Delve into improvements made for localization, networking, diagnostics, deployments, and more




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