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原创 Delete Duplicate Keys

delete from kjt_paywhere ORDERNO in ( select T3.ORDERNO from (select T.ORDERNO, count(1) from kjt_pay T group by T.ORDERNO having count(1) > 1) T3) and GUID not in (select T4.max_id f.

2021-02-22 15:49:34 111

原创 BufferedWriter, BufferedReader

private static void test3() { try { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\Win10\\Documents\\WeChat Files\\wxid_h3y9nlkycvw122\\FileStorage\\File\\2021-01\\WINP.

2021-02-22 13:07:54 168

原创 FileInputStream, FileReader, InputStreamReader

1) File file = new File ("hello.txt"); FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(file); 2) File file = new File ("hello.txt"); FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader inReader=new InputStreamReader(in); BufferedReader bufReader..

2021-02-22 09:41:13 141

原创 PropertiesFile Singleton Design Method

package com.winter.demo.quartz.utils;import com.winter.demo.quartz.service.ReturnFont;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.InputStream;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Properties;public class PropertiesFile { .

2021-02-20 15:56:18 77

原创 MD5

package io.renren.rest.tool;import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;import java.security.MessageDigest;import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;/** * MD5.

2021-02-18 20:45:45 105

原创 Identity Cards

package io.renren.common.utils;import java.text.ParseException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Date;import java.util.Random;public class IDCards { public static void main(String[] args) { S.

2021-02-04 12:01:12 11358

原创 MySQL

1, nulls lastorder by IF(ISNULL(CREATE_DT_TM), 0, 1), CREATE_DT_TM desc2, date_formatdate_format(T.GMT_CREATE, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s')3,select last_insert_id();4, anonyms must be in the same case.SELECT k.ID, k.COMPANYCODE, k.COMPANYNAME,.

2021-01-27 17:55:24 76

原创 Install MySQL on CentOS 7

1, Check mariadb versionrpm -qa | grep -i mariadbWe don't have to uninstall mariadb before we install mysql;2, Check glibc versionldd --version3, Uncompress and add a soft linkmkdir -p /usr/local/opt/mysqlxz -d mysql-8.0.23-linux-glibc2...

2021-01-26 17:26:24 109

原创 HTTP _The Old Way

//java 发送post 请求的json数据 public static String post(String strURL, String params) { System.out.println(strURL); System.out.println(params); BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL(strURL);// ...

2021-01-24 17:04:21 81

原创 Change The Language From English To Chinese On CentOS

https://www.cnblogs.com/softidea/p/4048126.htmllinux系统安装好后怎么改为中文版呢?今天就跟大家介绍下linux系统改为中文版的方法,希望能帮助到大家!以下是linux系统改为中文版的四种方法,一起来看看:方法1:写入环境变量echo "export LANG="zh_CN.UTF8"">>/etc/profilesource /etc/profile方法2:system-config-language,会打开一.

2021-01-22 15:46:32 908

原创 Add Fonts To JVM__Trial One

vi /etc/fonts/font.conf<dir>/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0-211/jre/lib/fonts/fallback</dir>

2021-01-22 13:47:27 113

原创 Install Simhei On CentOS

fc-listyum install -y fontconfigcd /usr/share/fontsyum install -y ttmkdirmkdir chinesechmod -R 755 chinese/cd chinese/mkfontscalemkfontdirfc-cachefc-list :lang=zh

2021-01-22 11:36:54 261

原创 So It Goes__How To Package jar Files

jar cvfM0 springcloud-zuul.jar * // 压缩当前目前所有文件到.jarjar cvfM0 spring-zuul.jar E:/springcloud-zuul/ // 指定压缩目录

2021-01-21 17:55:47 65

原创 Install Java On CentOS__Version 2

1, Check whether java has already been installed:java -version2, Install the Oracle JDK:Download the JDK from the following link:Java 8 From Oracle3, Check the downloaded .tar.gz file:4, UncompressMake a new directory for installation:

2021-01-21 16:45:36 125

原创 AESUtil

package com.sf.test.encryption;import javax.crypto.*;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;import java.security.InvalidKeyException;import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;import java.security.SecureR.

2021-01-21 11:08:06 166 1

原创 Padding in RSA

padding值给弄对,加密的bytes上限117,但是有空的话回加上padding,所以加密吹来的字符串其实不止是117;要满足2的7次方,才是一个完整的block。输入的bytes,加密后的长度其实不止是117;其实一个block的size应该是128。解密的时候要把block的size要传对。package com.winplan365.othink.rest.tool;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;import co

2021-01-20 18:00:37 146

原创 Insertion Sort

package com.sf.test.test;public class Sort { public static void insertionSort(int[] arr) { for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { int tmp = arr[i]; for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j ==.

2021-01-20 12:10:42 138

原创 Unmei Is Just A Brief Hanabi

package com.sf.test.test;public class Hanyou { public Hanyou() { } private static class Unmei { private static Hanyou hanyou = new Hanyou(); } public static Hanyou getInstance() { return Unmei.hanyou; } pu.

2021-01-20 11:28:37 78

原创 Singleton

package com.sf.test.test;public class Hanabi { private static Hanabi hanabi; private Hanabi() { } public static Hanabi getInstance() { if (hanabi != null) { return hanabi; } synchronized (Hanabi.cl.

2021-01-20 11:23:56 85

原创 RSA With Swagger

package com.winplan365.othink.rest.controller;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.dto.CryptoDto;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.model.response.Response;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.properties.R..

2021-01-20 09:41:47 186

原创 Arrays.sort()

String str = "You are a page in my book of life that I am never able to turn over. My life is stuck in the moment when you turned your back against me."; String str1 = "present=past&hate=love&deep=shallow&absolute=relative&...

2021-01-20 09:22:06 64

原创 I Want To Be Loved By You

package com.winplan365.othink.rest.controller;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.dto.CryptoDto;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.model.response.Response;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.properties.R..

2021-01-19 19:15:38 126

原创 I Always Knew She Will Be Loved

package com.winplan365.othink.rest.properties;import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;@Component@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "rsa")public class RSAProperties {.

2021-01-19 17:46:53 74

原创 She Will Be Loved By Everyone Else Other Than You

package com.winplan365.othink.rest.controller;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.dto.CryptoDto;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.model.response.Response;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.tool.RSAUtil..

2021-01-19 17:08:33 85

原创 She Will Be Loved

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d 'She will be loved' 'http://localhost:8280/rsa/encode?apptoken=sdsds&appkey=fdfdd'

2021-01-19 17:05:50 83

原创 RSA, Jackson, and DecimalFormat

package com.sf.test.json;import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;import .

2021-01-19 16:36:14 100

原创 She Drifted Away With The Wind, Beyond The Reach Of My Wildest Dreams. Not Even RSA Algorithms Can..

package com.sf.test;import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;import javax.crypto.Cipher;import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;import java.security.*;import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec.

2021-01-19 15:38:47 55

原创 Swagger, What A Drama Queen!

package com.winplan365.othink.rest.controller;import com.winplan365.othink.rest.model.response.Response;import io.swagger.annotations.*;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;@Api(value = "FoxIsBeautifulAndDangerous", description = "She w..

2021-01-19 14:53:51 128

原创 Some Useful Maven Configurations

1, Maven添加本地文件夹 <dependency> <groupId>commons-api</groupId> <artifactId>commons</artifactId> <version>v0.1</version> <scope>system</scope>

2021-01-13 17:10:50 54

原创 Oracle Installation And Configurations

https://www.cnblogs.com/muhehe/p/7816808.html; Oracle installation; lsnrctl start; sqlplus /nolog; conn / as sysdba; startup; exit; lsnrctl start; you should do this as the user "oracle"; https://blog.csdn.net/bameirilyo/article/details/8392925..

2021-01-13 14:12:55 65

原创 Oracle: Create tablespace and user. Set up the permissions configurations.

Operations1, command line[oracle@localhost ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl #选择自己需要启动的数据库SID[oracle@localhost ~]$ echo $ORACLE_SID #显示实例名orcl[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus /nologSQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec ...

2021-01-13 14:09:52 67

原创 2020-12-22

package com.example.myapplicationimport org.junit.Testimport org.junit.Assert.*import java.io.File/** * Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host). * * See [testing documentation](http://d.android.com/tools/tes.

2020-12-22 15:22:05 58

原创 From Baidu Wenku

package com.example.myapplicationimport org.junit.Testimport org.junit.Assert.*import java.io.File/** * Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host). * * See [testing documentation](http://d.android.com/tools/tes.

2020-11-10 08:54:24 234

原创 Copy Text From Other Online Areas

package com.example.myapplicationimport org.junit.Testimport org.junit.Assert.*import java.io.Fileimport java.io.Readerimport java.nio.charset.Charsetimport java.util.regex.Matcherimport java.util.regex.Pattern/** * Example local unit test, wh.

2020-11-09 18:04:59 71

原创 Kotlin Read From File

@Test fun readText() { val filename = """D:\Document\WorkRelated\2020\11\09\tmp.txt""" val file = File(filename) val contents = file.readText() println(contents) file.readLines().take(3).forEach { ...

2020-11-09 17:08:45 136

原创 Oracle Pagination

1, order by is logical order, where rownum is based on the physical position;2, without order by and only <=select *from T_PF_DEPwhere ROWNUM <= 5000;3, without order by and both <= and >select *from (select * from T_PF_USER where

2020-05-27 11:40:25 109

原创 volatile in Java

volatile variables are stored in main memory, and never optimized away (for instance, storing in the CPU cache). Once the volatile variables are changed, they would be visible to all users. this means that volatile variables are not cached, every access n

2020-05-25 19:39:27 107

原创 DataGrip

1, show all schemas of a database connection:Click on the icon to the right of the database connection name, and then check the All Schemas option.2, change schema in the console window:

2019-09-24 14:27:23 360

原创 Debugging Intellij IDEA

1, Help > Show Log in Explorer.2, Right Click > Mark Directory As > Source Root.

2019-09-17 19:07:26 104

原创 JDBC Template

1,package tacos.data;import java.sql.Timestamp;import java.sql.Types;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Date;import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;import org.springframewo...

2019-08-22 15:34:09 166


MySQL-5.7最新最全面的参考手册 MySQL-5.7最新最全面的参考手册 MySQL-5.7最新最全面的参考手册 MySQL-5.7最新最全面的参考手册





Matlab Neural Network Toolbox documentation.pdf

Neural Network Toolbox™ provides algorithms, functions, and apps to create, train, visualize, and simulate neural networks. You can perform classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, time-series forecasting, and dynamic system modeling and control. The toolbox includes convolutional neural network and autoencoder deep learning algorithms for image classification and feature learning tasks. To speed up training of large data sets, you can distribute computations and data across multicore processors, GPUs, and computer clusters using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.



The explosion in the development of methods for analyzing categorical data that began in the 1960s has continued apace in recent years. This book provides an overview of these methods, as well as older, now standard, methods. It gives special emphasis to generalized linear modeling techniques, which extend linear model methods for continuous variables, and their extensions for multivariate responses.



This book is meant for developers who have worked in object-oriented languages such as Java, Ruby, or Python and are interested in improving their craft by learning Scala. Java developers will recognize the core object-oriented, static typing and generic col‐ lections in Scala. However, they may be challenged to switch to Scala’s more expressive and flexible syntax, and the use of immutable data and function literals to solve prob‐ lems. Ruby and Python developers will be familiar with the use of function literals (aka closures or blocks) to work with collections, but may be challenged with its static, generic-supporting type system. For these and any other developers who want to learn how to develop in the Scala programming language, this book provides an organized and examples-based guide that follows a gradual learning curve.



I’m not sure where I first came across the Scala language. Maybe on a fo- rum for programming language enthusiasts such as Lambda the Ultimate, or maybe in more pedestrian quarters: Reddit, or the like. Although I was intrigued at first blush, I owe my deeper exploration and enthusiasm for the language to two individuals: David Pollak, creator of the Lift web frame- work, and Steve Jenson, a former colleague at Twitter and generally brilliant programmer. Following David and Steve, I arrived to Scala in the late-middle stage of the language’s history to date. By 2008, Scala had spent five years evolving from its initial release, and had formed around it a tight-knit community of academics, tinkerers, and even a few consultants. The mailing lists were full of spirited debates, announcements of exciting libraries, and a general camaraderie and shared joy for seeing what this powerful new tool could do. What Scala lacked, at that point, was a collection of success stories around major production deployments. The decision to use Scala at Twitter, where I then worked, was not an easy one to make. Our infrastructure was buckling under the weight of extreme growth. Picking a relative unknown as our language of choice for building the high-performance distributed systems that would keep our fledgling service alive was risky. Still, the benefits that Scala offered were (and are) compelling, and our engineers were quickly able to produce proto- types that proved out the language’s effectiveness. Intheinterveningtime, I’veseenahearteningnumberofcompanieslarge and small adopting Scala. In that time, too, the question of Scala’s complex- ity has been raised. From the outside, Scala’s many features might appear to be a kind of complexity. To understand Scala, though, is to understand its goal of being a scalable language. You can be writing real-world code in Scala in an afternoon. As your understanding of the language and, indeed, of the art and science of programming as a whole expands, there’s more of Scala there to wield to your advantage. That’s not complexity. It’s flexibility. To be clear: Scala will challenge you. That’s part of the joy of using it. Youwon’tunderstandthefullpowerofitstypesystembytheendofyourfirst day. You won’t understand the zen of objects being functions and functions being objects in your first week. Each feature of the language is another light bulb waiting to switch on over your head. I’m certain you’ll enjoy the experience of being gradually illuminated as you read this book and write code. I’ve watched programmers learn Scala on the job and succeed. It can be done, and it can be fun. As Scala programmers like me have grown to better understand what this powerful language can do, so too has Scala evolved to meet program- mers’ needs. Scala 2.8 smoothes out some rough spots in the collection libraries and adds useful features like named and default arguments to meth- ods. While Scala has been a perfectly productive language to work with for some time, as of 2.8 it feels even more solid and polished. The new 2.8 release is icing on the cake. In my experience, Scala was ready for production deployments two years ago. Today, it’s even better, and I can’t imagine building a new system with- out it. Presently, I’m doing just that. For me, Scala has gone from being a risky gamble to a trusted tool in two short years. I look forward to taking advantage of the latest features in Scala 2.8, and to using this book as the definitive reference for it, direct from the creator of the language I’ve grown to depend on. Alex Payne Portland, Oregon October 27, 2010


Ajax The Definitive Guide.pdf

Ajax melds together existing technologies to help developers give web users a more advanced browsing experience. By utilizing XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML, all tried-and-true technologies, along with the XMLHttpRequest object, you can turn browsers into application platforms that closely mirror desktop applications. This capability is allowing existing web sites to convert to Web 2.0 sites, while increasing the number of new web applications that can be found on the Internet today. Not that long ago, some web technologies, especially JavaScript, were losing their user base as developers turned their attention to other technologies, such as Flash, that could provide more of the functionality that was needed. The coining of Ajax in 2005 gave JavaScript the shot in the arm that some developers felt was sorely needed, and since then, some truly wonderful things have been done with JavaScript that were never thought possible before. New innovations, together with the functionality of Ajax, have given the Web a new look and appeal. Ajax: The Definitive Guide explores what you can do with Ajax to enhance web sites and give them a Web 2.0 feel, and how additional JavaScript enhancements can turn a web browser and web site into a true application. Even before that, you will get a background on what goes into today’s web sites and appli- cations. Knowing what comprises Ajax and how to use it helps you apply it more effectively and integrate it with the latest web technologies (advanced browser search- ing, web services, mashups, etc.). This book also demonstrates how you can build applications in the browser, as an alternative to the traditional desktop application. Ajax is giving developers a new way to create content on the Web while throwing off the constraints of the past. Web 2.0 technologies are being integrated with Ajax to give the Web a new punch that could only be achieved before with browser plug-ins. Ajax is helping to redefine how we all should look at the Web, and I hope this book puts you on the path to defining your own Web 2.0 applications.


Head First Android Development A Brain-Friendly Guide(2nd) 无水印.pdf

Head First Android Development A Brain-Friendly Guide(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除


Android How to Program.pdf

Android How to Program(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开



Aditya Y. Bhargava所著Grokking Algorithms(曼宁出版社出版)采用了一种全新的方式来介绍数据结构、算法和复杂度等复杂概念。作为一个视觉型学习者,Bhargava说他试图借助插图的强大表现力来帮助读者更容易地掌握主题,避免部分读者觉得太费解。 这本书假设读者已经有了编程基础。Bhargava说它不仅适合没有接触过算法的人,也适合刚从计算机专业毕业的学生。 书中前3章介绍了大O符号和递归等基本概念。读者在这里可以读到关于数组和链表等数据结构的例子,还有二分查找和选择排序等算法。 第4章以快速排序算法为例,介绍了分而治之的解决问题方法。 第5到7章主要介绍了哈希表和图。除了详细描述哈希表和图到底是什么之外,书中还提供了许多非常有意义的用例来帮助大家理解它们的使用场景。哈希冲突和性能内容都有所覆盖,还有如何选择一个合适的哈希算法等。至于图,广度优先算法和Dijkstra最短路径优先算法都有所讲述。


editplus4.0 注册码

editplus 4.0 注册码 可以使用 破解版 好用的编辑工具



Back in 2003, when I wanted to implement charts for my home page, Flash-based charting solutions were totally dominating the market. I resented the idea of meeting my nontechnical readers with a prompt to install a browser plugin just to view my content, so I went looking for other solutions. There were server-side libraries that produced a static chart image, but they didn't provide any form of interactivity. So I built a chart based on an image created dynamically on the server, overlaid with tool tips created in JavaScript. This still runs on my website and has survived the coming of the touch age without modification. But I still had an idea of something simpler. By 2006 all major browsers had support for vector graphics through either SVG or VML, so this seemed the way to go. I started working on Highcharts on weekends and vacations, and released it in 2009. It was an instant success. Today, three years later, it has grown to become the preferred web charting engine by many, perhaps most, developers. Our bootstrapper company has nine persons working full time on developing, marketing, and selling Highcharts, and we have sold more than 22,000 licenses. Our clients include more than half of the 100 greatest companies in the world. I was thrilled when Packt Publishing contacted me for reviewing this book. I soon realized that the author, Joe Kuan, has a tight grip on Highcharts, jQuery, and general JavaScript. He also does what I love the most to see from Highcharts users—he bends, tweaks, and configures the library, and creates charts that surpass what we even thought possible with our tool. All done step by step in increasingly complex examples. I can't wait to recommend this book to our users. Torstein Hønsi CTO, Founder Highsoft Solutions



What this book covers Chapter 1 , A Simple Smart Gardening System, begins with explaining how to build a simple smart gardening system with involved plant sensor devices and Arduino. Chapter 2 , A Smart Parking System, will teach you to build a smart parking system. Learn how to detect a car plate and to count the car parking duration. Various pattern recognition algorithms will be introduced to detect a car plate. Chapter 3 , Making Your Own Vending Machine, will help you build a simple vending machine, detecting a coin is an important part of the vending machine and building UI (User Interface) for the vending machine is explored. Chapter 4 , A Smart Digital Advertising Dashboard, teaches you to build a simple smart digital advertising which could detect people’s presence so the advertiser can obtain an effective report of how many people watch the ads display. Chapter 5 , A Smart Speaker Machine, will help you build a simple smart speaker machine. You will start to learn Amazon Echo and then build your own simple smart speaker machine. Chapter 6 , Autonomous Firefighter Robot, teaches you to build an autonomous robot which finds a fire source location and extinguish fires. You will also learn to find the fire source location and navigate to the source location. Chapter 7 , Multi-Robot Cooperation Using Swarm Intelligence, focuses on how to make transport cooperation among robots using swarm intelligence. You will also learn the concept of swarm intelligence so that you can implement it in among robots. Appendix , Essential Hardware Components, covers mandatory hardware required for this book.


Murach-s-Java-Servlets-and-JSP, 3rd.pdf

Murach's Java Servlets and JSP, 3rd Very good introduction on servlet and jsp.


JAVA网络编程 第4版.pdf

《Java网络编程(第四版)》实用指南全面介绍了如何使用Java开发网络程序。你将学习如何使用Java的网络类库既快速又轻松地完成常见的网络编程任务,如编写多线程服务器、加密通信、广播到本地网络,以及向服务器端程序提交数据。作者提供了真正可实用的程序来讲解他介绍的方法和类。第4版经过全面修订,已经涵盖REST、SPDY、异步I/O和很多其他高级技术。本书主要内容有:研究Internet底层协议,如TCP/IP和UDP/IP;了解Java的核心I/O API如何处理网络输入和输出;发现InetAddress类如何帮助Java程序与DNS交互;用Java的URI和URL类定位、识别和下载网络资源;深入研究HTTP协议,包括REST、HTTP首部和cookie;使用Java的底层Socket类编写服务器和网络客户端;利用非阻塞I/O同时管理多个连接。


Java多线程编程实战指南 设计模式篇.pdf




各位小伙伴,楼主在文库里只看到英文版的。对于有些不太爱看英文或者英语吃力的友友们,有了新的福利啦:HBase实战(中文版) PDF版,欢迎大家下载学习!


Python编程入门 第3版.pdf




2006 was an exciting year. The disappointment that surrounded the dot-com crash had pretty much been superseded by a renewed and more confident growth of Web 2.0 and inspired a search for technologies of a new age. At that time, I was looking for a web server to power my projects that would do many things in a different way. After getting some experience in large-scale online projects, I knew that the popular LAMP stack was suboptimal and sometimes did not solve certain challenges, such as efficient uploads, geo-dependent rate limiting, and so on. After trying and rejecting a number of options, I came to know about Nginx and immediately felt that my search was over. It is small yet powerful, with a clean code base, good extensibility, relevant set of features, and a number of architectural challenges solved. Nginx definitely stood out from the crowd! I immediately got inspired and felt some affinity to this project. I tried participating in the Nginx community, learned, shared my knowledge, and contributed as much as I could. With time, my knowledge of Nginx grew. I started to get consultancy requests and have been capable of addressing quite sophisticated cases. After some time, I realized that some of my knowledge might be worth sharing with everyone. That's how I started a blog at www.nginxguts.com . A blog turned out to be an author-driven medium. A more reader-focused and more thorough medium was in demand, so I set aside some time to assemble my knowledge in the more solid form of a book. That's how the book you're holding in your hands right now came into existence.



NGINX is a high-performance web server designed to use very few system resources. There are many how-to's and example configurations floating around on the Web. This guide will serve to clarify the murky waters of NGINX configuration. In doing so you will learn how to tune NGINX for various situations, what some of the more obscure configuration options do, and how to design a decent configuration to match your needs. You will no longer feel the need to copy-paste a configuration snippet because you will understand how to construct a configuration file to do exactly what you want it to do. This is a process, and there will be bumps along the way, but with the tips explained in this book you will feel comfortable writing an NGINX configuration file by hand. In case something doesn't work as expected, you will be able to debug the problem yourself or at least be capable of asking for help without feeling like you haven't given it a try yourself. This book is written in a modular fashion. It is laid out to help you get to the information you need as quickly as possible. Each chapter is pretty much a standalone piece. Feel free to jump in anywhere you feel you need to get more in-depth about a particular topic. If you feel you have missed something major, go back and read the earlier chapters. They are constructed in a way to help you grow your configuration piece-by-piece.



My name is Jorge Acetozi, and I’m a Brazilian software engineer who has worked for many years as a Java developer. During my career, I have been interested in subjects such as these: • Linux • Distributed systems • Testing automation • Continuous integration • Continuous delivery • Cloud computing • Virtualization • Containerization • Security Why the varied interests? I just didn’t feel that coding in Java only was enough for me professionally (although doing this while following best practices is not an easy task). I wanted to understand the entire process of creating software and delivering it to a production environment. So, some years ago I started a career as a DevOps engineer. After taking these two paths, I’ve noticed there are two types of software engineer. In the first group are developers who usually don’t feel excited by infrastructure subjects and merely want to write code following best practices. However, this means they are not able to maintain a production environment since it involves much more than just writing software code. In the second group are infrastructure people who usually hate writing software code (note that writing small scripts to automate infrastructure tasks are quite different than writing software code). On the other hand, these people are able to maintain a production environment because they understand the deployment process, how to monitor the servers, how to handle security issues, and so on. The software engineer I’m trying to become sits right in the middle of these types of developers and infrastructure folks. I’d like to be an excellent programmer who follows coding best practices, but I also want to be able to put code into production and maintain it.



Redis is the most popular in-memory key-value data store. It is very lightweight and its data types give it an edge over other competitors. If you need an in-memory database or a high-performance cache system that is simple to use and highly scalable, Redis is what you should use. This book is a fast-paced guide that teaches you the fundamentals of data types, explains how to manage data through commands, and shares experiences from big players in the industry. What this book covers Chapter 1, Getting Started (The Baby Steps), shows you how to install Redis and how to use redis-cli, the default Redis command-line interface. It also shows you how to install Node.js and goes through a quick JavaScript syntax reference. The String, List, and Hash data types are covered in detail, along with examples of redis-cli and Node.js. Chapter 2, Advanced Data Types (Earning a Black Belt), is a continuation of the previous chapter. It presents the Set, Sorted Set, Bitmap, and HyperLogLog data types. All the examples here are implemented with redis-cli and Node.js. Chapter 3, Time Series (A Collection of Observations), uses all of the knowledge of data types from the previous chapters to build a time series library in Node.js. The examples are incremental; the library is initially implemented using the String data type, and then the solution is improved and optimized by using the Hash data type. Uniqueness support is added to the String and Hash implementations by using the Sorted Set and HyperLogLog data types, respectively. Preface [ viii ] Chapter 4, Commands (Where the Wild Things Are), introduces Pub/Sub, transactions, and pipelines. It also introduces the scripting mechanism, which uses the Lua programming language to extend Redis. A quick Lua syntax reference is also presented. A great variety of Redis commands are presented in this chapter, including the administration commands and data type commands that were not covered in the previous chapters. This chapter also shows you how to change Redis's configuration to optimize different data types for memory or performance. Chapter 5, Clients for Your Favorite Language (Become a Redis Polyglot), shows how to use Redis with PHP, Python, and Ruby. This chapter highlights the features that vary more frequently with clients in different languages: blocking commands, transactions, pipelines, and scripting. Chapter 6, Common Pitfalls (Avoiding Traps), illustrates some common mistakes when using Redis in a production environment and related stories from real-world companies. The pitfalls in this chapter include using the wrong data type for a given problem, using too much swap space, and using inefficient backup strategies. Chapter 7, Security Techniques (Guard Your Data), shows how to set up basic security with Redis, disable and obfuscate commands, protect Redis with firewall rules, and use client-to-server SSL encryption with stunnel. Chapter 8, Scaling Redis (Beyond a Single Instance), introduces RDB and AOF persistence, replication via Redis slaves, and different methods of partitioning data across different hosts. This chapter also shows how to use twemproxy to distribute Redis data across different instances transparently. Chapter 9, Redis Cluster and Redis Sentinel (Collective Intelligence), demonstrates the differences between Redis Cluster and Redis Sentinel, their goals, and how they fit into the CAP theorem. It also shows how to set up both Sentinel and Cluster, their configurations, and what happens in different failure scenarios. Redis Cluster is covered in more detail, since it is more complex and has different tools for managing a cluster of instances. Cluster administration is explained via native Redis commands and the redis-trib tool.



the basics of Spark SQL and its role in Spark applications. After the initial familiarization with Spark SQL, we will focus on using Spark SQL to execute tasks that are common to all big data projects



Data Algorithms: Recipes for Scaling Up with Hadoop and Spark 出版的书籍,大数据领域的圣经,最新分享



I’ve always loved making games. Board games, role-playing games, computer games— I just love abstracting things into rules, numbers, and categories. As a natural conse- quence, I’ve always loved data visualization. Damage represented as a bar, spells repre- sented with icons, territory broken down into hexes, treasure charted out in a variety of ways. But it wasn’t until I started working with maps in grad school that I became aware of the immeasurable time and energy people have invested in understanding how to best represent data. I started learning D3 after having worked with databases, map data, and network data in a number of different desktop packages, and also coding in Flash. So I was nat- urally excited when I was introduced to D3 , a JavaScript library that deals not only with information visualization generally, but also with the very specific domains of geospa- tial data and network data. The fact that it lives in the DOM and follows web standards was a bonus, especially because I’d been working with Flash, which wasn’t known for that kind of thing. Since then, I’ve used D3 for everything, including the creation of UI elements that you’d normally associate with jQuery. When I was approached by Manning to write this book, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to look deeply at D3 and make sure I knew how every little piece of the library worked, while writing a book that didn’t just introduce D3 but really dived into the different pieces of the library that I found so exciting, like mapping and networks, and tied them together. As a result, the book ended up being much longer than I expected and covers everything from the basics of generating lines and areas to using most of the layouts that come to mind when you think of data visualization. It also devotes some space to maps, networks, mobile, and optimization. In the end, I tried to give readers a broad approach to data visualization tools, whether that means maps or networks or pie charts.



Although I’d taken a lot of programming classes in college, I never fully appreciated programming until I had a job that involved a lot of repetitive tasks. After amusing myself by automating much of that job, I decided to return to school and study biol- ogy, which is when I took my first GIS course. I was instantly in love, and managed to convince someone to give me a biology degree for writing an extension for ArcView GIS (a precursor to A rc GIS , for you Esri fans out there). After finishing that up, I went to work for the Remote Sensing/Geographic Information Systems Laboratory at Utah State University. One of my first projects involved some web mapping, and I soon became a big fan of the open source UMN M ap S erver software. That was my introduc- tion to open source geospatial software, including GDAL . I’m fairly certain that I didn’t appreciate the power of the GDAL/OGR library when I first learned about it, but I came to my senses once I started using it in my C++ and C# code. In the College of Natural Resources, there weren’t many people around who were interested in coding, but I did get to point people to the GDAL command-line utilities on a regular basis. But then Esri introduced Python as the scripting language of choice for A rc GIS , and things started to change. I don’t think I had used Python much before then, but playing with arcgisscripting (the original Esri Python module) made me realize how much I enjoyed working with Python, so naturally I had to start using GDAL with it as well. More importantly for this book, my coworker John Lowry suggested that we team- teach a Python-for- GIS class. He taught students how to use Python with A rc GIS , and I taught them about GDAL . The class turned out to be popular, so we taught it that way for another few years until John moved away. I took over the entire class and have been teaching it in various configurations ever since. I’ve never bothered to take the class material from the first two years off the web, however, which is how Manning found me. They asked if I would write a book on using GDAL with Python. I’d never had the desire to write a book, so it took a bit of persuasion to convince me to do it. In the end, it was my love for teaching that won me over. I’ve discovered over the years that I really enjoy teaching, mostly because I love watching students incorporate what they’re learning into the rest of their work. This is especially true of graduate students, some of whom might not have completed their research in a timely manner (or at all) if they hadn’t learned how to write code. I know that these skills will continue to assist them throughout their careers, and my hope is that this book will provide the same help to you, no matter if you’re a student, professional, or a hobbyist. This is fun stuff, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!






本书由国内极为资深的Struts2技术专家(网名:downpour)亲自执笔,iteye兼CSDN产品总监范凯(网名:robbin)以及51CTO等技术社区鼎力推荐。   本书以Struts2的源代码为依托,通过对Struts2的源代码的全面剖析深入探讨了Struts2的架构设计、实现原理、设计理念与设计哲学,对从宏观上和微观上去了解Struts2的技术内幕提供了大量真知灼见。同样重要的是,本书还深入挖掘并分析了Struts2源代码实现中蕴含的大量值得称道的编程技巧和设计模式,这对开发者从Struts2的设计原理上去掌握和悟透Web层开发的要点和本质提供了绝佳的指导。   本书主要分为3大部分,内容安排具有极强的逻辑推理性,章和章之间互相呼应且互为印证。知识准备篇首先介绍了获取、阅读和调试Struts2源代码的方法,以及Struts2源代码的组织形式;然后厘清了Web开发中极易混淆的一些重要概念,以及Struts2的核心技术、宏观视图、微观元素、配置元素等,提纲挈领地对Struts2进行了多角度的讲解。核心技术篇首先分析了Struts2中多种具有代表性的设计模式,然后对Struts2中的精华——OGNL表达式引擎和XWork框架的原理及机制进行了全面深入的分析和讲解。运行主线篇首先对Struts2的两大运行主线——初始化主线和HTTP请求处理主线进行了深入的剖析,然后对Struts2的扩展机制进行了解读和抽象。


深入理解Java虚拟机 JVM高级特性与最佳实践.pdf

《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》共分为五大部 分,围绕内存管理、执行子系统、程序编译与优化、高效并发等核心主题对JVM进行了全面而深入的分析,深刻揭示了JVM的工作原理。第一部分从宏观的角度介绍了整个Java技术体系、Java和JVM的发展历程、模块化,以及JDK的编译,这对理解本书后面内容有重要帮助。第二部分讲解了JVM的自动内存管理,包括虚拟机内存区域的划分原理以及各种内存溢出异常产生的原因;常见的垃圾收集算法以及垃圾收集器的特点和工作原理;常见虚拟机监控与故障处理工具的原理和使用方法。第三部分分析了虚拟机的执行子系统,包括类文件结构、虚拟机类加载机制、虚拟机字节码执行引擎。第四部分讲解了程序的编译与代码的优化,阐述了泛型、自动装箱拆箱、条件编译等语法糖的原理;讲解了虚拟机的热点探测方法、HotSpot的即时编译器、编译触发条件,以及如何从虚拟机外部观察和分析JIT编译的数据和结果;第五部分探讨了Java实现高效并发的原理,包括JVM内存模型的结构和操作;原子性、可见性和有序性在Java内存模型中的体现;先行发生原则的规则和使用;线程在Java语言中的实现原理;虚拟机实现高效并发所做的一系列锁优化措施。 本书适合所有Java程序员、系统调优师和系统架构师阅读。



现在基于对话的交互界面越来越受关注,设计师们熟悉相关的背景之后才能设计出符合新交互范式的人机交互体验。一些前沿的设计师已经在总结最佳设计规范,一些书籍例如Amir Shevat的《对话机器人设计指南》以及Cathy Pearl写的《如何设计语音用户界面》已经出版。





Spring技术内幕:深入解析 Spring架构与设计原理.pdf

Spring技术内幕:深入解析Spring架构与设计原理(第2版)》是国内一本系统分析Spring源代码的著作,也是Spring领域的问鼎之作,由业界拥有10余年开发经验的专业Java专家亲自执笔,Java开发者社区和Spring开发者社区联袂推荐。本书第1版不仅在内容上获得了读者的广泛好评,而且在销量上也摘取了同类书的桂冠,曾经一度掀起Java类图书的销售热潮。第2版不仅继承了第1版在内容组织和写作方式上的优点,而且还根据广大读者的反馈改进了若干细节上的不足。更为重要的是,结合Spring的全新版本对过时的内容进行了更新,并增加了大量新内容,使本书更趋近于完美。 内容简介:, 本书是Spring领域的问鼎之作,由业界拥有10余年开发经验的资深Java专家亲自执笔!Java开发者社区和Spring开发者社区一致强烈推荐。, 国内第一本基于Spring3.0的著作,从源代码的角度对Spring的内核和各个主要功能模块的架构、设计和实现原理进行了深入剖析。你不仅能从木书中参透Spring框架的优秀架构和设计思想,而且还能从Spring优雅的实现源码中一窥Java语言的精髓。此外,本书还展示了阅读源代码的卓越方法,不仅授你以鱼,而且还授你以 渔!, 如果你以一种淡定的心态翻开这本书,无论你是Java程序员、Spring开发者,还是平台开发人员、系统架构师,抑或是对开源软件源代码着迷的代码狂人,都能从本书中受益。, 本书特色:, 作者从业10余载,悟透Spring等开源软件的本质,权威性毋庸置疑。, Java开发者社区、专业Spring开发者社区和架构师社区一致鼎力推荐!, 深入解析Spring架构原理与设计思想,探究Spring成功的奥秘。, 揭开Spring源代码的神秘面纱,展示系统阅读开源软件源代码的方法和秘诀。, 如果你也在思考下面的问题,本书也许就是你想要的:, 掌握Spring的架构原理与设计思想真的能让开发者如虎添翼吗?, IoC容器如何掌控以POJO为基础的Bean对象?它的轻量级开发设计思想是如何实现的?, Spring产品级的IoC容器是如何作为一个完整的系统实现并运行的?它如何启动?如何完成Bean的解析和载入?又如何实现Bean的生命周期管理?, Spring如何简捷地在JVM上实现AOP功能?, Spring AOP如何实现Aspect编织功能?, Spring如何实现各种数据库操作组件的集成?, Spring如何在Web环境中集成IoC容器并为Web应用开发提供利器?, 我们耳熟能详的MVC模式在Spring中是如何实现的?, Spring MVC如何灵活地集成各种丰富的视图展现方案?, Spring实现远端调用的方案有很多种,你知道它们之间的优劣差异吗?, Spring ACEGI安全框架在用户验证和授权机制的实现上有何过人之处?, 如何在Spring的基础上进行扩展开发?, 你是否曾经也有过分析开源软件源代码的冲动?你想掌握分析源代码的最佳实践吗?..., 本书赞誉:, 作为一个有近10年历史的成功框架,Spnng在Java开发中具有举足轻重的作用。本书从源代码分析入手,对Spring的架构原理和设计思想进行了全面剖析,不仅能让我们更深入、更彻底地认识Spring,领略Spring的架构之美和设计之美,而且更重要的是,它将全面提升我们的Spring开发技能。., ——Spring开发者社区, 这是值得所有Spnng开发者反复研读的一本书。Spring是一个优秀的轻量级企业应用开发框架,是Java开发中最流行的工具之一,也是Java程序员必须熟练掌握的一门技术之一。本书从Spring实现原理的角度揭开了Spring的神秘面纱,使得我们在利用Spring进行开发时,不仅能知其然,还能知其所以然,从本质上提升我们对Spring的理解和开发水平。, ——Spring中文用户组, 这是所有Java程序员应该认真阅读的一本书。Spring框架主要是用Java语言来实现的,本书对大量经典的、优雅的Spring实现代码进行了赏析,不禁让我们感慨Rod Johnson(Spring之父)对Java语言的运用之精妙。如果能跟随本书穿越Spring源代码的丛林,也许我们对Java语言的理解和掌握将会有质的飞跃。.., ——中文Java技术网, 这是所有软件架构师必备的一本书。成为一名出色的软件架构师,也许是每一位开发者的梦想。在成长为架构师的过程中,在实践中积累并总结经验固然很重要,但是从现有的成功架构中取经也是必不可少的。本书对Spring的各个功能模块的架构原理和设计思想进行了深入剖析,值得所有架构师用心体会和研究,必将受益匪浅。..., ——架构师中国


Shell脚本学习指南 中文PDF版.pdf

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Spark In Action.pdf

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Apache Kylin权威指南(高清带目录).pdf

Apache Kylin是Hadoop大数据平台上的一个开源OLAP引擎,将大数据的查询速度和并发性能提升至原来的百倍以上,为超大规模数据集上的交互式大数据分析打开了大门。本书由Apache Kylin核心开发团队编写,系统地介绍了Apache Kylin安装、入门、可视化、模型调优、运维、二次开发等各个方面,是关于Apache Kylin的权威指南。


Multivariate Analysis II Practical Guide to Principal Component Methods in R.pdf

Although there are several good books on principal component methods and related topics, we felt that many of them are either too theoretical or too advanced. Our goal was to write a practical guide to multivariate analysis, visualization and inter- pretation, focusing on principal component methods. The book presents the basic principles of the different methods and provide many exam- ples in R. This book offers solid guidance in data mining for students and researchers. Key features • Covers principal component methods and implementation in R • Short, self-contained chapters with tested examples that allow for flexibility in designing a course and for easy reference At the end of each chapter, we present R lab sections in which we systematically work through applications of the various methods discussed in that chapter. Additionally, we provide links to other resources and to our hand-curated list of videos on principal component methods for further learning.



这本书出自 Richard A. Johnson (Author), Dean W. Wichern (Author) 两位著名的教授,是这个领域比较著名的数,在工业工程,经济管理,工程科技等涉及多变量的领域应用广泛。仅仅用作学习目的,阅后请删除。和csdn上大多数不同的是,我这是清晰版,字都是能选的。



现在网上基本没能找到完整版 我这本找了很久的 序言 I 1 数据分析引言:分解数据 1 2 实验:检验你的理论 37 3 最优化:寻找最大值 75 4 数据图形化:图形让你更精明 111 5 假设检验:假设并非如此 139 6 贝叶斯统计:穿越第一关 169 7 主观概率:信念数字化 191 8 启发法:凭人类的天性作分析 225 9 直方图:数字的形状 251 10 回归:预测 279 11 误差:合理误差 315 12 相关数据库:你能关联吗 359 13 整理数据:井然有序 385 附录A 尾声:正文未及的十大要诀 417 附录B 安装R:启动R 427 附录C 安装Excel分析工具:ToolPak 431">现在网上基本没能找到完整版 我这本找了很久的 序言 I 1 数据分析引言:分解数据 1 2 实验:检验你的理论 37 3 最优化:寻找最大值 75 4 数据图形化:图形让你更精明 111 5 假设检验:假设并非如此 139 6 贝叶斯统计:穿 [更多]



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