Spring-core源码 -- AntPathMatcher匹配映射路径类

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比如:com/t?st.jsp 匹配 com/test.jsp、com/tast.jsp等
           com/*.jsp 匹配 所有com下级.jsp文件
           com/**/test.jsp 匹配 所有com下的test.jsp结尾文件


 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.util;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

 * {@link PathMatcher} implementation for Ant-style path patterns.
 * <p>Part of this mapping code has been kindly borrowed from <a href="http://ant.apache.org">Apache Ant</a>.
 * <p>The mapping matches URLs using the following rules:<br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code ?} matches one character</li>
 * <li>{@code *} matches zero or more characters</li>
 * <li>{@code **} matches zero or more <em>directories</em> in a path</li>
 * <li>{@code {spring:[a-z]+}} matches the regexp {@code [a-z]+} as a path variable named "spring"</li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3>Examples</h3>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code com/t?st.jsp} &mdash; matches {@code com/test.jsp} but also
 * {@code com/tast.jsp} or {@code com/txst.jsp}</li>
 * <li>{@code com/*.jsp} &mdash; matches all {@code .jsp} files in the
 * {@code com} directory</li>
 * <li><code>com/&#42;&#42;/test.jsp</code> &mdash; matches all {@code test.jsp}
 * files underneath the {@code com} path</li>
 * <li><code>org/springframework/&#42;&#42;/*.jsp</code> &mdash; matches all
 * {@code .jsp} files underneath the {@code org/springframework} path</li>
 * <li><code>org/&#42;&#42;/servlet/bla.jsp</code> &mdash; matches
 * {@code org/springframework/servlet/bla.jsp} but also
 * {@code org/springframework/testing/servlet/bla.jsp} and {@code org/servlet/bla.jsp}</li>
 * <li>{@code com/{filename:\\w+}.jsp} will match {@code com/test.jsp} and assign the value {@code test}
 * to the {@code filename} variable</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p><strong>Note:</strong> a pattern and a path must both be absolute or must
 * both be relative in order for the two to match. Therefore it is recommended
 * that users of this implementation to sanitize patterns in order to prefix
 * them with "/" as it makes sense in the context in which they're used.
 * @author Alef Arendsen
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @author Arjen Poutsma
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @since 16.07.2003
public class AntPathMatcher implements PathMatcher {

	/** Default path separator: "/". */
	public static final String DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR = "/";

	/* 缓存关闭阈值 */
	private static final int CACHE_TURNOFF_THRESHOLD = 65536;

	private static final Pattern VARIABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\{[^/]+?\\}");

	private static final char[] WILDCARD_CHARS = { '*', '?', '{' };

	/* 路径分割符 */
	private String pathSeparator;

	/* 路径分割缓存 */
	private PathSeparatorPatternCache pathSeparatorPatternCache;

	/* 是否区分大小写 */
	private boolean caseSensitive = true;

	/* 是否去除空白字符串 */
	private boolean trimTokens = false;

	/* true激活无限模式缓存 false完全关闭模式缓存*/
	private volatile Boolean cachePatterns;

	private final Map<String, String[]> tokenizedPatternCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

	final Map<String, AntPathStringMatcher> stringMatcherCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

	 * Create a new instance with the {@link #DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR}.
	 * 默认分隔符创建一个示例
	public AntPathMatcher() {
		this.pathSeparator = DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR;
		this.pathSeparatorPatternCache = new PathSeparatorPatternCache(DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR);

	 * A convenient, alternative constructor to use with a custom path separator.
	 * 自定义分隔符创建一个实例
	 * @param pathSeparator the path separator to use, must not be {@code null}.
	 * @since 4.1
	public AntPathMatcher(String pathSeparator) {
		Assert.notNull(pathSeparator, "'pathSeparator' is required");
		this.pathSeparator = pathSeparator;
		this.pathSeparatorPatternCache = new PathSeparatorPatternCache(pathSeparator);

	 * Set the path separator to use for pattern parsing.
	 * 自定义分割符为空使用默认分割符,否则使用自定义分割符
	 * <p>Default is "/", as in Ant.
	public void setPathSeparator(@Nullable String pathSeparator) {
		this.pathSeparator = (pathSeparator != null ? pathSeparator : DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR);
		this.pathSeparatorPatternCache = new PathSeparatorPatternCache(this.pathSeparator);

	 * Specify whether to perform pattern matching in a case-sensitive fashion.
	 * <p>Default is {@code true}. Switch this to {@code false} for case-insensitive matching.
	 * @since 4.2
	public void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) {
		this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;

	 * Specify whether to trim tokenized paths and patterns.
	 * <p>Default is {@code false}.
	public void setTrimTokens(boolean trimTokens) {
		this.trimTokens = trimTokens;

	 * Specify whether to cache parsed pattern metadata for patterns passed
	 * into this matcher's {@link #match} method. A value of {@code true}
	 * activates an unlimited pattern cache; a value of {@code false} turns
	 * the pattern cache off completely.
	 * <p>Default is for the cache to be on, but with the variant to automatically
	 * turn it off when encountering too many patterns to cache at runtime
	 * (the threshold is 65536), assuming that arbitrary permutations of patterns
	 * are coming in, with little chance for encountering a recurring pattern.
	 * @since 4.0.1
	 * @see #getStringMatcher(String)
	public void setCachePatterns(boolean cachePatterns) {
		this.cachePatterns = cachePatterns;

	private void deactivatePatternCache() {
		this.cachePatterns = false;

	/* path是否包含*或者? */
	public boolean isPattern(String path) {
		return (path.indexOf('*') != -1 || path.indexOf('?') != -1);

	public boolean match(String pattern, String path) {
		return doMatch(pattern, path, true, null);

	public boolean matchStart(String pattern, String path) {
		return doMatch(pattern, path, false, null);

	 * 判断给定模式与给定路径是否匹配,如判断"t?st"是否匹配"test",或者"test/*"是否匹配"test/Test"
	 * Actually match the given {@code path} against the given {@code pattern}.
	 * @param pattern the pattern to match against
	 * @param path the path String to test
	 * @param fullMatch whether a full pattern match is required (else a pattern match
	 * as far as the given base path goes is sufficient)
	 * @return {@code true} if the supplied {@code path} matched, {@code false} if it didn't
	protected boolean doMatch(String pattern, String path, boolean fullMatch,
			@Nullable Map<String, String> uriTemplateVariables) {

		/* path和pattern是否都以pathSeparator隔开或者都不以pathSeparator隔开*/
		if (path.startsWith(this.pathSeparator) != pattern.startsWith(this.pathSeparator)) {
			return false;

		/* 对pattern进行分词,获取pattern的数组 */
		String[] pattDirs = tokenizePattern(pattern);
		if (fullMatch && this.caseSensitive && !isPotentialMatch(path, pattDirs)) {
			return false;

		/* 对path进行分词,获取path的数组*/
		String[] pathDirs = tokenizePath(path);

		int pattIdxStart = 0;
		int pattIdxEnd = pattDirs.length - 1;
		int pathIdxStart = 0;
		int pathIdxEnd = pathDirs.length - 1;

		// Match all elements up to the first **
		/* 将所有元素匹配到第一个** */
		while (pattIdxStart <= pattIdxEnd && pathIdxStart <= pathIdxEnd) {
			String pattDir = pattDirs[pattIdxStart];
			/* pattDir 中有**跳出循环 */
			if ("**".equals(pattDir)) {
			if (!matchStrings(pattDir, pathDirs[pathIdxStart], uriTemplateVariables)) {
				return false;

		if (pathIdxStart > pathIdxEnd) {
			// Path is exhausted, only match if rest of pattern is * or **'s
			 *  如果path分词数组正常执行完毕,则pathIdxStart是会比pathIdxEnd大1的,这个时候,
			 *  如果pattern的字符串数组也正常耗尽,则来判断pattern和path的最后一个字符是否同步,
			 *  按结果返回
			if (pattIdxStart > pattIdxEnd) {
				return (pattern.endsWith(this.pathSeparator) == path.endsWith(this.pathSeparator));
			if (!fullMatch) {
				return true;
			 * pattIdxStart和pattIdxEnd相等,
			 * 同时pattern的最后一个字符是*且path最后是一个分隔符,则直接返回true;
			if (pattIdxStart == pattIdxEnd && pattDirs[pattIdxStart].equals("*") && path.endsWith(this.pathSeparator)) {
				return true;
			/* 如果pattern的最后一个字符串是**则直接返回true */
			for (int i = pattIdxStart; i <= pattIdxEnd; i++) {
				if (!pattDirs[i].equals("**")) {
					return false;
			return true;
		/* pattern已经耗尽但是path还没耗尽,这时候肯定不匹配,直接返回false */
		else if (pattIdxStart > pattIdxEnd) {
			// String not exhausted, but pattern is. Failure.
			return false;
		else if (!fullMatch && "**".equals(pattDirs[pattIdxStart])) {
			// Path start definitely matches due to "**" part in pattern.
			return true;

		// up to last '**'
		 * pattDir 中有**跳出上面的循环后
		 * 开始从后往前遍历,如果再次弹出来不是因为遇到了**,是正常遍历完成,这个时候,pathIdxStart是大于pathIdxEnd,
		 * 这个时候字符串已经耗尽,如果pattern还没有耗尽,并且最后并不是**,则直接返回false;
		while (pattIdxStart <= pattIdxEnd && pathIdxStart <= pathIdxEnd) {
			String pattDir = pattDirs[pattIdxEnd];
			if (pattDir.equals("**")) {
			if (!matchStrings(pattDir, pathDirs[pathIdxEnd], uriTemplateVariables)) {
				return false;
		if (pathIdxStart > pathIdxEnd) {
			// String is exhausted
			for (int i = pattIdxStart; i <= pattIdxEnd; i++) {
				if (!pattDirs[i].equals("**")) {
					return false;
			return true;

		 * 如果上一个while中间再次出现**,并且path并没有耗尽,则进行下边的步骤:
		while (pattIdxStart != pattIdxEnd && pathIdxStart <= pathIdxEnd) {
			int patIdxTmp = -1;
			for (int i = pattIdxStart + 1; i <= pattIdxEnd; i++) {
				if (pattDirs[i].equals("**")) {
					patIdxTmp = i;
			if (patIdxTmp == pattIdxStart + 1) {
				// '**/**' situation, so skip one
			// Find the pattern between padIdxStart & padIdxTmp in str between
			// strIdxStart & strIdxEnd
			int patLength = (patIdxTmp - pattIdxStart - 1);
			int strLength = (pathIdxEnd - pathIdxStart + 1);
			int foundIdx = -1;

			for (int i = 0; i <= strLength - patLength; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < patLength; j++) {
					String subPat = pattDirs[pattIdxStart + j + 1];
					String subStr = pathDirs[pathIdxStart + i + j];
					if (!matchStrings(subPat, subStr, uriTemplateVariables)) {
						continue strLoop;
				foundIdx = pathIdxStart + i;

			if (foundIdx == -1) {
				return false;

			pattIdxStart = patIdxTmp;
			pathIdxStart = foundIdx + patLength;

		for (int i = pattIdxStart; i <= pattIdxEnd; i++) {
			if (!pattDirs[i].equals("**")) {
				return false;

		return true;

	private boolean isPotentialMatch(String path, String[] pattDirs) {
		if (!this.trimTokens) {
			int pos = 0;
			for (String pattDir : pattDirs) {
				int skipped = skipSeparator(path, pos, this.pathSeparator);
				pos += skipped;
				skipped = skipSegment(path, pos, pattDir);
				if (skipped < pattDir.length()) {
					return (skipped > 0 || (pattDir.length() > 0 && isWildcardChar(pattDir.charAt(0))));
				pos += skipped;
		return true;

	private int skipSegment(String path, int pos, String prefix) {
		int skipped = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length(); i++) {
			char c = prefix.charAt(i);
			if (isWildcardChar(c)) {
				return skipped;
			int currPos = pos + skipped;
			if (currPos >= path.length()) {
				return 0;
			if (c == path.charAt(currPos)) {
		return skipped;

	private int skipSeparator(String path, int pos, String separator) {
		int skipped = 0;
		while (path.startsWith(separator, pos + skipped)) {
			skipped += separator.length();
		return skipped;

	private boolean isWildcardChar(char c) {
		for (char candidate : WILDCARD_CHARS) {
			if (c == candidate) {
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Tokenize the given path pattern into parts, based on this matcher's settings.
	 * <p>Performs caching based on {@link #setCachePatterns}, delegating to
	 * {@link #tokenizePath(String)} for the actual tokenization algorithm.
	 * 基于此匹配器的设置,将给定的路径模式标记化为多个部分。根据setcachepatterns执行缓存,将实际标记化技术算法的路径指定为标记化路径
	 * @param pattern the pattern to tokenize
	 * @return the tokenized pattern parts
	protected String[] tokenizePattern(String pattern) {
		/*  */
		String[] tokenized = null;
		Boolean cachePatterns = this.cachePatterns;
		if (cachePatterns == null || cachePatterns.booleanValue()) {
			tokenized = this.tokenizedPatternCache.get(pattern);
		if (tokenized == null) {
			tokenized = tokenizePath(pattern);
			if (cachePatterns == null && this.tokenizedPatternCache.size() >= CACHE_TURNOFF_THRESHOLD) {
				// Try to adapt to the runtime situation that we're encountering:
				// There are obviously too many different patterns coming in here...
				// So let's turn off the cache since the patterns are unlikely to be reoccurring.
				 * 很明显这里有太多不同的模式…
				 * 因此,让我们关闭缓存,因为模式不太可能重复出现。
				 * */
				return tokenized;
			/* cachePatterns为空或者cachePatterns值为false时,往tokenizedPatternCache里面塞tokenized */
			if (cachePatterns == null || cachePatterns.booleanValue()) {
				this.tokenizedPatternCache.put(pattern, tokenized);
		return tokenized;

	 * Tokenize the given path String into parts, based on this matcher's settings.
	 * @param path the path to tokenize
	 * @return the tokenized path parts
	protected String[] tokenizePath(String path) {
		return StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(path, this.pathSeparator, this.trimTokens, true);

	 * Test whether or not a string matches against a pattern.
	 * @param pattern the pattern to match against (never {@code null})
	 * @param str the String which must be matched against the pattern (never {@code null})
	 * @return {@code true} if the string matches against the pattern, or {@code false} otherwise
	private boolean matchStrings(String pattern, String str,
			@Nullable Map<String, String> uriTemplateVariables) {
		/* 对给定的pattern返回一个AntPathStringMatcher,默认取缓存否则创建一个新的*/
		return getStringMatcher(pattern).matchStrings(str, uriTemplateVariables);

	 * Build or retrieve an {@link AntPathStringMatcher} for the given pattern.
	 * <p>The default implementation checks this AntPathMatcher's internal cache
	 * (see {@link #setCachePatterns}), creating a new AntPathStringMatcher instance
	 * if no cached copy is found.
	 * <p>When encountering too many patterns to cache at runtime (the threshold is 65536),
	 * it turns the default cache off, assuming that arbitrary permutations of patterns
	 * are coming in, with little chance for encountering a recurring pattern.
	 * <p>This method may be overridden to implement a custom cache strategy.
	 * @param pattern the pattern to match against (never {@code null})
	 * @return a corresponding AntPathStringMatcher (never {@code null})
	 * @see #setCachePatterns
	protected AntPathStringMatcher getStringMatcher(String pattern) {
		AntPathStringMatcher matcher = null;
		Boolean cachePatterns = this.cachePatterns;
		if (cachePatterns == null || cachePatterns.booleanValue()) {
			matcher = this.stringMatcherCache.get(pattern);
		if (matcher == null) {
			matcher = new AntPathStringMatcher(pattern, this.caseSensitive);
			if (cachePatterns == null && this.stringMatcherCache.size() >= CACHE_TURNOFF_THRESHOLD) {
				// Try to adapt to the runtime situation that we're encountering:
				// There are obviously too many different patterns coming in here...
				// So let's turn off the cache since the patterns are unlikely to be reoccurring.
				return matcher;
			if (cachePatterns == null || cachePatterns.booleanValue()) {
				this.stringMatcherCache.put(pattern, matcher);
		return matcher;



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