
 *  There are many operations that help to transform one collection into another, starting with 'to'
fun example0(list: List<Int>) {

data class Shop(val name: String, val customers: List<Customer>)

data class Customer(val name: String, val city: City, val orders: List<Order>) {
    override fun toString() = "$name from ${city.name}"

data class Order(val products: List<Product>, val isDelivered: Boolean)

data class Product(val name: String, val price: Double) {
    override fun toString() = "'$name' for $price"

data class City(val name: String) {
    override fun toString() = name

fun Shop.getSetOfCustomers(): Set<Customer> {
    // Return a set containing all the customers of this shop
    return customers.toSet()
fun Shop.getCustomersFrom(city: City): List<Customer> {
    // Return a list of the customers who live in the given city
    return customers.filter { it.city == city }
fun Shop.getCustomersFrom(city: City) = customers.filter{it.city == city}
fun Shop.getCitiesCustomersAreFrom(): Set<City> {
    // Return the set of cities the customers are from
    return customers.map { it.city }.toSet()
fun Shop.checkAllCustomersAreFrom(city: City): Boolean {
    // Return true if all customers are from the given city
    return customers.all { it.isFrom(city) }
// 效率比all低
fun Shop.checkAllCustomersAreFrom(city: City) = customers.filter{!it.isFrom(city)}.isEmpty()
fun Shop.hasCustomerFrom(city: City): Boolean {
    // Return true if there is at least one customer from the given city
    return customers.any { it.isFrom(city) }
fun Shop.countCustomersFrom(city: City): Int {
    // Return the number of customers from the given city
    return customers.count { it.isFrom(city) }
fun Shop.findFirstCustomerFrom(city: City): Customer? {
    // Return the first customer who lives in the given city, or null if there is none
    return customers.firstOrNull { it.isFrom(city) }
fun example() {

    val result = listOf("abc", "12").flatMap { it.toList() }

    result == listOf('a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2')
val Customer.orderedProducts: Set<Product> get() {
    // Return all products this customer has ordered
    return orders.flatMap { it.products }.toSet()
val Shop.allOrderedProducts: Set<Product> get() {
    // Return all products that were ordered by at least one customer
    return customers.flatMap { it.orderedProducts }.toSet()
17.Max Min
fun example4() {
    val max = listOf(1, 42, 4).max()
    val longestString = listOf("a", "b").maxBy { it.length }

fun Shop.getCustomerWithMaximumNumberOfOrders(): Customer? {
    // Return a customer whose order count is the highest among all customers
    return customers.maxBy { it.orders.size }
fun Customer.getMostExpensiveOrderedProduct(): Product? {
    // Return the most expensive product which has been ordered
    return orders.flatMap { it.products }.maxBy { it.price }
fun Customer.getMostExpensiveOrderedProduct(): Product? {
    // Return the most expensive product which has been ordered
    return orderedProducts.maxBy { it.price }
fun example5() {
    val result = listOf("a", "bbb", "cc").sortedBy { it.length }

    result == listOf("a", "cc", "bbb")
fun Shop.getCustomersSortedByNumberOfOrders(): List<Customer> {
    // Return a list of customers, sorted by the ascending number of orders they made
    return customers.sortedBy { it.orders.size }
fun example6() {
    listOf(1, 3).sum() == 4
    listOf("a", "b", "cc").sumBy { it.length } == 4
fun Customer.getTotalOrderPrice(): Double {
    // Return the sum of prices of all products that a customer has ordered.
    // Note: a customer may order the same product for several times.
    return orders.flatMap { it.products }.sumByDouble { it.price }
fun example7() {
    val result = listOf("a", "b", "ba", "ccc", "ad").groupBy { it.length }

    result == mapOf(1 to listOf("a", "b"), 2 to listOf("ba", "ad"), 3 to listOf("ccc"))
//groupBy:返回一个根据指定条件分组好的map,指定的条件 to 满足田间的元素的集合
fun Shop.groupCustomersByCity(): Map<City, List<Customer>> {
    // Return a map of the customers living in each city
    return customers.groupBy { it.city }
fun example8() {
    val numbers = listOf(1, 3, -4, 2, -11)
    // The details (how multi-assignment works) will be explained later in the 'Conventions' task
    val (positive, negative) = numbers.partition { it > 0 }

    positive == listOf(1, 3, 2)
    negative == listOf(-4, -11)
fun Customer.isMoreUndeliveredOrdersThanDelivered(): Boolean{
    val(delivered, undelivered) = orders.partition { it.isDelivered }
    return delivered.size < undelivered.size
fun Shop.getCustomersWithMoreUndeliveredOrdersThanDelivered(): Set<Customer> {
    // Return customers who have more undelivered orders than delivered
    return customers.filter { it.isMoreUndeliveredOrdersThanDelivered() }.toSet()

fun Shop.getCustomersWithMoreUndeliveredOrdersThanDelivered() =
        customers.filter {
            val(delivered, undelivered) = it.orders.partition { it.isDelivered }
            undelivered.size > delivered.size

fun Shop.getCustomersWithMoreUndeliveredOrdersThanDelivered(): Set<Customer> {
    // Return customers who have more undelivered orders than delivered
    return customers.filter {
        val (delivered, undelivered) = it.orders.partition { it.isDelivered }
        undelivered.size > delivered.size
fun example9() {
    val result = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).fold(1, { partResult, element -> element * partResult })
    result == 24

// The same as
fun whatFoldDoes(): Int {
    var result = 1
    listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).forEach { element -> result = element * result}
    return result
fun Shop.getSetOfProductsOrderedByEachCustomer(): Set<Product> {
    // Return the set of products that were ordered by each of the customers
    return customers.fold(allOrderedProducts, {
        orderedByAll, customer ->
fun Customer.hasOrderedProduct(product: Product) = orders.any{it.products.contains(product)}
fun Shop.getCustomersWhoOrderedProduct(product: Product): Set<Customer> {
    // Return the set of customers who ordered the specified product
    return customers.filter { it.hasOrderedProduct(product) }.toSet()
fun Shop.getCustomersWhoOrderedProduct(product: Product): Set<Customer> {
    // Return the set of customers who ordered the specified product
    return customers.filter { it.orderedProducts.contains(product) }.toSet()
fun Customer.getMostExpensiveDeliveredProduct(): Product? {
    // Return the most expensive product among all delivered products
    // (use the Order.isDelivered flag)
    return orders.filter { it.isDelivered }.flatMap { it.products }.maxBy { it.price }
fun Customer.getOrderedProducts() = orders.flatMap { it.products }
fun Shop.getNumberOfTimesProductWasOrdered(product: Product): Int {
    // Return the number of times the given product was ordered.
    // Note: a customer may order the same product for several times.
    return customers.flatMap { it.getOrderedProducts() }.count{it == product}
fun Shop.getNumberOfTimesProductWasOrdered(product: Product)
        = customers.flatMap { it.orders.flatMap { it.products } }.count{it == product}

fun Shop.getNumberOfTimesProductWasOrdered(product: Product): Int {
    // Return the number of times the given product was ordered.
    // Note: a customer may order the same product for several times.
    return customers.flatMap { it.orders }.flatMap { it.products }.count { it == product }
public Collection<String> doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(Collection<String> collection) {
    Map<Integer, List<String>> groupsByLength = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (String s : collection) {
        List<String> strings = groupsByLength.get(s.length());
        if (strings == null) {
            strings = Lists.newArrayList();
            groupsByLength.put(s.length(), strings);
    //求出map中所有元素(String List)的最大长度
    int maximumSizeOfGroup = 0;
    for (List<String> group : groupsByLength.values()) {
        if (group.size() > maximumSizeOfGroup) {
            maximumSizeOfGroup = group.size();
    for (List<String> group : groupsByLength.values()) {
        if (group.size() == maximumSizeOfGroup) {
            return group;
    return null;
fun doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(collection: Collection<String>): Collection<String>? {
    val groupsByLength = collection.groupBy { it.length }

    return groupsByLength.values.maxBy { it.size }

fun doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(collection: Collection<String>) =
        collection.groupBy { it.length }.values.maxBy { it.size }

fun doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(collection: Collection<String>): Collection<String>? {
    val groupsByLength = collection.groupBy { s -> s.length }

    return groupsByLength.values.maxBy { group -> group.size }




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