注:OCR = Optical Character Recognition 光学字符识别
1. 安装依赖
pip install easyocr
2. 下载模型文件
模型文件 | 识别文字 |
craft_mlt_25k.zip | 文字检测模型(CRAFT)(必须) |
chinese_sim.zip | 中文(简体)模型(识别中文必须) |
chinese.zip | 中文(繁体)模型 |
latin.zip | 拉丁文模型 |
japanese.zip | 日文模型 |
korean.zip | 韩文模型 |
thai.zip | 泰文模型 |
arabic.zip | 阿拉伯文模型 |
3. 编写代码
文件名为 easyocr_main.py
import easyocr
reader = easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim','en'])
result = reader.readtext('image/nucleic-acid-20220419.jpg')
4. 运行脚本
python easyocr_main.py
CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU. [([[87, 89], [215, 89], [215, 149], [87, 149]], '姓名:', 0.9442024230957031), ([[888, 90], [990, 90], [990, 144], [888, 144]], '*辉', 0.3019644837089857), ([[89, 183], [309, 183], [309, 245], [89, 245]], '采样时间:', 0.9722564747406702), ([[522, 186], [992, 186], [992, 240], [522, 240]], '2022-04-2910:07.42', 0.5663659244856294), ([[89, 275], [309, 275], [309, 339], [89, 339]], '检测机构:', 0.928961890809416), ([[582, 272], [992, 272], [992, 336], [582, 336]], '亳州市华佗中医院', 0.9465525282106616), ([[89, 371], [305, 371], [305, 433], [89, 433]], '检测 时间:', 0.9039377327386754), ([[521, 373], [994, 373], [994, 427], [521, 427]], '2022-04-2916:31.06', 0.8148201099036173), ([[88, 465], [310, 465], [310, 525], [88, 525]], '检测项目:', 0.8194704755458363), ([[881, 463], [993, 463], [993, 523], [881, 523]], '核酸', 0.9890416189073347), ([[86, 558], [308, 558], [308, 618], [86, 618]], '检测结果:', 0.6191791236234889), ([[812, 550], [988, 550], [988, 622], [812, 622]], '[阴性]', 0.6905605792999268)]
easyocr.exe 一般被放置在 Python Scipts 目录下。
D:\Program\Python\Python37\Scripts\easyocr -l ch_sim en -f image/nucleic-acid-20220419.jpg --detail=1 --gpu=False
([[87, 89], [215, 89], [215, 149], [87, 149]], '姓名:', 0.9442024230957031) ([[888, 90], [990, 90], [990, 144], [888, 144]], '*辉', 0.3019644837089857) ([[89, 183], [309, 183], [309, 245], [89, 245]], '采样时间:', 0.9722564747406702) ([[522, 186], [992, 186], [992, 240], [522, 240]], '2022-04-2910:07.42', 0.5663659244856294) ([[89, 275], [309, 275], [309, 339], [89, 339]], '检测机构:', 0.928961890809416) ([[582, 272], [992, 272], [992, 336], [582, 336]], '亳州市华佗中医院', 0.9465525282106616) ([[89, 371], [305, 371], [305, 433], [89, 433]], '检测时间:', 0.9039377327386754) ([[521, 373], [994, 373], [994, 427], [521, 427]], '2022-04-2916:31.06', 0.8148201099036173) ([[88, 465], [310, 465], [310, 525], [88, 525]], '检测项目:', 0.8194704755458363) ([[881, 463], [993, 463], [993, 523], [881, 523]], '核酸', 0.9890416189073347) ([[86, 558], [308, 558], [308, 618], [86, 618]], '检测结果:', 0.6191791236234889) ([[812, 550], [988, 550], [988, 622], [812, 622]], '[阴性]', 0.6905605792999268)
命令行 easyocr 使用帮助:
easyocr [-h] -l LANG [LANG ...] [--gpu {True,False}] [--model_storage_directory MODEL_STORAGE_DIRECTORY] [--user_network_directory USER_NETWORK_DIRECTORY] [--recog_network RECOG_NETWORK] [--download_enabled {True,False}] [--detector {True,False}] [--recognizer {True,False}] [--verbose {True,False}] [--quantize {True,False}] -f FILE [--decoder {greedy,beamsearch,wordbeamsearch}] [--beamWidth BEAMWIDTH] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--workers WORKERS] [--allowlist ALLOWLIST] [--blocklist BLOCKLIST] [--detail {0,1}] [--rotation_info ROTATION_INFO] [--paragraph {True,False}] [--min_size MIN_SIZE] [--contrast_ths CONTRAST_THS] [--adjust_contrast ADJUST_CONTRAST] [--text_threshold TEXT_THRESHOLD] [--low_text LOW_TEXT] [--link_threshold LINK_THRESHOLD] [--canvas_size CANVAS_SIZE] [--mag_ratio MAG_RATIO] [--slope_ths SLOPE_THS] [--ycenter_ths YCENTER_THS] [--height_ths HEIGHT_THS] [--width_ths WIDTH_THS] [--y_ths Y_THS] [--x_ths X_THS] [--add_margin ADD_MARGIN] Process EasyOCR. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l LANG [LANG ...], --lang LANG [LANG ...] for languages --gpu {True,False} Using GPU (default: True) --model_storage_directory MODEL_STORAGE_DIRECTORY Directory for model (.pth) file --user_network_directory USER_NETWORK_DIRECTORY Directory for custom network files --recog_network RECOG_NETWORK Recognition networks --download_enabled {True,False} Enable Download --detector {True,False} Initialize text detector module --recognizer {True,False} Initialize text recognizer module --verbose {True,False} Print detail/warning --quantize {True,False} Use dynamic quantization -f FILE, --file FILE input file --decoder {greedy,beamsearch,wordbeamsearch} decoder algorithm --beamWidth BEAMWIDTH size of beam search --batch_size BATCH_SIZE batch_size --workers WORKERS number of processing cpu cores --allowlist ALLOWLIST Force EasyOCR to recognize only subset of characters --blocklist BLOCKLIST Block subset of character. This argument will be ignored if allowlist is given. --detail {0,1} simple output (default: 1) --rotation_info ROTATION_INFO Allow EasyOCR to rotate each text box and return the one with the best confident score. Eligible values are 90, 180 and 270. For example, try [90, 180 ,270] for all possible text orientations. --paragraph {True,False} Combine result into paragraph --min_size MIN_SIZE Filter text box smaller than minimum value in pixel --contrast_ths CONTRAST_THS Text box with contrast lower than this value will be passed into model 2 times. First is with original image and second with contrast adjusted to 'adjust_contrast' value. The one with more confident level will be returned as a result. --adjust_contrast ADJUST_CONTRAST target contrast level for low contrast text box --text_threshold TEXT_THRESHOLD Text confidence threshold --low_text LOW_TEXT Text low-bound score --link_threshold LINK_THRESHOLD Link confidence threshold --canvas_size CANVAS_SIZE Maximum image size. Image bigger than this value will be resized down. --mag_ratio MAG_RATIO Image magnification ratio --slope_ths SLOPE_THS Maximum slope (delta y/delta x) to considered merging. Low value means tiled boxes will not be merged. --ycenter_ths YCENTER_THS Maximum shift in y direction. Boxes with different level should not be merged. --height_ths HEIGHT_THS Maximum different in box height. Boxes with very different text size should not be merged. --width_ths WIDTH_THS Maximum horizontal distance to merge boxes. --y_ths Y_THS Maximum horizontal distance to merge boxes (when paragraph = True). --x_ths X_THS Maximum horizontal distance to merge boxes (when paragraph = True). --add_margin ADD_MARGIN Extend bounding boxes in all direction by certain value. This is important for language with complex script (E.g. Thai).
Github地址:GitHub - JaidedAI/EasyOCR: Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR Python3行代码翻译70种语言!