practical vim2 笔记

windows capslock 修改映射为left-Ctrl

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,1D,00,3A,00,00,00,00,00

保存为 .reg 文件 执行即可


!   bang
#   hashtag
&   ampersand
*   asterisk
_   underscore
`   backtick
'   apostrophe  
"   quote
:   colon
;   semicolon
/   slash
\   backslash
|   pipe
>   greater-than | angle bracket
<   less-than | angle bracket
()  parentheses
[]  bracket
{}  curly brace

1. The Vim Way

. repeat last change(x dd >G AxxxEsc | moving around in insert mode reset the change)


var foo = 1
var bar = 'a'
var foobar = foo + bar

two for the price of one(all switch from normal to insert mode - help to construct dot formula)
C   c$
s   cl
S   ^C
I   ^i
A   $a
o   A<CR>
O   ko


var foo = "method("+argument1+","+argument2+")";


repeatable actions and how to reverse them
Ident                               Act                     Repeat  Reverse
Make a change                       {edit}                  .       u
Scan line for next character        f{char}/t{char}         ;       ,
Scan line for previous character    F{char}/T{char}         ;       ,
Scan document for next match        /pattern<CR>            n       N
Scan document for previous match    ?pattern<CR>            n       N
Perform substitution                :s/target/replacement   &       u
Execute a sequence of changes       qx{changes}q            @x      u
Repeat any Ex command               any command             @:      u


...We're waiting for content before the site can go live...
...If you are content with this, let's go ahead with it...
...We'll launch as soon as we have the content...


Dot Formula = One keystroke to Move + One keystroke To Execute

2. Normal Mode

Vim's Normal Mode analogy to painting


change : commands trigged from Normal, Visual, and Command-line modes, any text entered or deleted in Insert mode
moving around in insert mode resets the change

.   repeat the most recent change
u   reverts the most recent change

we can make the undo command operate on words, sentences, or paragraphs just by moderating our use of the <Esc> key
each pause leave and reenter Insert mode


The end is nigh


[count]<C-a>    add [count] to the number at or after the cursor(default one)
[count]<C-x>    subtract [count] to the number at or after the cursor(default one)

.blog, .news { background-image: url(/sprite.png); }
.blog { background-position: 0px 0px }

Vim interprets numerals with a leading zero to be in octal notation rather than in decimal.
set nrformats= (This will cause Vim to treat all numerals as decimal)


Delete more than one word

I have a couple of questions.


Operator-pending Mode : activated when we invoke an operator command, and then stopped until provided a motion

operator commands(when an operator command is invoked in duplicate, it acts upon the current line)
c   Change
d   Delete
y   Yank into register
g~  Swap case
gu  Make lowercase
gU  Make uppercase
>   Shift right
<   Shift left
=   Autoindent
!   Filter {motion} lines through an external program

custom operator
gc  comment/uncomment (vim-commentary plug)

custom motion
ae/ie   entire file (vim-textobj-user vim-textobj-entire plug)

    dw  不删前字符,删后空格,停下单词首字符
    daw 删前字符,删后空格,停下单词首字符
    diw 删前字符,不删后空格,停下单词后空格

    cw 不删除光标前字符,不删除单词之后空格,停留到单词后空格
    caw 同daw
    ciw 同diw

    yw  同dw 
    yaw 同daw 
    yiw 同diw 

    p单词:在当前字符后 粘贴

3. Insert Mode

insert mode chords(also work in vim's command line and external bash shell)
<C-h> Delete back one character (backspace)
<C-w> Delete back one word
<C-u> Delete back to start of line


Insert Normal Mode(insert's submode) : fire off a single normal mode command then return insert mode

get back to normal mode
<Esc> Switch to Normal mode
<C-[> Switch to Normal mode
<C-o> Switch to Insert Normal mode


Practical Vim, by Drew Neil
Read Drew Neil's

vim's registers
""          unamed register
"a-z        named register
"0          yank register
"_          black hole register
"+          system clipboard register
"*          selection register
"=          expression register
:reg "{reg} inspect register's content

paste from a register in insert mode
<C-r> {reg}         paste reg's content
<C-r><C-p> {reg}    paste reg's content literally (ignore textwidth autoindent which lead to unwanted line breaks or extra indentation)


evaluate expressions in insert mode
<C-r>={vim script}<CR>


ga : look up character's numeric code at current cursor position

insert unsual characters by its numeric code
<C-v>{123}          Insert character by decimal code
<C-v>u{1234}        Insert character by hexadecimal code
<C-v>{nondigit}     Insert nondigit literally
<C-k>{char1}{char2} Insert character represented by {char1}{char2} digraph


Typing in Insert mode extends the line. But in Replace mode the line length doesn't change.

Replace Mode(identical to Insert Mode except it overwrites existing text)
R           engage Replace Mode 
r           engage Replace Mode for single character
<Esc>       return to Normal Mode
<Insert>    toggle between Insert and Replace modes

Virtual Replace Mode(treats the tab character as though it consisted of spaces)
gR      engage Virtual Replace Mode 
gr      engage Virtual Replace Mode for single character

4. Visual Mode

Action = Selection + operator command

Select Mode(use c instead) : type any character will replace selection and switch to Insert Mode
<C-g>   toggle between Select Mode and Visual mode


enabling Visual Mode
v       Enable character-wise Visual mode
V       Enable line-wise Visual mode
<C-v>   Enable block-wise Visual mode
gv      Reselect the last visual selection

switching between Visual Modes
v / V / <C-v>   toggle between Normal mode and character-, line- or block-wise Visual mode, respectively
<Esc> / <C-[>   Switch to Normal mode
o               Go to other end of highlighted text


def fib(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    while a < n:
print a,
a, b = b, a+b

Tabs and Spaces

    set ts=8 sts=0 sw=8 noexpandtab " default settings
        insert:  <Tab>  insert a tab char with width of 8       <BS>  delete a tab char with width of 8
        normal:  >      prepend a tab char with width of 8      <     delete a tab char with width of 8
    set ts=8 sts=0 sw=8 expandtab
        insert:  <Tab>  insert 8 space chars                    <BS>  delete single one space
        normal:  >      prepend 8 space chars                   <     delete 8 space chars
    set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 expandtab
        same above except : insert <BS>  delete 8 space chars
    set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
        insert:  <Tab>  insert 4 space chars                    <BS>  delete 4 space chars
        normal:  >      prepend 4 space chars                   <     delete 4 space chars
        any tab already existed it's width is 8
    set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab
        same above except : insert 2<Tab> become one true tab char  <BS>  one true tab char becomes 4 space chars
                            normal same as insert
    set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab
        insert:  <Tab>  insert a tab char with width of 4       <BS>  delete a tab char with width of 4
        normal:  >      prepend a tab char with width of 4      <     delete a tab char with width of 4
        any tab already existed shink it's width to 4


<a href="#">one</a>
<a href="#">two</a>
<a href="#">three</a>


Chapter               Page
Normal mode             15
Insert mode             31
Visual mode             44

----------------------------------------------   a{ background-image: url('/images/sprite.png'); }
li.two   a{ background-image: url('/images/sprite.png'); }
li.three a{ background-image: url('/images/sprite.png'); }


var foo = 1
var bar = 'a'
var foobar = foo + bar

I and A follows similar conventions in Visual-Block and Normal mode, but i and a not which are first half of a text object.

5. Command-Line Mode

ZZ :wq
ZQ :q!
:version    查看vim版本信息 和 .vimrc文件路径
:echo $VIM  查看环境变量


Command-Line Mode
:       enable Command-Line Mode
/       search prompt
<C-r>=  access the expression register
<CR>    execute the command
<Esc>   switch back to Normal Mode

Ex Commands That Operate on the Text in a Buffer
:[range]print               echoes specified lines
:[range]delete [x]          Delete specified lines [into register x]
:[range]yank [x]            Yank specified lines [into register x]
:[line]put [x]              Put the text from register x after the specified line
:[range]t(copy) {address}   Copy the specified lines to below the line specified by {address}
:[range]move {address}      Move the specified lines to below the line specified by {address}
:[range]join                Join the specified lines
:[range]normal {commands}   Execute Normal mode {commands} on each specified line
:[range]substitute/{pattern}/{string}/[flags]   Replace occurrences of {pattern} with {string} on each specified line
:[range]global/{pattern}/[cmd]   Execute the Ex command [cmd] on all specified lines where the {pattern} matches
:[range]vglobal/{pattern}/[cmd]  Execute the Ex command [cmd] on all specified lines where the {pattern} doesn't matches


<!DOCTYPE html><!-- -->
    <head><title>Practical Vim</title></head><!-- -->
    <body><h1>Practical Vim</h1></body>
</html><!-- -->
<body><h1>Practical Vim</h1></body><!-- -->

symbols that can be used to create address and ranges for Ex commands
1       First line of the file(line nubmers)
$       Last line of the file
0       Virtual line above first line of the file
.       current Line where the cursor is placed
'm      Line containing mark m'm
'<      first line of visual selection
'>      last line of visual selection
%       The entire file (shorthand for :1,$)
:/<html>/+1,<\/html>/-1p    pattern that uses offset


Shopping list
    Hardware Store
        Buy new hammer
    Beauty Parlor
        Buy nail polish remover
        Buy nails

:t command in action 
:6t.        Copy line 6 to just below the current line
:t6         Copy the current line to just below line 6
:t.         Duplicate the current line (similar to Normal mode yyp)
:t$         Copy the current line to the end of the file
:'<,'>t0    Copy the visually selected lines to the start of the file


var foo = 1
var bar = 'a'
var baz = 'z'
var foobar = foo + bar
var foobarbaz = foo + bar + baz


repeat last Ex command

go back to previous record in the jump list


Tab-Complete Ex commands
<Tab>       scroll through all possible commands     
<S-Tab>     scroll backward all possible commands     
<C-d>       reveal a list of possible completions


var tally;
for (tally=1; tally <= 10; tally++) {
    // do something with tally

insert the current word at the command prompt
<C-r><C-w>  copies the word under the cursor and inserts it at the command-line prompt
<C-r><C-a>  copies the WORD under the cursor and inserts it at the command-line prompt


recall commands from history 
<Up>    go further back through Ex command/search history
<Down>  go in the opposite direction

:!ruby %

summon/close command-line window
q:      Open the command-line window with history of Ex commands
q/      Open the command-line window with history of searches
:q      close the command-line window(line any other window)
ctrl-f  Switch from Command-Line mode to the command-line window


first name,last name,email

calling external commands
:!{cmd}                 firing one-off command in shell
:shell                  start a interactive shell session (exit kills the shell and return to vim)
:read !{cmd}            Execute {cmd} in the shell and insert its standard output below the cursor
:[range]write !{cmd}    Execute {cmd} in the shell with [range] lines as standard input(default is whole buffer)
    The lines specified by [range] are passed as standard input for the {cmd}, and then the output from {cmd} overwrites the original contents of [range].

    The !{motion} operator command drops us into Command-Line mode and prepopulates the [range] with the lines covered by the specified {motion}.

putting vim in the background 
<Ctrl-z>    suspend vim process
jbos        inspect the list of jobs
fg          resume a suspended job


        <a href="/episodes/show-invisibles/">
            Show invisibles
        <a href="/episodes/tabs-and-spaces/">
            Tabs and Spaces

:source {filename}  execute each line of {filename} as Ex commands
:argdo ExCommand    execute Ex command for each of the files in the argument list(launching vim with with a wildcard will populate the argument list)

6. Manage Multiple Files

buffer management
:ls         list all buffers
:bnext      switch to the next buffer
:bprevious  switch to the previous buffer
:bfirst     switch to the first buffer
:blast      switch to the last buffer
:b {bufferNumber or bufferName} switch to designated buffer
:bufdo      execute an Ex command in all buffers
:bdelete    delete disigned buffers

symbols in ls command
%   indicates which of the buffers is visible in the current window
#   represents the alternate file(pressing <C-^> to toggle between current file and alternate file)
+   indicates that the buffer has been modified
a   active 
h   hidden


arg management
:args {arglist}  show argument list if arglist ommited or set the content of the argument list(arglist can include filenames,wildcard,output from a shell command)
:next       switch to the next arg
:previous   switch to the previous arg
:first      switch to the first arg
:last       switch to the last arg
:argdo      execute an Ex command in all args


:w[rite]    Write the contents of the buffer to disk
:e[dit]!    Read the file from disk back into the buffer (that is, revert changes)
:qa[ll]!    Close all windows, discarding changes without warning
:wa[ll]     Write all modified buffers to disk(or use :first :wn to eyeball each file)

:set hidden use :next,:bnext,:cnext commands without a trailing bang


dividing workspace into split windows
<C-w>s              Split the current window horizontally, reusing the current buffer in the new window
<C-w>v              Split the current window vertically, reusing the current buffer in the new window
:sp[lit] {file}     Split the current window horizontally, loading {file} into the new window
:vsp[lit] {file}    Split the current window vertically, loading {file} into the new window

change the focus between windows
<C-w>w Cycle between open windows
<C-w>h Focus the window to the left
<C-w>j Focus the window below
<C-w>k Focus the window above
<C-w>l Focus the window to the right

close window
:clo[se]    <C-w>c Close the active window
:on[ly]     <C-w>o Keep only the active window, closing all others

resize window
<C-w>=      Equalize width and height of all windows
<C-w>_      Maximize height of the active window
<C-w>|      Maximize width of the active window
[N]<C-w>_   Set active window height to [N] rows
[N]<C-w>|   Set active window width to [N] columns


setting window's working directory
:lcd {path}         set the working directory for the current window
:windo lcd {path}   set the working directory for the current tab page

open and close tabs
:tabedit {filename}     Open {filename} in a new tab(if filename omitted create a new tab page containing empty buffer)
<C-w>T                  Move the current window into its own tab
:tabclose               Close the current tab page and all of its windows
:tabonly                Keep the active tab page, closing all others

switching between tabs
:tabn[ext] {N}  {N}gt   Switch to tab page number {N}
:tabn[ext]      gt      Switch to the next tab page
:tabp[revious]  gT      Switch to the previous tab page

rearrange tabs
:tabmove [N]        rearrange current tab page  if N=0 move to the begining  if N is omitted move to the end

7. Open Files and Save Them to Disk

:pwd            print working directory
:edit {file}    open files(specified an absolute or relative path)  %:h expands to filepath of the active buffer but removed the filename

cnoremap <expr> %% getcmdtype() == ':' ? expand('%:h').'/' : '%%'


:find           open file by its name
:set path+=     specify a set of directories inside of which vim will search when :find is invoked    


vim .           start up with a file explore window
:edit {dir}     Open file explorer for designated directory
:edit .         Open file explorer for project root
:edit %:h       Open file explorer for current file
:Explore        Open file explorer for current file
:Sexplore       open file explorer for current file in a horizontal split
:Vexplore       open file explorer for current file in a vertical split


save files to Nonexistent Directories
:e {nonexistentFile}    create a new empty buffer
<C-g>                   echos the name and status of the current file
:!mkdir -p %:h          create nonexistent directories


save files as the super user
:w !sudo tee % > /dev/null

8. Navigate Inside Files with Motions

_  soft bol
g_ soft eol
ctrl + f/b move to page down/up
ctrl + e/y move to line down/up
zz/zt/zb scroll cursor to middle/top/bottom


move the cursor around
h   move One column left (use word-wise or character search motions to move horizontally)
l   move One column right
j   move One line down
k   move One line up


commands for interacting with real and display lines
j   Down one real line                          gj  Down one display line
k   Up one real line                            gk  Up one display line
0   To first character of real line             g0  To first character of display line
^   To first nonblank character of real line    g^  To first nonblank character of display line
$   To end of real line                         g$  To end of display line 


Go fast.

commands for move the cursor forward and backward
w/W   Forward to start of next word
b/B   Backward to start of current/previous word
e/E   Forward to end of current/next word
ge/gE  Backward to end of previous word


character-search commands(working butifully with operator-pending mode)(use capital letter/punctuation mark char)
f{char} Forward to the next occurrence of {char}(used to move within current line in normal mode)
F{char} Backward to the previous occurrence of {char}
t{char} Forward to the character before the next occurrence of {char}(used with c/d in operator-pending mode)
T{char} Backward to the character after the previous occurrence of {char}
;       Repeat the last character-search command
,       Reverse the last character-search command
f,dt.   delete the last clause of a sentence

user-defined commands
\                       default leader key
noremap <Leader>n nzz   
noremap <Leader>N Nzz


search command(work with normal/visual/operator-pending modes)


var tpl = [
    '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>'

text objects interact with delimiters(first char is always a or i)
a) or ab A pair of (parentheses)    i) or ib Inside of (parentheses)
a} or aB A pair of {braces}         i} or iB Inside of {braces}
a] A pair of [brackets]             i] Inside of [brackets]
a> A pair of <angle brackets>       i> Inside of <angle brackets>
a’ A pair of 'single quotes'        i’ Inside of 'single quotes'
a" A pair of "double quotes"        i" Inside of "double quotes"
a` A pair of `backticks`            i` Inside of `backticks`
at A pair of <xml>tags</xml>        it Inside of <xml>tags</xml>


text objects interact with chunks of text(words,sentences,paragraphs)
iw  word            aw  word plus space(s)
iW  WORD            aW  WORD plus space(s)
is  sentence        as  sentence plus space(s)
ip  paragraph       ap  paragraph plus blank line(s)

i usually work with c{motion}  
a wusuall york with d{motion}/y{motion}


m{a-zA-Z}   marks current cursor location with designated letter(lowercase marks are local to each individual buffer, uppercase marks are globally accessible)
'{mark}     move to mark positioning the cursor on the first none-whitespace character
`{mark}     move to mark positioning the cursor to the exact position where the mark was set

Vim's automatic marks
``      last jump
`.      last change
`^      last insertion
`[      Start of last change or yank
`]      End of last change or yank
`<      Start of last visual selection
`>      End of last visual selection


cities = %w{London Berlin New\ York}

jump between matching parenthese
%       jump between opening and closing sets of parentheses(such as () [] {} )

9. Navigate Between Files with Jumps

traverse Vim's jump list
:jump   inspect the jump list
<C-o>   jump backward
<C-i>   jump forward

jumps(each separate window has its own jump list)
%                               Jump to matching parenthesis
(/)                             Jump to start of previous/next sentence
{/}                             Jump to start of previous/next paragraph
H/M/L                           Jump to top/middle/bottom of screen
[count]G                        Jump to line number
/pattern<CR>/?pattern<CR>/n/N   Jump to next/previous occurrence of pattern
gf                              Jump to file name under the cursor
<C-]>                           Jump to definition of keyword under the cursor
`{mark}/’{mark}                 Jump to a mark


traverse Vim's change list(each individual buffer has its own change list)
g;          jump backward
g,          jump forward
:changes    jump list

gi      restore the cursor position and then swithch back into insert mode


jump to the filename under the cursor
gf                  goto the filename under the cursor
:set suffixesadd+=  specify extensions which Vim will attempt to use when looking up a filename with gf command
:set path+=         specify directories which Vim will attempt to use when looking up a filename with gf command 


snap between files using global marks(global marks are persisted between editing sessions)
m{A-Z}  make global marks
`{A-Z}  jump to global marks

10. Copy and Paste

collection = getCollection();
process(somethingInTheWay, target);

using unamed register
xp      transpose two characters
ddp     transpose two lines
yyp     duplicate current line


commands can be prefixed with register

readonly registers(value set implicitly)
"%      Name of the current file
"#      Name of the alternate file
".      Last inserted text
":      Last Ex command
"/      Last search pattern


I like chips and fish.

Replace a Visual Selection with a Register
p command in Visual mode, it gets the contents of the unnamed register, and it sets the contents of the unnamed register





Paste from a register
p   put the content of a register after the cursor position
P   put the content of a register before the cursor position
gp  same as p but leave the cursor positioned at the end of the pasted text instead of at the beginning
gP  same as P but leave the cursor positioned at the end of the pasted text instead of at the beginning

duplicat text as a template


[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].each do |n|
    if n%5==0
        puts "fizz"
        Chapter 10. Copy and Paste • 158
        report erratum • discussputs n

pasting from the system clipboard
:set autoindent         preserve the same level of indentation each time we create a new line 
:set pastetoggle=<f5>   press <f5> to toggle the paste option on and off
system paste command    use system paste command in Insert mode 
"+p                     paste the content of system clipboard if Vim with system clipboard integration

11. Macros

q{reg}      recording a macro
@{reg}      play back a sequence of commands by executing a macro
@@          play back the most recent macro being palyed
:reg {reg}  inspect the content of register


record a macro
normalize the cursor position
strike your target with a repeatable motion
abort when a motion fails


play back macro with a count
{count}@{reg}   play designated count times of macro except motion fails and the macro aborts


1. one
2. two
// break up the monotony
3. three
4. four

executing the macro in series

executing the macro in parallel
:'<,'>normal @a


Append Commands to a Macro


# ...[end of copyright notice]
module Rank
    class Animal
        # implementation...


partridge in a pear tree
turtle doves
French hens
calling birds
golden rings


1. One
2. Two
3. three
4. four

keyboard codes in macros
^[      Esc
<80>kb  backspace
^J      <CR>

12. Matching Patterns and Literals

tune the case sensitivity of search pattern
\c\C                setting case sensitivity per search (c causes search pattern case incensitive)
:set smartcase      if pattern is all lowercase then search will be case incensitive
:set ignorecase     make Vim's search pattern case incensitive


body { color: #3c3c3c; }
a { color: #0000EE; }
strong { color: #000; }

magic search(default (){| have to be escaped to confer special meaning)

very magic search(all characters assume a special meaning except _ letters digits)


The N key searches backward...
...the \v pattern switch (a.k.a. very magic search)...

very nomagic search(only backslash has a special meaning)


I love Paris in the
the springtime.

use parenthese to capture submatches
/\v(%(And|D)rew) (Neil)
:%s//\2, \1/g


the problem with these new recruits is that
they don't keep their boots clean.

stake the boundaries of word
/\<the\>         < item as \W\zs\w, and the > item as \w\ze\W
In very magic searches, the naked < and > characters are interpreted as word delimiters
in magic, nomagic, and very nomagic searches we have to escape them.

indirectly use of word boundary

g* g# perform search without word delimiters


Match "quoted words"---not quote marks.

stake the boundaries of a match
/Pratical \zsVim


Search items: [\\][s]

escape search field terminator and escape character(/ or ? and \)
/\V<C-r>=escape(@u, getcmdtype().'\')

13. Search

search command
:set wrapscan!      search the document without wrapping around

options for repeating a search
n       Jump to next match, preserving direction and offset
N       Jump to previous match, preserving direction and offset
/<CR>   Jump forward to next match of same pattern
?<CR>   Jump backward to previous match of same pattern
gn      select current or next search match and enable character-wise Visual mode 
gN      select current or previous search match and enable character-wise Visual mode 

recall historical searches


highlight search matches
:set hlsearch       all matches to be highlighted current document as well as in any other open split windows
:set nohlsearch     disable hlsearch entirely
:nohlsearch         mute search highlighting temporarily until the next time you execute a new or repeat search
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :<C-u>nohlsearch<CR><C-l>


improve search workflow
:set incsearch      enable incremental search
<C-r><C-w>          autocompletes search field using remainder of the word (if pattern prefix with /v it will autocompletes the entire word under the cursor)


Aim to learn a new programming lang each year.
Which lang did you pick up last year?
Which langs would you like to learn?

using search offset


class XhtmlDocument < XmlDocument; end
class XhtmlTag < XmlTag; end

operate on search match


This string contains a 'quoted' word.
This string contains 'two' quoted 'words.'
This 'string doesn't make things easy.'

Create Complex Patterns by Iterating upon Search History
q/      summon the search history command window


var buttons = viewport.buttons;;;

Count the Matches for the Current Pattern
:vimgrep //g %


Search for the Current Visual Selection

xnoremap * :<C-u>call <SID>VSetSearch('/')<CR>/<C-R>=@/<CR><CR>
xnoremap # :<C-u>call <SID>VSetSearch('?')<CR>?<C-R>=@/<CR><CR>
function! s:VSetSearch(cmdtype)
    let temp = @s
    norm! gv"sy
    let @/ = '\V' . substitute(escape(@s, a:cmdtype.'\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
    let @s = temp

14. Substitution

substitute command

substitute command flags
g   change all matches within a line rather than just changing the first one
c   gives us the opportunity to confirm or reject each change
n   suppresses the usual substitute behavior, causing the command to report the number of occurrences
e   silence errors if the pattern has no matches in the current file
&   reuse the same flags from the previous substitute command

Special Characters for the Replacement String
\r              Insert a carriage return
\t              Insert a tab character
\\              Insert a single backslash
\1              Insert the first submatch
\2              Insert the second submatch (and so on, up to \9)
\0              Insert the entire matched pattern
&               Insert the entire matched pattern
~               Use {string} from the previous invocation of :substitute
\={Vim script}  Evaluate {Vim script} expression; use result as replacement {string}


When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Find and Replace Every Match in a File


...We're waiting for content before the site can go live...
...If you are content with this, let's go ahead with it...
...We'll launch as soon as we have the content...

Eyeball Each Substitution

Vim’s Substitute Confirmation Mode
y       Substitute this match
n       Skip this match
q       Quit substituting
l       "last"—Substitute this match, then quit
a       "all"—Substitute this and any remaining matches
<C-e>   Scroll the screen up one line
<C-y>   Scroll the screen down one line


paste the contents of the last search register


use the content of register in replacement string


Repeat a Line-Wise Substitution Across the Entire File

mixin = {
    applyName: function(config) {
        return Factory(config, this.getName());

replay the last substitue command

making & trigger :&& command
nnoremap & :&&<CR>
xnoremap & :&&<CR>


last name,first name,email

reference submatch in replacement string


<h2>Heading number 1</h2>
<h3>Number 2 heading</h3>
<h4>Another heading</h4>

perform arithmetic on replacement string


The dog bit the man.

Swap Two or More Words
:let swapper={"dog":"man","man":"dog"}
:echo swapper["dog"]
:echo swapper["man"]


Find and replace in current buffer
/Pragmatic\ze Vim

Find and Replace Across Multiple Files
/Pragmatic\ze Vim
:vimgrep // **/*.txt
:set hidden
:cfdo %s//Practical/gc 
:cfdo update

15. Global Commands

global command(run an Ex command on each line that matches a particular pattern, default range is entire file %, default cmd is :print)
:[range] global[!] /{pattern}/ [cmd]


        <a href="/episodes/show-invisibles/">
            Show invisibles
        <a href="/episodes/tabs-and-spaces/">
            Tabs and Spaces
        <a href="/episodes/whitespace-preferences-and-filetypes/">
            Whitespace preferences and filetypes

delete lines containing a pattern

keep lines containing a pattern


Markdown.dialects.Gruber = {
    lists: function() {
        // TODO: Cache this regexp for certain depths.
        function regex_for_depth(depth) { /* implementation */ }
    "`": function inlineCode( text ) {
        var m = text.match( /(`+)(([\s\S]*?)\1)/ );
        if ( m && m[2] )
            return [ m[1].length + m[2].length ];
        else {
            // TODO: No matching end code found - warn!
            return [ 1, "`" ];

collect all lines that match a pattern in a register
:g/TODO/yank A


html {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    font: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;
body {
    line-height: 1.5;
    color: black;
    background: white;

Alphabetize the Properties of Each Rule in a CSS File
:g/{/ .+1,/}/-1 sort

generalized form of global command
:g/{start}/ .,{finish} [cmd]

16. Index and Navigate Source Code with ctags

Exuberant Ctags
yum ctags
ctags *.rb


specify where Vim should look to find a tags file
:set tags?       

Generate the tags File
:!ctags -R
:nnoremap <f5> :!ctags -R<CR>

Automatically Execute ctags Each Time a File is Saved
:autocmd BufWritePost * call system("ctags -R")

Automatically Execute ctags with Version Control Hooks


tag command
<C-]>       jump from the keyword under the cursor to the definition
<C-t>       jump backword for tag jump history
g<C-]>      if keyword has multiple matches prompt a list of tag match 
:tselect    retrospectively pull up the menu of the tag match list

<C-]>               Jump to the first tag that matches the word under the cursor
g<C-]>              Prompt user to select from multiple matches for the word under the cursor. If only one match exists, jump to it without prompting. 
:tag {keyword}      Jump to the first tag that matches {keyword}, Keyword could be regualr expression
:tjump {keyword}    Prompt user to select from multiple matches for {keyword}. If only one match exists, jump to it without prompting. Keyword could be regualr expression
:pop or <C-t>       Reverse through tag history
:tag                Advance through tag history
:tselect            Prompt user to choose an item from the tag match list
:tnext              Jump to next matching tag
:tprev              Jump to previous matching tag
:tfirst             Jump to first matching tag
:tlast              Jump to last matching tag

17. Compile Code and Navigate Errors with the Quickfix List

compile the project inside vim


browse the quickfix list
:cnext      Jump to next item, can be prefixed with a count
:cprev      Jump to previous item, can be prefixed with a count
:cfirst     Jump to first item
:clast      Jump to last item
:cnfile     Jump to first item in next file
:cpfile     Jump to last item in previous file
:cc N       Jump to nth item
:copen      Open the quickfix window
:cclose     Close the quickfix window
:cdo {cmd}  Execute {cmd} on each line listed in the quickfix list
:cfdo {cmd} Execute {cmd} once for each file listed in the quickfix list

commands populates quickfix list

commands populates location list

browse the location list
same as quickfix list c replaced with l


recall results from a previous quickfix list
:colder     recall an older version of quickfix list, can be prefixed with a count
:cnewer     revert from an old quickfix list back to a newer one, can be prefixed with a count


var i;
for (i=1; i <= 100; i++) {
    if(i % 15 == 0) {
    } else if(i % 5 == 0) {
    } else if(i % 3 == 0) {
    } else {

Customize the External Compiler
npm install nodelint -g
:setlocal makeprg=NODE_DISABLE_COLORS=1\ nodelint\ %
:setlocal errorformat=%A%f\,\ line\ %l\,\ character\ %c:%m,%Z%.%#,%-G%.%#
:compiler nodelint

18. Search Project-Wide with grep, vimgrep, and Others

call grep without leaving vim
:grep -i Waldo * 


Customize the grep
grepprg="grep -n $* /dev/null"
grepformat="%f:%l:%m,%f:%l%m,%f %l%m"

make grep call ack
yum install ack-grep
ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/local/bin/ack
:set grepprg=ack\ --nogroup\ --column\ $*
:set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m

alternative grep plugin


grep with vim's internal search engine
:vim[grep][!] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ...
:vimgrep /going/ clock.txt tough.txt where.txt
:vimgrep /going/g clock.txt tough.txt where.txt

vimgrep each file in the argument list
:args *.txt
:vim /going/g ##

vimgrep reuse last search pattern
:vim //g *.txt

looks inside each of the files in the argument list for the current search pattern
:vim //g ##

19. Dial X for Autocompletion

autocompletion and case sensitivity
if 'ignorecase' option is enabled autocompletion word list will add more candidates
enabling the 'infercase' option to improve candidates

commands trigger autocompletion
<C-n>/<C-p> Generic keywords(buffer list + included files + tag files)
<C-x><C-l>  Whole line completion(same as generic keywords source)
<C-x><C-n>  Current buffer keywords
<C-x><C-i>  Included file keywords
<C-x><C-]>  tags file keywords
<C-x><C-k>  Dictionary lookup
<C-x><C-f>  Filename completion
<C-x><C-o>  Omni-completion


commands interacting with autocompletion suggestions pop-up menu
<C-n>           Use the next match
<C-p>           Use the previous match
<Down>          Select the next match(text in document is left unchanged)
<Up>            Select the previous match(text in document is left unchanged)
<C-y>           Accept the currently selected match (yes)
<C-e>           Revert to the originally typed text (exit from autocompletion)
<C-h>(and <BS>) Delete one character from current match
<C-l>           Add one character from current match
{char}          Stop completion and insert {char}

Refine the Word List as You Type


inspect buffer list

Customizing the Generic Autocompletion
:set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
:set complete+=k    (enable completion words from spelling dictionary)
:set complete-=i    (disable completion words from included files)


autocomplete words from the dictionary
:set spell
:h 'dictionary'


.top {
    background-color: #ef66ef; }
.bottom {


Here's the "hyperlink" for the Vim tutor:
<vimref href="">tutor</vimref>.
For more information on autocompletion see:

autocomplete sequences of words

autocomplete sequences of lines


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Practical Vim - the app</title>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Autocomplete Filenames
:pwd        inspect current working directory
:cd {path}  change working directory
:cd-        revert back to previous working directory


h1 { ba

20. Find and Fix Typos with Vim’s Spell Checker

Yoru mum has a moustache.

Spell Check 
:set spell      enabling the built-in spell checker, highlight misspelled words

spell checker commands
]s  Jump to next spelling error
[s  Jump to previous spelling error
z=  Suggest corrections for current word(can be prefixed with a count)
zg  Add current word to spell file(so it doesn't flagged, can be prefixed with a count)
zw  Remove current word from spell file
zug Revert zg or zw command for current word


Use Alternate Spelling Dictionaries
:set spell
:set spelllang=en_us    (always local to buffer, default value is en)


setlocal spelllang=en_us
setlocal spellfile=~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
setlocal spellfile+=~/books/practical_vim/jargon.utf-8.add

Add Words to the Spell File


Fix Spelling Errors in Insert Mode
<C-x>s      scans backward from the cursor position, stopping when it finds a misspelled word, then builds a word list from suggested corrections and presents them in an autocomplete pop-up menu.

chang vim’s settings on the fly

change settings
:set ignorecase
:set noignorecase
:set ignorecase!
:set ignorecase?
:set ignorecase&
:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et

change settings locally
:setlocal tabstop=4
:bufdo setlocal tabstop=4
:windo setlocal number





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