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2018-10-12 23:41:40 1386
转载 [Reproduction] Introduction to MySQL collation
Original address, http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-collation/ Introduction to MySQL collationA MySQL collation is a set of rules used to compare characters in a particular character set. Each ...
2018-09-30 14:19:08 140
转载 How to Reset the root's Password for MySQL(MariaDB)
Unfortunately, I had forgotten the root's password of MySQL.Here, one of the methods is introduced, which works on my RasberryPi 3B+.Kill the process MySQL sudo killall mysqld#orsudo /etc/in...
2018-09-30 11:15:38 182
原创 Mosh a RaspberryPi using macOS
The locale of a RaspberryPi is en_GB.UTF-8, while the default one of macOS is en_US.UTF-8.Running mosh directly would causeThe locale requested by LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 isn't available here.Running `locale-...
2018-07-10 22:36:35 285
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