Managing Your App’s Memory 管理APP内存

Managing Your App’s Memory 管理APP内存


Random-accessmemory (RAM) is a valuable resource in any software development environment,but it's even more valuable on a mobile operating system where physical memoryis often constrained. Although Android's Dalvik virtual machine performsroutine garbage collection, this doesn't allow you to ignore when and whereyour app allocates and releases memory.



In order for the garbage collector to reclaimmemory from your app, you need to avoid introducing memory leaks (usuallycaused by holding onto object references in global members) and release any Reference objects at theappropriate time (as defined by lifecycle callbacks discussed further below).For most apps, the Dalvik garbage collector takes care of the rest: the systemreclaims your memory allocations when the corresponding objects leave the scopeof your app's active threads.



This document explains how Android managesapp processes and memory allocation, and how you can proactively reduce memoryusage while developing for Android. For more information about generalpractices to clean up your resources when programming in Java, refer to otherbooks or online documentation about managing resource references. If you’relooking for information about how to analyze your app’s memory once you’vealready built it, read Investigating Your RAM Usage.

这个文档解释了Android管理app进程和内存分配的方法,以及你在为Android开发时主动减少内存使用的方法。为获取在Java编程时有效管理资源的一般原则的相关信息,请参考关于资源管理的其它书或者在线文档。如果你正在查找关于构建完app之后,分析app内存的方法,请阅读Investigating Your RAM Usage


How Android Manages MemoryAndroid怎样管理内存

Androiddoes not offer swap space for memory, but it does use paging and memory-mapping(mmapping) to manage memory. This means that any memory you modify—whether byallocating new objects or touching mmapped pages—remains resident in RAM andcannot be paged out. So the only way to completely release memory from your appis to release object references you may be holding, making the memory availableto the garbage collector. That is with one exception: any files mmapped inwithout modification, such as code, can be paged out of RAM if the system wantsto use that memory elsewhere.

Android并不为内存提供swap空间,但是它使用分页(paging)和内存映射(mmapping)来管理内存。这就意味着,任何内存修改——或者通过分配新对象,或者触碰映射页(touchingmmapped pages)——都会保持常驻RAM,并且不会被页置换到外部。所以,从app中完全释放内存的唯一方法是释放你可能持有的对象引用,使垃圾收集器能够访问内存。这有一个例外:任何未经修改的映射文件,例如代码,



Sharing Memory  共享内存

In order to fit everything it needs in RAM, Android triesto share RAM pages across processes. It can do so in the following ways:



·        Each app process isforked from an existing process called Zygote. The Zygote process starts whenthe system boots and loads common framework code and resources (such asactivity themes). To start a new app process, the system forks the Zygoteprocess then loads and runs the app's code in the new process. This allows mostof the RAM pages allocated for framework code and resources to be shared acrossall app processes.

每一个app进程都是从一个叫做Zygote的已经存在的进程fork而来。Zygote进程是在系统启动和装载通用框架代码和资源(例如activity主题)的时候启动的。为启动一个新的app进程,系统fork Zygote进程,然后在新进程中装载并运行app的代码。这允许为框架代码和资源分配的大多数RAM页能够在app进程间共享。


·        Most static data ismmapped into a process. This not only allows that same data to be sharedbetween processes but also allows it to be paged out when needed. Examplestatic data include: Dalvik code (by placing it in a pre-linked .odex file for direct mmapping), app resources (by designing the resourcetable to be a structure that can be mmapped and by aligning the zip entries ofthe APK), and traditional project elements like native code in .so files.



·        In many places, Androidshares the same dynamic RAM across processes using explicitly allocated sharedmemory regions (either with ashmem or gralloc). For example, window surfacesuse shared memory between the app and screen compositor, and cursor buffers useshared memory between the content provider and client.

在很多地方,Android通过显式地分配共享内存区域(使用ashemen或者gralloc)来在进程间共享相同的动态Ram例如,window surface在app和screen compositor之间使用共享内存,cursor buffers在content provider和client之间共享内存。


Due to the extensive use of shared memory, determininghow much memory your app is using requires care. Techniques to properly determineyour app's memory use are discussed in InvestigatingYour RAM Usage.

由于共享内存的扩展需要,决定app的内存使用量需要小心。恰当的确定app内存使用量的技术在InvestigatingYour RAM Usage进行讨论。


Allocating andReclaiming App Memory  分配和回收app内存

Here are some facts about how Android allocates thenreclaims memory from your app:



·        The Dalvik heap for eachprocess is constrained to a single virtual memory range. This defines thelogical heap size, which can grow as it needs to (but only up to a limit thatthe system defines for each app).



·        The logical size of theheap is not the same as the amount of physical memory used by the heap. Wheninspecting your app's heap, Android computes a value called the ProportionalSet Size (PSS), which accounts for both dirty and clean pages that are sharedwith other processes—but only in an amount that's proportional to how many appsshare that RAM. This (PSS) total is what the system considers to be your physicalmemory footprint. For more information about PSS, see the InvestigatingYour RAM Usage guide.

堆的逻辑大小与堆使用的物理内存的数量不一样。当检查你的app堆的时候,Android计算一个被称作PSS(Proportional Set Size,均衡集大小?)的值,这个值解释与其它进程共享的脏和干净的数据页——只是以共享RAM的app数量成比例的数量进行。这个(PSS)整体上是系统认为的你物理内存的大小。为获取PSS的更多信息,参阅InvestigatingYour RAM Usage


·        The Dalvik heap does notcompact the logical size of the heap, meaning that Android does not defragmentthe heap to close up space. Android can only shrink the logical heap size whenthere is unused space at the end of the heap. But this doesn't mean thephysical memory used by the heap can't shrink. After garbage collection, Dalvikwalks the heap and finds unused pages, then returns those pages to the kernelusing madvise. So, paired allocations and deallocations of large chunks shouldresult in reclaiming all (or nearly all) the physical memory used. However,reclaiming memory from small allocations can be much less efficient because thepage used for a small allocation may still be shared with something else thathas not yet been freed.



Restricting AppMemory  限制app内存

To maintain a functional multi-tasking environment,Android sets a hard limit on the heap size for each app. The exact heap sizelimit varies between devices based on how much RAM the device has availableoverall. If your app has reached the heap capacity and tries to allocate morememory, it will receive an OutOfMemoryError.



In some cases, you might want to query the system todetermine exactly how much heap space you have available on the currentdevice—for example, to determine how much data is safe to keep in a cache. Youcan query the system for this figure by calling getMemoryClass(). This returns an integer indicating the number ofmegabytes available for your app's heap. This is discussed further below,under Check how muchmemory you should use.

在有些情况下,你可能向查询系统以准确确定在当前设备上有多少可用堆空间——例如,确定在缓存中保存多少数据是安全的。你可以通过调用getMemoryClass()来向系统查询这个数据。这个函数返回一个整数,代表你的app堆的可用兆字节数量。这在下面Check how muchmemory you should use一节会进一步讨论。


Switching Apps  切换app

Instead of using swap space when the user switchesbetween apps, Android keeps processes that are not hosting a foreground("user visible") app component in a least-recently used (LRU) cache.For example, when the user first launches an app, a process is created for it,but when the user leaves the app, that process does notquit. Thesystem keeps the process cached, so if the user later returns to the app, theprocess is reused for faster app switching.

当用户在app之间切换的时候,Android在一个最近最少使用(least-recently used ,LRU)缓存中维护没有持有前台(“用户可视”)app组件的进程。例如,当用户第一次启动app的时候,系统会为它创建一个进程,但是当用户离开app的时候,那个进程并不退出。系统会缓存那个进程,所以如果用户稍后返回app,进程会重复使用,从而更快地进行切换。


If your app has a cached process and it retains memorythat it currently does not need, then your app—even while the user is not usingit—is constraining the system's overall performance. So, as the system runs lowon memory, it may kill processes in the LRU cache beginning with the processleast recently used, but also giving some consideration toward which processesare most memory intensive. To keep your process cached as long as possible,follow the advice in the following sections about when to release yourreferences.



More information about how processes are cached while notrunning in the foreground and how Android decides which ones can be killed isavailable in the Processes andThreads guide.

为获取不在前台运行的进程是如何缓存的,以及Android设备确定哪些可以被杀掉,请参阅Processes andThreads


How Your App Should ManageMemory  app应该怎样管理内存

You should consider RAM constraints throughout all phasesof development, including during app design (before you begin development).There are many ways you can design and write code that lead to more efficientresults, through aggregation of the same techniques applied over and over.



You should apply the following techniques while designingand implementing your app to make it more memory efficient.



Use servicessparingly  保守地使用服务

If your app needs a service toperform work in the background, do not keep it running unless it's activelyperforming a job. Also be careful to never leak your service by failing to stopit when its work is done.




When you start a service, the system prefers to alwayskeep the process for that service running. This makes the process veryexpensive because the RAM used by the service can’t be used by anything else orpaged out. This reduces the number of cached processes that the system can keepin the LRU cache, making app switching less efficient. It can even lead tothrashing in the system when memory is tight and the system can’t maintainenough processes to host all the services currently running.



The best way to limit the lifespan of your service is touse an IntentService, which finishes itself as soon as it's done handling theintent that started it. For more information, read Running in aBackground Service .

限制服务生命周期长度的最好方法是使用IntentService,它一旦处理完启动它的Intent后,会结束自己。为获取更多信息,参阅Running in aBackground Service


Leaving a service running when it’s not needed is oneof the worst memory-management mistakes an Android app can make. Sodon’t be greedy by keeping a service for your app running. Not only will itincrease the risk of your app performing poorly due to RAM constraints, butusers will discover such misbehaving apps and uninstall them.




Release memorywhen your user interface becomes hidden  UI不可见的时候释放内存

When the user navigates to a different app and your UI isno longer visible, you should release any resources that are used by only yourUI. Releasing UI resources at this time can significantly increase the system'scapacity for cached processes, which has a direct impact on the quality of theuser experience.



To be notified when the user exits your UI, implementthe onTrimMemory() callback in your Activity classes. You should use this method to listen forthe TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN level, which indicates your UI is now hidden fromview and you should free resources that only your UI uses.

为收到用户离开UI的通知,在Activity类中实现 onTrimMemory() 回调。你应该使用这个方法来监听 TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN 级别,这个级别意味着你的UI已经从视图层隐藏,你应该释放仅由你的UI使用的资源。


Notice that your app receives the onTrimMemory() callback with TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN only when all the UI components ofyour app process become hidden from the user. This is distinct from the onStop() callback, which is called when an Activity instance becomes hidden, which occurs even when theuser moves to another activity in your app. So although you shouldimplement onStop() to release activity resources such as a networkconnection or to unregister broadcast receivers, you usually should not releaseyour UI resources until you receiveonTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN). This ensures that if the user navigates back fromanother activity in your app, your UI resources are still available to resumethe activity quickly.






·         缓存 缓存包括一些文件缓存,图片缓存等,在用户正常使用的时候这些缓存很有作用,但当你的应用程序UI不可见的时候,这些缓存就可以被清除以减少内存的使用.比如第三方图片库的缓存.

·         一些动态生成动态添加的View. 这些动态生成和添加的View且少数情况下才使用到的View,这时候可以被释放,下次使用的时候再进行动态生成即可.比如原生桌面中,会在 OnTrimMemory的TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE等级中,释放所有AppsCustomizePagedView的资源,来保证在低内存的时候,桌面不会轻易被杀掉.



Release memoryas memory becomes tight  当内存紧张的时候要释放

During any stage of your app's lifecycle, the onTrimMemory() callback also tells you when the overall device memoryis getting low. You should respond by further releasing resources based on thefollowing memory levels delivered by onTrimMemory():

在app生命周期的任何一个阶段, onTrimMemory() 回调也能告诉你整体设备内存变低的时间。你应该基于下面描述的在 onTrimMemory() 中发布的内存级别进一步释放资源以进行响应。



Your app is running and not considered killable, but the device is runninglow on memory and the system is actively killing processes in the LRU cache.




Your app is running and not considered killable, but the device is runningmuch lower on memory so you should release unused resources to improve systemperformance (which directly impacts your app's performance).




Your app is still running, but the system has already killed most of theprocesses in the LRU cache, so you should release all non-critical resourcesnow. If the system cannot reclaim sufficient amounts of RAM, it will clear allof the LRU cache and begin killing processes that the system prefers to keepalive, such as those hosting a running service.



Also, when your app process is currently cached, you mayreceive one of the following levels fromonTrimMemory():




The system is running low on memory and your process is near the beginningof the LRU list. Although your app process is not at a high risk of beingkilled, the system may already be killing processes in the LRU cache. Youshould release resources that are easy to recover so your process will remainin the list and resume quickly when the user returns to your app.




The system is running low on memory and your process is near the middle ofthe LRU list. If the system becomes further constrained for memory, there's achance your process will be killed.




The system is running low on memory and your process is one of the firstto be killed if the system does not recover memory now. You should releaseeverything that's not critical to resuming your app state.



Because the onTrimMemory() callback was added in API level 14, you can usethe onLowMemory() callback as a fallback for older versions, which isroughly equivalent to the TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE event.

因为 onTrimMemory() 回调实在API 14中添加的,你可以在之前的版本中使用onLowMemory()回调。onLowMemory()大致相当于TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE事件。


Note: When thesystem begins killing processes in the LRU cache, although it primarily worksbottom-up, it does give some consideration to which processes are consumingmore memory and will thus provide the system more memory gain if killed. So theless memory you consume while in the LRU list overall, the better your chancesare to remain in the list and be able to quickly resume.



Check how muchmemory you should use  检查你应该使用多少内存

As mentioned earlier, each Android-powered device has adifferent amount of RAM available to the system and thus provides a differentheap limit for each app. You can call getMemoryClass() to get an estimate of your app's available heap inmegabytes. If your app tries to allocate more memory than is available here, itwill receive anOutOfMemoryError.

就如上面所提到的,每一个Android设备都有可供系统使用的不同数量的内存,因此会为每一个app提供不同的堆限制。你可以调用getMemoryClass() 来估计可供app使用的堆的兆字节数。如果你的app尝试分配比可用量更多的内存,将会收到一个OutOfMemoryError



ActivityManager mActivityManager = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
int memoryClass = am. getMemoryClass();              //96MB [Mi2S,Android 4.1]




In very special situations, you can request a larger heapsize by setting the largeHeap attributeto "true" in the manifest <application> tag.If you do so, you can call getLargeMemoryClass() to get an estimate of the large heap size.

在特殊情况下,你可以通过在manifest文件 <application>的标签中设置largeHeap属性为“true”以请求更大的堆。如果你这么做了,可以调用getLargeMemoryClass()方法来估计这个大堆的大小。


However, the ability to request a large heap is intendedonly for a small set of apps that can justify the need to consume more RAM(such as a large photo editing app). Never request a large heap simplybecause you've run out of memory and you need a quick fix—you shoulduse it only when you know exactly where all your memory is being allocated andwhy it must be retained. Yet, even when you're confident your app can justifythe large heap, you should avoid requesting it to whatever extent possible.Using the extra memory will increasingly be to the detriment of the overalluser experience because garbage collection will take longer and systemperformance may be slower when task switching or performing other commonoperations.



Additionally, the large heap size is not the same on alldevices and, when running on devices that have limited RAM, the large heap sizemay be exactly the same as the regular heap size. So even if you do request thelarge heap size, you should call getMemoryClass() to check the regular heap size and strive to alwaysstay below that limit.



Avoid wastingmemory with bitmaps  避免位图浪费内存

When you load a bitmap, keep it in RAM only at theresolution you need for the current device's screen, scaling it down if theoriginal bitmap is a higher resolution. Keep in mind that an increase in bitmapresolution results in a corresponding (increase2) in memory needed, because both the X and Y dimensionsincrease.



Note: On Android2.3.x (API level 10) and below, bitmap objects always appear as the same sizein your app heap regardless of the image resolution (the actual pixel data isstored separately in native memory). This makes it more difficult to debug thebitmap memory allocation because most heap analysis tools do not see the nativeallocation. However, beginning in Android 3.0 (API level 11), the bitmap pixeldata is allocated in your app's Dalvik heap, improving garbage collection anddebuggability. So if your app uses bitmaps and you're having troublediscovering why your app is using some memory on an older device, switch to adevice running Android 3.0 or higher to debug it.

注意:在Android 2.3.x(API 10)及其更低版本上,位图对象总是以你app堆中的同样大小出现,而不管图像的分辨率是多少(实际的像素数据被单独存放在本地内存中)。这使得调试位图内存分配更加困难,因为大多数堆分析工具不能分析本地分配。然而,从Android 3.0(API 11)开始,位图像素数据被分配在app的Dalvik堆中,改善了垃圾收集和可调试性。所以,如果你的app使用位图,并且你在寻找app在较老的设备上使用更多的内存的原因时遇到麻烦,那么可以到Android 3.0或更新的版本上运行和调试。


For more tips about working with bitmaps, read Managing BitmapMemory.

为获取关于位图使用的更多要点,参阅Managing BitmapMemory


Use optimizeddata containers  使用优化的数据容器

Take advantage of optimizedcontainers in the Android framework, such as SparseArraySparseBooleanArray, and LongSparseArray. The generic HashMap implementation can be quite memory inefficient because itneeds a separate entry object for every mapping. Additionally, the SparseArray classes are more efficient because they avoid the system'sneed to autobox the key and sometimes value (whichcreates yet another object or two per entry). And don't be afraid of droppingdown to raw arrays when that makes sense.

利用Android框架中优化的容器,例如SparseArraySparseBooleanArray, 和 LongSparseArray。泛型的HashMap实现内存效率很低,因为对每一个映射,它都需要一个单独的条目对象。除此之外,SparseArray类效率更高,因为他们避免系统自动打包键,以及有时自动打包值(这会给每一个条目创建另外一个或者两个对象)。当这些变得有意义的时候,不要害怕丢弃哪些粗糙的数组。



SparseArray是android里为<Interger,Object> 这样的Hashmap而专门写的类,目的是提高效率,其核心是折半查找函数(binarySearch)。在Android中,当我们需要定义

HashMap <Integer, E> hashMap = new HashMap <Integer, E> ();


SparseArray <E> sparseArray = new SparseArray <E> ();






Be aware ofmemory overhead 对内存开销保持清醒

Be knowledgeable about the cost and overhead of thelanguage and libraries you are using, and keep this information in mind whenyou design your app, from start to finish. Often, things on the surface thatlook innocuous may in fact have a large amount of overhead. Examples include:



·        Enums often require morethan twice as much memory as static constants. You should strictly avoid usingenums on Android.



·        Every class in Java(including anonymous inner classes) uses about 500 bytes of code.

Java中的每个类(包括匿名内部类)使用大约500 bytes的代码。


·        Every class instance has12-16 bytes of RAM overhead.



·        Putting a single entryinto a HashMap requires the allocation of an additional entryobject that takes 32 bytes (see the previous section about optimized datacontainers).

向一个HashMap中放一条单一的记录需要分配一个占据32 bytes的额外记录对象。


A few bytes here and there quickly add up—app designsthat are class- or object-heavy will suffer from this overhead. That can leaveyou in the difficult position of looking at a heap analysis and realizing yourproblem is a lot of small objects using up your RAM.



Be careful withcode abstractions  对代码抽象保持小心

Often, developers useabstractions simply as a "good programming practice," becauseabstractions can improve code flexibility and maintenance. However,abstractions come at a significant cost: generally they require a fair amountmore code that needs to be executed, requiring more time and more RAM for thatcode to be mapped into memory. So if your abstractions aren't supplying asignificant benefit, you should avoid them.



Use nanoprotobufs for serialized data 使用nano protobufs序列化数据

Protocol buffers area language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism designed by Googlefor serializing structured data—think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. Ifyou decide to use protobufs for your data, you should always use nano protobufsin your client-side code. Regular protobufs generate extremely verbose code,which will cause many kinds of problems in your app: increased RAM use,significant APK size increase, slower execution, and quickly hitting the DEXsymbol limit.

Protocol buffers是一种语言中立、平台中立,由Google为了序列化结构化数据(例如XML)设计的可扩展机制,但是小巧、快速、简单。如果你决定使用protobufs,你应该在客户端代码中使用nano protobufs。常规protobufs生成极度冗长的代码,将会在app中导致许多问题:增加RAM耗用、显著增加APK大小、执行慢,并且快速达到DEX符号(DEX symbol)的限度。


For more information, see the "Nano version"section in the protobuf readme.

为获取更多信息,请参阅protobuf readme的“Nano version”部分。


Avoid dependencyinjection frameworks  避免使用依赖注入框架

Using a dependency injectionframework such as Guice or RoboGuice may be attractive because they can simplify the code youwrite and provide an adaptive environment that's useful for testing and otherconfiguration changes. However, these frameworks tend to perform a lot ofprocess initialization by scanning your code for annotations, which can requiresignificant amounts of your code to be mapped into RAM even though you don'tneed it. These mapped pages are allocated into clean memory so Android can dropthem, but that won't happen until the pages have been left in memory for a longperiod of time.



Be careful aboutusing external libraries  使用外部库要小心

External library code is often not written for mobileenvironments and can be inefficient when used for work on a mobile client. Atthe very least, when you decide to use an external library, you should assumeyou are taking on a significant porting and maintenance burden to optimize thelibrary for mobile. Plan for that work up-front and analyze the library interms of code size and RAM footprint before deciding to use it at all.



Even libraries supposedly designed for use on Android arepotentially dangerous because each library may do things differently. Forexample, one library may use nano protobufs while another uses micro protobufs.Now you have two different protobuf implementations in your app. This can andwill also happen with different implementations of logging, analytics, imageloading frameworks, caching, and all kinds of other things you don't expect. ProGuard won'tsave you here because these will all be lower-level dependencies that arerequired by the features for which you want the library. This becomesespecially problematic when you use an Activitysubclass from a library (which will tend to have wideswaths of dependencies), when libraries use reflection (which is common andmeans you need to spend a lot of time manually tweaking ProGuard to get it towork), and so on.

甚至,原本觉得是为专门在Android平台上使用而设计的库都是有潜在危险的,因为每个库的实现的方式可能不同。例如,有的库可能用nano protobufs,而有的会用micro protobufs。结果就是,你的app中有两种不同的protobuf实现。这种情况能够并且可能在日志、分析、图片加载框架、缓存和其它你意想不到的东西的不同实现上也会发生。ProGuard 这里并不会帮到你,因为这是你引入这些库而取得的特性所需要的低层次依赖。当你使用来自一个库的Activity的子类(这个库往往还有大量依赖)的时候,当库使用了反射(这很常见,意味着你需要花费大量时间手动调整ProGuard使其工作)的时候,以及其它很多情况下,这个问题会变得尤其突出。


Also be careful not to fall into the trap of using ashared library for one or two features out of dozens of other things it does;you don't want to pull in a large amount of code and overhead that you don'teven use. At the end of the day, if there isn't an existing implementation thatis a strong match for what you need to do, it may be best if you create yourown implementation.



Optimize overallperformance  优化总体性能

A variety of information about optimizing your app'soverall performance is available in other documents listed inBest Practicesfor Performance. Many of these documents include optimizations tipsfor CPU performance, but many of these tips also help optimize your app'smemory use, such as by reducing the number of layout objects required by yourUI.

可以在另一个文档Best Practicesfor Performance访问关于优化app整体性能的大量知识。这些文档中,很多都包含CPU性能的优化要点,但是这些要点在优化app内存方面也有帮助,例如减少UI所需要的布局对象的数量。


You should also read about optimizing yourUI with the layout debugging tools and take advantage of theoptimization suggestions provided by the lint tool.

你也应该参阅optimizing yourUI,里面有布局调试工具,并且利用好lint tool提供的优化建议。


Use ProGuard tostrip out any unneeded code 使用ProGuard去除任何没有用的代码

The ProGuard tool shrinks,optimizes, and obfuscates your code by removing unused code and renamingclasses, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names. Using ProGuardcan make your code more compact, requiring fewer RAM pages to be mapped.

ProGuard 工具通过移除没有用的代码、使用语义模糊的名称来重命名类、变量和方法,来压缩、优化并混淆你的代码。使用ProGuard工具可以使你的代码更紧凑,使用更少的RAM页来实现映射。


Use zipalign onyour final APK  在最终APK上使用zipalign

If you do any post-processing of an APK generated by abuild system (including signing it with your final production certificate),then you must run zipalign onit to have it re-aligned. Failing to do so can cause your app to requiresignificantly more RAM, because things like resources can no longer be mmappedfrom the APK.

如果你对一个由编译系统生成的APK(包括用你最终的产品证书进行签名)做任何的后处理,你必须在它上面运行zipalign ,来使其重新排列。不这么做会导致你的app需要明显多的RAM,因为资源之类的东西不能再从APK中映射。


Note: Google PlayStore does not accept APK files that are not zipaligned.

注意:Google Play Store不接受没有经过zipaligned处理的APK文件。


Analyze your RAMusage 分析RAM使用

Once you achieve arelatively stable build, begin analyzing how much RAM your app is usingthroughout all stages of its lifecycle. For information about how to analyzeyour app, read Investigating Your RAM Usage.

一旦你得到了一个相对稳定的构建,就可以开始分析你的app在整个生命周期中使用了多少RAM。为获取app分析的更多知识,请阅读Investigating Your RAM Usage


Use multipleprocesses 使用多进程

If it's appropriate for your app, an advanced techniquethat may help you manage your app's memory is dividing components of your appinto multiple processes. This technique must always be used carefully and mostapps should not run multiple processes, as it can easily increase—ratherthan decrease—your RAM footprint if done incorrectly. It is primarily useful toapps that may run significant work in the background as well as the foregroundand can manage those operations separately.



An example of when multiple processes may be appropriateis when building a music player that plays music from a service for long periodof time. If the entire app runs in one process, then many of the allocationsperformed for its activity UI must be kept around as long as it is playingmusic, even if the user is currently in another app and the service iscontrolling the playback. An app like this may be split into two process: onefor its UI, and the other for the work that continues running in the backgroundservice.

一个适合选择多进程的例子是,开发一个需要长时间在后台服务播放音乐的音乐播放器。如果整个app运行在一个进程中,那么许多为activity UI而进行的内存分配必须在播放音乐期间一直处在就绪状态,即使用户当前在操作其它app,service处在重复播放状态。像这样的一个app可以拆分为连个进程:一个管理UI,一个管理在后台服务中持续运行的工作。


You can specify a separate process for each app componentby declaring the android:process attributefor each component in the manifest file. For example, you can specify that yourservice should run in a process separate from your app's main process bydeclaring a new process named "background" (but you can name theprocess anything you like):


<service android:name=".PlaybackService"
         android:process=":background" />


Your process name should begin with a colon (':') toensure that the process remains private to your app.



Before you decide to create a new process, you need tounderstand the memory implications. To illustrate the consequences of eachprocess, consider that an empty process doing basically nothing has an extramemory footprint of about 1.4MB, as shown by the memory information dump below.



adb shell dumpsys


** MEMINFO inpid 10172 [] **

                Pss     Pss Shared Private  SharedPrivate    Heap    Heap   Heap

              Total   Clean  Dirty   Dirty   Clean  Clean    Size   Alloc   Free

             ------ ------  ------  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------  ------

  Native Heap     0      0       0       0      0       0    1864   1800      63

  Dalvik Heap  764       0    5228    316       0       0   5584    5499      85

 Dalvik Other  619       0    3784    448       0       0

        Stack   28       0       8     28       0       0

    Other dev     4      0      12       0      0       4

     .so mmap  287       0    2840    212     972       0

    .apk mmap   54       0       0      0     136       0

    .dex mmap  250     148       0      0    3704     148

   Other mmap     8      0       8       8     20       0

      Unknown  403       0     600    380       0       0

        TOTAL 2417     148   12480   1392    4832     152    7448    7299    148

Note: Moreinformation about how to read this output is provided in InvestigatingYour RAM Usage. The key data here is the Private Dirty and PrivateClean memory, which shows that this process is using almost 1.4MB ofnon-pageable RAM (distributed across the Dalvik heap, native allocations,book-keeping, and library-loading), and another 150K of RAM for code that hasbeen mapped in to execute.

注意:关于怎样阅读这个输出的更多知识在InvestigatingYour RAM Usage中提供。这里的关键数据是Private Dirty 和 PrivateClean memory,这表明这个进程使用了接近1.4MB的非分页RAM(在Dalvik堆、本地分配、记账和库装载)和另外150K的RAM,供已经映射并即将执行的代码使用。


This memory footprint for an empty process is fairlysignificant and it can quickly grow as you start doing work in that process.For example, here is the memory use of a process that is created only to showan activity with some text in it:



** MEMINFO inpid 10226 [] **

                Pss     Pss Shared Private  SharedPrivate    Heap   Heap    Heap

              Total   Clean  Dirty   Dirty   Clean  Clean    Size   Alloc   Free

             ------  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------  ------  ------ ------

  Native Heap     0      0       0       0      0       0    3000   2951      48

  Dalvik Heap 1074       0    4928    776       0       0   5744    5658      86

 Dalvik Other  802       0    3612    664       0       0

        Stack   28       0       8     28       0       0

       Ashmem     6      0      16       0      0       0

    Other dev  108       0      24    104       0       4

     .so mmap 2166       0    2824   1828    3756       0

    .apk mmap   48       0       0      0     632       0

    .ttf mmap     3      0       0       0     24       0

    .dex mmap  292       4       0      0    5672       4

   Other mmap   10       0       8      8      68       0

      Unknown  632       0     412    624       0       0

        TOTAL 5169       4   11832   4032   10152      8    8744   8609     134

The process has now almost tripled in size, to 4MB,simply by showing some text in the UI. This leads to an important conclusion:If you are going to split your app into multiple processes, only one processshould be responsible for UI. Other processes should avoid any UI, as this willquickly increase the RAM required by the process (especially once you startloading bitmap assets and other resources). It may then be hard or impossibleto reduce the memory usage once the UI is drawn.



Additionally, when running more than one process, it'smore important than ever that you keep your code as lean as possible, becauseany unnecessary RAM overhead for common implementations are now replicated ineach process. For example, if you are using enums (though you should notuse enums), all of the RAM needed to create and initialize thoseconstants is duplicated in each process, and any abstractions you have withadapters and temporaries or other overhead will likewise be replicated.

除此之外,当运行多于一个进程的时候,比任何事情都重要的是,尽量保持你的代码简洁,因为任何不必要的通常意义上的内存耗用现在都会在每个进程中重复发生。例如,如果你使用了枚举(尽管你不应该使用枚举you should notuse enums),用于创建和初始化那些常量的RAM在每个进程中会重复发生,并且任何你使用适配器(adapters)和临时变量(temporaries)或其它内存耗用而进行的抽象都会重复发生。


Another concern with multiple processes is thedependencies that exist between them. For example, if your app has a contentprovider that you have running in the default process which also hosts your UI,then code in a background process that uses that content provider will alsorequire that your UI process remain in RAM. If your goal is to have abackground process that can run independently of a heavy-weight UI process, itcan't have dependencies on content providers or services that execute in the UIprocess.

另一个在使用多进程时需要关注的问题是进程间的依赖。例如,如果你的app在主进程中有一个content provider,那么使用这个content provider的后台进程中的代码也会需要你的UI进程驻留RAM。如果你的目标是拥有一个独立于高权重UI进程的后台进程,那么这个后台进程不能依赖在UI进程中执行的content provider或者service。

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