村田 - ESD 保护装置的基础知识

Section 1 “What is ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)?”(第 1 章 “ESD 是什么?”)

ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) : A description of points where ESD countermeasures are necessary is set out below.

ESD(静电放电):以下对需要采取 ESD 对策的地方进行说明。

What is ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)?(ESD 是什么?)

When two electrically charged objects, such as the human body and an electronic device come into contact with each other, static electricity is discharged. This phenomenon is called ESD (Electrostatic Discharge). ESD generated from the human body can be of the order of several thousand volts. This high voltage pulse enters the electronic device that is touched, resulting in a malfunction or destruction of the IC circuits inside it. In order to prevent the destruction of a product or system due to the intrusion of ESD into an electronic device that was touched, it is necessary to install countermeasure components that suppress or remove ESD.

当人体和电子设备等两个带电物体相互接触时,就会产生静电放电。这种现象被称为 ESD(静电放电)。人体产生的静电放电可以达到几千伏特的量级。这个高压脉冲进入被触摸的电子设备,导致内部的集成电路故障或损坏。为了防止静电放电对被接触的电子设备造成破坏,需要安装抑制或消除静电的对策元件。


Points where ESD countermeasures are necessary(有必要采取 ESD 对策的要点)

ESD countermeasures are necessary at all points where electrical devices are likely to come into contact with a person or an object. Examples include USB2.0, USB3.0, output terminals, LAN or other points where a user connects or disconnects a connector, cases in which an operation button of an electrical product is touched, or a device touches a board during a production process, and also cases in which boards are connected to each other using a connector. Parts that are installed at these points as ESD countermeasures are called “ESD protective devices*.”

ESD 对策对于在电子设备可能与人或物体接触的所有地方都是必要的。例子包括 USB2.0、USB3.0、输出终端、LAN 接口或者其他用户拔出或插入连接器的地方;在接触电气产品的操作按钮的情况下;或者在产品生产过程中,一个设备接触到一块电路板;以及使用连接器互连的电路板的情况下。安装在这些点上做为防静电措施的元件被称为“ESD 保护装置*”。


* This is a generic term for an ESD protective suppressor, an ESD protective diode, an ESD protective filter, an ESD protective device, ESD protection, and a TVS diode. On these pages, all of these devices are referred to as ESD protective devices.

* 这是 ESD 保护抑制器、ESD 保护二极管、ESD 保护滤波器、ESD 保护装置、ESD 保护,以及 TVS 二极管的总称。在这些页面中,所有这些设备都被称为 ESD 保护装置。

Section 2 “ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) testing”(第 2 章 “ESD 测试”)

This section describes the ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) standards and ESD testing.(本章介绍 ESD 标准和 ESD 测试。)

ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) standards(ESD 标准)

Manufacturers of electronic devices are required to devise appropriate ESD countermeasures that satisfy the standards of each electronic device, and various tests and standards have been enacted for each purpose and product. There are three representative methods of testing various devices such as IC circuits and electronic components: HBM (Human Body Model), MM (Machine Model), and CDM (Charged Device Model). Each of these tests is carried out according to the following standards, on the applicable components and devices, under the applicable test conditions.

电子设备制造商被要求设计符合每种电子设备标准的适当的 ESD 对策,并且针对每种目的和产品制定了各种测试和标准。有三种具有代表性的测试各种设备,如集成电路和电子元件的方法:HBM(人体模型),MM(机器模型),CDM(带电设备模型)。这些测试都是按照下列标准,对适用的组件和设备,在适用的测试条件下进行的。

Test methodStandardApplicable componentsGeneral test conditionsPhenomenon model
HBM (Body model)JEDEC JESD22-A114Electronic components (For civilian use)Capacitor: 100 pF, internal resistance: 1.5 kΩ. Applied voltage: 1/2/4/8 kVTest model for the case where a charge accumulated on the human body causes ESD
MM (Machine model)JEDEC JESD22-A115Electronic components (For manufactured devices)Capacitor: 200 pF, Internal resistance: 0 Ω. Applied voltage: 100/200/400 VTest model for the case where a charge accumulated on metal such as equipment or jigs and tools causes ESD
CDM (Charged device model)JEDEC JESD22-C101Electronic components (For manufactured devices)The capacitor and internal resistance differ according to the test device: 500/1000 VTest model for the case where a charge accumulated on the device itself cause ESD
HBM(人体模型)JEDEC JESD22-A114电子元件(消费用品)电容器:100 pF、内部阻抗:1.5 kΩ。施加电压:1/2/4/8 kV积聚在人体的电荷产生 ESD 时的试验模型
MM(机器模型)JEDEC JESD22-A115电子元件(制造设备)电容器:200 pF、内部阻抗:0 Ω。施加电压:100/200/400 V积聚在装置和工具等金属类的电荷产生 ESD 时的试验模型
CDM(设备带电模型)JEDEC JESD22-C101电子元件(制造设备)电容器、内部阻抗根据试验设备有所不同。施加电压:500/1000 V积聚在设备主体的电荷产生 ESD 时的试验模型

ESD testing(ESD 测试)

Tests on ESD protective devices are covered by standard IEC61000-4-2. Murata evaluates its products using the method stipulated by this standard. For the test, the following circuit which includes a 150 pF capacitor and an internal resistance of 330 Ω is used, and the resistance of the product to breakdown is evaluated by discharging four ESD voltages in the sequence 2 kV, 4 kV, 6 kV, and 8 kV, to the case of the device.

对 ESD 保护装置的测试由标准 IEC61000-4-2 涵盖。村田公司使用本标准规定的方法评估其产品。试验使用 150pF 电容器、内部阻抗 330Ω 的电路,通过对设备外壳进行 2kV、4kV、6kV、8kV 四个阶段的 ESD 电压放电,评估产品是否有故障。


Section 3 “ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Protective Devices”(第 3 章 “ESD 保护装置”)

A description of ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protective devices and countermeasure components is set out below.(介绍 ESD 保护装置和对策组件。)

ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protective devices and countermeasure components(ESD 保护装置和对策组件)

The main function of an ESD protective device is to enable ESD that enters a device to escape to ground. If there is no protective device, ESD which has a voltage of several thousand volts will be applied directly to the internal ICs.

ESD 保护装置的主要功能是使进入设备的 ESD 逃逸到地。如果没有保护装置,具有几千伏特电压的 ESD 将直接作用到内部集成电路。


When an ESD protective device is installed between an external interface and an IC in order to protect the IC, the input to the IC will be grounded via the ESD protective device, enabling ESD to escape to ground. Under the normal drive voltage (several volts), the IC is isolated from ground, so data communication is not impaired. The ability to ground an IC circuit when several thousand volts are applied to it, and also to isolate it from ground when several volts are applied to it, is a necessary function of an ESD protective device.

为了保护 IC,而在外部接口和 IC 之间安装 ESD 保护装置时,IC 的输入端通过 ESD 保护装置接地,使得 ESD 逃逸到地。在正常的驱动电压(几伏)下,IC 与地隔离,因此数据通信不受影响。当施加几千伏电压时,集成电路能够接地;而当施加几伏电压时,却能够将集成电路与地隔离。这是 ESD 保护装置的必要功能。


The following graph shows the difference between the voltages at the IC side depending upon whether or not an ESD protective device is installed. Here, an 8 kV ESD is generated using an ESD gun containing a capacitor and internal resistance, and the voltage after it has passed through the device is measured using an oscilloscope. From the waveform of the graph, it can be seen that the existence of the ESD protective device greatly reduces the voltage applied to the IC side.

在此使用内置电容器和内部阻抗的 ESD 枪,施加 8kV 的 ESD,并且使用示波器测量通过设备后的电压值。从图表的波形来看,由于 ESD 保护装置的存在,极大地抑制了施加到 IC 侧的电压。


The discharge waveform is used to evaluate the performance of the ESD protective device. In the graph, the value of the peak voltage immediately after the application of ESD is called “V peak voltage”, and the value 30 ns later is called “V clamp voltage.” The graph shows that the lower the values of V peak and V clamp, the higher is the ability of the ESD protective device to protect a product. The lower these values and the smaller the area of the waveform of the product, the smaller will be the damage applied to the IC side. In the graph below, the V peak and V clamp voltage values of LXES03TAA1-142 are low, and the waveform area is small, indicating that the device has excellent ESD protective performance.

放电波形用于评价 ESD 保护装置的性能。在图中,ESD 施加后的峰值电压值称为“V 峰值电压”,30ns 后的电压值称为“V 钳位电压”。从图中可以看出,V 峰值和 V 钳位的值越低,ESD 保护装置对产品的保护能力就越强。这些值越低,产品的波形面积越小,应用到 IC 侧的损伤就越小。如图所示,LXES03TAA1-142 的 V 峰和 V 钳位电压值较低,波形面积较小,说明该装置具有良好的 ESD 保护性能。


Section 4 “Construction and Principle of Murata’s Products”(第 4 章 “村田产品的构造和原理”)

A description of the construction and principle of operation of each of Murata’s ceramic base and semiconductor base ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protective devices and countermeasure components is set out below.

下面对村田的陶瓷基体、半导体基体、各种 ESD 保护装置和对策元件的构造和原理进行说明。

Semiconductor base(半导体基体)

A semiconductor base ESD protective device uses a mechanism called a Zener diode method. A Zener diode consists of a combination of a P type semiconductor (condition in which there is a deficiency of electrons) and an N type semiconductor (condition in which there is an excess of electrons).

半导体基极 ESD 保护装置采用齐纳二极管方法。齐纳二极管由 P 型半导体(缺少电子的状态)和 N 型半导体(过量电子的状态)组合而成。


In a diode, when the positive electrode is connected to the P type semiconductor side (forward bias), electrons are attracted to the positive electrode, and holes are attracted to the negative electrode, causing current to flow. Conversely, when the positive electrode is connected to the N type semiconductor side (reverse bias), electrons are attracted to the positive electrode, and holes are attracted to the negative electrode, resulting in a depletion layer between the P type semiconductor and the N type semiconductor, which prevents current from flowing.

在二极管中,当正极连接到 P 型半导体一侧(正向偏置)时,P 型半导体中电子被正极吸引,N 型半导体中空穴被负极吸引,因此产生电流。相反,当正极连接到 N 型半导体(反向偏置),N 型半导体中的电子被吸引到正极,P 型半导体中空穴被吸引到负极,导致 P 型和 N 型半导体之间产生一个耗尽层,阻止电流通过。


However, when a higher reverse bias is applied, the covalent bonds of the electrons at the depletion layer are broken. The resulting free electrons collide repeatedly with other electrons, causing current to flow abruptly. The voltage at which current flows abruptly is called the breakdown voltage.



A silicon base ESD protective device utilizes the technology of this diode to pass current to ground when an overvoltage (ESD) exceeding the breakdown voltage is applied. Compared to a ceramic base product, the capacitance between the electrodes increases, but the device has higher ESD protective performance.

硅基 ESD 保护装置利用该二极管的技术,当施加超过击穿电压的过电压(ESD)时,就将电流导通到地。与陶瓷基产品相比,电极之间的电容增大,但器件具有更高的 ESD 保护性能。


Even if the range of applications is limited to electronic and electrical devices that are used in daily life, the range of places where ESD protective devices is used is very diverse. In addition, the adoption of appropriate ESD countermeasures leads to stable performance of the device. Murata’s ESD protective devices have high performance and reliability. We offer a full lineup of products that can be used for a variety of devices and applications.

即使应用范围仅限于日常生活中使用的电子和电气设备,ESD 保护装置的使用范围是非常广泛的。此外,采用适当的 ESD 对策可使器件性能稳定。村田的 ESD 保护装置具有高性能和可靠性。我们提供了一个完整的产品阵容,可用于各种设备和应用。



Section 1 “What is ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)?”

Section 2 “ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) testing”

Section 3 “ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Protective Devices”

Section 4 “Construction and Principle of Murata’s Products”





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