

OLLVM(Obfuscator-LLVM)是基于LLVM(Low Level Virtual Machine)框架的一种代码混淆器。它主要用于对C/C++和汇编语言程序进行混淆,以增加代码的复杂性,提高代码的安全性和抵抗逆向工程的能力。
IR(Intermediate Representation)是指中间表示,是编译器在将源代码转化为目标代码的过程中使用的一种中间形式。它作为源代码和目标机器代码之间的一个抽象层,方便进行代码优化、分析和生成。


  1. Module(模块)
  2. Function(函数)
  3. BasicBlock(基本块)
  4. Instruction(指令)


//===- BogusControlFlow.cpp - BogusControlFlow Obfuscation pass-------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements BogusControlFlow's pass, inserting bogus control flow.
// It adds bogus flow to a given basic block this way:
// Before :
// 	         		     entry
//      			       |
//  	    	  	 ______v______
//   	    		|   Original  |
//   	    		|_____________|
//             		       |
// 		        	       v
//		        	     return
// After :
//           		     entry
//             		       |
//            		   ____v_____
//      			  |condition*| (false)
//           		  |__________|----+
//           		 (true)|          |
//             		       |          |
//           		 ______v______    |
// 		        +-->|   Original* |   |
// 		        |   |_____________| (true)
// 		        |   (false)|    !-----------> return
// 		        |    ______v______    |
// 		        |   |   Altered   |<--!
// 		        |   |_____________|
// 		        |__________|
//  * The results of these terminator's branch's conditions are always true, but these predicates are
//    opacificated. For this, we declare two global values: x and y, and replace the FCMP_TRUE
//    predicate with (y < 10 || x * (x + 1) % 2 == 0) (this could be improved, as the global
//    values give a hint on where are the opaque predicates)
//  The altered bloc is a copy of the original's one with junk instructions added accordingly to the
//  type of instructions we found in the bloc
//  Each basic block of the function is choosen if a random number in the range [0,100] is smaller
//  than the choosen probability rate. The default value is 30. This value can be modify using
//  the option -boguscf-prob=[value]. Value must be an integer in the range [0, 100], otherwise
//  the default value is taken. Exemple: -boguscf -boguscf-prob=60
//  The pass can also be loop many times on a function, including on the basic blocks added in
//  a previous loop. Be careful if you use a big probability number and choose to run the loop
//  many times wich may cause the pass to run for a very long time. The default value is one loop,
//  but you can change it with -boguscf-loop=[value]. Value must be an integer greater than 1,
//  otherwise the default value is taken. Exemple: -boguscf -boguscf-loop=2
//  Defined debug types:
//  - "gen" : general informations
//  - "opt" : concerning the given options (parameter)
//  - "cfg" : printing the various function's cfg before transformation
//	      and after transformation if it has been modified, and all
//	      the functions at end of the pass, after doFinalization.
//  To use them all, simply use the -debug option.
//  To use only one of them, follow the pass' command by -debug-only=name.
//  Exemple, -boguscf -debug-only=cfg
//  Stats:
//  The following statistics will be printed if you use
//  the -stats command:
// a. Number of functions in this module
// b. Number of times we run on each function
// c. Initial number of basic blocks in this module
// d. Number of modified basic blocks
// e. Number of added basic blocks in this module
// f. Final number of basic blocks in this module
// file   : lib/Transforms/Obfuscation/BogusControlFlow.cpp
// date   : june 2012
// version: 1.0
// author : julie.michielin@gmail.com
// modifications: pjunod, Rinaldini Julien
// project: Obfuscator
// option : -boguscf

#include "llvm/Transforms/Obfuscation/BogusControlFlow.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Obfuscation/Utils.h"

// Stats
#define DEBUG_TYPE "BogusControlFlow"
STATISTIC(NumFunction,  "a. Number of functions in this module");
STATISTIC(NumTimesOnFunctions, "b. Number of times we run on each function");
STATISTIC(InitNumBasicBlocks,  "c. Initial number of basic blocks in this module");
STATISTIC(NumModifiedBasicBlocks,  "d. Number of modified basic blocks");
STATISTIC(NumAddedBasicBlocks,  "e. Number of added basic blocks in this module");
STATISTIC(FinalNumBasicBlocks,  "f. Final number of basic blocks in this module");

// Options for the pass
const int defaultObfRate = 30, defaultObfTime = 1;

static cl::opt<int>
ObfProbRate("bcf_prob", cl::desc("Choose the probability [%] each basic blocks will be obfuscated by the -bcf pass"), cl::value_desc("probability rate"), cl::init(defaultObfRate), cl::Optional);

static cl::opt<int>
ObfTimes("bcf_loop", cl::desc("Choose how many time the -bcf pass loop on a function"), cl::value_desc("number of times"), cl::init(defaultObfTime), cl::Optional);

namespace {
  struct BogusControlFlow : public FunctionPass {
    static char ID; // Pass identification
    bool flag;
    BogusControlFlow() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
    BogusControlFlow(bool flag) : FunctionPass(ID) {this->flag = flag; BogusControlFlow();}

    /* runOnFunction
     * Overwrite FunctionPass method to apply the transformation
     * to the function. See header for more details.
    virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F){
      // Check if the percentage is correct
      if (ObfTimes <= 0) {
        errs()<<"BogusControlFlow application number -bcf_loop=x must be x > 0";
		return false;

      // Check if the number of applications is correct
      if ( !((ObfProbRate > 0) && (ObfProbRate <= 100)) ) {
        errs()<<"BogusControlFlow application basic blocks percentage -bcf_prob=x must be 0 < x <= 100";
		return false;
      // If fla annotations
      if(toObfuscate(flag,&F,"bcf")) {
        return true;

      return false;
    } // end of runOnFunction()

    void bogus(Function &F) {
      // For statistics and debug
      int NumBasicBlocks = 0;
      bool firstTime = true; // First time we do the loop in this function
      bool hasBeenModified = false;
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Started on function " << F.getName() << "\n");
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Probability rate: "<< ObfProbRate<< "\n");
      if(ObfProbRate < 0 || ObfProbRate > 100){
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Incorrect value,"
            << " probability rate set to default value: "
            << defaultObfRate <<" \n");
        ObfProbRate = defaultObfRate;
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: How many times: "<< ObfTimes<< "\n");
      if(ObfTimes <= 0){
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Incorrect value,"
            << " must be greater than 1. Set to default: "
            << defaultObfTime <<" \n");
        ObfTimes = defaultObfTime;
      NumTimesOnFunctions = ObfTimes;
      int NumObfTimes = ObfTimes;

        // Real begining of the pass
        // Loop for the number of time we run the pass on the function
          DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", errs() << "bcf: Function " << F.getName()
              <<", before the pass:\n");
          DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", F.viewCFG());
          // Put all the function's block in a list
          std::list<BasicBlock *> basicBlocks;
          for (Function::iterator i=F.begin();i!=F.end();++i) {
          DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Iterating on the Function's Basic Blocks\n");

            NumBasicBlocks ++;
            // Basic Blocks' selection
            if((int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(100) <= ObfProbRate){
              DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Block "
                  << NumBasicBlocks <<" selected. \n");
              hasBeenModified = true;
              NumAddedBasicBlocks += 3;
              FinalNumBasicBlocks += 3;
              // Add bogus flow to the given Basic Block (see description)
              BasicBlock *basicBlock = basicBlocks.front();
              addBogusFlow(basicBlock, F);
              DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Block "
                  << NumBasicBlocks <<" not selected.\n");
            // remove the block from the list

            if(firstTime){ // first time we iterate on this function
          } // end of while(!basicBlocks.empty())
          DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: End of function " << F.getName() << "\n");
          if(hasBeenModified){ // if the function has been modified
            DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", errs() << "bcf: Function " << F.getName()
                <<", after the pass: \n");
            DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", F.viewCFG());
            DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", errs() << "bcf: Function's not been modified \n");
          firstTime = false;
        }while(--NumObfTimes > 0);

    /* addBogusFlow
     * Add bogus flow to a given basic block, according to the header's description
    virtual void addBogusFlow(BasicBlock * basicBlock, Function &F){

      // Split the block: first part with only the phi nodes and debug info and terminator
      //                  created by splitBasicBlock. (-> No instruction)
      //                  Second part with every instructions from the original block
      // We do this way, so we don't have to adjust all the phi nodes, metadatas and so on
      // for the first block. We have to let the phi nodes in the first part, because they
      // actually are updated in the second part according to them.
      BasicBlock::iterator i1 = basicBlock->begin();
        i1 = (BasicBlock::iterator)basicBlock->getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime();
      Twine *var;
      var = new Twine("originalBB");
      BasicBlock *originalBB = basicBlock->splitBasicBlock(i1, *var);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: First and original basic blocks: ok\n");

      // Creating the altered basic block on which the first basicBlock will jump
      Twine * var3 = new Twine("alteredBB");
      BasicBlock *alteredBB = createAlteredBasicBlock(originalBB, *var3, &F);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Altered basic block: ok\n");

      // Now that all the blocks are created,
      // we modify the terminators to adjust the control flow.

      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Terminator removed from the altered"
          <<" and first basic blocks\n");

      // Preparing a condition..
      // For now, the condition is an always true comparaison between 2 float
      // This will be complicated after the pass (in doFinalization())
      Value * LHS = ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(F.getContext()), 1.0);
      Value * RHS = ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(F.getContext()), 1.0);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Value LHS and RHS created\n");

      // The always true condition. End of the first block
      Twine * var4 = new Twine("condition");
      FCmpInst * condition = new FCmpInst(*basicBlock, FCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE , LHS, RHS, *var4);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Always true condition created\n");

      // Jump to the original basic block if the condition is true or
      // to the altered block if false.
      BranchInst::Create(originalBB, alteredBB, (Value *)condition, basicBlock);
          errs() << "bcf: Terminator instruction in first basic block: ok\n");

      // The altered block loop back on the original one.
      BranchInst::Create(originalBB, alteredBB);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Terminator instruction in altered block: ok\n");

      // The end of the originalBB is modified to give the impression that sometimes
      // it continues in the loop, and sometimes it return the desired value
      // (of course it's always true, so it always use the original terminator..
      //  but this will be obfuscated too;) )

      // iterate on instruction just before the terminator of the originalBB
      BasicBlock::iterator i = originalBB->end();

      // Split at this point (we only want the terminator in the second part)
      Twine * var5 = new Twine("originalBBpart2");
      BasicBlock * originalBBpart2 = originalBB->splitBasicBlock(--i , *var5);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Terminator part of the original basic block"
          << " is isolated\n");
      // the first part go either on the return statement or on the begining
      // of the altered block.. So we erase the terminator created when splitting.
      // We add at the end a new always true condition
      Twine * var6 = new Twine("condition2");
      FCmpInst * condition2 = new FCmpInst(*originalBB, CmpInst::FCMP_TRUE , LHS, RHS, *var6);
      BranchInst::Create(originalBBpart2, alteredBB, (Value *)condition2, originalBB);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Terminator original basic block: ok\n");
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: End of addBogusFlow().\n");

    } // end of addBogusFlow()

    /* createAlteredBasicBlock
     * This function return a basic block similar to a given one.
     * It's inserted just after the given basic block.
     * The instructions are similar but junk instructions are added between
     * the cloned one. The cloned instructions' phi nodes, metadatas, uses and
     * debug locations are adjusted to fit in the cloned basic block and
     * behave nicely.
    virtual BasicBlock* createAlteredBasicBlock(BasicBlock * basicBlock,
        const Twine &  Name = "gen", Function * F = 0){
      // Useful to remap the informations concerning instructions.
      ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
      BasicBlock * alteredBB = llvm::CloneBasicBlock (basicBlock, VMap, Name, F);
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Original basic block cloned\n");
      // Remap operands.
      BasicBlock::iterator ji = basicBlock->begin();
      for (BasicBlock::iterator i = alteredBB->begin(), e = alteredBB->end() ; i != e; ++i){
        // Loop over the operands of the instruction
        for(User::op_iterator opi = i->op_begin (), ope = i->op_end(); opi != ope; ++opi){
          // get the value for the operand
          Value *v = MapValue(*opi, VMap,  RF_None, 0);
          if (v != 0){
            *opi = v;
            DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Value's operand has been setted\n");
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Operands remapped\n");
        // Remap phi nodes' incoming blocks.
        if (PHINode *pn = dyn_cast<PHINode>(i)) {
          for (unsigned j = 0, e = pn->getNumIncomingValues(); j != e; ++j) {
            Value *v = MapValue(pn->getIncomingBlock(j), VMap, RF_None, 0);
            if (v != 0){
              pn->setIncomingBlock(j, cast<BasicBlock>(v));
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: PHINodes remapped\n");
        // Remap attached metadata.
        SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 4> MDs;
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Metadatas remapped\n");
        // important for compiling with DWARF, using option -g.
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Debug information location setted\n");

      } // The instructions' informations are now all correct

      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: The cloned basic block is now correct\n");
          errs() << "bcf: Starting to add junk code in the cloned bloc...\n");

      // add random instruction in the middle of the bloc. This part can be improve
      for (BasicBlock::iterator i = alteredBB->begin(), e = alteredBB->end() ; i != e; ++i){
        // in the case we find binary operator, we modify slightly this part by randomly
        // insert some instructions
        if(i->isBinaryOp()){ // binary instructions
          unsigned opcode = i->getOpcode();
          BinaryOperator *op, *op1 = NULL;
          Twine *var = new Twine("_");
          // treat differently float or int
          // Binary int
          if(opcode == Instruction::Add || opcode == Instruction::Sub ||
              opcode == Instruction::Mul || opcode == Instruction::UDiv ||
              opcode == Instruction::SDiv || opcode == Instruction::URem ||
              opcode == Instruction::SRem || opcode == Instruction::Shl ||
              opcode == Instruction::LShr || opcode == Instruction::AShr ||
              opcode == Instruction::And || opcode == Instruction::Or ||
              opcode == Instruction::Xor){
            for(int random = (int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10); random < 10; ++random){
              switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(4)){ // to improve
                case 0: //do nothing
                case 1: op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(i->getOperand(0),*var,&*i);
                        op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add,op,
                case 2: op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub,
                        op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Mul,op1,
                case 3: op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl,
          // Binary float
          if(opcode == Instruction::FAdd || opcode == Instruction::FSub ||
              opcode == Instruction::FMul || opcode == Instruction::FDiv ||
              opcode == Instruction::FRem){
            for(int random = (int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10); random < 10; ++random){
              switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // can be improved
                case 0: //do nothing
                case 1: op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(i->getOperand(0),*var,&*i);
                        op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,op,
                case 2: op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,
                        op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FMul,op,
          if(opcode == Instruction::ICmp){ // Condition (with int)
            ICmpInst *currentI = (ICmpInst*)(&i);
            switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // must be improved
              case 0: //do nothing
              case 1: currentI->swapOperands();
              case 2: // randomly change the predicate
                        case 0: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ);
                                break; // equal
                        case 1: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE);
                                break; // not equal
                        case 2: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT);
                                break; // unsigned greater than
                        case 3: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE);
                                break; // unsigned greater or equal
                        case 4: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT);
                                break; // unsigned less than
                        case 5: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE);
                                break; // unsigned less or equal
                        case 6: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT);
                                break; // signed greater than
                        case 7: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE);
                                break; // signed greater or equal
                        case 8: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT);
                                break; // signed less than
                        case 9: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE);
                                break; // signed less or equal

          if(opcode == Instruction::FCmp){ // Conditions (with float)
            FCmpInst *currentI = (FCmpInst*)(&i);
            switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // must be improved
              case 0: //do nothing
              case 1: currentI->swapOperands();
              case 2: // randomly change the predicate
                        case 0: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ);
                                break; // ordered and equal
                        case 1: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ONE);
                                break; // ordered and operands are unequal
                        case 2: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT);
                                break; // unordered or greater than
                        case 3: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE);
                                break; // unordered, or greater than, or equal
                        case 4: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT);
                                break; // unordered or less than
                        case 5: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE);
                                break; // unordered, or less than, or equal
                        case 6: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT);
                                break; // ordered and greater than
                        case 7: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE);
                                break; // ordered and greater than or equal
                        case 8: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT);
                                break; // ordered and less than
                        case 9: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE);
                                break; // ordered or less than, or equal
      return alteredBB;
    } // end of createAlteredBasicBlock()

    /* doFinalization
     * Overwrite FunctionPass method to apply the transformations to the whole module.
     * This part obfuscate all the always true predicates of the module.
     * More precisely, the condition which predicate is FCMP_TRUE.
     * It also remove all the functions' basic blocks' and instructions' names.
    bool doF(Module &M){
      // In this part we extract all always-true predicate and replace them with opaque predicate:
      // For this, we declare two global values: x and y, and replace the FCMP_TRUE predicate with
      // (y < 10 || x * (x + 1) % 2 == 0)
      // A better way to obfuscate the predicates would be welcome.
      // In the meantime we will erase the name of the basic blocks, the instructions
      // and the functions.
      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs()<<"bcf: Starting doFinalization...\n");

      //  The global values
      Twine * varX = new Twine("x");
      Twine * varY = new Twine("y");
      Value * x1 =ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0, false);
      Value * y1 =ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0, false);

      GlobalVariable 	* x = new GlobalVariable(M, Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), false,
          GlobalValue::CommonLinkage, (Constant * )x1,
      GlobalVariable 	* y = new GlobalVariable(M, Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), false,
          GlobalValue::CommonLinkage, (Constant * )y1,

      std::vector<Instruction*> toEdit, toDelete;
      BinaryOperator *op,*op1 = NULL;
      LoadInst * opX , * opY;
      ICmpInst * condition, * condition2;
      // Looking for the conditions and branches to transform
      for(Module::iterator mi = M.begin(), me = M.end(); mi != me; ++mi){
        for(Function::iterator fi = mi->begin(), fe = mi->end(); fi != fe; ++fi){
          TerminatorInst * tbb= fi->getTerminator();
          if(tbb->getOpcode() == Instruction::Br){
            BranchInst * br = (BranchInst *)(tbb);
              FCmpInst * cond = (FCmpInst *)br->getCondition();
              unsigned opcode = cond->getOpcode();
              if(opcode == Instruction::FCmp){
                if (cond->getPredicate() == FCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE){
                      errs()<<"bcf: an always true predicate !\n");
                  toDelete.push_back(cond); // The condition
                  toEdit.push_back(tbb);    // The branch using the condition
          for (BasicBlock::iterator bi = fi->begin(), be = fi->end() ; bi != be; ++bi){
            bi->setName(""); // setting the basic blocks' names
      // Replacing all the branches we found
      for(std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator i =toEdit.begin();i!=toEdit.end();++i){
        //if y < 10 || x*(x+1) % 2 == 0
        opX = new LoadInst ((Value *)x, "", (*i));
        opY = new LoadInst ((Value *)y, "", (*i));

        op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, (Value *)opX,
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 1,
              false), "", (*i));
        op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Mul, (Value *)opX, op, "", (*i));
        op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::URem, op1,
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 2,
              false), "", (*i));
        condition = new ICmpInst((*i), ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, op,
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0,
        condition2 = new ICmpInst((*i), ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, opY,
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 10,
        op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, (Value *)condition,
            (Value *)condition2, "", (*i));

            ((BranchInst*)*i)->getSuccessor(1),(Value *) op1,
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Erase branch instruction:"
            << *((BranchInst*)*i) << "\n");
        (*i)->eraseFromParent(); // erase the branch
      // Erase all the associated conditions we found
      for(std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator i =toDelete.begin();i!=toDelete.end();++i){
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Erase condition instruction:"
            << *((Instruction*)*i)<< "\n");

      // Only for debug
          errs() << "bcf: End of the pass, here are the graphs after doFinalization\n");
      for(Module::iterator mi = M.begin(), me = M.end(); mi != me; ++mi){
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", errs() << "bcf: Function " << mi->getName() <<"\n");
        DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("cfg", mi->viewCFG());

      return true;
    } // end of doFinalization
  }; // end of struct BogusControlFlow : public FunctionPass

char BogusControlFlow::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<BogusControlFlow> X("boguscf", "inserting bogus control flow");

Pass *llvm::createBogus() {
  return new BogusControlFlow();

Pass *llvm::createBogus(bool flag) {
  return new BogusControlFlow(flag);


//===- Flattening.cpp - Flattening Obfuscation pass------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the flattening pass

#include "llvm/Transforms/Obfuscation/Flattening.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
#include "llvm/CryptoUtils.h"

#define DEBUG_TYPE "flattening"

using namespace llvm;

// Stats
STATISTIC(Flattened, "Functions flattened");

namespace {
struct Flattening : public FunctionPass {
  static char ID;  // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
  bool flag;

  Flattening() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
  Flattening(bool flag) : FunctionPass(ID) { this->flag = flag; }

  bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
  bool flatten(Function *f);

char Flattening::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<Flattening> X("flattening", "Call graph flattening");
Pass *llvm::createFlattening(bool flag) { return new Flattening(flag); }

bool Flattening::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  Function *tmp = &F;
  // Do we obfuscate
  if (toObfuscate(flag, tmp, "fla")) {
    if (flatten(tmp)) {

  return false;

bool Flattening::flatten(Function *f) {
  vector<BasicBlock *> origBB;
  BasicBlock *loopEntry;
  BasicBlock *loopEnd;
  LoadInst *load;
  SwitchInst *switchI;
  AllocaInst *switchVar;

  char scrambling_key[16];
  llvm::cryptoutils->get_bytes(scrambling_key, 16);

  // Lower switch
  FunctionPass *lower = createLowerSwitchPass();

  // Save all original BB
  for (Function::iterator i = f->begin(); i != f->end(); ++i) {
    BasicBlock *tmp = &*i;

    BasicBlock *bb = &*i;
    if (isa<InvokeInst>(bb->getTerminator())) {
      return false;

  // Nothing to flatten
  if (origBB.size() <= 1) {
    return false;

  // Remove first BB

  // Get a pointer on the first BB
  Function::iterator tmp = f->begin();  //++tmp;
  BasicBlock *insert = &*tmp;

  // If main begin with an if
  BranchInst *br = NULL;
  if (isa<BranchInst>(insert->getTerminator())) {
    br = cast<BranchInst>(insert->getTerminator());

  if ((br != NULL && br->isConditional()) ||
      insert->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors() > 1) {
    BasicBlock::iterator i = insert->end();

    if (insert->size() > 1) {

    BasicBlock *tmpBB = insert->splitBasicBlock(i, "first");
    origBB.insert(origBB.begin(), tmpBB);

  // Remove jump

  // Create switch variable and set as it
  switchVar =
      new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(f->getContext()), 0, "switchVar", insert);
  new StoreInst(
                       llvm::cryptoutils->scramble32(0, scrambling_key)),
      switchVar, insert);

  // Create main loop
  loopEntry = BasicBlock::Create(f->getContext(), "loopEntry", f, insert);
  loopEnd = BasicBlock::Create(f->getContext(), "loopEnd", f, insert);

  load = new LoadInst(switchVar, "switchVar", loopEntry);

  // Move first BB on top
  BranchInst::Create(loopEntry, insert);

  // loopEnd jump to loopEntry
  BranchInst::Create(loopEntry, loopEnd);

  BasicBlock *swDefault =
      BasicBlock::Create(f->getContext(), "switchDefault", f, loopEnd);
  BranchInst::Create(loopEnd, swDefault);

  // Create switch instruction itself and set condition
  switchI = SwitchInst::Create(&*f->begin(), swDefault, 0, loopEntry);

  // Remove branch jump from 1st BB and make a jump to the while

  BranchInst::Create(loopEntry, &*f->begin());

  // Put all BB in the switch
  for (vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator b = origBB.begin(); b != origBB.end();
       ++b) {
    BasicBlock *i = *b;
    ConstantInt *numCase = NULL;

    // Move the BB inside the switch (only visual, no code logic)

    // Add case to switch
    numCase = cast<ConstantInt>(ConstantInt::get(
        llvm::cryptoutils->scramble32(switchI->getNumCases(), scrambling_key)));
    switchI->addCase(numCase, i);

  // Recalculate switchVar
  for (vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator b = origBB.begin(); b != origBB.end();
       ++b) {
    BasicBlock *i = *b;
    ConstantInt *numCase = NULL;

    // Ret BB
    if (i->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors() == 0) {

    // If it's a non-conditional jump
    if (i->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors() == 1) {
      // Get successor and delete terminator
      BasicBlock *succ = i->getTerminator()->getSuccessor(0);

      // Get next case
      numCase = switchI->findCaseDest(succ);

      // If next case == default case (switchDefault)
      if (numCase == NULL) {
        numCase = cast<ConstantInt>(
                                 switchI->getNumCases() - 1, scrambling_key)));

      // Update switchVar and jump to the end of loop
      new StoreInst(numCase, load->getPointerOperand(), i);
      BranchInst::Create(loopEnd, i);

    // If it's a conditional jump
    if (i->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors() == 2) {
      // Get next cases
      ConstantInt *numCaseTrue =
      ConstantInt *numCaseFalse =

      // Check if next case == default case (switchDefault)
      if (numCaseTrue == NULL) {
        numCaseTrue = cast<ConstantInt>(
                                 switchI->getNumCases() - 1, scrambling_key)));

      if (numCaseFalse == NULL) {
        numCaseFalse = cast<ConstantInt>(
                                 switchI->getNumCases() - 1, scrambling_key)));

      // Create a SelectInst
      BranchInst *br = cast<BranchInst>(i->getTerminator());
      SelectInst *sel =
          SelectInst::Create(br->getCondition(), numCaseTrue, numCaseFalse, "",

      // Erase terminator

      // Update switchVar and jump to the end of loop
      new StoreInst(sel, load->getPointerOperand(), i);
      BranchInst::Create(loopEnd, i);


  return true;


//===- Substitution.cpp - Substitution Obfuscation
// pass-------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements operators substitution's pass

#include "llvm/Transforms/Obfuscation/Substitution.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Obfuscation/Utils.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"

#define DEBUG_TYPE "substitution"


static cl::opt<int>
         cl::desc("Choose how many time the -sub pass loops on a function"),
         cl::value_desc("number of times"), cl::init(1), cl::Optional);

// Stats
STATISTIC(Add, "Add substitued");
STATISTIC(Sub, "Sub substitued");
// STATISTIC(Mul,  "Mul substitued");
// STATISTIC(Div,  "Div substitued");
// STATISTIC(Rem,  "Rem substitued");
// STATISTIC(Shi,  "Shift substitued");
STATISTIC(And, "And substitued");
STATISTIC(Or, "Or substitued");
STATISTIC(Xor, "Xor substitued");

namespace {

struct Substitution : public FunctionPass {
  static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
  void (Substitution::*funcAdd[NUMBER_ADD_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void (Substitution::*funcSub[NUMBER_SUB_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void (Substitution::*funcAnd[NUMBER_AND_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void (Substitution::*funcOr[NUMBER_OR_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void (Substitution::*funcXor[NUMBER_XOR_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);
  bool flag;

  Substitution() : FunctionPass(ID) {}

  Substitution(bool flag) : FunctionPass(ID) {
    this->flag = flag;
    funcAdd[0] = &Substitution::addNeg;
    funcAdd[1] = &Substitution::addDoubleNeg;
    funcAdd[2] = &Substitution::addRand;
    funcAdd[3] = &Substitution::addRand2;

    funcSub[0] = &Substitution::subNeg;
    funcSub[1] = &Substitution::subRand;
    funcSub[2] = &Substitution::subRand2;

    funcAnd[0] = &Substitution::andSubstitution;
    funcAnd[1] = &Substitution::andSubstitutionRand;

    funcOr[0] = &Substitution::orSubstitution;
    funcOr[1] = &Substitution::orSubstitutionRand;

    funcXor[0] = &Substitution::xorSubstitution;
    funcXor[1] = &Substitution::xorSubstitutionRand;

  bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
  bool substitute(Function *f);

  void addNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void addDoubleNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void addRand(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void addRand2(BinaryOperator *bo);

  void subNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void subRand(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void subRand2(BinaryOperator *bo);

  void andSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void andSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);

  void orSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void orSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);

  void xorSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);
  void xorSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);

char Substitution::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<Substitution> X("substitution", "operators substitution");
Pass *llvm::createSubstitution(bool flag) { return new Substitution(flag); }

bool Substitution::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
   // Check if the percentage is correct
   if (ObfTimes <= 0) {
     errs()<<"Substitution application number -sub_loop=x must be x > 0";
	 return false;

  Function *tmp = &F;
  // Do we obfuscate
  if (toObfuscate(flag, tmp, "sub")) {
	return true;

  return false;

bool Substitution::substitute(Function *f) {
  Function *tmp = f;

  // Loop for the number of time we run the pass on the function
  int times = ObfTimes;
  do {
    for (Function::iterator bb = tmp->begin(); bb != tmp->end(); ++bb) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator inst = bb->begin(); inst != bb->end(); ++inst) {
        if (inst->isBinaryOp()) {
          switch (inst->getOpcode()) {
          case BinaryOperator::Add:
            // case BinaryOperator::FAdd:
            // Substitute with random add operation
          case BinaryOperator::Sub:
            // case BinaryOperator::FSub:
            // Substitute with random sub operation
          case BinaryOperator::Mul:
          case BinaryOperator::FMul:
          case BinaryOperator::UDiv:
          case BinaryOperator::SDiv:
          case BinaryOperator::FDiv:
          case BinaryOperator::URem:
          case BinaryOperator::SRem:
          case BinaryOperator::FRem:
          case Instruction::Shl:
          case Instruction::LShr:
          case Instruction::AShr:
          case Instruction::And:
          case Instruction::Or:
          case Instruction::Xor:
          }              // End switch
        }                // End isBinaryOp
      }                  // End for basickblock
    }                    // End for Function
  } while (--times > 0); // for times
  return false;

// Implementation of a = b - (-c)
void Substitution::addNeg(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  // Create sub
  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, bo->getOperand(0), op, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap

  }/* else {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub, bo->getOperand(0), op, "",

// Implementation of a = -(-b + (-c))
void Substitution::addDoubleNeg(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op, *op2 = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);
    op2 = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, op, op2, "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(op, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap
  } else {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);
    op2 = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd, op, op2, "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(op, "", bo);


// Implementation of  r = rand (); a = b + r; a = a + c; a = a - r
void Substitution::addRand(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) {
    Type *ty = bo->getType();
    ConstantInt *co =
        (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, bo->getOperand(0), co, "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, op, bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, op, co, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap

  /* else {
      Type *ty = bo->getType();
      ConstantFP *co =
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,bo->getOperand(0),co,"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,op,bo->getOperand(1),"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,op,co,"",bo);
  } */

// Implementation of r = rand (); a = b - r; a = a + b; a = a + r
void Substitution::addRand2(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) {
    Type *ty = bo->getType();
    ConstantInt *co =
        (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, bo->getOperand(0), co, "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, op, bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, op, co, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap

  /* else {
      Type *ty = bo->getType();
      ConstantFP *co =
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,bo->getOperand(0),co,"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,op,bo->getOperand(1),"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,op,co,"",bo);
  } */

// Implementation of a = b + (-c)
void Substitution::subNeg(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, bo->getOperand(0), op, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap
  } else {
    op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd, bo->getOperand(0), op, "",


// Implementation of  r = rand (); a = b + r; a = a - c; a = a - r
void Substitution::subRand(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {
    Type *ty = bo->getType();
    ConstantInt *co =
        (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, bo->getOperand(0), co, "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, op, bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, op, co, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap

  /* else {
      Type *ty = bo->getType();
      ConstantFP *co =
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,bo->getOperand(0),co,"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,op,bo->getOperand(1),"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,op,co,"",bo);
  } */

// Implementation of  r = rand (); a = b - r; a = a - c; a = a + r
void Substitution::subRand2(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {
    Type *ty = bo->getType();
    ConstantInt *co =
        (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, bo->getOperand(0), co, "", bo);
    op =
        BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, op, bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);
    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, op, co, "", bo);

    // Check signed wrap

  /* else {
      Type *ty = bo->getType();
      ConstantFP *co =
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,bo->getOperand(0),co,"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,op,bo->getOperand(1),"",bo);
      op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,op,co,"",bo);
  } */

// Implementation of a = b & c => a = (b^~c)& b
void Substitution::andSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  // Create NOT on second operand => ~c
  op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // Create XOR => (b^~c)
  BinaryOperator *op1 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Xor, bo->getOperand(0), op, "", bo);

  // Create AND => (b^~c) & b
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op1, bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);

// Implementation of a = a && b <=> !(!a | !b) && (r | !r)
void Substitution::andSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  // Copy of the BinaryOperator type to create the random number with the
  // same type of the operands
  Type *ty = bo->getType();

  // r (Random number)
  ConstantInt *co =
      (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());

  // !a
  BinaryOperator *op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);

  // !b
  BinaryOperator *op1 = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // !r
  BinaryOperator *opr = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(co, "", bo);

  // (!a | !b)
  BinaryOperator *opa =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op, op1, "", bo);

  // (r | !r)
  opr = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, co, opr, "", bo);

  // !(!a | !b)
  op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(opa, "", bo);

  // !(!a | !b) && (r | !r)
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op, opr, "", bo);

  // We replace all the old AND operators with the new one transformed

// Implementation of a = b | c => a = (b & c) | (b ^ c)
void Substitution::orSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo) {

  Type *ty = bo->getType();
  ConstantInt *co =
      (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());

  // !a
  BinaryOperator *op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);

  // !b
  BinaryOperator *op1 = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // !r
  BinaryOperator *op2 = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(co, "", bo);

  // !a && r
  BinaryOperator *op3 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op, co, "", bo);

  // a && !r
  BinaryOperator *op4 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(0), op2, "", bo);

  // !b && r
  BinaryOperator *op5 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op1, co, "", bo);

  // b && !r
  BinaryOperator *op6 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(1), op2, "", bo);

  // (!a && r) || (a && !r)
  op3 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op3, op4, "", bo);

  // (!b && r) ||(b && !r)
  op4 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op5, op6, "", bo);

  // (!a && r) || (a && !r) ^ (!b && r) ||(b && !r)
  op5 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Xor, op3, op4, "", bo);

  // !a || !b
  op3 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op, op1, "", bo);

  // !(!a || !b)
  op3 = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(op3, "", bo);

  // r || !r
  op4 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, co, op2, "", bo);

  // !(!a || !b) && (r || !r)
  op4 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op3, op4, "", bo);

  // [(!a && r) || (a && !r) ^ (!b && r) ||(b && !r) ] || [!(!a || !b) && (r ||
  // !r)]
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op5, op4, "", bo);

void Substitution::orSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  // Creating first operand (b & c)
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(0),
                              bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // Creating second operand (b ^ c)
  BinaryOperator *op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(
      Instruction::Xor, bo->getOperand(0), bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // final op
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op, op1, "", bo);

// Implementation of a = a ~ b => a = (!a && b) || (a && !b)
void Substitution::xorSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  // Create NOT on first operand
  op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo); // !a

  // Create AND
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(1), op, "",
                              bo); // !a && b

  // Create NOT on second operand
  BinaryOperator *op1 =
      BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo); // !b

  // Create AND
  op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(0), op1, "",
                               bo); // a && !b

  // Create OR
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op, op1, "",
                              bo); // (!a && b) || (a && !b)

// implementation of a = a ^ b <=> (a ^ r) ^ (b ^ r) <=> (!a && r || a && !r) ^
// (!b && r || b && !r)
// note : r is a random number
void Substitution::xorSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo) {
  BinaryOperator *op = NULL;

  Type *ty = bo->getType();
  ConstantInt *co =
      (ConstantInt *)ConstantInt::get(ty, llvm::cryptoutils->get_uint64_t());

  // !a
  op = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(0), "", bo);

  // !a && r
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, co, op, "", bo);

  // !r
  BinaryOperator *opr = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(co, "", bo);

  // a && !r
  BinaryOperator *op1 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(0), opr, "", bo);

  // !b
  BinaryOperator *op2 = BinaryOperator::CreateNot(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);

  // !b && r
  op2 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, op2, co, "", bo);

  // b && !r
  BinaryOperator *op3 =
      BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, bo->getOperand(1), opr, "", bo);

  // (!a && r) || (a && !r)
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op, op1, "", bo);

  // (!b && r) || (b && !r)
  op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, op2, op3, "", bo);

  // (!a && r) || (a && !r) ^ (!b && r) || (b && !r)
  op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Xor, op, op1, "", bo);


  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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