1112 - iOS之 UICollectionViewLayout 类



--An abstract base class for generating layout information for a collection view.

    一个抽象基础类,用于给collection view提供布局信息



class UICollectionViewLayout : NSObject -- 直接继承于NSObject


--The job of a layout object is to determine the placement of cells, supplementary views, and decoration views inside the collection view’s bounds and to report that information to the collection view when asked. The collection view then applies the provided layout information to the corresponding views so that they can be presented onscreen.

     layout对象的工作是确定cell、附加视图、装饰视图的位置,并在必要时把位置等布局信息报告给collection view。然后colllection view就可根据这些信息呈现视图了。

--You must subclass UICollectionViewLayout in order to use it. Before you consider subclassing, though, you should look at the UICollectionViewFlowLayout class to see if it can be adapted to your layout needs.



Subclassing Notes -- 子类化建议

--The main job of a layout object is to provide information about the position and visual state of items in the collection view. The layout object does not create the views for which it provides the layout. Those views are created by the collection view’s data source. Instead, the layout object defines the position and size of visual elements based on the design of the layout.

    layout实例的工作时提供items的位置信息和可视化信息,但不负责创建items的view。items的view是由data source创建的。


--Collection views have three types of visual elements that need to be laid out:

    collection view 有三种可视化元素是需要被布局的:

  • Cells are the main elements positioned by the layout. Each cell represents a single data item in the collection. A collection view can have a single group of cells or it can divide those cells into multiple sections. The layout object’s main job is to arrange the cells in the collection view’s content area.

         第一个可视元素,Cell。cell是layout对象最主要去布局的元素。layout对象主要是在collection view 的区域内排列cells

  • Supplementary views present data but are different than cells. Unlike cells, supplementary views cannot be selected by the user. Instead, you use supplementary views to implement things like header and footer views for a given section or for the entire collection view. Supplementary views are optional and their use and placement is defined by the layout object.



  • Decoration views are visual adornments that cannot be selected and are not inherently tied to the data of the collection view. Decoration views are another type of supplementary view. Like supplementary views, they are optional and their use and placement is defined by the layout object.


--The collection view asks its layout object to provide layout information for these elements at many different times. Every cell and view that appears on screen is positioned using information from the layout object. Similarly, every time items are inserted into or deleted from the collection view, additional layout occurs for the items being added or removed. However, the collection view always limits layout to the objects that are visible onscreen.

     每次插入或者增加items,都会增加额外的布局信息,但不管如何,collection view的全部布局都限制在可见的屏幕内。


Methods to Override -- 提供给你复写的方法与属性,可结合super.method使用


--Every layout object should implement the following methods:


                                                                                                                  --方法: 返回某种额外视图的布局特征




--These methods provide the fundamental layout information that the collection view needs to place contents on the screen. Of course, if your layout does not support supplementary or decoration views, do not implement the corresponding methods.

--When the data in the collection view changes and items are to be inserted or deleted, the collection view asks its layout object to update the layout information. Specifically, any item that is moved, added, or deleted must have its layout information updated to reflect its new location.

   当collection view的data或者items发生改变时,collection view都会请问layout对象是否更新布局

--For moved items, the collection view uses the standard methods to retrieve the item’s updated layout attributes. For items being inserted or deleted, the collection view calls some different methods, which you should override to provide the appropriate layout information:

    插入和删除items时,collection view会自动调用以下方法,所以你可以在子类里复写这些方法:






--In addition to these methods, you can also override the prepare(forCollectionViewUpdates:) to handle any layout-related preparation. You can also override the finalizeCollectionViewUpdates() method and use it to add animations to the overall animation block or to implement any final layout-related tasks.



Optimizing Layout Performance Using Invalidation Contexts


--When designing your custom layouts, you can improve performance by invalidating only those parts of your layout that actually changed. When you change items, calling the invalidateLayout() method forces the collection view to recompute all of its layout information and reapply it.

     你可以无效化那些真正发生改变的layout,这样collection就会去更新这些无效化了的layout,而不是更新全部layout。当你改变items时,你可以调用invalidateLayout() 方法来强迫collection view重新计算所有的布局信息并且更新。

--A better solution is to recompute only the layout information that changed, which is exactly what invalidation contexts allow you to do. An invalidation context lets you specify which parts of the layout changed. The layout object can then use that information to minimize the amount of data it recomputes.


--To define a custom invalidation context for your layout, subclass the UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext class. In your subclass, define custom properties that represent the parts of your layout data that can be recomputed independently.


--When you need to invalidate your layout at runtime, create an instance of your invalidation context subclass, configure the custom properties based on what layout information changed, and pass that object to your layout’s invalidateLayout(with:) method. Your custom implementation of that method can use the information in the invalidation context to recompute only the portions of your layout that changed.


--If you define a custom invalidation context class for your layout object, you should also override the invalidationContextClass method and return your custom class. The collection view always creates an instance of the class you specify when it needs an invalidation context. Returning your custom subclass from this method ensures that your layout object always has the invalidation context it expects.

       子类化UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext的实例,是在layout的invalidationContextClass 方法中与layout绑定的,将子类作为方法的返回值即可,会自动创建实例的。


Topics -- 专题

Initializing the Collection View -- 初始化collection view 的layout


--Initializes the collection view layout object.

init?(coder: NSCoder)


Getting the Collection View Information -- 获取collection view的信息


var collectionView: UICollectionView?                             --属性:返回使用这个layout的collection view

--The collection view object currently using this layout object.


var collectionViewContentSize: CGSize                      --属性:返回collection view 的contentsize

--Returns the width and height of the collection view’s contents.


Providing Layout Attributes -- 提供布局特征


class var layoutAttributesClass: AnyClass                       --静态属性:返回你使用的布局特征对象

--Returns the class to use when creating layout attributes objects.


func prepare()                                                                                  --方法:每次更新布局时首先自动调用此方法

--Tells the layout object to update the current layout.


func layoutAttributesForElements(in: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]?


--Returns the layout attributes for all of the cells and views in the specified rectangle.


func layoutAttributesForItem(at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the layout attributes for the item at the specified index path.


func layoutAttributesForInteractivelyMovingItem(at: IndexPath, withTargetPosition: CGPoint) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes


--Returns the layout attributes of an item when it is being moved interactively by the user.


func layoutAttributesForSupplementaryView(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the layout attributes for the specified supplementary view.


func layoutAttributesForDecorationView(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the layout attributes for the specified decoration view.


func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: CGPoint) -> CGPoint

                                                                                           --方法:返回布局更新或者动画结束后的collection view的content offset

--Returns the content offset to use after an animated layout update or change.


func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint

                                                                                         --方法:返回停止滑动时 的那一点

--Returns the point at which to stop scrolling.


Responding to Collection View Updates -- 响应collection view的更新


func prepare(forCollectionViewUpdates: [UICollectionViewUpdateItem])

                                                                    --方法:通知layout对象,collection view的内容即将改变,参数是将要发生改变的items数组

--Notifies the layout object that the contents of the collection view are about to change.


func finalizeCollectionViewUpdates()


--Performs any additional animations or clean up needed during a collection view update.


func indexPathsToInsertForSupplementaryView(ofKind: String) -> [IndexPath]


--Returns an array of index paths for the supplementary views you want to add to the layout.


func indexPathsToInsertForDecorationView(ofKind: String) -> [IndexPath]


--Returns an array of index paths representing the decoration views to add.


func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem(at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the starting layout information for an item being inserted into the collection view.


func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingSupplementaryElement(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the starting layout information for a supplementary view being inserted into the collection view.


func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingDecorationElement(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the starting layout information for a decoration view being inserted into the collection view.


func indexPathsToDeleteForSupplementaryView(ofKind: String) -> [IndexPath]


--Returns an array of index paths representing the supplementary views to remove.


func indexPathsToDeleteForDecorationView(ofKind: String) -> [IndexPath]


--Returns an array of index paths representing the decoration views to remove.


func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem(at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the final layout information for an item that is about to be removed from the collection view.


func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingSupplementaryElement(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the final layout information for a supplementary view that is about to be removed from the collection view.


func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingDecorationElement(ofKind: String, at: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?


--Returns the final layout information for a decoration view that is about to be removed from the collection view.


func targetIndexPath(forInteractivelyMovingItem: IndexPath, withPosition: CGPoint) -> IndexPath

                                                                                      --方法:返回某位置点的item的索引,collection view的本地坐标系

--Returns the index path to for an item when it is at the specified location in the collection view’s bounds.


Invalidating the Layout -- 无效化layout,然后layout就会重新计算


func invalidateLayout()                                            --方法:无效化所有layout,然后会触发layout的重新计算

--Invalidates the current layout and triggers a layout update.


func invalidateLayout(with: UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext)


--Invalidates the current layout using the information in the provided context object.


class var invalidationContextClass: AnyClass                       --get 静态属性:返回当前正在使用的“无效上下文”

--Returns the class to use when creating an invalidation context for the layout.


func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange: CGRect) -> Bool


--Asks the layout object if the new bounds require a layout update.


func invalidationContext(forBoundsChange: CGRect) -> UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext


--Returns a context object that defines the portions of the layout that should change when a bounds change occurs.


func shouldInvalidateLayout(forPreferredLayoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, withOriginalAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes) -> Bool


--Asks the layout object if changes to a self-sizing cell require a layout update.


func invalidationContext(forPreferredLayoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, withOriginalAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes) -> UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext


--Returns a context object that identifies the portions of the layout that should change in response to dynamic cell changes.


func invalidationContext(forInteractivelyMovingItems: [IndexPath], withTargetPosition: CGPoint, previousIndexPaths: [IndexPath], previousPosition: CGPoint) -> UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext


--Returns a context object that identifies the items that are being interactively moved in the layout.


func invalidationContextForEndingInteractiveMovementOfItems(toFinalIndexPaths: [IndexPath], previousIndexPaths: [IndexPath], movementCancelled: Bool) -> UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext


--Returns a context object that identifies the items that were moved


Coordinating Animated Changes -- 协调可动画化的改变


func prepare(forAnimatedBoundsChange: CGRect)

                                                                                          --方法:在 ”动画(动词)“ item的“改变(名词)” 前,自动调用该方法

--Prepares the layout object for animated changes to the view’s bounds or the insertion or deletion of items.


func finalizeAnimatedBoundsChange()

                                                                                     --方法:在 ”动画(动词)“ item的“改变(名词)” 后,自动调用该方法

--Cleans up after any animated changes to the view’s bounds or after the insertion or deletion of items.


Transitioning Between Layouts -- 在layout之间过渡


func prepareForTransition(from: UICollectionViewLayout)


--Tells the layout object to prepare to be installed as the layout for the collection view.


func prepareForTransition(to: UICollectionViewLayout)


--Tells the layout object that it is about to be removed as the layout for the collection view.


func finalizeLayoutTransition()         --方法:在layout的过渡动画发生前,自动调用该方法                                   

--Tells the layout object to perform any final steps before the transition animations occur.


Registering Decoration Views -- 注册装饰品视图


func register(AnyClass?, forDecorationViewOfKind: String)      --方法:注册装饰视图的类

--Registers a class for use in creating decoration views for a collection view.


func register(UINib?, forDecorationViewOfKind: String)    --方法:注册装饰视图的nib file

--Registers a nib file for use in creating decoration views for a collection view.


Supporting Right-To-Left Layouts -- 对“从右到左”的布局的支持


var developmentLayoutDirection: UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection          --get属性:获取语言的左右阅读方向

--The direction of the language you used when designing your custom layout.



var flipsHorizontallyInOppositeLayoutDirection: Bool                       --bool属性:断定水平坐标系是否翻转

--A Boolean value indicating whether the horizontal coordinate system is automatically flipped at appropriate times.












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