0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(二)View Controller Definition


(一)Defining Your Subclass                                                            --定义你的子类vc


You use custom subclasses of UIViewController to present your app’s content. Most custom view controllers are content view controllers—that is, they own all of their views and are responsible for the data in those views. By contrast, a container view controller does not own all of its views; some of its views are managed by other view controllers. Most of the steps for defining content and container view controllers are the same and are discussed in the sections that follow.


For content view controllers, the most common parent classes are as follows:





For container view controllers, the parent class depends on whether you are modifying an existing container class or creating your own. For existing containers, choose whichever view controller class you want to modify. For new container view controllers, you usually subclass UIViewController. For additional information about creating a container view controller, see Implementing a Container View Controller.



Defining Your UI                                                                                      --定义你的用户界面


Define the UI for your view controller visually using storyboard files in Xcode. Although you can also create your UI programmatically, storyboards are an excellent way to visualize your view controller’s content and customize your view hierarchy (as needed) for different environments. Building your UI visually lets you make changes quickly and lets you see the results without having to build and run your app.


Figure 4-1 shows an example of a storyboard. Each of the rectangular areas represents a view controller and its associated views. The arrows between view controllers are the view controller relationships and segues. Relationships connect a container view controller to its child view controllers. Segues let you navigate between view controllers in your interface.


Figure 4-1 A storyboard holds a set of view controllers and views


image: ../Art/storyboard_bird_sightings_2x.png

Each new project has a main storyboard that typically contains one or more view controllers already. You can add new view controllers to your storyboard by dragging them from the library to your canvas. New view controllers do not have an associated class initially, so you must assign one using the Identity inspector.


Use the storyboard editor to do the following:


  • Add, arrange, and configure the views for a view controller.



  • Create relationships and segues between your view controllers; see Using Segues.



  • Add gesture recognizers to handle user interactions with views; see Event Handling Guide for iOS.


If you are new to using storyboards to build your interface, you can find step-by-step instructions for creating a storyboard-based interface in Start Developing iOS Apps Today (Retired).




Handling User Interactions                                                                                   --处理用户交互


An app’s responder objects process incoming events and take appropriate actions. Although view controllers are responder objects, they rarely process touch events directly. Instead, view controllers typically handle events in the following ways.


  • View controllers define action methods for handling higher-level events. Action methods respond to:

    • --VC一般用来定义处理高级事件的动作方法,而这些动作方法一般作以下用途:

    • Specific actions. Controls and some views call an action method to report specific interactions.

    •        --响应具体的动作。控件和views通过调用动作方法来报告具体的交互动作。

    • Gesture recognizers. Gesture recognizers call an action method to report the current status of a gesture. Use your view controller to process status changes or respond to the completed gesture.

    •        --响应手势识别器。手势识别器调用一个方法来报告当前手势的状态。使用vc来处理手势状态的改变,或响应手势的完成状态

  • View controllers observe notifications sent by the system or other objects. Notifications report changes and are a way for the view controller to update its state.


  • View controllers act as a data source or delegate for another object. View controllers are often used to manage the data for tables, and collection views. You can also use them as a delegate for an object such as a CLLocationManager object, which sends updated location values to its delegate.


Responding to events often involves updating the content of views, which requires having references to those views. Your view controller is a good place to define outlets for any views that you need to modify later. Declare your outlets as properties using the syntax shown in Listing 4-1. The custom class in the listing defines two outlets (designated by the IBOutlet keyword) and a single action method (designated by the IBAction return type). The outlets store references to a button and a text field in the storyboard, while the action method responds to taps in the button.



Listing 4-1 Defining outlets and actions in a view controller class


  1. @interface MyViewController : UIViewController
  2. @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *myButton;
  3. @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *myTextField;
  5. - (IBAction)myButtonAction:(id)sender;
  7. @end
  1. class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  2. @IBOutlet weak var myButton : UIButton!
  3. @IBOutlet weak var myTextField : UITextField!
  5. @IBAction func myButtonAction(sender: id)
  6. }

In your storyboard, remember to connect your view controller’s outlets and actions to the corresponding views. Connecting outlets and actions in your storyboard file ensures that they are configured when the views are loaded. For information about how to create outlet and action connections in Interface Builder, see Interface Builder Connections Help. For information about how to handle events in your app, see Event Handling Guide for iOS.




Displaying Your Views at Runtime               

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