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原创 字符串匹配的三个算法(KMP+字典树+AC自动机)
2017-12-18 17:13:50 12641 4
原创 P1087. All Roads Lead to Rome (30)
1087. All Roads Lead to Rome (30)时间限制200 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueIndeed there are many different tou
2017-11-28 21:37:06 415
原创 Casinos and travel[智力和快速幂]
Casinos and travelJohn has just bought a new car and is planning a journey around the country. Country has N cities, some of which are connected by bidirectional roads. There are N - 1 roads
2017-11-20 18:55:37 333
原创 求从0到n一共有多少个1
2017-11-16 21:56:47 1938
原创 PAT甲级1030. Travel Plan(30)
1030. Travel Plan (30)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA traveler's map gives the distances between c
2017-11-14 21:00:22 234
原创 poj1035,用字典树失败
Spell checkerTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 26073 Accepted: 9556DescriptionYou, as a member of a development team for a new spell che
2017-11-08 20:20:03 232
原创 PAT甲级 2022 and 2018
1018. Public Bike Management (30)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThere is a public bike service in H
2017-11-06 20:39:37 294
原创 两道很有意思的题目POJ 2996,POJ2993
POJ 2996,POJ2993Help Me with the GameTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 5041 Accepted: 3148DescriptionYour task is to read a pictur
2017-10-30 20:42:48 380
原创 PAT甲级1004Counting Leaves
1004. Counting Leaves (30) CHEN, Yue A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree. Your job is to count those family members who have no child. InputEach input file contains one test c
2017-10-06 18:51:43 373
原创 Codeforces Round #432 B. Arpa and a list of numbers
time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputArpa has found a list containing n numbers. He calls a list bad if and onl
2017-09-08 14:44:45 267
原创 BFS & DFS的基础学习
只是对BFS和DFS一个简单的介绍。简而言之,bfs和dfs 是对于在树或者图之类结构上的数据进行搜索得出想要的答案的搜索方法。事实上很多ACM题目中都会用到,哪怕看似是纯数学的题目,但是我们可以人工抽象成树或者图来运用。如果把搜索对象范围比喻成为一个多分支的洞穴的话,dfs就是放一只由程序跟踪的老鼠进去,走到每个尽头再返回继续探索下一个,而bfs就是从洞口向里面倒由程序跟踪的水,同步进行
2017-09-06 18:27:31 411
原创 Codeforces Round #432 (Div. 1) A.Five Dimensional Points
A. Five Dimensional Pointstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given set of n points in 5-dimensi
2017-09-05 21:18:49 428
转载 大数模板
原文为吉林大学ACM模板。但是乘除我自己测试了几个样例好像有点问题于是自己在许多地方都改了改。其思想依然是数组储存数位,然而每一位是万进制。这样存的数范围大了很多,但是输出输入比较麻烦。实现了加减乘除比较和取余。除法采用二分的方法查找结果。期中取余在除法函数里已经实现了。#include #include #include using namespace std;c
2017-09-05 15:22:09 617
原创 《算法设计指南》第一章课后的几个题
2017-09-03 23:03:38 586
原创 博弈论的纳什平衡的两个例题
2017-09-02 15:21:09 12430
原创 水题--整数解 HDU 2092
HDU 2092有二个整数,它们加起来等于某个整数,乘起来又等于另一个整数,它们到底是真还是假,也就是这种整数到底存不存在,实在有点吃不准,你能快速回答吗?看来只能通过编程。例如: x + y = 9,x * y = 15 ? 找不到这样的整数x和y 1+4=5,1*4=4,所以,加起来等于5,乘起来等于4的二个整数为1和4 7+(-8)=-1,7*(-8)=-56,所以,
2017-07-19 20:06:07 463
原创 汉诺塔问题及其变种
1.ABC三个柱子,小的不能在大的上面。从A移到C.//分析一下可知,每一次想要将一个大盘子从A移到C,就必须先把上面的小盘子从A移到B,最后再把B的盘子移到C,这样就是一个递归的过程。#include using namespace std;int num=0;void hanio(int a,int b,int c,int n){ if(n<1) return;
2017-05-24 15:27:57 2005 2
原创 DFS&BFS入门
简而言之,bfs和dfs 是对于在树或者图之类结构上的数据进行搜索得出想要的答案的搜索方法。不同的是,如果把搜索对象范围比喻成为一个多分支的洞穴的话,dfs就是放一只由程序跟踪的老鼠进去,走到每个尽头再返回继续探索下一个,而bfs就是从洞口向里面倒由程序跟踪的水,同步进行到各个分枝洞穴。
2017-05-23 10:44:56 796
原创 Codeforces Round #415 (Div. 1) A Do you want a date?
A. Do you want a date?time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputLeha decided to move to a quiet town Vičkopoli
2017-05-23 10:11:48 443
原创 Educational Codeforces Round 21 D Array Division
题目意思就是,给你个数组,问你把它分成和相等的两个小数组。这里我给出4种方法。第一种:思路是用一个可重复集合a,b存下从左边开始取和从右边开始删的两个元素集。sum1,sum2分别代表a元素和,b元素和。其思想是找一个正好是sum1减去sum2的一半的值,把它交换集合,那么就可以得出答案但是比如 1 5 9 4 3 8这种样例是错误的。提交上是对的,大概数据水了还是题目描述就是这样
2017-05-19 12:26:56 252
原创 Educational Codeforces Round 21 C Tea Party
C. Tea Partytime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputPolycarp invited all his friends to the tea party to cele
2017-05-17 19:58:51 383
原创 Educational Codeforces Round 21 B aevrage sleep time
B. Average Sleep Timetime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputIt's been almost a week since Polycarp couldn't
2017-05-17 19:51:28 279
原创 Educational Codeforces Round 21 A. Lucky Year
time limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputApart from having lots of holidays throughout the year, residents of Berlan
2017-05-16 20:27:19 213
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