

namespace easypr {

class CCharsSegment {
  // using ostu algotithm the segment chars in plate字符分割,步骤为:灰度化,阈值,找轮廓,外接矩形,从左到右排序,找城市字符,找汉字字符。详情见文末3,原理https://blog.csdn.net/qq_30815237/article/details/88763027
  int charsSegment(Mat input, std::vector<Mat>& resultVec, Color color = BLUE);

//! using methods to segment chars in plate,charsSegmentUsingOSTU与charsSegment相比增添了一个去除铆钉的操作

  int charsSegmentUsingOSTU(Mat input, std::vector<Mat>& resultVec, std::vector<Mat>& grayChars, Color color = BLUE);
  int charsSegmentUsingMSER(Mat input, vector<Mat>& resultVec, vector<Mat>& grayChars, Color color = BLUE);

  //大律阈值二值化,去铆钉clearLiuDing函数,调用ProjectedHistogram函数,都在core_func.cpp文件中,参见文末4,5,投影原理:参见    https://blog.csdn.net/qq_30815237/article/details/88665822
  int projectSegment(const Mat& input, Color color, vector<int>& out_indexs);

  bool verifyCharSizes(Mat r);

  // find the best chinese binaranzation method,之后详述,在CharsIdentify头文件中
  void judgeChinese(Mat in, Mat& out, Color plateType);
  void judgeChineseGray(Mat in, Mat& out, Color plateType);//还未定义,函数体:out=in

 //首先进行仿射变换,将字符统一大小,并归一化到中间,并resize为 20*20,如下图所示:

Mat preprocessChar(Mat in);

  Rect GetChineseRect(const Rect rectSpe);

  //找到代表城市的字符, like "苏A" 的A,目的是为了下一步找到汉字字符,一般为特殊字符左移字符宽度的1.15倍参见文末2
  int GetSpecificRect(const std::vector<Rect>& vecRect);
  //  从城市字符开始,从左到右取前5个字符,排除右边边界会出现误判的 I,得到
  int RebuildRect(const std::vector<Rect>& vecRect, std::vector<Rect>& outRect,int specIndex);

  int SortRect(const std::vector<Rect>& vecRect, std::vector<Rect>& out);
  inline void setLiuDingSize(int param) { m_LiuDingSize = param; }
  inline void setColorThreshold(int param) { m_ColorThreshold = param; }

  inline void setBluePercent(float param) { m_BluePercent = param; }
  inline float getBluePercent() const { return m_BluePercent; }
  inline void setWhitePercent(float param) { m_WhitePercent = param; }
  inline float getWhitePercent() const { return m_WhitePercent; }

  static const int DEFAULT_DEBUG = 1;
  static const int CHAR_SIZE = 20;
  static const int HORIZONTAL = 1;
  static const int VERTICAL = 0;

  static const int DEFAULT_LIUDING_SIZE = 7;
  static const int DEFAULT_MAT_WIDTH = 136;
  static const int DEFAULT_COLORTHRESHOLD = 150;

  inline void setDebug(int param) { m_debug = param; }
  inline int getDebug() { return m_debug; }


  int m_LiuDingSize;
 int m_theMatWidth;
 int m_ColorThreshold;
  float m_BluePercent;
  float m_WhitePercent;
  int m_debug;


bool CCharsSegment::verifyCharSizes(Mat r) {
  // Char sizes 45x90
  float aspect = 45.0f / 90.0f;  //宽高比
  float charAspect = (float)r.cols / (float)r.rows;
  float error = 0.7f;
  float minHeight = 10.f;//车牌区域Mat的尺寸
  float maxHeight = 35.f;
  // We have a different aspect ratio for number 1, and it can be ~0.2字符“1”比较特殊
  float minAspect = 0.05f;
  float maxAspect = aspect + aspect * error;//最大最小范围
  // area of pixels
  int area = cv::countNonZero(r);//对二值化图像执行countNonZero。可得到非零像素点数(字符像素).
  int bbArea = r.cols * r.rows;
  int percPixels = area / bbArea;//百分比

  if (percPixels <= 1 && charAspect > minAspect && charAspect < maxAspect &&
      r.rows >= minHeight && r.rows < maxHeight)
    return true;
    return false;


int CCharsSegment::GetSpecificRect(const vector<Rect>& vecRect) {
  vector<int> xpositions;
  int maxHeight = 0;
  int maxWidth = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < vecRect.size(); i++) {

    if (vecRect[i].height > maxHeight) {
      maxHeight = vecRect[i].height;
    if (vecRect[i].width > maxWidth) {
      maxWidth = vecRect[i].width;

  int specIndex = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < vecRect.size(); i++) {
    Rect mr = vecRect[i];
    int midx = mr.x + mr.width / 2;   //矩形框的中心点x坐标

    // find the specific character汉字后面紧跟着的字符,位置在整个车牌宽的 1/7 and 2/7之间
    if ((mr.width > maxWidth * 0.6 || mr.height > maxHeight * 0.6) &&
      (midx < int(m_theMatWidth / kPlateMaxSymbolCount) * kSymbolIndex &&
      midx > int(m_theMatWidth / kPlateMaxSymbolCount) * (kSymbolIndex - 1))) {
      specIndex = i;

  return specIndex;//返回特殊字符的索引


int CCharsSegment::charsSegment(Mat input, vector<Mat>& resultVec, Color color) {
  if (!input.data) return 0x01;
  Color plateType = color;
  Mat input_grey;
  cvtColor(input, input_grey, CV_BGR2GRAY);//转为灰度图
  Mat img_threshold;

  img_threshold = input_grey.clone();
  spatial_ostu(img_threshold, 8, 2, plateType);//自定义的空间大律法阈值

  // remove liuding and hor lines
  // also judge weather is plate use jump count
  if (!clearLiuDing(img_threshold)) return 0x02;

  Mat img_contours;

  vector<vector<Point> > contours;//找轮廓
               contours,               // a vector of contours
               CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,       // retrieve the external contours
               CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);  // all pixels of each contours

  vector<vector<Point> >::iterator itc = contours.begin();
  vector<Rect> vecRect;

  while (itc != contours.end()) {
    Rect mr = boundingRect(Mat(*itc));
    Mat auxRoi(img_threshold, mr);

    if (verifyCharSizes(auxRoi)) vecRect.push_back(mr);//求单个字符轮廓的外接矩形,根据大小判断

  if (vecRect.size() == 0) return 0x03;
  vector<Rect> sortedRect(vecRect);
  std::sort(sortedRect.begin(), sortedRect.end(),
            [](const Rect& r1, const Rect& r2) { return r1.x < r2.x; });//自定义排序方法,按x坐标升序排列,就是按车牌从左到右排列字符
  size_t specIndex = 0;
  specIndex = GetSpecificRect(sortedRect);//得到汉字字符后面的字符,主要是为了把汉字字符分开

  Rect chineseRect;
  if (specIndex < sortedRect.size())
    chineseRect = GetChineseRect(sortedRect[specIndex]);//得到汉字字符
    return 0x04;

  vector<Rect> newSortedRect;
  RebuildRect(sortedRect, newSortedRect, specIndex);//除汉字字符外的字符按顺序排列存放在newSortedRect中

  if (newSortedRect.size() == 0) return 0x05;

  bool useSlideWindow = true;
  bool useAdapThreshold = true;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < newSortedRect.size(); i++) {
    Rect mr = newSortedRect[i];
    //使用拷贝构造函数Mat(constMat& m, const Rect& roi ),矩形roi指定了兴趣区
    Mat auxRoi(input_grey, mr);
    Mat newRoi;

    if (i == 0) {//i=0表示汉字字符,使用滑动框
      if (useSlideWindow) {
        float slideLengthRatio = 0.1f;
        //float slideLengthRatio = CParams::instance()->getParam1f();
        if (!slideChineseWindow(input_grey, mr, newRoi, plateType, slideLengthRatio, useAdapThreshold))
          judgeChinese(auxRoi, newRoi, plateType);
        judgeChinese(auxRoi, newRoi, plateType);
    else {
      if (BLUE == plateType) {
        threshold(auxRoi, newRoi, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY + CV_THRESH_OTSU);
      else if (YELLOW == plateType) {
        threshold(auxRoi, newRoi, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV + CV_THRESH_OTSU);
      else if (WHITE == plateType) {
        threshold(auxRoi, newRoi, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
      else {
        threshold(auxRoi, newRoi, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY);

      newRoi = preprocessChar(newRoi);
      if (i == 0) {
        imshow("newRoi", newRoi);
  return 0;


Mat ProjectedHistogram(Mat img, int t, int threshold) {//参数t为0,对图像进行水平投影
    int sz = (t) ? img.rows : img.cols;
    Mat mhist = Mat::zeros(1, sz, CV_32F);

    for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
      Mat data = (t) ? img.row(j) : img.col(j);
      mhist.at<float>(j) = countOfBigValue(data, threshold);//统计像素个数
    double min, max;
    minMaxLoc(mhist, &min, &max);//归一化
    if (max > 0)
      mhist.convertTo(mhist, -1, 1.0f / max, 0);
    return mhist;



  bool clearLiuDing(Mat &img) {
    std::vector<float> fJump;
    int whiteCount = 0;
    const int x = 7;//跳变次数小于7的是铆钉
    Mat jump = Mat::zeros(1, img.rows, CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
      int jumpCount = 0;

      for (int j = 0; j < img.cols - 1; j++) {
        if (img.at<char>(i, j) != img.at<char>(i, j + 1)) jumpCount++;//统计相邻像素的跳变次数

        if (img.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {

      jump.at<float>(i) = (float) jumpCount;//jump存放每行像素的跳变次数

    int iCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
      if (jump.at<float>(i) >= 16 && jump.at<float>(i) <= 45) {

        // jump condition

    // if not is not plate
    if (iCount * 1.0 / img.rows <= 0.40) {//跳变次数满足条件的行数如果少于40%,可能这个区域都不是车牌
      return false;

    if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (img.rows * img.cols) < 0.15 ||
        whiteCount * 1.0 / (img.rows * img.cols) > 0.50) {//白色像素数量不满足条件的也不是车牌
      return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
      if (jump.at<float>(i) <= x) {
        for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) {
          img.at<char>(i, j) = 0;
    return true;

6、 spatial_ostu


void spatial_ostu(InputArray _src, int grid_x, int grid_y, Color type) {
    Mat src = _src.getMat();

    int width = src.cols / grid_x;//分成多少块
    int height = src.rows / grid_y;

    // iterate through grid
    for (int i = 0; i < grid_y; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < grid_x; j++) {
        Mat src_cell = Mat(src, Range(i * height, (i + 1) * height), Range(j * width, (j + 1) * width));
        if (type == BLUE) {
          cv::threshold(src_cell, src_cell, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY);
        } else if (type == YELLOW) {
          cv::threshold(src_cell, src_cell, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
        } else if (type == WHITE) {
          cv::threshold(src_cell, src_cell, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
        } else {
          cv::threshold(src_cell, src_cell, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU + CV_THRESH_BINARY);


class CardPredictor: def __del__(self): self.save_traindata() def train_svm(self): # 识别英文字母和数字 self.model = SVM(C=1, gamma=0.5) # 识别中文 self.modelchinese = SVM(C=1, gamma=0.5) if os.path.exists("svm.dat"): self.model.load("svm.dat") else: chars_train = [] chars_label = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk("train\\chars2"): if len(os.path.basename(root)) > 1: continue root_int = ord(os.path.basename(root)) for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) digit_img = cv2.imread(filepath) digit_img = cv2.cvtColor(digit_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) chars_train.append(digit_img) chars_label.append(root_int) chars_train = list(map(deskew, chars_train)) chars_train = preprocess_hog(chars_train) chars_label = np.array(chars_label) self.model.train(chars_train, chars_label) if os.path.exists("svmchinese.dat"): self.modelchinese.load("svmchinese.dat") else: chars_train = [] chars_label = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk("train\\charsChinese"): if not os.path.basename(root).startswith("zh_"): continue pinyin = os.path.basename(root) index = provinces.index(pinyin) + PROVINCE_START + 1 # 1是拼音对应的汉字 for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) digit_img = cv2.imread(filepath) digit_img = cv2.cvtColor(digit_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) chars_train.append(digit_img) chars_label.append(index) chars_train = list(map(deskew, chars_train)) chars_train = preprocess_hog(chars_train) chars_label = np.array(chars_label) self.modelchinese.train(chars_train, chars_label)
评论 3




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


