

COVID brings a Renewed Urgency for the Healthcare Informatics Industry


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the tragedies that have occured (and still occuring) have helped highlight the need for more timely exchange of critical healthcare related information for governments, health agencies, care providers and patients around the world. For many decades, the healthcare community has been at the forefront of standardization efforts for information exchange through the use of communication protocols such as HL7 and DICOM, and has worked hard to promote the use of these standards worldwide. However, the recent experience only highlights the fact that more opportunities exist to help achieve even more synergies and efficiencies in the information exchange processes that need to occur between various systems involved in the overall process of planning, administering, receiving and monitoring of all healthcare-related activities that are operationalized at any moment.

持续发生的COVID-19大流行以及已经发生(和仍在发生)的悲剧,凸显了需要为世界各地的政府,卫生机构,护理提供者和患者更及时地交流重要的医疗保健相关信息。 数十年来,医疗保健界一直在通过使用诸如HL7和DICOM之类的通信协议进行信息交换的标准化工作中走在前列,并且一直在努力促进在全球范围内使用这些标准。 但是,最近的经验仅凸显了这样一个事实,即存在更多的机会来帮助实现信息交换过程中更多的协同作用和效率,而信息交换过程需要在涉及所有医疗保健的计划,管理,接收和监视的整个过程中进行的各个系统之间进行。 随时可进行的相关活动。

“Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. … Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerned citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

“毕竟,普遍人权从哪里开始? 在离家不远的小地方-太小太小以至于它们在世界任何地图上都看不到。 …除非这些权利在那里具有意义,否则它们在任何地方都没有意义。 没有关心的公民采取行动在自己家附近维护他们,我们将徒劳地寻求更大世界的进步”〜埃莉诺·罗斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Although I have been blogging about these standards from a software development perspective for many years, I feel that a higher level of urgency is needed now to help increase awareness of healthcare information standards for software developers and others in the IT community who are either getting started in the field or simply curious. I hope those of you that stumble across these articles on my site find them useful in some way to get started or perhaps sharpen your skills in areas that you may have had some exposure to already. With more brains collectively working on the many challenges and the opportunities for improvement that still exist in the healthcare informatics area from around the world, we can hopefully look past the sufferings, learn from any mistakes made, and dream of safer and healthier societies in the future for ourselves as well as others like the elderly and our young ones.

尽管多年来我一直从软件开发的角度来撰写这些标准的博客,但我认为现在需要更高的紧迫性,以帮助软件开发人员和IT社区中的其他入门人员提高医疗保健信息标准的意识。 在野外还是只是好奇。 我希望那些偶然发现我网站上这些文章的人能从某种程度上帮助他们入门,或者提高您可能已经接触过的领域的技能。 随着越来越多的人集体努力应对来自世界各地的医疗信息学领域仍然存在的许多挑战和改进机会,我们有望克服痛苦,从犯下的错误中吸取教训,并梦想着建立一个更安全,更健康的社会。 自己以及其他老年人和年轻人的未来。

Background and Information on Articles


My DICOM and HL7 programming tutorials on this site (see links below) are aimed at beginners starting in this area covering examples of implementation using both C# and Java programming languages using some open source libraries available on the Internet. As the use and popularity of some of the libraries that I have used in these pages have changed over the years (and will likely continue to change), I try to keep them updated when I can. Whenever or wherever that is not the case, I hope these examples still manage to convey the "theoretical minimum" and the core concepts of these standards for one to get started in this area as the standards don't change drastically too often. With that said, let us look at what thee tutorials are about.

我在此站点上的DICOM和HL7编程教程(请参见下面的链接)是针对该领域的初学者的,它们涵盖了使用C#和Java编程语言以及Internet上一些开放源代码库的实现示例。 多年来,由于我在这些页面中使用的某些库的使用和流行度发生了变化(并且可能会继续发生变化),因此,我会尽可能地对它们进行更新。 无论何时何地,无论如何,我希望这些示例仍然能够传达“最低标准”和这些标准的核心概念,以便人们开始在这一领域工作,因为这些标准不会发生太大的变化。 话虽如此,让我们看看您的教程是关于什么的。

My HL7 Tutorials

HL7 is a family of cooperating standards which collectively help provide a set of organizational frameworks and guidelines to help in the design, implementation, administration and operationalization of systems that perform healthcare-related information exchange in an electronic format. The various standards contained within the larger HL7 umbrella (such as V2, V3, FHIR, CDA, etc) help define how patient care and any care provider-related information is communicated between the various parties involved. Kmowledge of these standards is vital to enable these disparate parties to exchange timely and critical healthcare data using standardized data types and a structured vocabulary set needed to achieve seamless integration between the various electronic health systems involved. My HL7 Tutorials should take someone with a background in any object-oriented language (C# or Java is preferrable) and illustrate how the static as well as runtime behavior of systems built using the HL7 standard will look like. Please note that some articles are still in progress, and I have been working through them slowly over the years.


My DICOM Tutorials

DICOM is a healthcare standard responsible for governing nearly all aspects of medical imaging such as image transmission, image interpretation, print management, procedure management and off-line storage, and is used in nearly all healthcare-related imaging “modalities” such as magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, computed tomography and ultrasound. Nearly all clinical imaging workflows around the world are based on the DICOM standard. Learning this standard is vital if you work or want to work in the healthcare informatics industry.

DICOM是一种医疗保健标准,负责管理医学成像的几乎所有方面,例如图像传输,图像解释,打印管理,程序管理和离线存储,并且几乎用于与医疗保健相关的所有成像“模态”,例如磁共振 ,核医学,计算机断层扫描和超声检查。 全世界几乎所有的临床成像工作流程都基于DICOM标准。 如果您在医疗信息学行业工作或想要工作,那么学习此标准至关重要。

“Live in the present and shape the future, do not be casting lingering looks to the distant past for the past has passed away, never again to return.” ~ Subramanya Bharathi

“活在当下,塑造未来,不要为遥远的过去投下挥之不去的过去,因为过去已经过去,再也不会回来。” 〜Subramanya Bharathi

My DICOM Tutorials are a series of short and focused articles aimed at someone who is starting with DICOM and wants to understand the theory by relating to some practical code examples. DICOM is an extremely large standard (some 6000 pages and growing each day) and is intimidating even to those who work with it on a daily basis. My tutorials are an attempt to provide a "digest version" of the many areas in the standard. These articles do not require any prior healthcare background or knowledge from the readers. Only a background in any object-oriented programming language such as C#, Java or C++ is required. Like my HL7 tutorials, some articles are still not complete and I have been working on them slowly over the years, learning those parts of the standard deeply as I go on a journey myself.

我的DICOM教程是一系列简短而集中的文章,专门针对那些刚开始使用DICOM并希望通过与一些实际代码示例相关的知识来理解该理论的人。 DICOM是一个非常大的标准(每天约有6000页,并且每天都在增长),甚至对于每天使用它的人来说都是令人恐惧的。 我的教程试图提供标准中许多领域的“摘要版本”。 这些文章不需要任何医疗背景或读者的知识。 仅需要任何面向对象的编程语言(例如C#,Java或C ++)的背景知识。 像我的HL7教程一样,有些文章仍未完成,这些年来我一直在缓慢地研究它们,在我自己旅途中深入学习标准的那些部分。

Read Before Getting Started


I want to make a disclaimer about these articles and the information contained within them. I do not serve on either the HL7 or DICOM standards committee. You must ultimately refer to the standards themselves and their latest recommendations before starting any project involving these standards. Wrongly interpreting these standards can lead to serious health consequences for the patients, reputational risks and financial liabilities for any care givers and organizations involved. For more information about the DICOM standard, you can visit its main site here. The HL7 group's main site or your local HL7 chapters located around the world should help you obtain more information regarding the HL7 standard.

我想对这些文章及其中包含的信息免责。 我不在HL7或DICOM标准委员会中任职。 在开始涉及这些标准的任何项目之前,您必须最终参考这些标准及其最新建议。 错误地解释这些标准会给患者带来严重的健康后果,声誉风险以及所涉及的任何护理人员和组织的经济责任。 有关DICOM标准的更多信息,您可以在这里访问其主要站点。 HL7组的主要站点或您在世界各地的HL7本地分会应帮助您获得有关HL7标准的更多信息。 





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