06. Methods & Classes

When you sort an array of ints do the numbers move?


When you sort an array of Objects do the Objects move?


Why create Methods?

Shorter programs

- Long methods tend to have too many responsibilities

- Long methods tend to be harder to understand and maintain

Easier to understand programs

Allow abstraction

Parameterization and Method Structure

Access modifier return type method name parameter list

public boolean loginOK (String user, String password) {


* Method name and parameters are parts of METHOD SIGNATURE

Return - A new statement

Notice the return statement

- Exits the method. More specifically, it returns the control to its caller

- Provide a return value

Return value must be provided if the declaration of the method is not void

Type of value returned must match the return type in the method header


You can't change Strings

- You can refer to a portion of a String

- You can copy Strings (or portions of them)

- You can make new Strings

Interest methods:

- charAt(), length(), equals(), substring()

Identity vs. Equality

"==" to check identity

- Whether two objects share the same memory address

"equals" method defines equality of two objects

- Usually checks if two instances (objects) contain the same state

- Object class has equals method which checks identity!!!

- When writing your own class, you need to think about how to define equality (in other words, need to implement equals method)

- For example, equals method of String class

Strings and ints

Converting from Strings to ints

- Integer.parseInt()

Converting from ints to Strings

- String.valueOf()

- System.out.print()


In StringBuilder, contents can change

Interesting methods:

- append(), delete(), insert(), length(), replace(), reverse(), toString()

Note: Style of returning "this"

StringBuilder's append() method returns this StringBuilder instance


Define the class in a file with the same name

- Specify the superclass (or just default for Object)

Specify the variables

- Instance variables (a.k.a. member variables)

- Class variables (a.k.a. static variables)

Specify the methods

- Constructors

- Instance methods (a.k.a. member methods)

- Class methods (a.k.a. static methods)

When declaring variables and methods

- Use static to make it a class variable or class method

Instance method:

Invoke instance methods using a reference to an instance

Class methods:

Invoke class methods using the name of the class

e.g. Integer.parseInt(s)

Primitive wrapper classes:

- Character, Integer, Byte, Short, Long, Float, Double, Boolean (all start with capital letters)

- The way to store primitive values as objects

e.g. "new Integer(s).intValue()" the same as Integer.parseInt(s)

- A collection of methods to manipulate primitive values

Static Variables and Methods

Static variables are shared by all instances of the class!

- Use static variables only if you want all the instances of a class to share it

- If one instance changes the value of a static variable, all instances of the same class are affected

Static methods CANNOT access instance members of the class

You can access public static variables and static methods from both an instance reference and a class name

- But, please USE a class name to improve readability and avoid errors

Common Errors

Define instance variable(s) or method(s) that should have been static

Define static variable(s) or method(s) that should have been instance

Instance variables are unique to each instance of the class

Static variables belong to the class, Not to any individual instance of the class

Static variables are accessible from constructors, instance methods, and static methods

Getters & Setters (Encapsulation)

a.k.a Accessors and Mutators

Field are private

The getter methods provide read access

The setters provide write access

- No setter method =>makes something read-only

- Immutable objects have no setter methods

Strings are immutable

Dates should be immutable

Overloading vs. Overriding

"Overloading" is when you have many methods with the same name, but different parameter lists which means different signatures

E.g. System.out.println(...)

StringBuilder's append(...)

"Overriding" is when you replace a superclass method in a subclass (same signatures)

E.g. toString()

Note: method signature consists of its name and parameter lists. The method's return type is not a part of the signature

Java Package

A package is a collection of related classes

- Main reason is to guarantee uniqueness of class name

We've been using the java.lang package

- Automatically or implicitly imported already

- Do not need to write import for any class in java.lang package

There are many others

- E.g. java.util and java.io

To use a class from a package, you must either:

- Specify the package when using the class (tedious)

- Import the class using an import statement

- Import * (wildcard import)

* bytecodes in class files are the same (using full name) because import statement simply tells the complier where to locate the class

Visibility (Access) Modifiers

Use public to make it accessible outside the class

Use private to make it accessible only from within the class

Use protected to make it accessible from subclasses

Compare & Constrast

An instance method

- Can invoke an instance method

- Can access an instance variable

- Can invoke a static method

- Can access static variable

A static method

- Cannot invoke instance method

- Cannot access instance variable

- Can invoke a static method

- Can access a static variable

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