How to Install a License for a Stack System of S Series Switches




交换机的RTU License 华为S5700交换机

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交换机忘记密码 华为S5700交换机


RTU Licenses for HW S5700 Switches

How to Install a License for a Stack System of S Series Switches

What If I Forget the Passwords of HW S5700 Switches

Applying for a License for a Stack System

Figure 1-1 shows the license application process. You need to apply for a license on the Electronic Software Delivery Platform (ESDP) at

Different from the license for a standalone switch, a stack license must contain license control items for all stack members. To be more specific:

  • When obtaining device ESNs, you need to obtain ESNs of all stack members.
  • When activating and obtaining licenses, you need to enter the ESNs and entitlement IDs or activation passwords of all stack members on the ESDP.

Installing a License for a Stack System

To install a license for a stack system, activate the license file in the stack system.

  1. Upload the .dat license file to the master switch in the stack system.
    The following example describes how to upload a license file to an S5731-H switch using FTP.
    <HUAWEI> display device                                                                                                                
    S5731-H48P4XC's Device status:                                                                                                      
    Slot Sub  Type                   Online    Power    Register     Status   Role                                                      
    0    -    S5731-H48P4XC          Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   Master                                                    
         PWR2 POWER                  Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN1 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN2 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
    1    -    S5731-H48P4XC          Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   Standby                                                   
         PWR2 POWER                  Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN1 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN2 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
    2    -    S5731-H24T4XC          Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   Slave                                                     
         PWR2 POWER                  Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN1 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA                                                        
         FAN2 FAN                    Present   PowerOn  Registered   Normal   NA     
    <HUAWEI> ftp                                           
    Trying ...                                             
    Press CTRL+K to abort                                                
    Connected to                                          
    220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user
    331 Give me your password, please                                    
    Enter password:                                                      
    230 Logged in successfully
    [ftp] get LICS5700_all_202011106PC850.dat                                                                                            
    200 PORT command okay                                                                                                               
    150 "D:\ftp\LICS5700_all_202011106PC850.dat" file ready to send (4560 bytes) in ASCII mode                                          
    226 Transfer finished successfully.                                                                                                 
    FTP: 4560 byte(s) received in 0.119 second(s) 37.42Kbyte(s)/sec.                                                                    
    [ftp] quit                                                                                                                              
    221 Windows FTP Server (WFTPD, by Texas Imperial Software) says goodbye   
  2. Run the license active command to activate the license file. The standby and slave switches of the stack system will synchronize the license file from the master switch. If the license file fails to be activated, rectify the fault based on the error message. For details, see Table 1-1.
    <HUAWEI> license active LICS5700_all_202011106PC850.dat Info: The license is being activated. Please wait for a moment. Info: Succeeded in activating the license file on the master board.
    Table 1-1 Causes of license activation failures and solutions

    Error Message

    Possible Cause


    Error: The filename is invalid, and the postfix of the file name must be 'dat'.

    The license file name extension is invalid, which must be .dat.

    Apply for or purchase a new license file.

    Error: The file filename does not exist.

    The license file does not exist.

    Upload the license file to be activated.

    Error: File has been actived before!

    The license file has been activated.

    No further activation is required.

    Error: Verify license failed.

    The license file fails to be verified.

    Apply for or purchase a new license file.

    Error: License with ESN or Version mismatch activated repetitively.

    The ESN or version number in the license file does not match those on the device.

    Apply for a new license file with the correct ESN and version number.

    Error: License is expired.

    The license file has expired.

    Apply for a new valid license file.

    Error: License file format invalid.

    The license file format is incorrect.

    Download the license file in the correct format.

  3. After the license is installed successfully, run the display license command to check license file information.

Installing Licenses After Standalone Switches Are Added to a Stack System

What Can I Do If No License Is Installed on Standalone Switches Before They Are Added to a Stack

After standalone switches are added to a stack system, apply for a license file that contains the ESNs of all member switches, and install the license file in the stack system.

What Can I Do If Licenses Have Been Installed on Standalone Switches Before They Are Added to a Stack

To ensure that the stack license can be used normally after standalone switches are added to the stack, you are advised to apply for a license file that contains ESNs of all stack members before the 60-day trial period of the stack license ends. Otherwise, according to How Does a Stack License Takes Effect, the stack license will become invalid when the trial period ends, affecting service functions of the stack.

How Does a Stack License Takes Effect

  • The license status of a stack is determined by that of the master switch.
  • After a master/standby switchover, the license status of the stack is determined by that of the new master switch. The license status of the standby and slave switches is determined by the device version, license control items, and ESN, as shown in Table 1-2 and Table 1-3.Table 1-2 License status of standby and slave switches in versions earlier than V200R009 and handling suggestions

    Whether Standby and Slave Switches Have the Same License-controlled Items as the Master Switch

    Whether the License File of the Master Switch Contains the ESNs of Standby and Slave Switches

    License Status of Standby and Slave Switches and of the Stack After a Master/Standby Switchover



    • The licenses of the standby and slave switches change to the trial state.
    • The stack license changes to the trial state.

    The standby and slave switches synchronize the license file of the master switch regardless of whether they have the same license-controlled items as the master switch. In this situation, since the license file of the master switch does not contain the ESNs of the standby and slave switches, the licenses of the standby and slave switches change to the trial state after a master/slave switchover.





    • The licenses of the standby and slave switches are in normal state.
    • The stack license is in normal state.

    The standby and slave switches synchronize the license file of the master switch regardless of whether they have the same license-controlled items as the master switch. In this situation, since the license file of the master switch contains the ESNs of the standby and slave switches, the licenses of the standby and slave switches are still effective after a master/slave switchover.



    Table 1-3 License status of standby and slave switches in V200R009 and later versions and handling suggestions

    Whether Standby and Slave Switches Have the Same License-controlled Items as the Master Switch

    Whether the License File of the Master Switch Contains the ESNs of Standby and Slave Switches

    License Status of Standby and Slave Switches and of the Stack After a Master/Standby Switchover



    • The licenses of the standby and slave switches change to the trial state.
    • The stack license changes to the trial state.

    Since the license files of the standby and slave switches have different license-controlled items from that of the master switch, the standby and slave switches synchronize the license file of the master switch. However, the license file of the master switch does not contain the ESNs of the standby and slave switches. In this situation, the licenses of the standby and slave switches change to the trial state after a master/slave switchover.



    • The licenses of the standby and slave switches are in normal state.
    • The stack license is in normal state.

    Since the license files of the standby and slave switches have the same license-controlled items as that of the master switch, the standby and slave switches use their own license files and do not synchronize the license file of the master switch.





    • The licenses of the standby and slave switches are in normal state.
    • The stack license is in normal state.

    Since the license files of the standby and slave switches have different license-controlled items from that of the master switch, the standby and slave switches synchronize the license file of the master switch, which contains the ESNs of the standby and slave switches. As such, the licenses of the standby and slave switches are still effective after a master/standby switchover.


FAQ 1: How Many APs Can a Stack System Manage

Assume that switch A has a license that contains only its own ESN and can manage up to 32 APs, and switch B has a license that contains only its own ESN and can manage up to 64 APs.

How many APs can be managed by the stack set up by switches A and B?


According to How Does a Stack License Takes Effect:

  1. The number of APs that can be managed by a stack system is determined by the license of the master switch.
  2. Since switches A and B have different license-controlled items in their license files, the standby switch synchronizes the license file from the master switch.
  3. Since neither the license file of switch A nor switch B has the ESNs of the two switches, the license of the standby switch is in the trial state. After a master/standby switchover, the stack license changes to the trial state.

Based on the preceding principles, the number of APs that can be managed by the stack system varies according to the following situations:

  • If switch A is the master switch, the stack system can manage a maximum of 32 APs. After a master/standby switchover, the stack license enters a 60-day trial period. During this period, the stack system can still manage up to 32 APs. After the trial period expires, the maximum number of APs that can be managed by the stack system changes to the default value (that is, 16).
  • If switch B is the master switch, the stack system can manage a maximum of 64 APs. After a master/standby switchover, the stack license enters a 60-day trial period. During this period, the stack system can still manage up to 64 APs. After the trial period expires, the maximum number of APs that can be managed by the stack system changes to the default value (that is, 16).

FAQ 2: Does a Stack System Support the Enhanced VXLAN Function?

Assume that switch A has a license that contains its own ESN and has the license-controlled item for enhanced VXLAN, and switch B has a license that contains its own ESN and does not contain the license-controlled item for enhanced VXLAN.

Does the stack system set up by switches A and B support the enhanced VXLAN function?


According to How Does a Stack License Takes Effect:

  1. Whether a stack system supports the enhanced VXLAN function is determined by the license of the master switch.
  2. Since switches A and B have different license-controlled items in their license files, the standby switch synchronizes the license file of the master switch.
  3. Since neither the license file of switch A nor switch B has the ESNs of the two switches, the license of the standby switch is in the trial state. After a master/standby switchover, the stack license changes to the trial state.

Based on the preceding principles, whether the stack system supports the enhanced VXLAN function varies according to the following situations:

  • If switch A is the master switch, the stack system supports the enhanced VXLAN function. After a master/standby switchover, the stack license enters a 60-day trial period. During this period, the stack system still supports the enhanced VXLAN function. After the trial period expires, the stack system does not support the enhanced VXLAN function.
  • If switch B is the master switch, the stack system does not support the enhanced VXLAN function. After a master/standby switchover, the stack still does not support the enhanced VXLAN function.

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