


Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


Deeper neural networks are more difficult to train. We present a residual learning framework to ease the training of networks that are substantially deeper than those used previously. We explicitly reformulate the layers as learning residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, instead of learning unreferenced functions. We provide comprehensive empirical evidence showing that these residual networks are easier to optimize, and can gain accuracy from considerably increased depth. On the ImageNet dataset we evaluate residual nets with a depth of up to 152 layers——8× deeper than VGG nets [40] but still having lower complexity. An ensemble of these residual nets achieves 3.57% error on the ImageNet test set. This result won the 1st place on the ILSVRC 2015 classification task. We also present analysis on CIFAR-10 with 100 and 1000 layers.


更深的神经网络更难训练。我们提出了一种残差学习框架来减轻网络训练,这些网络比以前使用的网络更深。我们明确地将层变为学习关于层输入的残差函数,而不是学习未参考的函数。我们提供了全面的经验证据说明这些残差网络很容易优化,并可以显著增加深度来提高准确性。在ImageNet数据集上我们评估了深度高达152层的残差网络——比VGG[40]深8倍但仍具有较低的复杂度。这些残差网络的集合在ImageNet测试集上取得了3.57%的错误率。这个结果在ILSVRC 2015分类任务上赢得了第一名。我们也在CIFAR-10上分析了100层和1000层的残差网络。

The depth of representations is of central importance for many visual recognition tasks. Solely due to our extremely deep representations, we obtain a 28% relative improvement on the COCO object detection dataset. Deep residual nets are foundations of our submissions to ILSVRC & COCO 2015 competitions, where we also won the 1st places on the tasks of ImageNet detection, ImageNet localization, COCO detection, and COCO segmentation.

对于许多视觉识别任务而言,表示的深度是至关重要的。仅由于我们非常深度的表示,我们便在COCO目标检测数据集上得到了28%的相对提高。深度残差网络是我们向ILSVRC和COCO 2015竞赛提交的基础,我们也赢得了ImageNet检测任务,ImageNet定位任务,COCO检测和COCO分割任务的第一名。

1. Introduction

Deep convolutional neural networks [22, 21] have led to a series of breakthroughs for image classification [21, 49, 39]. Deep networks naturally integrate low/mid/high-level features [49] and classifiers in an end-to-end multi-layer fashion, and the “levels” of features can be enriched by the number of stacked layers (depth). Recent evidence [40, 43] reveals that network depth is of crucial importance, and the leading results [40, 43, 12, 16] on the challenging ImageNet dataset [35] all exploit “very deep” [40] models, with a depth of sixteen [40] to thirty [16]. Many other non-trivial visual recognition tasks [7, 11, 6, 32, 27] have also greatly benefited from very deep models.

1. 引言

深度卷积神经网络[22, 21]导致了图像分类[21, 49, 39]的一系列突破。深度网络自然地将低/中/高级特征[49]和分类器以端到端多层方式进行集成,特征的“级别”可以通过堆叠层的数量(深度)来丰富。最近的证据[40, 43]显示网络深度至关重要,在具有挑战性的ImageNet数据集上领先的结果都采用了“非常深”[40]的模型,深度从16 [40]到30 [16]之间。许多其它重要的视觉识别任务[7, 11, 6, 32, 27]也从非常深的模型中得到了极大受益。

Driven by the significance of depth, a question arises: Is learning better networks as easy as stacking more layers? An obstacle to answering this question was the notorious problem of vanishing/exploding gradients [14, 1, 8], which hamper convergence from the beginning. This problem, however, has been largely addressed by normalized initialization [23, 8, 36, 12] and intermediate normalization layers [16], which enable networks with tens of layers to start converging for stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with backpropagation [22].

在深度重要性的推动下,出现了一个问题:学些更好的网络是否像堆叠更多的层一样容易?回答这个问题的一个障碍是梯度消失/爆炸[14, 1, 8]这个众所周知的问题,它从一开始就阻碍了收敛。然而,这个问题通过标准初始化[23, 8, 36, 12]和中间标准化层[16]在很大程度上已经解决,这使得数十层的网络能通过具有反向传播的随机梯度下降(SGD)开始收敛。

When deeper networks are able to start converging, a degradation problem has been exposed: with the network depth increasing, accuracy gets saturated (which might be unsurprising) and then degrades rapidly. Unexpectedly, such degradation is not caused by overfitting, and adding more layers to a suitably deep model leads to higher training error, as reported in [10, 41] and thoroughly verified by our experiments. Fig. 1 shows a typical example.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Training error (left) and test error (right) on CIFAR-10 with 20-layer and 56-layer “plain” networks. The deeper network has higher training error, and thus test error. Similar phenomena on ImageNet is presented in Fig. 4.

当更深的网络能够开始收敛时,暴露了一个退化问题:随着网络深度的增加,准确率达到饱和(这可能并不奇怪)然后迅速下降。意外的是,这种下降不是由过拟合引起的,并且在适当的深度模型上添加更多的层会导致更高的训练误差,正如[10, 41]中报告的那样,并且由我们的实验完全证实。图1显示了一个典型的例子。

Figure 1

图1 20层和56层的“简单”网络在CIFAR-10上的训练误差(左)和测试误差(右)。更深的网络有更高的训练误差和测试误差。ImageNet上的类似现象如图4所示。

The degradation (of training accuracy) indicates that not all systems are similarly easy to optimize. Let us consider a shallower architecture and its deeper counterpart that adds more layers onto it. There exists a solution by construction to the deeper model: the added layers are identity mapping, and the other layers are copied from the learned shallower model. The existence of this constructed solution indicates that a deeper model should produce no higher training error than its shallower counterpart. But experiments show that our current solvers on hand are unable to find solutions that are comparably good or better than the constructed solution (or unable to do so in feasible time).

退化(训练准确率)表明不是所有的系统都很容易优化。让我们考虑一个较浅的架构及其更深层次的对象,为其添加更多的层。存在通过构建得到更深层模型的解决方案:添加的层是恒等映射,其他层是从学习到的较浅模型的拷贝。 这种构造解决方案的存在表明,较深的模型不应该产生比其对应的较浅模型更高的训练误差。但是实验表明,我们目前现有的解决方案无法找到与构建的解决方案相比相对不错或更好的解决方案(或在合理的时间内无法实现)。

In this paper, we address the degradation problem by introducing a deep residual learning framework. Instead of hoping each few stacked layers directly fit a desired underlying mapping, we explicitly let these layers fit a residual mapping. Formally, denoting the desired underlying mapping as H(x)H(x)层网络能够实现训练误差<0.1%(图6,右图)。其测试误差仍然很好(7.93%,表6)。

But there are still open problems on such aggressively deep models. The testing result of this 1202-layer network is worse than that of our 110-layer network, although both have similar training error. We argue that this is because of overfitting. The 1202-layer network may be unnecessarily large (19.4M) for this small dataset. Strong regularization such as maxout [9] or dropout [13] is applied to obtain the best results ([9, 25, 24, 34]) on this dataset. In this paper, we use no maxout/dropout and just simply impose regularization via deep and thin architectures by design, without distracting from the focus on the difficulties of optimization. But combining with stronger regularization may improve results, which we will study in the future.


4.3. Object Detection on PASCAL and MS COCO

Our method has good generalization performance on other recognition tasks. Table 7 and 8 show the object detection baseline results on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 [5] and COCO [26]. We adopt Faster R-CNN [32] as the detection method. Here we are interested in the improvements of replacing VGG-16 [40] with ResNet-101. The detection implementation (see appendix) of using both models is the same, so the gains can only be attributed to better networks. Most remarkably, on the challenging COCO dataset we obtain a 6.0% increase in COCO’s standard metric (mAP@[.5, .95]), which is a 28% relative improvement. This gain is solely due to the learned representations.

Table 7

Table 7. Object detection mAP (%) on the PASCAL VOC 2007/2012 test sets using baseline Faster R-CNN. See also appendix for better results.

Table 8

Table 8. Object detection mAP (%) on the COCO validation set using baseline Faster R-CNN. See also appendix for better results.

4.3. 在PASCAL和MS COCO上的目标检测

我们的方法对其他识别任务有很好的泛化性能。表7和表8显示了PASCAL VOC 2007和2012[5]以及COCO[26]的目标检测基准结果。我们采用更快的R-CNN[32]作为检测方法。在这里,我们感兴趣的是用ResNet-101替换VGG-16[40]。使用这两种模式的检测实现(见附录)是一样的,所以收益只能归因于更好的网络。最显著的是,在有挑战性的COCO数据集中,COCO的标准度量指标(mAP@[.5,.95])增长了6.0%,相对改善了28%。这种收益完全是由于学习表示。

Table 7

表7。在PASCAL VOC 2007/2012测试集上使用基准Faster R-CNN的目标检测mAP(%)。更好的结果请看附录。

Table 8

表8。在COCO验证集上使用基准Faster R-CNN的目标检测mAP(%)。更好的结果请看附录。

Based on deep residual nets, we won the 1st places in several tracks in ILSVRC & COCO 2015 competitions: ImageNet detection, ImageNet localization, COCO detection, and COCO segmentation. The details are in the appendix.

基于深度残差网络,我们在ILSVRC & COCO 2015竞赛的几个任务中获得了第一名,分别是:ImageNet检测,ImageNet定位,COCO检测,COCO分割。跟多细节请看附录。


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