


1.1 2016--2017年英语作文形式分析

1.1.1 2016年6月份考试

(1) virtual world

(2) E-learning

(3) Robots


1.1.2 2016年12月份考试

(1) On Invention

(2) On Innovation

(3) On creation


1.1.3 2017年6月份考试

(1) Science or Humanities

(2) Vocation Education Or University Education

(3) Attend College at home or abroad


1.1.4 2017年12月份考试

(1) On Respect

(2) Seek to UnderStand

(3) Help Others



1.2 英语六级话题作文一般三种形式

(1) 具有鲜明的正确观点,让你去论述。(我认为会常考,这个比其他的更难)

(2) 该事物具有两面性,是把双刃剑,需要扬长避短,保留正确的,避免错误的。

(3) 该事物有两个选择,但是没有对错,需要论述你选择的理由。


2.1 第一段分析


(1) 引出话题

(2) 阐述重要性

(3) 总结第一段

(4) 引出下一段


2.1.1 引出话题


(1) 通过作比较方式引出

例1:Drawing a comparison between________and_______,it is not diffcult for us to find out that it is    论点    that makes a difference.

(2) 通过引用名言方式引出

例1:I’m not sure if you have heard one of   人名  ’s famous remarks ,”_____________”, which stresses the significance of   论点   .


例2:When it comes to the topic of    论点   ,we are often told the famous remark that goes like this, “___________”.Simple as the saying is, it implies the importance of    论点    in______.

(3) 通过对事物组成因素、本性分析进行引出。

例1:As we all know, a number of factors contribute to a ________(success), and    论点    is definitely one of these.

例2:As human beings ,we all crave(渴望)the _______from others , it’s code into our DNA .And as the way things are, if _______you are more likely to gain _____in return.


(4) 通过事实强调重要性引出。

例1:A host of facts in our daily life have proved to us that lack of   论点  often lead to   坏处   That’s why we often heard the phrase    论点    being emphasized.

2.1.2 阐述重要性


(1) 直接表达重要性

例1:  论点  must be attached greate importance to , as it contribute tremendously(极大地)to the _________(advancement) of our ______(society).

例2:It goes without saying that  论点  can promote the development of the _______ and is the most essential quality of anyone who want to achieve success.

(2) 引用名言强调其重要性

例1:Just as the saying goes,”___________”.As the driving force of _____and_____,  论点  is also essential to the development of _______(individual).

例2: The Saying “______”indicates the great significance of _____in____.

例3:Just as the remark goes,”_____”.


(3) 阐述自己的观点或者自己造个“名言”

例1:“自己搞个句子” , Simple as the saying is, it implies the importance of _____in______.

2.1.3 总结第一段


(1) 用例子证实对前面重要性分析

例1:There are many examples that can be cited to illustrate this fact ,among which the most epoch-making one must be  论点   if________we would have done___.(对过去的虚拟)

(2) 用作比较的方式总结

例1:Those who often   论点  often turn to be more likely to achieve _____(成功)while those who always adhere to _____ (其他)can hardly______.

例2: With  论点   ,any progress will be possible ,otherwise everything will remain stagnant.

(3) 对前面的分析得出自己的观点

例1:What I learn form _______(analysis ,remark),in short words ,is that ____________.

例2:Just as the remark goes,”________”.

例3:The saying “________” indicates the great significance of ______in_____.

2.1.4 引出下一段


例1:So, we should take plenty of measures to cultivate(培养,改善)______(精神,观念).

例2:In order to enhance ______,there are some measures we can follow.

例3:We should take some effective measures to enhance the_________(精神,)

2.2  第二段分析


(1) 引出措施

例1:Therefore, by some means or other we must come to realize how to 论点  .

例2:Given that 论点 plays such a essential role in      ,we should take  plenty of measures to cultivate (培养,改善)this precious spirit.

例3:In terms of (根据,就....而言)taking measures to encourage 论点 . I’ll list the following ones.

例4:The significance of  论点  cannot and should not be underestimated.

(2) 采取措施。


重要名词有:The Society 、the public 、 the social media、the government

The relevant departments 、the authorities concerned(有关当局)、the perspective of individual(个人视角)

递进词有:1、First and foremost 、what’s more 、In addition、Last but not least.

2、on the one hand 、on the other hand

3、For one thing 、For another thing.

2.3  最后一段分析

最后一段包含三个方面:1、重申主题重要性,2、发起号召,3、(可以不写)I believe.......Only只要就什么。

(1) 总结词

1、To sum up.

2、From what has been discussed above.

3、To conclude

4、Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it’s indisputable that .....

(2) 重新阐述主题重要性

例1:We should always commit it to our memory that 论点 is of great significance to us all.

例2:I believe that 论点  is the source of _________. At no time should we underestimate the power of _________.

例3:_______has been a hot word for a long time , and we cannot emphasize the importance of _________too much.

例4:It’s indisputable(无可争辩的) that a good many of people are fond of being 论点  ,It’s so influential(有影响的) and helpful(有益的) for us to show __________.

例5:论点  is the basis of ____________.

例6:论点   is a virtue, and we should take some measures to carry forward (发扬)this virtue and develop a good habit of _______.

(3) 发起号召,结束文章,结束语

例1: Only in this way can our society be more beautiful and harmonious(和谐的,融洽的).

例2:All we need is to seek to __________with our utmost efforts to make all kinds of  论点  function smoothly.

例3:Once we _______, we will find that ______.

例4:In our daily life , we need to develop a habit of _____and _________.

例5:Therefore,We 为了什么,更要....样 .


3.1  第一段分析


(1) 引出话题


例1:With the rapid development of our modern society ,it has been made possible to live in the 论点。

例2:With the science and technology developing ,an increasing number of people prefer to ______and ______rather than ______,causing _________booming all around the world.

例3:The progression of technology is inevitable(不可避免的) and undeniable(不可否认的),which makes the ___________a important part of our life.

(2) 引出下一段


例1:Have you ever imagined what will happen when _____prefer to ______rather than ___________?

例2:what will happen if ______prevails(获胜) and even replaces_______?

例3:with the popularity of ______,what will happen to our work and life?

3.2 第二段分析


(1) 引出好处

例1:Undoubtedly ,_______ has brought us many benefits.

例2:There’s no doubt that  论点  may give us some benefits .

(2) 叙述好处

例1:It enriches ______for its ________and______because of its______

例2:For one thing 、For another thing .

(3) 转折

例1:However ,if _______in______some negative impacts will be imposed on our life.

例2:Admittedly(公认地),________can offer us many advantages and make our life more _____(convenient)and ______(efficient); however ,_______is inappropriate(不恰当)to people who lock_______(self-discipline)自律.

(4) 写坏处


1、first and foremost ,if______we will_____

2、In addition


3.3 最后一段分析


(1) 连接词

1、To sum up ,______has advantages and disadvantages

2、Based on the above analysis ,we can easily acknowledge that _____is a double-edged sword.(双刃剑)


(2) 提出自己措施

例1: if we want to enjoy our life and continue our interpersonal, we should _____properly and_______.

例2:It is advisable(适当的)for us to balance relationship between _____and_____.

例3:we should draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages ,and make it bring maximum benefits to_______.

(3) 发起号召

例1:I believe that only in this way will we have a good time.



4.1 第一段分析


(1) 分析现状引出话题

例1:When deciding to major in ____or _____at_____,  ______find themselves in a dilemma(窘境).

例2:Nowadays whether joining a _____or______becomes a hard choice for_____.

例3:Nowadays a lot of ______are faced with two options for their _______:____or______.some choose to ______,while others prefer the latter.

(2) 做出选择表明观点

例1:personally ,I think the former is advisable for the following 数 字 reasons.

例2:For me ,_______can promise_______and_______ as well.

例3:If I were one of them I would choose to _______.

4.2 第二段分析


(1) 连词

1、Firstly 、 For example 、Secondly、However

2、To begin with 、In addition 、Moreover

3、First at all 、Secondly

(2) 所选择的重要性


例1:In a society where more importance is attached to_____.it is natural to follow suit (跟着做,照着做)by________.

(3) 能给自己带来的好处

(4) 举个例子说明重要性

例1:For example ,the daily application can not be invented without______.

(5) 对没有选择的优势进行淡化


4.3 最后一段分析

1、To conclude

2、All in all

(1) 直接总结全文,强调所选。

例1:both____and______have their distinctive merits(独特优点) But in view of practicality and challenges it is advisable that  什么什么应该作为选择  .

(2) 所选存在一些问题,但是可以解决

There many concerns about _____________(studying abroad),such as____(safety),However if we take proper precautions, we can ensure __________(safety).

(3) 通过权衡选择

Therefore,after carefully weighing(权衡) the advantages against the disadvantages of___________(studying abroad).I still consider it a preferential(优先的) choice.


1:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

2:All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子

3:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马

4:A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半

5:Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊

6:A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里

7:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母

8:Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母

9:It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

10:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量

11:Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人




四六级在大学bai各类考试中占有相当du重要的地位。在大四在校签订单位的时候,绝大多zhi数公司都有英语要求:通dao过四级。真正进入社会以后,随着现在英语的普及,很多地方,很多事情,都会用到英语,具有一定的英语水平,能够让你在工作中出色不少。 大学英语四六级对毕业后求职的重要性: 关系到能不能拿到毕业证 我不敢说全国,最起码在广东,重本的211和985的名牌大学,大部分四六级证书是和毕业证挂钩的。可能还没到就业,万一你的全国英语四级考试达不到425分,你就拿不到你的毕业证书。所以四六级你说重不重要? 是一半企业的敲门砖 (1)随着大学生毕业人数的增长,社会面临的就业压力越来越大,企业为了挑选人才,国企和外企一般都会把四六级证书作为一个最低的门槛。 (2)虽然说全国英语四六级证书只是一张纸,并不能证明一个人英语水平,但是四级的合格线设在425分对于国内大学生英语要求还是比较低的。所以如果你没有通过英语四级的证书,很多企业在筛选简历时就会把你直接out了。 (3)可以说如果你没有通过大学英语四六级的考试,你的前途就暗淡了一半,很多企业都不会为你敞开大门。当然,如果你有关系的话什么证书都是扯淡。 海外合作是大势所趋 (1)现在这个社会,海外人员越来越多,海外合作的公司也越来越多,走在街上,说不定一天能遇到好几个问路的外国人。所以如果你没有能证明你英语能力的一纸证书,你很难向公司证明你的外语水平和能力。 (2)在北上广深,就连现在的计程车司机也有一定的英语基础,否则生意就很难做下去。所以说在日常生活中,我们也有很多机会和外国人打交道,在这个海外合作是大势所趋的年代,英语能力更为重要。
评论 4




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