







var runCommand = cli.Command{
	Name:  "run",
	Usage: "create and run a container",
	ArgsUsage: `<container-id>

Where "<container-id>" is your name for the instance of the container that you
are starting. The name you provide for the container instance must be unique on
your host.`,
	Description: `The run command creates an instance of a container for a bundle. The bundle
is a directory with a specification file named "` + specConfig + `" and a root

The specification file includes an args parameter. The args parameter is used
to specify command(s) that get run when the container is started. To change the
command(s) that get executed on start, edit the args parameter of the spec. See
"runc spec --help" for more explanation.`,
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "bundle, b",
			Value: "",
			Usage: `path to the root of the bundle directory, defaults to the current directory`,
			Name:  "console-socket",
			Value: "",
			Usage: "path to an AF_UNIX socket which will receive a file descriptor referencing the master end of the console's pseudoterminal",
			Name:  "detach, d",
			Usage: "detach from the container's process",
			Name:  "pid-file",
			Value: "",
			Usage: "specify the file to write the process id to",
			Name:  "no-subreaper",
			Usage: "disable the use of the subreaper used to reap reparented processes",
			Name:  "no-pivot",
			Usage: "do not use pivot root to jail process inside rootfs.  This should be used whenever the rootfs is on top of a ramdisk",
			Name:  "no-new-keyring",
			Usage: "do not create a new session keyring for the container.  This will cause the container to inherit the calling processes session key",
			Name:  "preserve-fds",
			Usage: "Pass N additional file descriptors to the container (stdio + $LISTEN_FDS + N in total)",
	Action: func(context *cli.Context) error {
		if err := checkArgs(context, 1, exactArgs); err != nil {  // 检查输入参数
			return err
		if err := revisePidFile(context); err != nil {
			return err
		spec, err := setupSpec(context)     // 生成运行的配置文件
		if err != nil {
			return err
		status, err := startContainer(context, spec, CT_ACT_RUN, nil)  // 开启container,将RUN标志传入
		if err == nil {
			// exit with the container's exit status so any external supervisor is
			// notified of the exit with the correct exit status.
		return err


func startContainer(context *cli.Context, spec *specs.Spec, action CtAct, criuOpts *libcontainer.CriuOpts) (int, error) {
	id := context.Args().First()
	if id == "" {
		return -1, errEmptyID

	notifySocket := newNotifySocket(context, os.Getenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET"), id)   // 生成通信的sock
	if notifySocket != nil {
		if err := notifySocket.setupSpec(context, spec); err != nil {
			return -1, err

	container, err := createContainer(context, id, spec)   // 创建container
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err

	if notifySocket != nil {
		if err := notifySocket.setupSocketDirectory(); err != nil {   // 建立socket的通信的目录文件
			return -1, err
		if action == CT_ACT_RUN {
			if err := notifySocket.bindSocket(); err != nil {   // 如果是运行的指令则监听该文件通信
				return -1, err

	// Support on-demand socket activation by passing file descriptors into the container init process.
	listenFDs := []*os.File{}
	if os.Getenv("LISTEN_FDS") != "" {
		listenFDs = activation.Files(false)

	logLevel := "info"
	if context.GlobalBool("debug") {    // 获取日志等级
		logLevel = "debug"

	r := &runner{
		enableSubreaper: !context.Bool("no-subreaper"),
		shouldDestroy:   true,
		container:       container,
		listenFDs:       listenFDs,
		notifySocket:    notifySocket,
		consoleSocket:   context.String("console-socket"),
		detach:          context.Bool("detach"),
		pidFile:         context.String("pid-file"),
		preserveFDs:     context.Int("preserve-fds"),
		action:          action,
		criuOpts:        criuOpts,
		init:            true,
		logLevel:        logLevel,
	return  // 将任务包装成runner运行


func createContainer(context *cli.Context, id string, spec *specs.Spec) (libcontainer.Container, error) {
	rootlessCg, err := shouldUseRootlessCgroupManager(context)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	config, err := specconv.CreateLibcontainerConfig(&specconv.CreateOpts{
		CgroupName:       id,
		UseSystemdCgroup: context.GlobalBool("systemd-cgroup"),
		NoPivotRoot:      context.Bool("no-pivot"),
		NoNewKeyring:     context.Bool("no-new-keyring"),
		Spec:             spec,
		RootlessEUID:     os.Geteuid() != 0,
		RootlessCgroups:  rootlessCg,
	})    // 创建配置信息
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	factory, err := loadFactory(context)   // 加载一个创建的方法
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return factory.Create(id, config)    // 通过id和配置文件创建一个container


// New returns a linux based container factory based in the root directory and
// configures the factory with the provided option funcs.
func New(root string, options ...func(*LinuxFactory) error) (Factory, error) {
	if root != "" {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0o700); err != nil {   // 改变根目录的权限
			return nil, newGenericError(err, SystemError)
	l := &LinuxFactory{
		Root:      root,
		InitPath:  "/proc/self/exe",   // 设置InitPath路径
		InitArgs:  []string{os.Args[0], "init"},  // 输入参数为init
		Validator: validate.New(),
		CriuPath:  "criu",

	if err := Cgroupfs(l); err != nil {  // 初始化cg
		return nil, err

	for _, opt := range options {  // 执行各种配置信息
		if opt == nil {
		if err := opt(l); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return l, nil


// loadFactory returns the configured factory instance for execing containers.
func loadFactory(context *cli.Context) (libcontainer.Factory, error) {
	root := context.GlobalString("root")
	abs, err := filepath.Abs(root)   // 获取路径
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// We default to cgroupfs, and can only use systemd if the system is a
	// systemd box.
	cgroupManager := libcontainer.Cgroupfs
	rootlessCg, err := shouldUseRootlessCgroupManager(context)  // 选择对应的cg的信息
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if rootlessCg {
		cgroupManager = libcontainer.RootlessCgroupfs
	if context.GlobalBool("systemd-cgroup") {
		if !systemd.IsRunningSystemd() {
			return nil, errors.New("systemd cgroup flag passed, but systemd support for managing cgroups is not available")
		cgroupManager = libcontainer.SystemdCgroups
		if rootlessCg {
			cgroupManager = libcontainer.RootlessSystemdCgroups

	intelRdtManager := libcontainer.IntelRdtFs   

	// We resolve the paths for {newuidmap,newgidmap} from the context of runc,
	// to avoid doing a path lookup in the nsexec context. TODO: The binary
	// names are not currently configurable.
	newuidmap, err := exec.LookPath("newuidmap")   // 获取当前的用户组相关信息
	if err != nil {
		newuidmap = ""
	newgidmap, err := exec.LookPath("newgidmap")
	if err != nil {
		newgidmap = ""

	return libcontainer.New(abs, cgroupManager, intelRdtManager,
		libcontainer.NewgidmapPath(newgidmap))  // 生成一个container


func (l *LinuxFactory) Create(id string, config *configs.Config) (Container, error) {
	if l.Root == "" {
		return nil, newGenericError(fmt.Errorf("invalid root"), ConfigInvalid)
	if err := l.validateID(id); err != nil {  // 检查id是否合法
		return nil, err
	if err := l.Validator.Validate(config); err != nil {
		return nil, newGenericError(err, ConfigInvalid)
	containerRoot, err := securejoin.SecureJoin(l.Root, id)  // 获取容器跟路径
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if _, err := os.Stat(containerRoot); err == nil {   // 检查根文件
		return nil, newGenericError(fmt.Errorf("container with id exists: %v", id), IdInUse)
	} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, newGenericError(err, SystemError)
	if err := os.MkdirAll(containerRoot, 0o711); err != nil {  // 创建并改变权限
		return nil, newGenericError(err, SystemError)
	if err := os.Chown(containerRoot, unix.Geteuid(), unix.Getegid()); err != nil {  // 改变目录组的信息
		return nil, newGenericError(err, SystemError)
	c := &linuxContainer{
		id:            id,
		root:          containerRoot,
		config:        config,
		initPath:      l.InitPath,
		initArgs:      l.InitArgs,
		criuPath:      l.CriuPath,
		newuidmapPath: l.NewuidmapPath,
		newgidmapPath: l.NewgidmapPath,
		cgroupManager: l.NewCgroupsManager(config.Cgroups, nil), 
	}  			// 实例化生成一个container
	if l.NewIntelRdtManager != nil {
		c.intelRdtManager = l.NewIntelRdtManager(config, id, "")
	c.state = &stoppedState{c: c}
	return c, nil



func (r *runner) run(config *specs.Process) (int, error) {
	var err error
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
	if err = r.checkTerminal(config); err != nil {   // 检查终端
		return -1, err
	process, err := newProcess(*config, r.init, r.logLevel)   // 生成一个Process的实例
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	if len(r.listenFDs) > 0 {
		process.Env = append(process.Env, "LISTEN_FDS="+strconv.Itoa(len(r.listenFDs)), "LISTEN_PID=1")
		process.ExtraFiles = append(process.ExtraFiles, r.listenFDs...)  // 通过环境变量传递监听信息
	baseFd := 3 + len(process.ExtraFiles)
	for i := baseFd; i < baseFd+r.preserveFDs; i++ {
		_, err = os.Stat("/proc/self/fd/" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		if err != nil {
			return -1, errors.Wrapf(err, "please check that preserved-fd %d (of %d) is present", i-baseFd, r.preserveFDs)
		process.ExtraFiles = append(process.ExtraFiles, os.NewFile(uintptr(i), "PreserveFD:"+strconv.Itoa(i)))
	rootuid, err := r.container.Config().HostRootUID()  // 获取uid
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	rootgid, err := r.container.Config().HostRootGID()   // 获取gid
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	detach := r.detach || (r.action == CT_ACT_CREATE)
	// Setting up IO is a two stage process. We need to modify process to deal
	// with detaching containers, and then we get a tty after the container has
	// started.
	handler := newSignalHandler(r.enableSubreaper, r.notifySocket)
	tty, err := setupIO(process, rootuid, rootgid, config.Terminal, detach, r.consoleSocket)  // 建立IO相关的配置 通过原始套接字进行通信
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	defer tty.Close()

	switch r.action {
		err = r.container.Start(process)
		err = r.container.Restore(process, r.criuOpts)
	case CT_ACT_RUN:
		err = r.container.Run(process)  // 此时传入的是Run信息 故执行该路径
		panic("Unknown action")
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	if err = tty.waitConsole(); err != nil {  // 等待输入信息
		return -1, err
	if err = tty.ClosePostStart(); err != nil {  // 关闭信息
		return -1, err
	if r.pidFile != "" {
		if err = createPidFile(r.pidFile, process); err != nil {  // 创建Pid文件
			return -1, err
	status, err := handler.forward(process, tty, detach)  
	if err != nil {
	if detach {
		return 0, nil
	if err == nil {
	return status, err


func (c *linuxContainer) Run(process *Process) error {
	if err := c.Start(process); err != nil {  // 开始执行
		return err
	if process.Init {      // 在run 的模式下该值为true
		return c.exec()  		// 执行加载
	return nil


func (c *linuxContainer) Start(process *Process) error {
	defer c.m.Unlock()
	if c.config.Cgroups.Resources.SkipDevices {
		return newGenericError(errors.New("can't start container with SkipDevices set"), ConfigInvalid)
	if process.Init {
		if err := c.createExecFifo(); err != nil {  // 创建执行文件的io信息
			return err
	if err := c.start(process); err != nil {   // 开始执行  
		if process.Init {
		return err
	return nil


func (c *linuxContainer) start(process *Process) (retErr error) {
	parent, err := c.newParentProcess(process)   // 生成一个parentProcess
	if err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "creating new parent process")

	logsDone := parent.forwardChildLogs()  
	if logsDone != nil {
		defer func() {
			// Wait for log forwarder to finish. This depends on
			// runc init closing the _LIBCONTAINER_LOGPIPE log fd.
			err := <-logsDone
			if err != nil && retErr == nil {
				retErr = newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "forwarding init logs")

	if err := parent.start(); err != nil {   // 开始执行
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "starting container process")

	if process.Init {
		c.fifo.Close()   // 执行完成之后执行钩子回调
		if c.config.Hooks != nil {
			s, err := c.currentOCIState()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if err := c.config.Hooks[configs.Poststart].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
				if err := ignoreTerminateErrors(parent.terminate()); err != nil {
					logrus.Warn(errorsf.Wrapf(err, "Running Poststart hook"))
				return err
	return nil


func (c *linuxContainer) newParentProcess(p *Process) (parentProcess, error) {
	parentInitPipe, childInitPipe, err := utils.NewSockPair("init")  // 通过init的sock创建通信
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "creating new init pipe")
	messageSockPair := filePair{parentInitPipe, childInitPipe}

	parentLogPipe, childLogPipe, err := os.Pipe()  // 创建双工管道
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the log pipe:  %s", err)
	logFilePair := filePair{parentLogPipe, childLogPipe}

	cmd := c.commandTemplate(p, childInitPipe, childLogPipe)  // 通过模板来
	if !p.Init {
		return c.newSetnsProcess(p, cmd, messageSockPair, logFilePair)

	// We only set up fifoFd if we're not doing a `runc exec`. The historic
	// reason for this is that previously we would pass a dirfd that allowed
	// for container rootfs escape (and not doing it in `runc exec` avoided
	// that problem), but we no longer do that. However, there's no need to do
	// this for `runc exec` so we just keep it this way to be safe.
	if err := c.includeExecFifo(cmd); err != nil {
		return nil, newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "including execfifo in cmd.Exec setup")
	return c.newInitProcess(p, cmd, messageSockPair, logFilePair)  // 创建一个initProcess的process

func (c *linuxContainer) commandTemplate(p *Process, childInitPipe *os.File, childLogPipe *os.File) *exec.Cmd {
	cmd := exec.Command(c.initPath, c.initArgs[1:]...)   // 生成执行的命令 该命令就是runc init执行
	cmd.Args[0] = c.initArgs[0]
	cmd.Stdin = p.Stdin
	cmd.Stdout = p.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = p.Stderr
	cmd.Dir = c.config.Rootfs
	if cmd.SysProcAttr == nil {
		cmd.SysProcAttr = &unix.SysProcAttr{}
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOMAXPROCS="+os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS"))  // 设置相关的环境变量
	cmd.ExtraFiles = append(cmd.ExtraFiles, p.ExtraFiles...)
	if p.ConsoleSocket != nil {
		cmd.ExtraFiles = append(cmd.ExtraFiles, p.ConsoleSocket)
		cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env,
	cmd.ExtraFiles = append(cmd.ExtraFiles, childInitPipe)
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env,

	cmd.ExtraFiles = append(cmd.ExtraFiles, childLogPipe)
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env,

	// NOTE: when running a container with no PID namespace and the parent process spawning the container is
	// PID1 the pdeathsig is being delivered to the container's init process by the kernel for some reason
	// even with the parent still running.
	if c.config.ParentDeathSignal > 0 {
		cmd.SysProcAttr.Pdeathsig = unix.Signal(c.config.ParentDeathSignal)
	return cmd

func (c *linuxContainer) newParentProcess(p *Process) (parentProcess, error) {
	parentInitPipe, childInitPipe, err := utils.NewSockPair("init")  // 通过init的sock创建通信
	if err != nil {
		return nil, newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "creating new init pipe")
	messageSockPair := filePair{parentInitPipe, childInitPipe}

	parentLogPipe, childLogPipe, err := os.Pipe()  // 创建双工管道
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the log pipe:  %s", err)
	logFilePair := filePair{parentLogPipe, childLogPipe}

	cmd := c.commandTemplate(p, childInitPipe, childLogPipe)  // 通过模板来
	if !p.Init {
		return c.newSetnsProcess(p, cmd, messageSockPair, logFilePair)

	// We only set up fifoFd if we're not doing a `runc exec`. The historic
	// reason for this is that previously we would pass a dirfd that allowed
	// for container rootfs escape (and not doing it in `runc exec` avoided
	// that problem), but we no longer do that. However, there's no need to do
	// this for `runc exec` so we just keep it this way to be safe.
	if err := c.includeExecFifo(cmd); err != nil {
		return nil, newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "including execfifo in cmd.Exec setup")
	return c.newInitProcess(p, cmd, messageSockPair, logFilePair)  // 创建一个initProcess的process

func (c *linuxContainer) newInitProcess(p *Process, cmd *exec.Cmd, messageSockPair, logFilePair filePair) (*initProcess, error) {
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "_LIBCONTAINER_INITTYPE="+string(initStandard))   // 获取环境变量
	nsMaps := make(map[configs.NamespaceType]string)
	for _, ns := range c.config.Namespaces {
		if ns.Path != "" {
			nsMaps[ns.Type] = ns.Path
	_, sharePidns := nsMaps[configs.NEWPID]  
	data, err := c.bootstrapData(c.config.Namespaces.CloneFlags(), nsMaps)  // 获取通信的数据
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	init := &initProcess{
		cmd:             cmd,
		messageSockPair: messageSockPair,
		logFilePair:     logFilePair,
		manager:         c.cgroupManager,
		intelRdtManager: c.intelRdtManager,
		config:          c.newInitConfig(p),
		container:       c,
		process:         p,
		bootstrapData:   data,
		sharePidns:      sharePidns,
	c.initProcess = init  // 保存initProcess
	return init, nil


func (p *initProcess) start() (retErr error) {
	defer p.messageSockPair.parent.Close() //nolint: errcheck
	err := p.cmd.Start()      // 开始启动runc init的进行
	p.process.ops = p
	// close the write-side of the pipes (controlled by child)
	_ = p.messageSockPair.child.Close()   // 执行完成之后关闭信息的管道
	_ = p.logFilePair.child.Close()
	if err != nil {
		p.process.ops = nil
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "starting init process command")

	waitInit := initWaiter(p.messageSockPair.parent)  //  等待数据往管道写
	defer func() {
		if retErr != nil {
			// Find out if init is killed by the kernel's OOM killer.
			// Get the count before killing init as otherwise cgroup
			// might be removed by systemd.
			oom, err := p.manager.OOMKillCount()
			if err != nil {
				logrus.WithError(err).Warn("unable to get oom kill count")
			} else if oom > 0 {
				// Does not matter what the particular error was,
				// its cause is most probably OOM, so report that.
				const oomError = "container init was OOM-killed (memory limit too low?)"

				if logrus.GetLevel() >= logrus.DebugLevel {
					// Only show the original error if debug is set,
					// as it is not generally very useful.
					retErr = newSystemErrorWithCause(retErr, oomError)
				} else {
					retErr = newSystemError(errors.New(oomError))

			werr := <-waitInit
			if werr != nil {

			// Terminate the process to ensure we can remove cgroups.
			if err := ignoreTerminateErrors(p.terminate()); err != nil {
				logrus.WithError(err).Warn("unable to terminate initProcess")

			_ = p.manager.Destroy()
			if p.intelRdtManager != nil {
				_ = p.intelRdtManager.Destroy()

	// Do this before syncing with child so that no children can escape the
	// cgroup. We don't need to worry about not doing this and not being root
	// because we'd be using the rootless cgroup manager in that case.
	if err := p.manager.Apply(; err != nil {  // 
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "applying cgroup configuration for process")
	if p.intelRdtManager != nil {
		if err := p.intelRdtManager.Apply(; err != nil {
			return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "applying Intel RDT configuration for process")
	if _, err := io.Copy(p.messageSockPair.parent, p.bootstrapData); err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "copying bootstrap data to pipe")
	err = <-waitInit
	if err != nil {
		return err

	childPid, err := p.getChildPid()   // 获取子进程的pid
	if err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "getting the final child's pid from pipe")

	// Save the standard descriptor names before the container process
	// can potentially move them (e.g., via dup2()).  If we don't do this now,
	// we won't know at checkpoint time which file descriptor to look up.
	fds, err := getPipeFds(childPid)  // 获取管道的fd
	if err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCausef(err, "getting pipe fds for pid %d", childPid)

	// Now it's time to setup cgroup namesapce
	if p.config.Config.Namespaces.Contains(configs.NEWCGROUP) && p.config.Config.Namespaces.PathOf(configs.NEWCGROUP) == "" {
		if _, err := p.messageSockPair.parent.Write([]byte{createCgroupns}); err != nil {
			return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "sending synchronization value to init process")

	// Wait for our first child to exit
	if err := p.waitForChildExit(childPid); err != nil {  // 等待子进程结束
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "waiting for our first child to exit")

	if err := p.createNetworkInterfaces(); err != nil {  // 创建网络接口
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "creating network interfaces")
	if err := p.updateSpecState(); err != nil {   // 更新spec状态
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "updating the spec state")
	if err := p.sendConfig(); err != nil {   // 发送配置文件信息
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "sending config to init process")
	var (
		sentRun    bool
		sentResume bool

	ierr := parseSync(p.messageSockPair.parent, func(sync *syncT) error {  //  获取同步的数据信息
		switch sync.Type {
		case procReady:
			// set rlimits, this has to be done here because we lose permissions
			// to raise the limits once we enter a user-namespace
			if err := setupRlimits(p.config.Rlimits,; err != nil {  // 设置资源限制
				return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "setting rlimits for ready process")
			// call prestart and CreateRuntime hooks
			if !p.config.Config.Namespaces.Contains(configs.NEWNS) {  
				// Setup cgroup before the hook, so that the prestart and CreateRuntime hook could apply cgroup permissions.
				if err := p.manager.Set(p.config.Config.Cgroups.Resources); err != nil {
					return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "setting cgroup config for ready process")
				if p.intelRdtManager != nil {
					if err := p.intelRdtManager.Set(p.config.Config); err != nil {
						return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "setting Intel RDT config for ready process")

				if p.config.Config.Hooks != nil {
					s, err := p.container.currentOCIState()
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// initProcessStartTime hasn't been set yet.
					s.Pid = p.cmd.Process.Pid
					s.Status = specs.StateCreating
					hooks := p.config.Config.Hooks

					if err := hooks[configs.Prestart].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
						return err
					if err := hooks[configs.CreateRuntime].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
						return err

			// generate a timestamp indicating when the container was started
			p.container.created = time.Now().UTC()
			p.container.state = &createdState{
				c: p.container,    // 创建成功更新数据

			// NOTE: If the procRun state has been synced and the
			// runc-create process has been killed for some reason,
			// the runc-init[2:stage] process will be leaky. And
			// the runc command also fails to parse root directory
			// because the container doesn't have state.json.
			// In order to cleanup the runc-init[2:stage] by
			// runc-delete/stop, we should store the status before
			// procRun sync.
			state, uerr := p.container.updateState(p)  // 更新状态
			if uerr != nil {
				return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "store init state")
			p.container.initProcessStartTime = state.InitProcessStartTime

			// Sync with child.
			if err := writeSync(p.messageSockPair.parent, procRun); err != nil {  // 发送数据到子进程 让子进程继续
				return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "writing syncT 'run'")
			sentRun = true
		case procHooks:
			// Setup cgroup before prestart hook, so that the prestart hook could apply cgroup permissions.
			if err := p.manager.Set(p.config.Config.Cgroups.Resources); err != nil {   
				return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "setting cgroup config for procHooks process")
			if p.intelRdtManager != nil {
				if err := p.intelRdtManager.Set(p.config.Config); err != nil {
					return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "setting Intel RDT config for procHooks process")
			if p.config.Config.Hooks != nil {   // 执行子进程的钩子函数
				s, err := p.container.currentOCIState()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				// initProcessStartTime hasn't been set yet.
				s.Pid = p.cmd.Process.Pid
				s.Status = specs.StateCreating
				hooks := p.config.Config.Hooks

				if err := hooks[configs.Prestart].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
					return err
				if err := hooks[configs.CreateRuntime].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
					return err
			// Sync with child.
			if err := writeSync(p.messageSockPair.parent, procResume); err != nil {   // 将数据写入个子进程
				return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "writing syncT 'resume'")
			sentResume = true
			return newSystemError(errors.New("invalid JSON payload from child"))

		return nil

	if !sentRun {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(ierr, "container init")
	if p.config.Config.Namespaces.Contains(configs.NEWNS) && !sentResume {
		return newSystemError(errors.New("could not synchronise after executing prestart and CreateRuntime hooks with container process"))
	if err := unix.Shutdown(int(p.messageSockPair.parent.Fd()), unix.SHUT_WR); err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "shutting down init pipe")

	// Must be done after Shutdown so the child will exit and we can wait for it.
	if ierr != nil {
		_, _ = p.wait()   
		return ierr
	return nil


此时首先子进程执行的是runc init,执行的时候在包的首行里面,导入了nsenter包

_ ""

# 该行代码会在 nsenter.go中导入的时候执行init导入,执行nsexec()函数
// +build linux,!gccgo

package nsenter

#cgo CFLAGS: -Wall
extern void nsexec();
void __attribute__((constructor)) init(void) {
import "C"


void nsexec(void)
	int pipenum;
	jmp_buf env;
	int sync_child_pipe[2], sync_grandchild_pipe[2];
	struct nlconfig_t config = { 0 };

	 * Setup a pipe to send logs to the parent. This should happen
	 * first, because bail will use that pipe.
	setup_logpipe();  // 获取日志的管道

	 * If we don't have an init pipe, just return to the go routine.
	 * We'll only get an init pipe for start or exec.
	pipenum = initpipe();    // 初始化一个管道
	if (pipenum == -1)

	 * We need to re-exec if we are not in a cloned binary. This is necessary
	 * to ensure that containers won't be able to access the host binary
	 * through /proc/self/exe. See CVE-2019-5736.
	if (ensure_cloned_binary() < 0)
		bail("could not ensure we are a cloned binary");

	 * Inform the parent we're past initial setup.
	 * For the other side of this, see initWaiter.
	if (write(pipenum, "", 1) != 1)
		bail("could not inform the parent we are past initial setup");

	write_log(DEBUG, "=> nsexec container setup");

	/* Parse all of the netlink configuration. */
	nl_parse(pipenum, &config);   // 解析传入的配置文件

	/* Set oom_score_adj. This has to be done before !dumpable because
	 * /proc/self/oom_score_adj is not writeable unless you're an privileged
	 * user (if !dumpable is set). All children inherit their parent's
	 * oom_score_adj value on fork(2) so this will always be propagated
	 * properly.
	update_oom_score_adj(config.oom_score_adj, config.oom_score_adj_len);  // 设置OOM配置

	 * Make the process non-dumpable, to avoid various race conditions that
	 * could cause processes in namespaces we're joining to access host
	 * resources (or potentially execute code).
	 * However, if the number of namespaces we are joining is 0, we are not
	 * going to be switching to a different security context. Thus setting
	 * ourselves to be non-dumpable only breaks things (like rootless
	 * containers), which is the recommendation from the kernel folks.
	if (config.namespaces) {   // 设置命令空间
		write_log(DEBUG, "set process as non-dumpable");
		if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
			bail("failed to set process as non-dumpable");

	/* Pipe so we can tell the child when we've finished setting up. */
	if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sync_child_pipe) < 0)  // 发送初始化完成信号
		bail("failed to setup sync pipe between parent and child");

	 * We need a new socketpair to sync with grandchild so we don't have
	 * race condition with child.
	if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sync_grandchild_pipe) < 0)
		bail("failed to setup sync pipe between parent and grandchild");

	/* TODO: Currently we aren't dealing with child deaths properly. */

	 * Okay, so this is quite annoying.
	 * In order for this unsharing code to be more extensible we need to split
	 * up unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER) and clone() in various ways. The ideal case
	 * would be if we did clone(CLONE_NEWUSER) and the other namespaces
	 * separately, but because of SELinux issues we cannot really do that. But
	 * we cannot just dump the namespace flags into clone(...) because several
	 * usecases (such as rootless containers) require more granularity around
	 * the namespace setup. In addition, some older kernels had issues where
	 * CLONE_NEWUSER wasn't handled before other namespaces (but we cannot
	 * handle this while also dealing with SELinux so we choose SELinux support
	 * over broken kernel support).
	 * However, if we unshare(2) the user namespace *before* we clone(2), then
	 * all hell breaks loose.
	 * The parent no longer has permissions to do many things (unshare(2) drops
	 * all capabilities in your old namespace), and the container cannot be set
	 * up to have more than one {uid,gid} mapping. This is obviously less than
	 * ideal. In order to fix this, we have to first clone(2) and then unshare.
	 * Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. We have to fork to enter the
	 * PID namespace (the PID namespace only applies to children). Since we'll
	 * have to double-fork, this clone_parent() call won't be able to get the
	 * PID of the _actual_ init process (without doing more synchronisation than
	 * I can deal with at the moment). So we'll just get the parent to send it
	 * for us, the only job of this process is to update
	 * /proc/pid/{setgroups,uid_map,gid_map}.
	 * And as a result of the above, we also need to setns(2) in the first child
	 * because if we join a PID namespace in the topmost parent then our child
	 * will be in that namespace (and it will not be able to give us a PID value
	 * that makes sense without resorting to sending things with cmsg).
	 * This also deals with an older issue caused by dumping cloneflags into
	 * clone(2): On old kernels, CLONE_PARENT didn't work with CLONE_NEWPID, so
	 * we have to unshare(2) before clone(2) in order to do this. This was fixed
	 * in upstream commit 1f7f4dde5c945f41a7abc2285be43d918029ecc5, and was
	 * introduced by 40a0d32d1eaffe6aac7324ca92604b6b3977eb0e. As far as we're
	 * aware, the last mainline kernel which had this bug was Linux 3.12.
	 * However, we cannot comment on which kernels the broken patch was
	 * backported to.
	 * -- Aleksa "what has my life come to?" Sarai

	current_stage = setjmp(env);   // 通过env来进行子进程数据之间的跳转
	switch (current_stage) {
		 * Stage 0: We're in the parent. Our job is just to create a new child
		 *          (stage 1: STAGE_CHILD) process and write its uid_map and
		 *          gid_map. That process will go on to create a new process, then
		 *          it will send us its PID which we will send to the bootstrap
		 *          process.
			int len;
			pid_t stage1_pid = -1, stage2_pid = -1;
			bool stage1_complete, stage2_complete;

			/* For debugging. */
			prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[0:PARENT]", 0, 0, 0);
			write_log(DEBUG, "~> nsexec stage-0");

			/* Start the process of getting a container. */
			write_log(DEBUG, "spawn stage-1");
			stage1_pid = clone_parent(&env, STAGE_CHILD);   // 生成一个子进程
			if (stage1_pid < 0)
				bail("unable to spawn stage-1");

			syncfd = sync_child_pipe[1];

			 * State machine for synchronisation with the children. We only
			 * return once both the child and grandchild are ready.
			write_log(DEBUG, "-> stage-1 synchronisation loop");
			stage1_complete = false;
			while (!stage1_complete) {
				enum sync_t s;

				if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))  // 通过fd获取信息
					bail("failed to sync with stage-1: next state");

				switch (s) {
					write_log(DEBUG, "stage-1 requested userns mappings");

					 * Enable setgroups(2) if we've been asked to. But we also
					 * have to explicitly disable setgroups(2) if we're
					 * creating a rootless container for single-entry mapping.
					 * i.e. config.is_setgroup == false.
					 * (this is required since Linux 3.19).
					 * For rootless multi-entry mapping, config.is_setgroup shall be true and
					 * newuidmap/newgidmap shall be used.
					if (config.is_rootless_euid && !config.is_setgroup)
						update_setgroups(stage1_pid, SETGROUPS_DENY);

					/* Set up mappings. */
					update_uidmap(config.uidmappath, stage1_pid, config.uidmap, config.uidmap_len);  // 更新用户组信息
					update_gidmap(config.gidmappath, stage1_pid, config.gidmap, config.gidmap_len);

					if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {  // 设置成功之后发送ack给主进程
						sane_kill(stage1_pid, SIGKILL);
						sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
						bail("failed to sync with stage-1: write(SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)");
					write_log(DEBUG, "stage-1 requested pid to be forwarded");

					/* Get the stage-2 pid. */
					if (read(syncfd, &stage2_pid, sizeof(stage2_pid)) != sizeof(stage2_pid)) {  // 读取pid信息
						sane_kill(stage1_pid, SIGKILL);
						sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
						bail("failed to sync with stage-1: read(stage2_pid)");

					/* Send ACK. */
					s = SYNC_RECVPID_ACK;   // 发送ack信息
					if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {   // 写入数据
						sane_kill(stage1_pid, SIGKILL);
						sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
						bail("failed to sync with stage-1: write(SYNC_RECVPID_ACK)");

					 * Send both the stage-1 and stage-2 pids back to runc.
					 * runc needs the stage-2 to continue process management,
					 * but because stage-1 was spawned with CLONE_PARENT we
					 * cannot reap it within stage-0 and thus we need to ask
					 * runc to reap the zombie for us.
					write_log(DEBUG, "forward stage-1 (%d) and stage-2 (%d) pids to runc",
						  stage1_pid, stage2_pid);
					len =
					    dprintf(pipenum, "{\"stage1_pid\":%d,\"stage2_pid\":%d}\n", stage1_pid,
					if (len < 0) {
						sane_kill(stage1_pid, SIGKILL);
						sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
						bail("failed to sync with runc: write(pid-JSON)");
					write_log(DEBUG, "stage-1 complete");  // 此时stage-1完成
					stage1_complete = true;
					bail("unexpected sync value: %u", s);
			write_log(DEBUG, "<- stage-1 synchronisation loop");

			/* Now sync with grandchild. */
			syncfd = sync_grandchild_pipe[1];
			write_log(DEBUG, "-> stage-2 synchronisation loop");
			stage2_complete = false;
			while (!stage2_complete) {   // 进入第二阶段
				enum sync_t s;

				write_log(DEBUG, "signalling stage-2 to run");
				if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
					sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
					bail("failed to sync with child: write(SYNC_GRANDCHILD)");

				if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
					bail("failed to sync with child: next state");

				switch (s) {
					write_log(DEBUG, "stage-2 complete");
					stage2_complete = true;
					bail("unexpected sync value: %u", s);
			write_log(DEBUG, "<- stage-2 synchronisation loop");
			write_log(DEBUG, "<~ nsexec stage-0");

		 * Stage 1: We're in the first child process. Our job is to join any
		 *          provided namespaces in the netlink payload and unshare all of
		 *          the requested namespaces. If we've been asked to CLONE_NEWUSER,
		 *          we will ask our parent (stage 0) to set up our user mappings
		 *          for us. Then, we create a new child (stage 2: STAGE_INIT) for
		 *          PID namespace. We then send the child's PID to our parent
		 *          (stage 0).
			pid_t stage2_pid = -1;
			enum sync_t s;

			/* We're in a child and thus need to tell the parent if we die. */
			syncfd = sync_child_pipe[0];

			/* For debugging. */
			prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[1:CHILD]", 0, 0, 0);
			write_log(DEBUG, "~> nsexec stage-1");

			 * We need to setns first. We cannot do this earlier (in stage 0)
			 * because of the fact that we forked to get here (the PID of
			 * [stage 2: STAGE_INIT]) would be meaningless). We could send it
			 * using cmsg(3) but that's just annoying.
			if (config.namespaces)

			 * Deal with user namespaces first. They are quite special, as they
			 * affect our ability to unshare other namespaces and are used as
			 * context for privilege checks.
			 * We don't unshare all namespaces in one go. The reason for this
			 * is that, while the kernel documentation may claim otherwise,
			 * there are certain cases where unsharing all namespaces at once
			 * will result in namespace objects being owned incorrectly.
			 * Ideally we should just fix these kernel bugs, but it's better to
			 * be safe than sorry, and fix them separately.
			 * A specific case of this is that the SELinux label of the
			 * internal kern-mount that mqueue uses will be incorrect if the
			 * UTS namespace is cloned before the USER namespace is mapped.
			 * I've also heard of similar problems with the network namespace
			 * in some scenarios. This also mirrors how LXC deals with this
			 * problem.
			if (config.cloneflags & CLONE_NEWUSER) {
				write_log(DEBUG, "unshare user namespace");
				if (unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER) < 0)
					bail("failed to unshare user namespace");
				config.cloneflags &= ~CLONE_NEWUSER;

				 * We need to set ourselves as dumpable temporarily so that the
				 * parent process can write to our procfs files.
				if (config.namespaces) {
					write_log(DEBUG, "temporarily set process as dumpable");
					if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
						bail("failed to temporarily set process as dumpable");

				 * We don't have the privileges to do any mapping here (see the
				 * clone_parent rant). So signal stage-0 to do the mapping for
				 * us.
				write_log(DEBUG, "request stage-0 to map user namespace");
				if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
					bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_USERMAP_PLS)");

				/* ... wait for mapping ... */
				write_log(DEBUG, "request stage-0 to map user namespace");
				if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
					bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)");
				if (s != SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)
					bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_USERMAP_ACK: got %u", s);

				/* Revert temporary re-dumpable setting. */
				if (config.namespaces) {
					write_log(DEBUG, "re-set process as non-dumpable");
					if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
						bail("failed to re-set process as non-dumpable");

				/* Become root in the namespace proper. */
				if (setresuid(0, 0, 0) < 0)
					bail("failed to become root in user namespace");

			 * Unshare all of the namespaces. Now, it should be noted that this
			 * ordering might break in the future (especially with rootless
			 * containers). But for now, it's not possible to split this into
			 * CLONE_NEWUSER + [the rest] because of some RHEL SELinux issues.
			 * Note that we don't merge this with clone() because there were
			 * some old kernel versions where clone(CLONE_PARENT | CLONE_NEWPID)
			 * was broken, so we'll just do it the long way anyway.
			write_log(DEBUG, "unshare remaining namespace (except cgroupns)");
			if (unshare(config.cloneflags & ~CLONE_NEWCGROUP) < 0)   // 设置隔离空间
				bail("failed to unshare remaining namespaces (except cgroupns)");

			 * TODO: What about non-namespace clone flags that we're dropping here?
			 * We fork again because of PID namespace, setns(2) or unshare(2) don't
			 * change the PID namespace of the calling process, because doing so
			 * would change the caller's idea of its own PID (as reported by getpid()),
			 * which would break many applications and libraries, so we must fork
			 * to actually enter the new PID namespace.
			write_log(DEBUG, "spawn stage-2");
			stage2_pid = clone_parent(&env, STAGE_INIT);  // 创建一个子进程来进行下一步的操作
			if (stage2_pid < 0)
				bail("unable to spawn stage-2");

			/* Send the child to our parent, which knows what it's doing. */
			write_log(DEBUG, "request stage-0 to forward stage-2 pid (%d)", stage2_pid);
			if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
				sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
				bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_RECVPID_PLS)");
			if (write(syncfd, &stage2_pid, sizeof(stage2_pid)) != sizeof(stage2_pid)) {
				sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
				bail("failed to sync with parent: write(stage2_pid)");

			/* ... wait for parent to get the pid ... */
			if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
				sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
				bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_RECVPID_ACK)");
			if (s != SYNC_RECVPID_ACK) {
				sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
				bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_RECVPID_ACK: got %u", s);

			write_log(DEBUG, "signal completion to stage-0");
			if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
				sane_kill(stage2_pid, SIGKILL);
				bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_CHILD_FINISH)");

			/* Our work is done. [Stage 2: STAGE_INIT] is doing the rest of the work. */
			write_log(DEBUG, "<~ nsexec stage-1");

		 * Stage 2: We're the final child process, and the only process that will
		 *          actually return to the Go runtime. Our job is to just do the
		 *          final cleanup steps and then return to the Go runtime to allow
		 *          init_linux.go to run.
	case STAGE_INIT:{
			 * We're inside the child now, having jumped from the
			 * start_child() code after forking in the parent.
			enum sync_t s;

			/* We're in a child and thus need to tell the parent if we die. */
			syncfd = sync_grandchild_pipe[0];

			/* For debugging. */
			prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[2:INIT]", 0, 0, 0);
			write_log(DEBUG, "~> nsexec stage-2");

			if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
				bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_GRANDCHILD)");
			if (s != SYNC_GRANDCHILD)
				bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_GRANDCHILD: got %u", s);

			if (setsid() < 0)
				bail("setsid failed");

			if (setuid(0) < 0)
				bail("setuid failed");

			if (setgid(0) < 0)
				bail("setgid failed"); // 检查刚刚创建的数据是否正确

			if (!config.is_rootless_euid && config.is_setgroup) {
				if (setgroups(0, NULL) < 0)  // 设置groups
					bail("setgroups failed");

			 * Wait until our topmost parent has finished cgroup setup in
			 * p.manager.Apply().
			 * TODO(cyphar): Check if this code is actually needed because we
			 *               should be in the cgroup even from stage-0, so
			 *               waiting until now might not make sense.
			if (config.cloneflags & CLONE_NEWCGROUP) {
				uint8_t value;
				if (read(pipenum, &value, sizeof(value)) != sizeof(value))
					bail("read synchronisation value failed");
				if (value == CREATECGROUPNS) {
					write_log(DEBUG, "unshare cgroup namespace");
					if (unshare(CLONE_NEWCGROUP) < 0)
						bail("failed to unshare cgroup namespace");
				} else
					bail("received unknown synchronisation value");

			write_log(DEBUG, "signal completion to stage-0");
			if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
				bail("failed to sync with patent: write(SYNC_CHILD_FINISH)");

			/* Close sync pipes. */

			/* Free netlink data. */

			/* Finish executing, let the Go runtime take over. */
			write_log(DEBUG, "<= nsexec container setup");
			write_log(DEBUG, "booting up go runtime ...");
		bail("unknown stage '%d' for jump value", current_stage);

	/* Should never be reached. */
	bail("should never be reached");




// StartInitialization loads a container by opening the pipe fd from the parent to read the configuration and state
// This is a low level implementation detail of the reexec and should not be consumed externally
func (l *LinuxFactory) StartInitialization() (err error) {
	// Get the INITPIPE.
	envInitPipe := os.Getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_INITPIPE")
	pipefd, err := strconv.Atoi(envInitPipe)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert _LIBCONTAINER_INITPIPE=%s to int: %s", envInitPipe, err)
	pipe := os.NewFile(uintptr(pipefd), "pipe")  
	defer pipe.Close()

	// Only init processes have FIFOFD.
	fifofd := -1
	envInitType := os.Getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_INITTYPE")
	it := initType(envInitType)
	if it == initStandard {
		envFifoFd := os.Getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_FIFOFD")
		if fifofd, err = strconv.Atoi(envFifoFd); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert _LIBCONTAINER_FIFOFD=%s to int: %s", envFifoFd, err)

	var consoleSocket *os.File
	if envConsole := os.Getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_CONSOLE"); envConsole != "" {
		console, err := strconv.Atoi(envConsole)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert _LIBCONTAINER_CONSOLE=%s to int: %s", envConsole, err)
		consoleSocket = os.NewFile(uintptr(console), "console-socket")
		defer consoleSocket.Close()

	logPipeFdStr := os.Getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_LOGPIPE")
	logPipeFd, err := strconv.Atoi(logPipeFdStr)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert _LIBCONTAINER_LOGPIPE=%s to int: %s", logPipeFdStr, err)

	// clear the current process's environment to clean any libcontainer
	// specific env vars.

	defer func() {
		// We have an error during the initialization of the container's init,
		// send it back to the parent process in the form of an initError.
		if werr := utils.WriteJSON(pipe, syncT{procError}); werr != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
		if werr := utils.WriteJSON(pipe, newSystemError(err)); werr != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("panic from initialization: %v, %v", e, string(debug.Stack()))

	i, err := newContainerInit(it, pipe, consoleSocket, fifofd, logPipeFd)  // 通过从环境变量获取的各个参数来初始化一个container
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If Init succeeds, syscall.Exec will not return, hence none of the defers will be called.
	return i.Init()    // 执行


func newContainerInit(t initType, pipe *os.File, consoleSocket *os.File, fifoFd, logFd int) (initer, error) {
	var config *initConfig
	if err := json.NewDecoder(pipe).Decode(&config); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := populateProcessEnvironment(config.Env); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	switch t {
	case initSetns:
		return &linuxSetnsInit{
			pipe:          pipe,
			consoleSocket: consoleSocket,
			config:        config,
			logFd:         logFd,
		}, nil
	case initStandard:
		return &linuxStandardInit{   // 默认的是该init函数 返回该函数
			pipe:          pipe,
			consoleSocket: consoleSocket,
			parentPid:     unix.Getppid(),
			config:        config,
			fifoFd:        fifoFd,
			logFd:         logFd,
		}, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown init type %q", t)


func (l *linuxStandardInit) Init() error {
	runtime.LockOSThread()      // 获取锁
	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
	if !l.config.Config.NoNewKeyring {
		if err := selinux.SetKeyLabel(l.config.ProcessLabel); err != nil {
			return err
		defer selinux.SetKeyLabel("") //nolint: errcheck
		ringname, keepperms, newperms := l.getSessionRingParams()

		// Do not inherit the parent's session keyring.
		if sessKeyId, err := keys.JoinSessionKeyring(ringname); err != nil {
			// If keyrings aren't supported then it is likely we are on an
			// older kernel (or inside an LXC container). While we could bail,
			// the security feature we are using here is best-effort (it only
			// really provides marginal protection since VFS credentials are
			// the only significant protection of keyrings).
			// TODO(cyphar): Log this so people know what's going on, once we
			//               have proper logging in 'runc init'.
			if errors.Cause(err) != unix.ENOSYS {
				return errors.Wrap(err, "join session keyring")
		} else {
			// Make session keyring searcheable. If we've gotten this far we
			// bail on any error -- we don't want to have a keyring with bad
			// permissions.
			if err := keys.ModKeyringPerm(sessKeyId, keepperms, newperms); err != nil {
				return errors.Wrap(err, "mod keyring permissions")

	if err := setupNetwork(l.config); err != nil {   // 设置网络配置
		return err
	if err := setupRoute(l.config.Config); err != nil {   // 设置路由配置
		return err

	// initialises the labeling system
	if err := prepareRootfs(l.pipe, l.config); err != nil {  // 准备根目录
		return err
	// Set up the console. This has to be done *before* we finalize the rootfs,
	// but *after* we've given the user the chance to set up all of the mounts
	// they wanted.
	if l.config.CreateConsole {
		if err := setupConsole(l.consoleSocket, l.config, true); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := system.Setctty(); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "setctty")

	// Finish the rootfs setup.
	if l.config.Config.Namespaces.Contains(configs.NEWNS) {
		if err := finalizeRootfs(l.config.Config); err != nil {
			return err

	if hostname := l.config.Config.Hostname; hostname != "" {  // 设置hostname
		if err := unix.Sethostname([]byte(hostname)); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "sethostname")
	if err := apparmor.ApplyProfile(l.config.AppArmorProfile); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "apply apparmor profile")

	for key, value := range l.config.Config.Sysctl {
		if err := writeSystemProperty(key, value); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "write sysctl key %s", key)
	for _, path := range l.config.Config.ReadonlyPaths {   // 设置只读路径
		if err := readonlyPath(path); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "readonly path %s", path)
	for _, path := range l.config.Config.MaskPaths {
		if err := maskPath(path, l.config.Config.MountLabel); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "mask path %s", path)
	pdeath, err := system.GetParentDeathSignal()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "get pdeath signal")
	if l.config.NoNewPrivileges {
		if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "set nonewprivileges")
	// Tell our parent that we're ready to Execv. This must be done before the
	// Seccomp rules have been applied, because we need to be able to read and
	// write to a socket.
	if err := syncParentReady(l.pipe); err != nil {  // 同步信息
		return errors.Wrap(err, "sync ready")
	if err := selinux.SetExecLabel(l.config.ProcessLabel); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "set process label")
	defer selinux.SetExecLabel("") //nolint: errcheck
	// Without NoNewPrivileges seccomp is a privileged operation, so we need to
	// do this before dropping capabilities; otherwise do it as late as possible
	// just before execve so as few syscalls take place after it as possible.
	if l.config.Config.Seccomp != nil && !l.config.NoNewPrivileges {
		if err := seccomp.InitSeccomp(l.config.Config.Seccomp); err != nil {
			return err
	if err := finalizeNamespace(l.config); err != nil {
		return err
	// finalizeNamespace can change user/group which clears the parent death
	// signal, so we restore it here.
	if err := pdeath.Restore(); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "restore pdeath signal")
	// Compare the parent from the initial start of the init process and make
	// sure that it did not change.  if the parent changes that means it died
	// and we were reparented to something else so we should just kill ourself
	// and not cause problems for someone else.
	if unix.Getppid() != l.parentPid {
		return unix.Kill(unix.Getpid(), unix.SIGKILL)
	// Check for the arg before waiting to make sure it exists and it is
	// returned as a create time error.
	name, err := exec.LookPath(l.config.Args[0])  // 找到路径
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Close the pipe to signal that we have completed our init.
	logrus.Debugf("init: closing the pipe to signal completion")
	_ = l.pipe.Close()

	// Close the log pipe fd so the parent's ForwardLogs can exit.
	if err := unix.Close(l.logFd); err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "closing log pipe fd")

	// Wait for the FIFO to be opened on the other side before exec-ing the
	// user process. We open it through /proc/self/fd/$fd, because the fd that
	// was given to us was an O_PATH fd to the fifo itself. Linux allows us to
	// re-open an O_PATH fd through /proc.
	fd, err := unix.Open("/proc/self/fd/"+strconv.Itoa(l.fifoFd), unix.O_WRONLY|unix.O_CLOEXEC, 0)  // 打开文件
	if err != nil {
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "open exec fifo")
	if _, err := unix.Write(fd, []byte("0")); err != nil {   // 写入0
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "write 0 exec fifo")
	// Close the O_PATH fifofd fd before exec because the kernel resets
	// dumpable in the wrong order. This has been fixed in newer kernels, but
	// we keep this to ensure CVE-2016-9962 doesn't re-emerge on older kernels.
	// N.B. the core issue itself (passing dirfds to the host filesystem) has
	// since been resolved.
	_ = unix.Close(l.fifoFd)
	// Set seccomp as close to execve as possible, so as few syscalls take
	// place afterward (reducing the amount of syscalls that users need to
	// enable in their seccomp profiles).
	if l.config.Config.Seccomp != nil && l.config.NoNewPrivileges {
		if err := seccomp.InitSeccomp(l.config.Config.Seccomp); err != nil {
			return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "init seccomp")

	s := l.config.SpecState
	s.Pid = unix.Getpid()
	s.Status = specs.StateCreated
	if err := l.config.Config.Hooks[configs.StartContainer].RunHooks(s); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := system.Exec(name, l.config.Args[0:], os.Environ()); err != nil {  // 替换执行
		return newSystemErrorWithCause(err, "exec user process")
	return nil


func (c *linuxContainer) exec() error {
	path := filepath.Join(c.root, execFifoFilename)
	pid :=
	blockingFifoOpenCh := awaitFifoOpen(path)
	for {
		select {
		case result := <-blockingFifoOpenCh:
			return handleFifoResult(result)  // 获取整个执行的输入信息 从而退出

		case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
			stat, err := system.Stat(pid)
			if err != nil || stat.State == system.Zombie {
				// could be because process started, ran, and completed between our 100ms timeout and our system.Stat() check.
				// see if the fifo exists and has data (with a non-blocking open, which will succeed if the writing process is complete).
				if err := handleFifoResult(fifoOpen(path, false)); err != nil {
					return errors.New("container process is already dead")
				return nil





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