1 变身口语达人3000词 P-Z


pace                     2803

pack                            1396

package                1573

page                     1329

paid                      2930

pain                      1260

painful                  1510

paint                     0765

painter                  1676

painting                1518

pair                      0885

pajamas                1592

palace                   1653

pale                      2931

palm                     2498

pan                      1073

pancake                2388

panda                   1313

pants                    0740

papa                     1664

paper                   0766

parade                  1245

paradise               2804

parcel                   2627

pardon                 1811

parent                  0396

park                     0279

parking                 2704

part                      0479

particular              1938

particularly            2978

partly                    1380

partner                 2322

party                    0097

pass                     0481

passage                1654

passenger             1180

passion                 2805

passport               1574

past                      0588

pat                       2143

patch                    2408

path                     1655

patience              2806

patient                  1109

patrol                   2807

pattern                 1812

pause                   1813

pay                       0483

payment               2664

pea                       1533

peace                   1814

peaceful                1939

peach                   1534

peak                     1815

peanut                  1535

pear                     2389

pearl                     1299

pen                      0767

pence                   2713

pencil                   0440

penny                   2714

people                  0085

pepper                 1536

per                       2994

percent                 0878

percentage           2715

perfect                  1940

perfectly               2215

perform                1397

performance         2235

perhaps                0287

period                  1714

permanent            2883

permission            2808

permit                  1179

person                  0062

personal               1149

personality            2809

pet                       0685

phone                  0159

photograph          0314

photographer       1677

photography        2810

phrase                  2811

physical                2932

physics                 2444

pianist                  2426

piano                    0768

pick                      0486

picnic                    0406

picture                  0438

pie                        1360

piece                    0886

pig                       0686

pigeon                  2483

pile                       2271

pill                        2537

pillow                   1575

pilot                      0729

pin                       1576

pineapple             1537

pink                      0323

pipe                      0769

pistol                    2195

pitcher                  2538

pity                       2812

pizza                     1110

place                    0449

plain                     1517

plan                      0200

plane                    0788

planet                   1253

planning               2628

plant                     0703

plastic                   1941

plate                     1222

platform               1268

play                      0330

player                   1277

playground           2705

pleasant                1942

please                   0453

pleased                 1943

pleasure               1816

plenty                   1717

plum                    2390

plus                      2995

pocket                  0741

poem                   1817

poet                     1460

poetry                  2445

point                    0870

pointed                 2870

pointed                 2871

poison                  1818

pole                      1577

police                   0248

policeman             0131

policy                   1202

polish                   1402

polite                    1102

political                 2933

politician               2367

polutics                 2446

pond                    1051

pool                     0368

poor                     0504

pop                      2281

popular                0045

population            2010

porch                   2706

pork                     0632

pose                     2145

position                1335

positive                 1944

possess                2035

possibility             1206

possible                1945

possibly                2979

post                      0213

postcard               2539

postman               2584

pot                       0770

potato                  0633

pound                  0876

pour                     1246

powder                 1578

power                   0835

powerful               1946

practical                1054

practically             2980

practice                 0489

praise                   1405

pray                     1408

prayer                  2603

percious               1947

prefer                   1495

prepare                1412

presence               2813

present                 0197

president              1059

press                    1249

pressure               2814

pretend                2272

pretty                   0944

prevent                 1413

previous               2001

price                     0067

pride                    1819

priest                    1451

prince                   1692

princess                1393

principal               2934

principle               2246

print                     1416

printer                  2585

prison                   1352

prisoner                1349

private                  1422

prize                     1394

probable               2935

probably               1434

problem               1084

process                 1820

produce                1419

producer              2586

product                1018

production            2099

profession            2665

professional          1948

professor              1156

profit                    1345

program               1391

progress               1821

project                  2187

promise                0202

promising             2022

proof                    1458

proper                  1429

properly               2981

property               2666

proposal               2815

propose                1181

protect                  1421

protection             1430

protest                  2274

proud                   0433

prove                   1242

provide                 1428

pub                      2259

public                   1152

publish                 1432

pudding               2391

pull                       0333

pump                   2540

pumpkin               2392

punish                  1435

punishment          2816

pupil                     1694

pure                     1949

purple                  1317

purpose                1822

purse                    1579

push                     0337

put                       0492

puzzle                   1823


Quality                 2817

quarrel                 2818

quarter                 0597

queen                   0476

question               0153

quick                    0945

quickly                  0251

quiet                     0087

quietly                  1369

quite                     1236

quiz                      1390


rabbit                   0687

race                      0448

racket                   1279

radio                    0282

rail                        1824

railroad                 1178

railway                  1657

rain                      0557

rainbow                1628

raincoat                2409

rainy                     0342

raise                     1252

range                   2819

rank                     1825

rapid                    1950

rapidly                  2982

rare                      2936

rarely                    2983

rat                        1614

rate                      1731

rather                   1497

raw                       1951

ray                       2499

reach                    0338

reaction                2820

read                     0595

reader                  1406

reading                 2821

ready                    0469

real                       0946

reality                   2822

realize                   1499

really                    0129

reason                  1100

reasonable            1105

receipt                  2362

receive                  0496

recent                   2884

recently                1494

recognize              2359

recommend          2277

record                  1826

recorder               2541

revover                 1077

red                       0896

reduce                  2039

refer                            2108

reflect                   2042

reform                  2279

refrigerator           2003

refuse                   2282

regard                  1502

regret                   2361

regular                 1089

regular                 1089

regulation             2092

reject                    2284

relate                    2285

relation                 2823

relationship           2028

relative                 2050

relax                     2043

release                  2290

relief                     2824

religion                 2825

religious               2082

rely                       2045

remain                  1082

remember            0598

remind                 2292

remove                 1436

rent                      2667

repair                   1439

repeat                   1254

replace                 2294

reply                     1185

report                   1440

reporter                1678

represent              2298

request                 1188

require                 2047

research               2176

reserve                 1443

respect                 1505

respond                2111

response              2826

responsibility        2198

responsible           1381

rest                       1183

restaurant             0415

result                    1194

retire                    2302

return                   0499

review                  2303

revolution             2668

reward                  2669

rhythm                 2162

ribbon                  1580

rice                       0634

rich                       0947

rid                        2307

ride                      0340

right                     0948

ring                      0343

rise                       0106

risk                       2827

rival                      2604

river                     0410

road                     0134

roast                     2309

rob                       2312

robber                  2605

robe                            2410

robot                    0771

rock                      0705

rocket                   0789

rod                       2542

role                      1827

roll                       1256

romantic               2937

roof                      0772

room                    0773

root                      1629

rope                            0774

rose                      0602

rough                   1159

roughly                2324

round                   0038

route                    1447

row                      1828

royal                     1952

rub                       2147

rubber                  2543

rude                     2330

ruin                      2314

rule                      0836

ruler                     1695

rumor                   1829

run                       0346

runner                  1679

rush                     1257


sack                      2544

sad                       0145

sadly                    2054

safe                      0949

safely                    2026

safety                   1409

sail                       1445

sailing                   1830

sailor                    1480

sake                     2828

salad                    0104

salary                   1581

sale                      0887

sales                     2304

salesman              2587

salt                       0482

same                    0950

sample                 2829

sand                     0704

sandal                  2411

sandwich              0405

satisfy                   2317

Saturday               0648

sauce                    1047

saucer                  2545

sausage                2393

save                     0503

saving                  2670

saw                      0546

say                       0208

saying                  1831

scale                     2547

scarf                     2412

scene                    0250

schedule               2631

school                  0350

schoolgirl              1696

science                 0809

scientific                1426

scientist                1681

scissors                 2548

score                    1832

scream                 1259

screen                  2549

screw                    2550

sea                       0695

seafood                2394

search                  2319

seashore               2500

seaside                 2501

season                  0310

seat                      0124

second                 0917

secondly               2984

secret                   0229

secretary               1021

section                  2830

security                 2230

see                       0599

seed                     2502

seek                     2321

seem                    0110

seldom                 2129

select                    2149

selection               2831

self                       2832

selfish                   2938

sell                       0506

seller                    1682

send                     0511

senior                   2104

sense                    1833

sensible                2939

sensitive               2068

sentence               1323

separate               1448

September            0657

series                    2833

serious                 1083

seriously               2005

servant                 1503

serve                    1450

service                  1834

set                        0514

setting                  2834

settle                    2051

seven                   0846

seventeen             0856

seventeenth          1873

seventh                1863

seventieth             1881

seventy                 0864

several                  0039

sex                       1835

sexual                   2940

shade                   1630

shadow                1631

shake                   0351

shall                     0996

shame                  2835

shampoo              1582

shape                   0879

share                    1453

sharp                    0907

sharply                 2985

shave                   2152

she                       0193

sheep                   0688

sheet                    1583

shelf                     2164

shell                     2349

shine                    0118

ship                      0790

shirt                      0738

shock                   1078

shoe                     0742

shoot                    1262

shop                     0796

shopkeeper          2588

shopping              0470

shore                    1658

short                    0901

shot                      1836

should                  0121

shoulder               0668

shout                    1191

show                    0211

shower                 0775

shrimp                  1615

shut                      0354

shy                       2273

sick                       0241

sickness                2464

side                      0367

sigh                      2836

sight                     1446

sign                      0888

signal                   1837

signature              2371

silence                  1500

silent                    0353

silently                  2115

silk                       1584

silly                       1953

silver                    0488

similar                  1954

simple                  0487

sinply                   2038

since                     0989

sincere                  2941

sincerely               2112

sing                      0358

singer                   0151

singing                 2837

single                   1955

sink                      1086

sir                         1700

sister                    0311

sit                         0122

situation               2046

six                        0845

sixteen                  0855

sixteenth               1872

sixth                     1862

sixtieth                  1880

sixty                      0863

size                       0880

skate                    1265

skating                 1838

sketch                   2325

sketchbook           2326

ski                        0361

skling                   0803

skill                       2672

skin                      0422

skirt                      1593

sky                       0120

slave                     2606

sleep                    0126

sleepy                   0591

slice                      2838

slide                     1266

slight                    2879

slightly                  2009

slip                       1267

slope                    2503

slow                     0952

slowly                   0436

small                    0906

smart                    2942

smell                    0601

smile                    0215

smoke                  0105

smoker                 0733

smoking               0889

smooth                 1887

snake                   0689

snow                    0237

so                         0445

soap                     0776

soccer                   0402

social                    1956

society                  1085

sock                     1594

soda                     0635

sofa                      1271

soft                       0235

softly                    2986

soil                       2504

soldier                  1683

solid                     1888

solve                    1507

some                    0100

somebody                   0981

somehow                    2141

someone                     0297

something                   0172

sometime                    2172

sometimes                   0174

somewhat                    2346

somewhere                  1058

son                              0717

song                            0227

soon                            0572

sore                             2943

sorry                           0555

sort                             1839

soul                             2839

sound                          0318

soup                            0522

sour                            2944

south                           0712

southern                      2872

space                           0692

spaghetti                     1538

spare                           1012

speak                          0219

speraker                      0730

speaking                      1840

special                         0953

specialist                      2607

specially                       2987

specific                        2945

speech                         1411

speed                          0837

speedy                        2946

spell                            1457

spelling                        1456

spend                          0517

spice                            2316

spider                          1616

spin                             2156

spirit                            1841

split                             2328

spoil                            2329

spoken                        1957

spoon                          0777

sport                           0535

sportsman                   2620

sport                           1659

spread                         1270

spring                          0637

spy                              2036

square                         0872

stadium                       2707

staff                             2608

stage                           1123

stair                             1496

stamp                          0778

stand                           0132

standard                      1732

star                              0117

start                             0519

state                            1351

statement                    2673

station                         0291

statue                          2708

stay                             0136

steady                         2947

steak                           1539

steal                            1459

steam                          1189

steel                            1198

step                             0779

stereo                          1213

stewardess                   2589

stick                             1632

stiff                              0161

stock                           2674

stocking                       2413

stolen                          2320

stomach                      1030

stone                           0375

stop                             0141

store                            0500

storm                          1341

story                            0579

stove                           2551

straight                        0909

strange                        0567

stranger                       1697

straw                           1633

strawberry                   1540

stream                         1634

street                           0569

strength                       1720

stress                           2308

stretch                         1272

strict                            2948

strike                           1275

string                           2552

stroke                          2840

strong                         0061

structure                      2841

struggle                       1461

student                        0047

studio                          2709

study                           2523

stuff                             1150

stupid                          1161

style                            1842

subject                         1843

subway                        0273

succeed                       1088

success                        1844

successful                    1958

such                            0209

suck                            2157

sudden                        1959

suddenly                     0068

suffer                           1509

suffering                      2842

sufficient                      2880

sugar                           0636

suggest                       1195

suggestion                   2843

suit                              0324

suitable                        2949

suitcase                       1241

sum                             2675

summer                       0638

sun                              0423

sundae                        1541

Sunday                        0642

sunlight                       1635

sunny                          2950

sunrise                        2505

sunset                         1636

sunshine                      1637

super                           1960

supermarket                0543

supper                         1542

supply                         2331

support                       1200

supporter                    2609

suppose                      2363

sure                             0035

surely                          1060

surface                        2844

surprise                       0221

surprised                     1482

surprising                    2951

surround                     2053

survive                        2055

suspect                        2366

swallow                       1617

swan                           1047

swear                          2334

sweat                           1211

sweater                        1316

sweatshirt                    2414

sweep                          2159

sweet                           0582

swell                            2056

swim                           0366

swimmer                     2621

swing                          1278

switch                          0780

symbol                        1845

sympathy                    2845

system                         1846


table                            0326

tablecloth                     2553

tail                               1847

tailor                            2590

take                             0369

tale                              2846

talent                           2070

talk                              0222

tall                               0899

tank                             2554

tap                              2161

tape                             0781

target                          2847

taste                            0604

tax                               1064

taxi                              0275

tea                               0473

teach                           0225

teacher                        0584

teaching                      2447

teacup                         2555

team                            0184

teammate                    2144

teapot                          2556

tear                             1605

technical                      2952

technique                    2676

technology                  2178

teen                             1961

teenage                       1145

teenager                      1081

telegram                      2557

telephone                    0782

telescope                     2558

television                     0611

tell                               0228

temper                        2848

temperature                 2849

temple                         1660

temporary                   2225

ten                              0849

tend                            2058

tennis                          0331

tent                             0116

tenth                           1866

term                            1848

terrible                         1079

terribly                         2020

test                              0524

text                              1849

textbook                      0328

than                            0348

thank                           0230

that                             0036

the                              0006

theater                         1661

their                            0982

theirs                           0983

them                           0984

themselves                  1992

then                            0968

theory                         2677

there                           0969

therefore                     2013

these                           0027

they                             0023

thick                            0545

thief                             1698

thin                             0910

thing                           0080

think                            0606

thinking                       1850

third                            0918

thirsty                          1962

thirteen                        0852

thirteenth                     1869

thirtieth                        1877

thirty                           0860

this                              0138

those                           0259

though                        0589

thought                       1851

thousand                     0868

thread                         2559

threat                          2850

threaten                       2114

three                           0842

throat                          1214

through                    0246

throughout                  2208

throw                          0373

thumb                         1261

thunder                       2021

Thursday                     0646

thus                             2221

ticket                           0451

tie                                0526

tiger                            0690

tight                            1889

tightly                          2138

till                                0344

time                             0256

timetable                     2629

tin                               2560

tiny                              1452

tip                               1348

tire                              1010

tired                            0130

title                              1852

to                                0005

toast                            2395

tobacco                       1545

today                           0332

toe                              0676

together                      0306

toilet                            0783

tomato                        0521

tomorrow                    0467

ton                              1703

tone                            2851

tongue                        0665

tonight                        0205

too                              0458

tool                             1438

tooth                           0666

toothbrush                  1585

toothpaste                   1586

top                              0266

topic                            1307

toss                             2163

total                             1963

totally                          2199

touch                           0234

tough                          2165

tour                             1853

tourist                          1147

towrrd                         0990

towel                           0784

tower                           0797

town                            0798

toy                              0339

track                            1662

trade                           1201

tradition                       2852

traditional                    2953

traffic                           1383

train                            0140

training                        1854

transfer                        2338

translate                      2340

transport                     2343

trap                             2853

travel                           0529

traveler                        2610

tray                             2561

treasure                       2854

treat                            2345

tree                             0267

trend                           2855

trial                              2678

triangle                        2856

trick                             1332

trip                              0055

trouble                        0564

trousers                       2415

truck                            1107

true                             0954

truly                            2988

trumprt                        1273

trunk                           2506

trust                            1855

truth                            1477

try                               0533

tube                            1587

Tuesday                       0644

tulip                             1638

tummy                        1606

tune                            2427

tunnel                          0562

turkry                          1618

turn                             0143

tweifth                         1868

twelve                          0851

twentieth                     1876

twenty                         0859

twice                            1092

twin                             1093

twist                            2166

two                              0841

type                             0838

typewriter                    2562

typical                          2371

typist                           2591


ugly                             2954

umbrella                      0485

unable                         1215

uncle                           0009

under                          0991

underground               2875

underneath                  2996

understand                  0608

understanding             1856

underwear                   1595

unexpected                  2183

unfortunate                 2299

unhappy                      1489

uniform                       1964

union                          2679

unique                         2955

unit                             2857

universe                      2507

university                     1366

unknown                     2956

unless                          1475

unlucky                       2957

until                             0377

unusual                       2360

up                               0265

upon                           0992

upper                          1965

upset                           2958

upstairs                       1357

us                                0169

use                              0536

used                            1329

useful                          0955

useless                        2124

user                             2611

usual                           0518

usually                         0283


vacation                       0565

vague                          2074

valley                           1639

valuable                       1221

value                           1733

variety                         2203

various                        2959

vase                            2563

vast                             2876

vegetable                     0103

vehicle                         2690

very                             0025

vest                             2416

victim                          2189

victory                         2207

video                           0548

videotape                    0785

view                            1857

village                          0364

vinegar                        2396

violence                       2858

violent                         1015

violet                           1640

violin                           0490

violinist                        2428

visa                             2630

vision                          2859

visit                             0240

visitor                          0371

visual                           2960

vitamin                        2332

vocabulary                   1055

voice                           0890

volleyball                     1858

volume                        2860

vote                             1464


wagfe                          2364

wagon                         2691

waist                            2453

wait                             0538

waiter                          1192

waiting                        2861

waitress                       1280

wake                           0376

walk                            0380

walker                         1699

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wall                             0786

wallet                           2313

want                            0147

war                              0839

warm                           0913

warn                            1204

warning                       1263

was                             0034

wash                           0540

waste                           1467

watch                          0610

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watermelon                 2397

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wax                             2564

way                             0212

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weather                       1480

wedding                      1005

Wednesday                 0645

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weekly                         1891

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weight                         1023

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well                             0127

were                            0040

west                            0714

western                       1966

wet                              0915

whale                          2484

what                            0593

whatever                     2335

wheat                          2398

wheel                          1588

when                           0128

whenever                    2997

where                          0993

wherever                     2998

whether                       1176

which                          0547

whichever                    2999

while                           0612

whiskey                       1546

whistle                         2169

white                           0236

who                             0556

whoever                      3000

whole                          1967

whom                          0994

whose                         0995

why                             0385

wide                            0905

widely                          2889

wife                             0190

wild                             0462

wildly                           2990

will                              0289

willing                          1177

win                              1096

wind                            0710

window                       0247

wine                            0204

wing                            1641

winner                         2612

winning                       2864

winter                          0534

wipe                            1281

wire                             1294

wise                             0957

wish                            1512

with                             0112

within                          1995

without                        0093

witness                        2613

wolf                             1619

woman                        0167

wonder                        1516

wonderful                    0472

wood                           0108

wooden                       1339

wool                            1642

word                           0173

work                            0542

worker                         1127

world                           0037

worm                          2485

worried                        1968

worry                          0613

worse                          1969

worst                           0958

worth                          1305

would                          1305

would                          0210

wound                         2465

wrap                            2348

wrist                            2451

write                            0382

writer                           1166

writing                         1324

written                         2962

wrong                         0959


yacht                           2692

yard                            0875

yeah                            2000

year                             0049

yell                              2116

yellow                          0897

yes                              0970

yesterday                     0296

yet                               1111

yogurt                         2399

you                             0013

young                         0336

your                            0158

yours                           0985

yourself                       1993

yourselves                   1994

youth                          1859


zero                             1711

zone                            2710

zoo                              0799

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