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原创 【无标题】
Secureml: A system for scalable privacy-preserving machine learningSecurenn: Efficient and private neural network trainingA training-integrity privacy-preserving federated learning scheme with trusted execution environmentSecure multiparty learning fro
2024-09-17 21:03:29 685
原创 密码学&机器学习~Paper sharing
(1)分享在CSS2021上看的比较相关的paperCert-RNN: Towards Certifying the Robustness of Recurrent Neural Networks (CSS2021), 认证方向,应用在两种RNNs模型(RNN, LSTM)上。本能感觉认证可以和攻击防御结合,当然本文也是这样做的。Locally Private Graph Neural Networks (CSS2021), 基于差分隐私的图网络隐私保护计算,和我做的隐私保护计算方向契合,但是我不做差
2022-04-25 23:12:09 4387 2
原创 (上大)组会报告题目汇总(2020.9-2024.9)
(上大)组会报告题目汇总(持续更新~)2021.7.1VERIFL: Communication-Efficient and Fast Verifiable Aggregation for Federated Learning(TIFS)2021.6.24Scalable and redactable blockchain with update and anonymity(InfoS)2021.6.17Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Fair Exchange
2021-07-05 20:49:15 5244 12
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