《计算机科学导论》学习笔记(12) - 编程练习

1. 练习:列表

2. 练习:可变列表

3. 练习:列表的积

4. 练习:最大值

5. 练习:列表的列表

6. 练习:最大页数

7. 练习:最大深度

视频: 7. 练习:最大深度 - 优达学城

Max Depth Solution - Intro to Computer Science - YouTube

题目 7 (有一定的难度,建议反复看视频):

# This question explores a different way (from the previous question)
# to limit the pages that it can crawl.

# Yes, we really mean it!  This is really tough (but doable) unless 
# you have some previous experience before this course.

# Modify the crawl_web procedure to take a second parameter,
# max_depth, that limits the depth of the search.  We can 
# define the depth of a page as the number of links that must
# be followed to reach that page starting from the seed page,
# that is, the length of the shortest path from the seed to
# the page.  No pages whose depth exceeds max_depth should be
# included in the crawl.  
# For example, if max_depth is 0, the only page that should
# be crawled is the seed page. If max_depth is 1, the pages
# that should be crawled are the seed page and every page that 
# it links to directly. If max_depth is 2, the crawl should 
# also include all pages that are linked to by these pages.
# Note that the pages in the crawl may be in any order.
# The following definition of get_page provides an interface
# to the website found at http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html

# The function output order does not affect grading.

def get_page(url):
        if url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html":
            return ('<html> <body> This is a test page for learning to crawl! '
            '<p> It is a good idea to '
            '<a href="http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html">learn to '
            'crawl</a> before you try to  '
            '<a href="http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html">walk</a> '
            'or  <a href="http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html">fly</a>. '
            '</p> </body> </html> ')
        elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html":
            return ('<html> <body> I have not learned to crawl yet, but I '
            'am quite good at '
            '<a href="http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html">kicking</a>.'
            '</body> </html>')
        elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html":
            return ('<html> <body> I cant get enough '
            '<a href="http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html">crawling</a>! '
            '</body> </html>')
        elif url == "http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html":
            return ('<html> <body> The magic words are Squeamish Ossifrage! '
            '</body> </html>')
        elif url == "http://top.contributors/velak.html":
            return ('<a href="http://top.contributors/jesyspa.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html">')
        elif url == "http://top.contributors/jesyspa.html":
            return  ('<a href="http://top.contributors/elssar.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/kilaws.html">')
        elif url == "http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html":
            return ('<a href="http://top.contributors/charlzz.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/johang.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/graemeblake.html">')
        elif url == "http://top.contributors/kilaws.html":
            return ('<a href="http://top.contributors/tomvandenbosch.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/mathprof.html">')
        elif url == "http://top.contributors/graemeblake.html":
            return ('<a href="http://top.contributors/dreyescat.html">'
        '<a href="http://top.contributors/angel.html">')
        elif url == "A1":
            return  '<a href="B1"> <a href="C1">  '
        elif url == "B1":
            return  '<a href="E1">'
        elif url == "C1":
            return '<a href="D1">'
        elif url == "D1":
            return '<a href="E1"> '
        elif url == "E1":
            return '<a href="F1"> '
        return ""
    return ""

def get_next_target(page):
    start_link = page.find('<a href=')
    if start_link == -1:
        return None, 0
    start_quote = page.find('"', start_link)
    end_quote = page.find('"', start_quote + 1)
    url = page[start_quote + 1:end_quote]
    return url, end_quote

def union(p,q):
    for e in q:
        if e not in p:

def get_all_links(page):
    links = []
    while True:
        url,endpos = get_next_target(page)
        if url:
            page = page[endpos:]
    return links

def crawl_web(seed,max_depth):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            union(tocrawl, get_all_links(get_page(page)))
    return crawled

#print crawl_web("http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html",0)
#>>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html']

#print crawl_web("http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html",1)
#>>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html']

#print crawl_web("http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html",50)
#>>> ['http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/index.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/flying.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/walking.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/crawling.html',
#>>> 'http://www.udacity.com/cs101x/kicking.html']

#print crawl_web("http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html",2)
#>>> ['http://top.contributors/forbiddenvoid.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/graemeblake.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/angel.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/dreyescat.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/johang.html',
#>>> 'http://top.contributors/charlzz.html']

#print crawl_web("A1",3)
#>>> ['A1', 'C1', 'B1', 'E1', 'D1', 'F1']
# (May be in any order)

Unit 3 Challenge Questions - Question 7 - Max Depth (3 Gold Stars)

8. 练习:数独



# Sudoku [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku]
# is a logic puzzle where a game
# is defined by a partially filled
# 9 x 9 square of digits where each square
# contains one of the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
# For this question we will generalize
# and simplify the game.

# Define a procedure, check_sudoku,
# that takes as input a square list
# of lists representing an n x n
# sudoku puzzle solution and returns the boolean
# True if the input is a valid
# sudoku square and returns the boolean False
# otherwise.

# A valid sudoku square satisfies these
# two properties:

#   1. Each column of the square contains
#       each of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.

#   2. Each row of the square contains each
#       of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.

# You may assume the the input is square and contains at
# least one row and column.

correct = [[1,2,3],

incorrect = [[1,2,3,4],

incorrect2 = [[1,2,3,4],

incorrect3 = [[1,2,3,4,5],

incorrect4 = [['a','b','c'],

incorrect5 = [ [1, 1.5],
               [1.5, 1]]

def check_sudoku():

#print check_sudoku(incorrect)
#>>> False

#print check_sudoku(correct)
#>>> True

#print check_sudoku(incorrect2)
#>>> False

#print check_sudoku(incorrect3)
#>>> False

#print check_sudoku(incorrect4)
#>>> False

#print check_sudoku(incorrect5)
#>>> False
算法导论是计算机科学中非常重要的一门课程,它涵盖了计算机算法的设计、分析与应用。期末复习是为了加深对所学知识的理解和掌握,为考试做好充分准备。 使用Python语言进行算法导论的复习是一种很好的选择。Python是一种强大且易于上手的编程语言,具有简洁的语法和丰富的库支持。下面是几个复习的重点: 1. 熟悉Python的基本语法和数据结构:掌握Python的基本数据类型如列表、字典和集合,并了解它们的操作与性能。 2. 掌握常见排序算法:复习插入排序、归并排序、快速排序等常见的排序算法,并能够灵活应用它们解决实际问题。 3. 熟悉图算法:学习图的表示方法,以及广度优先搜索(BFS)和深度优先搜索(DFS)等基本的图算法。 4. 熟练应用动态规划算法:了解动态规划的基本思想,复习使用动态规划解决背包问题、最长公共子序列等典型问题。 5. 学习贪心算法:了解贪心算法的概念和特点,熟悉使用贪心算法解决活动选择、哈夫曼编码等问题。 6. 熟练掌握分治算法:复习分治算法的基本思想和应用,熟悉使用分治算法解决最大子数组和矩阵乘法等问题。 7. 复习基本的算法分析方法:熟悉时间复杂度和空间复杂度的概念,掌握算法的渐进分析方法。 在复习过程中,可以通过参考教材、课堂笔记和习题集等资料进行练习和巩固所学知识。此外,可以参考一些算法导论的相关网上资源和在线教育平台上的课程进行深入学习。最重要的是,要坚持刷题,多进行实际编码练习,巩固所学算法的理解和应用能力。




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