《计算机科学导论》学习笔记(23) - 课程 23: 习题集

1. 练习:递归语法

2. 练习:兔子倍增


# Rabbits Multiplying

# A (slightly) more realistic model of rabbit multiplication than the Fibonacci
# model, would assume that rabbits eventually die. For this question, some
# rabbits die from month 6 onwards.
# Thus, we can model the number of rabbits as:
# rabbits(1) = 1 # There is one pair of immature rabbits in Month 1
# rabbits(2) = 1 # There is one pair of mature rabbits in Month 2
# For months 3-5:
# Same as Fibonacci model, no rabbits dying yet
# rabbits(n) = rabbits(n - 1) + rabbits(n - 2)
# For months > 5:
# All the rabbits that are over 5 months old die along with a few others
# so that the number that die is equal to the number alive 5 months ago.
# Before dying, the bunnies reproduce.
# rabbits(n) = rabbits(n - 1) + rabbits(n - 2) - rabbits(n - 5)
# This produces the rabbit sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 16, 24, 35, 52, ...
# Define a procedure rabbits that takes as input a number n, and returns a
# number that is the value of the nth number in the rabbit sequence.
# For example, rabbits(10) -> 35. (It is okay if your procedure takes too
#                                long to run on inputs above 30.)

def rabbits(n):

#print rabbits(10)
#>>> 35

#s = ""
#for i in range(1,12):
#    s = s + str(rabbits(i)) + " "
#print s
#>>> 1 1 2 3 5 7 11 16 24 35 52


def rabbits(n):
    if n == 1:      return 1
    if n == 2:      return 1
    if 3 <= n <= 5: return rabbits(n - 1) + rabbits(n - 2)
    if n > 5:       return rabbits(n - 1) + rabbits(n - 2) - rabbits(n - 5)

Peter 的答案:

def rabbits(n):
    if n < 1:
        return 0
        if n == 1 or n == 2:
            return 1
            return rabbits(n-1) + rabbits(n-2) - rabbits(n-5)

3. 练习:传播优达课程


# Spreading Udaciousness

# One of our modest goals is to teach everyone in the world to program and
# understand computer science. To estimate how long this will take we have
# developed a (very flawed!) model:

# Everyone answering this question will convince a number, spread, (input to 
# the model) of their friends to take the course next offering. This will 
# continue, so that all of the newly recruited students, as well as the original
# students, will convince spread of their
# friends to take the following offering of the course.
# recruited friends are unique, so there is no duplication among the newly
# recruited students. Define a procedure, hexes_to_udaciousness(n, spread,
# target), that takes three inputs: the starting number of Udacians, the spread
# rate (how many new friends each Udacian convinces to join each hexamester),
# and the target number, and outputs the number of hexamesters needed to reach 
# (or exceed) the target.

# For credit, your procedure must not use: while, for, or import math. 

def hexes_to_udaciousness(n, spread, target):

# 0 more needed, since n already exceeds target
#print hexes_to_udaciousness(100000, 2, 36230) 
#>>> 0

# after 1 hexamester, there will be 50000 + (50000 * 2) Udacians
#print hexes_to_udaciousness(50000, 2, 150000) 
#>>> 1 

# need to match or exceed the target
#print hexes_to_udaciousness(50000, 2, 150001)
#>>> 2 

# only 12 hexamesters (2 years) to world domination!
#print hexes_to_udaciousness(20000, 2, 7 * 10 ** 9) 
#>>> 12 

# more friends means faster world domination!
#print hexes_to_udaciousness(15000, 3, 7 * 10 ** 9)
#>>> 10


4. 练习:深度计数


# Deep Count 

# The built-in len operator outputs the number of top-level elements in a List,
# but not the total number of elements. For this question, your goal is to count
# the total number of elements in a list, including all of the inner lists.

# Define a procedure, deep_count, that takes as input a list, and outputs the
# total number of elements in the list, including all elements in lists that it
# contains.

# For this procedure, you will need a way to test if a value is a list. We have
# provided a procedure, is_list(p) that does this:

def is_list(p):
    return isinstance(p, list)

# It is not necessary to understand how is_list works. It returns True if the
# input is a List, and returns False otherwise.

def deep_count(p):

#print deep_count([1, 2, 3])
#>>> 3

# The empty list still counts as an element of the outer list
#print deep_count([1, [], 3]) 
#>>> 3 

#print deep_count([1, [1, 2, [3, 4]]])
#>>> 7

#print deep_count([[[[[[[[1, 2, 3]]]]]]]])
#>>> 10


def deep_count(p):
    count = 0
    for e in p:
        # 如果 e 是列表
        if isinstance(e, list):
            count += 1
            # 这里应该再加 1 个 for 循环 for f in e ,继续判断 f 元素是否为列表类型,但是,这样的话,还要继续判断内层循环的元素是不是列表,就没完没了了,所以我写不下去了。
            count += 1


Peter 的答案:

def deep_count(p):
    sum = 0
    for e in p:
        sum = sum + 1
        if is_list(e):
            sum = sum + deep_count(e)
    return sum

5. 练习:感觉幸运

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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