如何选择 compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion 和 targetSdkVersion

当你发布一个应用之后,(取决于具体的发布时间)可能没过几个月 Android 系统就发布了一个新版本。这对你的应用意味着什么,所有东西都不能用了?

别担心,向前兼容是 Android 非常关注的事情。用户在升级到新版 Android 的时候,用以前版本的 SDK 构建的现有应用应该不会出问题。这就是 compileSdkVersionminSdkVersion 和 targetSdkVersion 的作用:他们分别控制可以使用哪些 API ,要求的 API 级别是什么,以及应用的兼容模式。


compileSdkVersion 告诉 Gradle 用哪个 Android SDK 版本编译你的应用。使用任何新添加的 API 就需要使用对应 Level 的 Android SDK。

需要强调的是修改 compileSdkVersion 不会改变运行时的行为。当你修改了 compileSdkVersion 的时候,可能会出现新的编译警告、编译错误,但新的 compileSdkVersion 不会被包含到 APK 中:它纯粹只是在编译的时候使用。(你真的应该修复这些警告,他们的出现一定是有原因的)

因此我们强烈推荐总是使用最新的 SDK 进行编译。在现有代码上使用新的编译检查可以获得很多好处,避免新弃用的 API ,并且为使用新的 API 做好准备。

注意,如果使用 Support Library ,那么使用最新发布的 Support Library 就需要使用最新的 SDK 编译。例如,要使用 23.1.1 版本的 Support Library ,compileSdkVersion 就必需至少是 23 (大版本号要一致!)。通常,新版的 Support Library 随着新的系统版本而发布,它为系统新增加的 API 和新特性提供兼容性支持。


如果 compileSdkVersion 设置为可用的最新 API,那么 minSdkVersion 则是应用可以运行的最低要求。minSdkVersion 是 Google Play 商店用来判断用户设备是否可以安装某个应用的标志之一。

在开发时 minSdkVersion 也起到一个重要角色:lint 默认会在项目中运行,它在你使用了高于 minSdkVersion  的 API 时会警告你,帮你避免调用不存在的 API 的运行时问题。如果只在较高版本的系统上才使用某些 API,通常使用运行时检查系统版本的方式解决。

请记住,你所使用的库,如 Support Library 或 Google Play services,可能有他们自己的 minSdkVersion 。你的应用设置的 minSdkVersion 必需大于等于这些库的 minSdkVersion 。例如有三个库,它们的 minSdkVersion 分别是 4, 7 和 9 ,那么你的 minSdkVersion  必需至少是 9 才能使用它们。在少数情况下,你仍然想用一个比你应用的 minSdkVersion 还高的库(处理所有的边缘情况,确保它只在较新的平台上使用),你可以使用 tools:overrideLibrary 标记,但请做彻底的测试!

当你决定使用什么 minSdkVersion 时候,你应该参考当前的 Android 分布统计,它显示了最近 7 天所有访问 Google Play 的设备信息。他们就是你把应用发布到 Google Play 时的潜在用户。最终这是一个商业决策问题,取决于为了支持额外 3% 的设备,确保最佳体验而付出的开发和测试成本是否值得。

当然,如果某个新的 API 是你整个应用的关键,那么确定 minSdkVersion 的值就比较容易了。不过要记得 14 亿设备中的 0.7% 也是个不小的数字。


三个版本号中最有趣的就是 targetSdkVersion 了。 targetSdkVersion 是 Android 提供向前兼容的主要依据,在应用的 targetSdkVersion 没有更新之前系统不会应用最新的行为变化。这允许你在适应新的行为变化之前就可以使用新的 API (因为你已经更新了 compileSdkVersion 不是吗?)。

targetSdkVersion 所暗示的许多行为变化都记录在 VERSION_CODES 文档中了,但是所有恐怖的细节也都列在每次发布的平台亮点中了,在这个 API Level 表中可以方便地找到相应的链接。

例如,Android 6.0 变化文档中谈了 target 为 API 23 时会如何把你的应用转换到运行时权限模型上,Android 4.4 行为变化阐述了 target 为 API 19 及以上时使用 set() 和 setRepeating() 设置 alarm 会有怎样的行为变化。

由于某些行为的变化对用户是非常明显的(弃用的 menu 按钮,运行时权限等),所以将 target 更新为最新的 SDK 是所有应用都应该优先处理的事情。但这不意味着你一定要使用所有新引入的功能,也不意味着你可以不做任何测试就盲目地更新 targetSdkVersion ,请一定在更新 targetSdkVersion 之前做测试!你的用户会感谢你的。

Gradle 和 SDK 版本

所以设置正确的 compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion 和 targetSdkVersion 很重要。如你所想, Gradle 和 Android Studio 都在构建系统中集成了它们。在你的模块的 build.gradle 文件中(也可以在 Android Studio 的项目结构选项中)设置:

android {
  compileSdkVersion 23
  buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"

  defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.example.checkyourtargetsdk"
    minSdkVersion 7
    targetSdkVersion 23
    versionCode 1
    versionName “1.0”

编译时用到的 compileSdkVersion 是和构建工具版本一起设置的 Android 设置之一。其他两个稍有不同,他们在构建变体(build variant)的那里声明。defaultConfig 是所有构建变体的基础,也是设置这些默认值的地方。你可以想象在一个更复杂的系统中,应用的某些版本可能会有不同的 minSdkVersion 。

minSdkVersion 和 targetSdkVersion 与 compileSdkVersion 的另一个不同之处是它们会被包含进最终的 APK 文件中,如果你查看生成的 AndroidManifest.xml 文件,你会看到类似下面这样的标签:

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="23" android:minSdkVersion="7" />

如果你在 manifest 文件中手工设置,你会发现 Gradle 在构建时会忽略它们(尽管其它构建系统可能会明确依赖它们)。



minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion

这种直觉是合理的,如果 compileSdkVersion 是你的最大值,minSdkVersion 是最小值,那么最大值必需至少和最小值一样大且 target 必需在二者之间。


minSdkVersion (lowest possible) <= 
    targetSdkVersion == compileSdkVersion (latest SDK)

用较低的 minSdkVersion 来覆盖最大的人群,用最新的 SDK 设置 target 和 compile 来获得最好的外观和行为。

英文原文: Picking your compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion

Depending on the time of the year, it might only be a few months after you release an app that a new version of Android is announced. What does that mean for your app though — is everything going to break?

You’ll be happy to know that forward compatibility is a strong focus of Android — existing apps built against prior SDKs should not break when the user updates to a new version of Android. This is where compileSdkVersionminSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion come in: they control what APIs are available, what the required API level is, and what compatiblity modes are applied, respectively.


compileSdkVersion is your way to tell Gradle what version of the Android SDK to compile your app with. Using the new Android SDK is a requirement to use any of the new APIs added in that level.

It should be emphasized that changing your compileSdkVersion does not change runtime behavior. While new compiler warnings/errors may be present when changing your compileSdkVersion, your compileSdkVersion is not included in your APK: it is purely used at compile time. (You should really fix those warnings though — they were added for a reason!)

Therefore it is strongly recommended that you always compile with the latest SDK. You’ll get all the benefits of new compilation checks on existing code, avoid newly deprecated APIs, and be ready to use new APIs.

Note that if you use the Support Library, compiling with the latest SDK is a requirement for using the latest Support Library releases. For example, to use the 23.1.1 Support Library, you must have a compileSdkVersion of at least 23 (those first numbers need to match!). In general, a new version of the Support Library is released alongside a new platform version, providing compatibility shims to newly added APIs as well as new features.


If compileSdkVersion sets the newest APIs available to you, minSdkVersion is the lower bound for your app. The minSdkVersion is one of the signals the Google Play Store uses to determine which of a user’s devices an app can be installed on.

It also plays an important role during development: by default lint runs against your project, warning you when you use any APIs above your minSdkVersion, helping you avoid the runtime issue of attempting to call an API that doesn’t exist. Checking the system version at runtime is a common technique when using APIs only on newer platform versions.

Keep in mind that libraries you use, such as any of the Support Libraries or Google Play services, may have their own minSdkVersion — your app’s minSdkVersion must be at least as high as your dependencies’ minSdkVersion — if you have libraries that require 4, 7, and 9, your minSdkVersion must be at least 9. In rare cases where you want to continue to use a library with a higher minSdkVersion than your app (and deal with all edge cases/ensure the library is only used on newer platform versions), you can use the tools:overrideLibrary marker, but make sure to test thoroughly!

When deciding on a minSdkVersion, you should consider the stats on the Dashboards, which give you a global look on all devices that visited the Google Play Store in the prior 7 days — that’s your potential audience when putting an app on Google Play. It is ultimately a business decision on whether supporting an additional 3% of devices is worth the development and testing time required to ensure the best experience.

Of course, if a new API is key to your entire app, then that makes the minSdkVersion discussion quite a bit easier. Just remember that even 0.7% of 1.4 billion devices is a lot of devices.


The most interesting of the three, however, is targetSdkVersion. targetSdkVersion is the main way Android provides forward compatibility by not applying behavior changes unless the targetSdkVersion is updated. This allows you to use new APIs (as you did update your compileSdkVersion right?) prior to working through the behavior changes.

Much of the behavior changes that targetSdkVersion implies are documented directly in the VERSION_CODES, but all of the gory details are also listed on the each releases’ platform highlights, nicely linked in the API Levels table.

For example, the Android 6.0 changes talk through how targeting API 23 transitions your app to the runtime permissions model and the Android 4.4 behavior changesdetail how targeting API 19 or higher changes how alarms set with set() and setRepeating() work.

With some of the behavior changes being very visible to users (the deprecation of the menu button, runtime permissions, etc), updating to target the latest SDK should be a high priority for every app. That doesn’t mean you have to use every new feature introduced nor should you blindly update your targetSdkVersion without testing — please, please test before updating your targetSdkVersion! Your users will thank you.

Gradle and SDK versions

So setting the correct compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion is important. As you might imagine in a world with Gradle and Android Studio, these values are integrated into the tools system through inclusion in your module’s build.gradle file (also available through the Project Structure option in Android Studio):

android {
  compileSdkVersion 23
  buildToolsVersion “23.0.1”

  defaultConfig {
    applicationId “com.example.checkyourtargetsdk"
    minSdkVersion 7
    targetSdkVersion 23
    versionCode 1
    versionName “1.0”

The compileSdkVersion, being a compile time thing (who would have guessed!), is one of the android settings alongside with your build tools version. The other two are slightly differently in that they are declared at the build variant level — the defaultConfig is the base for all build variants and where’d you put default values for these, but you could imagine a more complicated system where specific versions of your app have a different minSdkVersion for example.

minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion also differ from compileSdkVersion in that they are included in your final APK — if you were to look at the generatedAndroidManifest.xml, you’d see a tag such as:

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion=”23" android:minSdkVersion=”7" />

You’ll find if you manually put this in your manifest, it’ll be ignored when you build with Gradle (although other build systems might certainly rely on it being there).

Putting it all together

If you made it through the bolded notes, you’ll notice a relationship between the three values:

minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion

This intuitively makes sense — if compileSdkVersion is your ‘maximum’ and minSdkVersion is your ‘minimum’ then your maximum must be at least as high as your minimum and the target must be somewhere in between.

Ideally, the relationship would look more like this in the steady state:

minSdkVersion (lowest possible) <= 
    targetSdkVersion == compileSdkVersion (latest SDK)

You’ll hit the biggest audience with a low minSdkVersion and look and act the best by targeting and compiling with the latest SDK — a great way to #BuildBetterApps.

Join the discussion on the Google+ post and follow the Android Development Patterns Collection for more!

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