bname clob := 'select * from (SELECTorder by ad_code';
update dsy_t_query set Q_TABLE = bname where q_id = 'DEBT_ZW_YE_ZJYT';
bname clob := 'select * from (SELECT
max(LPAD('' '',(AD.levelno-2)*2,'' '')|| AD.NAME) AD_NAME,
SUM(ye_qm) ye_qm,
SUM(tl_ye) tl_ye,
SUM(gl_ye) gl_ye,
SUM(gl_gsgl_ye) gl_gsgl_ye,
SUM(jc_ye) jc_ye,
SUM(szjs_ye) szjs_ye,
SUM(szjs_gdjt_ye) szjs_gdjt_ye,
SUM(szjs_dxgx_ye) szjs_dxgx_ye,
SUM(tdcb_ye) tdcb_ye,
SUM(bzxzf_ye) bzxzf_ye,
SUM(bzxzf_phgz) bzxzf_phgz,
SUM(st_hj_ye) st_hj_ye,
SUM(zqjs_ye) zqjs_ye,
SUM(jy_amt) jy_amt,
SUM(kx_ye) kx_ye,
SUM(wh_ye) wh_ye,
SUM(ylws_ye) ylws_ye,
SUM(shbz_ye) shbz_ye,
SUM(lycb_ye) lycb_ye,
SUM(nlsl_ye) nlsl_ye,
SUM(nlsl_ydfp_ye) nlsl_ydfp_ye,
SUM(gk_ye) gk_ye,
SUM(syjc_ye) syjc_ye,
SUM(wlss_ye) wlss_ye,
SUM(nyjc_ye) nyjc_ye,
SUM(zrzh_ye) zrzh_ye,
SUM(qtxm_ye) qtxm_ye,
SUM(fzbxzc_ye) fzbxzc_ye,
SUM(wzczq_ye) wzczq_ye
left join
SELECT YE.ad_code,
YE.ye_qm ye_qm,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''01'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as tl_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''02'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as gl_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,4)= ''0201'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as gl_gsgl_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''03'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as jc_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''04'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as szjs_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,4)= ''0401'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as szjs_gdjt_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,4)= ''0405'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as szjs_dxgx_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''05'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as tdcb_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''06'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as bzxzf_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,4)= ''0604'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as bzxzf_phgz,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''07'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as st_hj_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''08'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as zqjs_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''09'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as jy_amt,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''10'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as kx_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''11'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as wh_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''12'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as ylws_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''13'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as shbz_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''14'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as lycb_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''15'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as nlsl_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''16'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as gk_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,3)= ''817'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as syjc_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,3)= ''818'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as wlss_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''19'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as nyjc_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''20'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as zrzh_ye,
(case when YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''01%'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' AND substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,8)= ''15010101'' then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as nlsl_ydfp_ye,
(case when substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)=''0102'' or (ye.zjyt_id is not null and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,2)=''01'' and substr(ye.zjyt_id,1,4)<>''0102'' and (ye.xmfl_id is null or substr(YE.XMFL_ID,0,2)= ''99'')) then nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) else 0 end) as qtxm_ye,
(CASE WHEN YE.ZJYT_ID LIKE ''02%'' THEN nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) ELSE 0 END) as fzbxzc_ye,
(CASE WHEN YE.ZJYT_ID is null THEN nvl(YE.ye_qm,0) ELSE 0 END) as wzczq_ye
FROM Debt_t_Fact_Zqzwye ye
ON YE.AG_ID = AG.guid
AND YE.ad_code = ag.PROVINCE
where 1=1
and ye.pe_id = ''${peid}''
${if(zwlx_id=='''',""," and ye.zwlb_id like ''"+zwlx_id+"%''")}
${if(zwlx=='''',""," and ye.zwlb_id like ''"+zwlx+"%''")}
${if(dataType=='''',""," and ye.data_type= ''"+dataType+"''")}
${if(len(adid) == 0,""," and ye.ad_code in (''" + REPLACE(adid ,",","'',''") + "'')")}
) T
ON T.AD_CODE like AD.CODE||''%''
WHERE 1=1 ${if(len(adid) == 0," "," and AD.code in (''" + REPLACE(adid ,",","'',''") + "'')")}
group by AD.code,ad.name,AD.ISLEAF)
where abs(nvl(ye_qm,0)) <> 0
order by ad_code';
update dsy_t_query set Q_TABLE = bname where q_id = 'DEBT_ZW_YE_ZJYT';