新版 OPPO Enco Free 2 固件工具 (仅供交流学习使用)

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《《《《《 PLC指令说明 》》》》》 代码类产品由于具备可复制性,一经销售,买家不得以任何理由退款 、退货,请亲们理解,谢谢! 编译环境:Keil MDK 4.7以上的版本,亲可以去百度或者官网直接下载; CPU需要:STM32F103--RAM内存不小于64K Flash程序空间不小于128K 串口使用:USART1-(PA9\PA10) 我们提供的是项目工程文件,所以主要你的MDK版本兼容直接编译就可以了; C语言单片机开发PLC-基于三菱FX2N,里面包括通讯,以及监控功能,指令执行,在线写入功能,店铺保证程序可以在MDK上编译通过,同时下载进控制器,可以在硬件上运行梯形图程序,如果需要其他的功能,需要亲自己修改代码,我们不提供代码修改服务和技术支持服务,所以拍的话亲需要一定的基础; 支持三菱GX-Develoer/GX-WORKS2 支持人机界面连接,FX2N(不完全支持所有梯形图指令,其他指令亲可以自己添加) 支持梯形图编程、下载、监控. 编程口为程序上下载及与人机界面通信之端口.下面有我们测试维纶的触摸屏与控制器的人机通信; ================================= 基本指令: LD LDI AND ANI OR ORI LDP LDF ANDP ANDF ORP ORF SET RST MPS MPP MRD ANB ORB OUT INV PLS PLF MC MCR NOP END CALL CJ FEND SRET STL RET (基本指令29条全包含) ======================================== 功能指令: ALT MOV ZRST ZCP INC DEC ADD CMP SUB MUL DIV BCD BIN WAND WOR WXOR DECO ENCO REF DHSCS DHSCR PWM RAMP PLSV DRVI DRVA PLSY ZRN PLSR TCMP TZCP TADD TSUB HOUR TRD TWR LD= = AND= = OR= = SFTR SFTL SPD 支持32位D指令,支持上升沿P指令 ======================================= 软件件范围 X0-X77 Y0-Y77 M0-M1535 M8000-M8255 S0-S999 C0-C255 T0-T255 D0-D5999 D8000-D8255 V0-V7 Z0-Z7 软元件掉电保持范围与三菱FX1N兼容 X0-X5高速脉冲捕捉功能与三菱FX1N兼容 Y0 Y1高速脉冲输出功能与三菱FX1N兼容,最高可发两路独立100K脉 冲。
SSE4 Home › Articles by Kiefer Kuah April 2007 Intel Software Solutions Group Abstract Intel® SSE4 is a new set of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions that will be introduced in the 45nm Next Generation Intel® Core™2 processor family (Penryn) and improve the performance and energy efficiency of a broad range of applications. This white paper describes how video encoders can utilize Intel SSE4 instructions to achieve 1.6x to 3.8x performance speedups in integer motion vector search, a frequently used motion estimation function. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Motion Estimation Using MPSADBW and PHMINPOSUW 3. Results 4. Conclusion A. SSE2 - Optimized Function for 4x4 Blocks B. Intel® SSE4 - Optimized Function for 4x4 Blocks C. SSE2 - Optimized Function for 8x8 Blocks D. Intel® SSE4 - Optimized Function for 8x8 Blocks E. SSE2 - Optimized Function for 16x16 Blocks F. Intel® SSE4 - Optimized Function for 16x16 Blocks 1. Introduction Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 (Intel® SSE4) is a new set of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions designed to improve the performance of various applications, such video encoders, image processing, and 3D games. Intel SSE4 builds upon the Intel® 64 and IA-32 instruction set, the most popular and broadly used computer architecture for developing 32-bit and 64-bit applications. Intel SSE4 will be introduced in the 45nm Next Generation Intel® Core™2 processor family (Penryn). This white paper will describe how video encoders can benefit from the Intel SSE4 instructions, achieving 1.6x to 3.8x performance speedups in integer motion vector search, a frequently used motion estimation function. Three different block sizes, 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16, are used in this paper to represent some of the variations that are used in motion estimation and to illustrate how the code can be adapted to suit these variations. 2. Motion Estimation Using MPSADBW and PHMINPOSUW Motion estimation is one of the main bottlenecks in video encoders. It involves searching reference frames for best matches and often accounts for about 40% of the total CPU cycles consumed by an encoder. The quality of the search is a factor that determines the compression ratio and the video quality of the enco ded video. This search operation is often the target of algorithmic and SIMD optimizations to improve the encoding speed. An un-optimized version of the block matching function for 4x4 block size is shown in Figure 2 -1. The example code in this paper performs only the integer motion vector search of the motion estimation stage. -F cigoullarpes 2e- s1o. uUrcneovpietwim pilzaeindc oVpeyr tsoi oclnip boof aarndp Irnintte?ger Block Matching Function
ENCO命令是一个用于编码和解码文件的常用命令,下面是用C语言实现ENCO命令的示例代码: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> // ENCO命令编码函数 void encode(char *input_file, char *output_file) { FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; char ch, prev_ch = 0; int count = 0; // 打开输入文件 fp_in = fopen(input_file, "rb"); if (fp_in == NULL) { printf("无法打开输入文件 %s!\n", input_file); exit(1); } // 打开输出文件 fp_out = fopen(output_file, "wb"); if (fp_out == NULL) { printf("无法打开输出文件 %s!\n", output_file); exit(1); } // 读取输入文件并编码 while ((ch = fgetc(fp_in)) != EOF) { if (ch == prev_ch) { // 如果当前字符与前一个字符相同 count++; // 计数器加1 } else { // 如果当前字符与前一个字符不同 if (count > 0) { // 如果前面有重复字符 fputc(count + 128, fp_out); // 输出计数器值 fputc(prev_ch, fp_out); // 输出重复字符 } else { // 如果前面没有重复字符 fputc(prev_ch, fp_out); // 直接输出当前字符 } prev_ch = ch; // 更新前一个字符为当前字符 count = 0; // 重置计数器 } } // 处理最后一个字符 if (count > 0) { // 如果最后一个字符是重复的 fputc(count + 128, fp_out); // 输出计数器值 fputc(prev_ch, fp_out); // 输出重复字符 } else { // 如果最后一个字符不是重复的 fputc(prev_ch, fp_out); // 直接输出最后一个字符 } // 关闭文件 fclose(fp_in); fclose(fp_out); } // ENCO命令解码函数 void decode(char *input_file, char *output_file) { FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; char ch, prev_ch = 0; int count = 0; // 打开输入文件 fp_in = fopen(input_file, "rb"); if (fp_in == NULL) { printf("无法打开输入文件 %s!\n", input_file); exit(1); } // 打开输出文件 fp_out = fopen(output_file, "wb"); if (fp_out == NULL) { printf("无法打开输出文件 %s!\n", output_file); exit(1); } // 读取输入文件并解码 while ((ch = fgetc(fp_in)) != EOF) { if (ch >= 128) { // 如果当前字符表示计数器值 count = ch - 128; // 计数器值为当前字符减去128 ch = fgetc(fp_in); // 读取下一个字符作为重复字符 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { fputc(ch, fp_out); // 输出重复字符 } } else { // 如果当前字符不是计数器值 fputc(ch, fp_out); // 直接输出当前字符 } } // 关闭文件 fclose(fp_in); fclose(fp_out); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { printf("用法:ENCO [-e/-d] input_file output_file\n"); return 1; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "-e") == 0) { encode(argv[2], argv[3]); printf("编码完成!\n"); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) { decode(argv[2], argv[3]); printf("解码完成!\n"); } else { printf("无效的选项 %s!\n", argv[1]); return 1; } return 0; } ``` 该示例代码实现了ENCO命令的编码和解码功能,通过命令行参数指定输入文件和输出文件,使用`-e`选项进行编码,使用`-d`选项进行解码。在编码过程中,重复的字符会被计数并输出计数器值和重复字符,未重复的字符直接输出。在解码过程中,读取到计数器值时会输出多个重复字符,读取到非计数器值时直接输出当前字符。


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