/** * 位字符串转字节 * @param str 位字符串,如00000001 * @return byte转换结果,如1 */ public static byte bitStringToByte(String str) { if(null == str){ throw new RuntimeException("when bit string convert to byte, Object can not be null!"); } if (8 != str.length()){ throw new RuntimeException("bit string'length must be 8"); } try{ //判断最高位,决定正负 if(str.charAt(0) == '0'){ return (byte) Integer.parseInt(str,2); }else if(str.charAt(0) == '1'){ return (byte) (Integer.parseInt(str,2) - 256); } }catch (NumberFormatException e){ throw new RuntimeException("bit string convert to byte failed, byte String must only include 0 and 1!"); } return 0; }